Search: halfbloodprince
2,134 stories
Bad Blood: A Dramione Fanfiction

The war has concluded, and the Golden Trio and the other students of their year have returned to finish off their years at Hogwarts. The Death Eaters have been imprisoned, and Hogwarts has been repaired. However, the war changed everyone, whether it was a small change or a more evident one. Relationships have been broken, but some have also been formed... Could there finally be a normal year at Hogwarts? Of course not.

1.8M 33 53.3K Full
The Quidditch Pitch - Oliver Wood Love Story

Serena Carrow is a pureblood wizard who is Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch Team. She focuses on Quidditch day and night planning strategies for her team. She strives to be the best, but she is suddenly focuses on something else once Oliver Wood walks into her life. Enemies turn to friends as they both begin to fall for each other. Little does Serena know about Oliver's secret that could soon destroy everything they had together.Note** I do not own J.K. Rowling's characters, story lines or Hogwarts

555.8K 23 15.5K Full
Chasing the Keeper (The Quidditch Pitch Sequel) - Oliver Wood Love Story

Serena Carrow has returned to Hogwarts for her final year. She will find herself in the most difficult situation of her life. Her parents find out about her relationship with Oliver. Not only do they find out, but they know that Oliver knows about her special gift. Little does Serena know, a certain known-to-be-dangerous-wizard also knows about her gift. Will she chose her family over love? Or will her parents accept the fact that she's a grown up and can make her own decisions? To find out you'll have to read Chasing the Keeper. A thrilling tale about love and a girl finding her place in the world.***Note: I do not own own J.K. Rowling's characters, story lines, or Hogwarts. Serena, Maggie and Olivia came strictly from my imagination.

151K 25 5.6K Full
Lucy Snape and the Tale of the Knights (Book One)

A HARRY POTTER FAN FICTIONTHE FIRST BOOK IN THE LUCY SNAPE SERIES❝Will you stay with me?❞There was silence. ❝Always.❞Meet Lucy, she's eleven years of age and has been roaming the streets without a place to call home since she was five. That is until a mysterious man named Severus Snape comes along and unexpectedly changes her fate. She is whisked off to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and learns what it really means to be a witch and that there are others like her in the world.But amongst fascinating education and the beginning of friendships, the discovery of the Tale of the Knights in a seemingly mundane History of Magic lesson may just prove to be something more than a myth. Will Lucy's research into this long forgotten element of history change not only her future but the world?First Written: Age 12First Edit: Age 15Current Edited Version: Age 20

125.4K 21 4K Full
I'm In Love With Fred Weasley, But I'm Snape's Daughter!

A HARRY POTTER FAN FICTIONBOOK ONE❝Lucy wasn't sure of many things.She wasn't sure exactly when she'd discovered she was a witch. She wasn't sure what made her eyes so green. She wasn't sure as to how her father put up with rowdy students all day everyday. Hell, she wasn't even sure as to who he mother was. But she was sure that Fred Weasley loved her.❞Lucy Snape is the daughter of the formidable Potions Master, Severus Snape, and is in her fifth year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is the very same year that her best friend Fred Weasley will have his last. As he and George's final days of schooling draw to a close he desperately wants to ensure Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is ready to go. With help from someone they least expected to be willing, Fred finds himself suddenly captivated by the girl he's been 'just friends' with for so long.FIND THE SEQUEL ON MY PROFILE: I'm in Love with Lucy Snape, But I'm a Weasley!

951K 42 27K Full
Lucy Snape and the Half-Blood Princess (Book Six)

A HARRY POTTER FAN FICTIONBOOK SIX IN THE LUCY SNAPE SERIESLucy Snape. Sixteen years-old. Missing. Zuc captured her and she's now on the Medieval islands, locked away. Nobody has come to save her and she can't get out no matter how hard she tries. But when she finally escapes, she can return to her original life and endure her sixth year along with Shona McGuire and her father, Severus Snape, will always be willing to help. But not everyone appears to be helpful this year, considering Lucy is now single. Even things seem to heat up for Shona too. But with Zuc now having access to the portal to England, a lot more things go wrong...First Written: Age 14-20First Edit: NoneCurrent Edited Version: None

34.4K 42 1.2K Full
Lucy Snape and the Magical Orb (Book Two)

A HARRY POTTER FAN FICTIONBOOK TWO IN THE LUCY SNAPE SERIES❮Now, many wizards are used to seeing unordinary things happening to them, from spells to polyjuice potion. But Snape had never seen anything like this.❯Since the discovery of the Tale of the Knights, Lucy is plagued with confusion about its lack of ending. But with its discovery may have just unearthed a whole new problem; are the Medieval Islands real? Follow Lucy as she embarks on her second year and tries desperately to make sense of these new questions as well as desperately trying to avoid threats looming over her head.First Written: Age 12First Edit: Age 15Current Edited Version: Age 20

55.6K 20 1.8K Full
Lucy Snape and the Hooded Assassins (Book Three)

A HARRY POTTER FAN FICTIONBOOK THREE IN THE LUCY SNAPE SERIESThis year at Hogwarts is much different than the last, Dumbledore invites University students to Hogwarts and Snape falls madly in love for the woman... Lucy has a bad feeling about them but doesn't know what it is...As well as other people's problems Lucy has her own why is she finding locks of red hair? Is her relationship between Snape growing weaker?First Written: Age 13First Edit: NoneCurrent Edited Version: None

70.8K 40 2.4K Full
Those Who Rise Shall Fall (Hunger Games fan fiction)

Since the Dark Days, the Capitol have been undoubtedly in charge and Districts 1 and 2 have been the Capitol's favourites, you are most likely to get a Victor from the places where they have trained illegally, these two Districts are very passionate about the games. But not everyone in District 1 is all for the games. Meet, Lace Dime or as she is more commonly known, Lucy Dime. She's fifteen years old and although she's the Mayor's daughter, she couldn't care less about the televised death sentence which the Capitol created in revenge for the Dark Days. But what happens when dear Lucy gets chosen for the games? Along with her best friend Marvel, they both have to fight to the death...and it could mean losing one and other forever...Copyright of Suzanne Collins for all characters and places apart from Lucy (Lace) Dime and Rookie

10.6K 23 170 Full
Life and Love at Hogwarts - A Fred Weasley and Oliver Wood Love Story

Troian Hale never expected to fall in love with two different guys. One loved Quidditch with all his heart and would jump in front of a killing curse for her. The other made her laugh and has been her best friend since day 1. Which one will she choose? The sporty heartthrob or the comedic best friend? You'll find out in Life and Love at Hogwarts.Note** I do not own J.K. Rowling's characters, story lines or Hogwarts.

33.3K 29 989 Full
Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)

A HARRY POTTER FAN FICTIONBOOK FOUR IN THE LUCY SNAPE SERIESIt's Lucy's fourth year at Hogwarts. Everywhere Lucy, Shona and Snape go they have to be cautious, they never know what's lurking around the corner. And with the tri wizard tournament being the main event of the year (not to mention the quidditch world cup) a lot of unexpected events are in store for everyone...First Written: Age 13First Edit: NoneCurrent Edited Version: None

44.1K 41 1.7K Full
The un-told story of Nymphadora Tonks (ON HOLD)

INCOMPLETE Nymphadora Tonks. We've all heard of her name but do we really know her past? She's just the clumsy young girl who's a metamorphmagus and despises her first name. Not to mention, she thinks she was born in the wrong era. So, what happens when she makes her way back to the Marauders era and meets the Marauders themselves? Could this affect what's going to happen in the future?

57.2K 15 1.7K Full
Lucy Snape and the Wizarding Army (Book Five)

A HARRY POTTER FAN FICTIONBOOK FIVE IN THE LUCY SNAPE SERIESIt's now Lucy's fifth year at Hogwarts. She's faced Lord Zuc and now that everyone knows that he's around the wizarding population knows they're in trouble. With Lucy's reputation beginning to fall when she has to use magic outside of school, she needs help. And with most of her friends not knowing how to fight against dark forces, thanks to Professor Umbridge the new defence against the dark arts teacher, Lucy and Harry join forces to make the secret 'Wizarding Army.'First Written: Age 14First Edit: NoneCurrent Edited Version: None

38.5K 43 1.6K Full
Harry Potter Funnies

I have no idea what was going through my head when I made this...

26.9K 7 1K Full
I'm in love with Lucy Snape, but I'm a Weasley!

~Book two~ Sequel to 'i'm in love with Fred Weasley but i'm Snape's daughter!' (Original title of this book: I am/ was in love with Fred Weasley, but I'm Snape's daughter?) Lucy feels pressured now, Fred isn't with her and she has to face Hogwarts with only a few of her friends because they have either left or they're parents won't allow them to go to Hogwarts. As her dad is the headmaster of Hogwarts she feels hurt that he killed Dumbledore until he explains to her the truth. Will Lucy get back with Fred?

262K 35 9.7K Full
Harry Potter parody

INCOMPLETEWhat if Harry Potter was completely different? What if Dumbledore was a gangster? What if Dudley joined Harry on his adventures at Hogwarts? What if Fred and George were super smart? Well this is what happens in my version of Harry Potter...

11.5K 5 388 Full
The Ties That Bind - Snamione, Post War

Five years after the second wizarding war came to a resounding close, the ministry narrowly pushes through legislation to enforce new couplings in the wake of a potentially reduced magical population. Meanwhile disgraced war hero Severus Snape is facing a bittersweet conclusion to his long delayed murder trial. In the wake of being 'selected' for matchmaking, can Hermione Granger change both their fates in a single, calculated blow? Marriage law/fake relationship trope. Lots of magical shenanigans. Tension heavy now, smut heavy later. Fun Alan Rickman references galore.

25.3K 18 569
Just friends or more

We all want to see wedclaire be a thing so this is how I think it would go with Enid and Wednesday conferencing that that love each other during all the craziness, the cracks down Thornhill, Tyler hope you love it

63 6 6 Full
How to annoy the Harry Potter gang

Welcome all on how to annoy the Harry Potter gang (and others!) Try them out get yourself detentions, get points deducted from your house, get expelled! And best of all get cuddles from Voldie! (All my own ideas.) (Terms and Conditions: I am not responsible for personal injury, death by Voldemort, Snape's personal spells, getting tangled in Dumbledore's beard, getting attacked by Fang, getting clawed by McGonagall, getting chased by unicorns, getting hit with wands, breaking your own wand, losing house points, getting detentions, getting expelled, receiving spankings on the bottom, receiving hexes, receiving attitude from badass Hufflepuff's, getting attacked by girly Ravenclaw's, getting attacked by stroppy Slytherin's, getting growled at by Gryffindors, being squealed at by Bellatrix, Molly Weasley accusing you of attacking her daughter, getting pranked by Fred and George, Percy blaming you for everything, getting bad reports from Skeeter, getting hair flipped by Fleur, Arthur Weasley asking you about rubber ducks, Lucius Malfoy letting you braid his hair, being chased by Ron's butterfly's, becoming deaf after going to a weird sisters concert, being turned into a werewolf by Fenrir, having headaches like Harry, Getting punched by Hermione, being dated by Ginny, having the urge to visit Moaning Myrtle, receiving autographs from Gilderoy Lockhart, being turned into a ferret by Mad-eye Moody, being invited to the Slug club, getting kicked in the face by Draco, having dreams about Voldemort, getting high on butterbeer, and performing these outrageous things that I wrote when I was thoroughly bored.)

51.1K 5 1.9K Full
Deep Love~Harry Potter/Cedric Diggory Love Story

Bethany-Sophia McGonagall, a enhanced werewolf with powers such as, pain, healing, time travel and mind reading while a daughter to one of the professors at Hogwarts, she starts to fall for two students at the school. Will her secret stop her or will she go ahead?Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter just my character Bethany.~Takes Place in the Goblet of Fire~

28.5K 12 265 Full
The Malefoy-Granger Family

Alors je ne sais pas vraiment comment commencer.Je vais probablement laisser de la place au début, au cas où ce manuscrit serait un jour publié.*page blanche*Bonjour.Je m'appelle Helios Duchard. J'ai dix-sept ans. Je suis assis dans le wagon 27 du Poudlard Express. Et je la vois.Elle est la raison pour laquelle j'ai acheté ce carnet. Ce carnet est le manuscrit original de mon enquête sur la mystérieuse famille Malefoy-Granger, et le récit total de mes interactions avec Rose Iris Lyra Malefoy-Granger.****************Ce livre est le tome 3 d'une trilogie. Je vous conseille de d'abord lire Miel et Orage et Merci pour les roses, merci aussi pour les épines, qui sont les tomes 1 et 2.Bonne lecture :)

414 7 19
Melissa Riddle

TERRIBLE GRAMMAR AHEAD Melissa Riddle is the daughter of none other than Lord Voldemort. She's nothing like him and even tries to avoid contact with him at the best of times. The only person she truly trusts is none other than Severus Snape. But what happens when her father send her off on an important mission in Hogwarts in her first year which notably should be her fourth... (To be edited)

29.1K 18 1.2K Full
Twilight conversations

A collection of Twilight conversations by your favourite characters

13.4K 6 395 Full
Restricted | Draco Malfoy

DRACO LOVE STORY. Smut, strong language, some mature content! Juliet has had everything in her life handed to her from the start. Gorgeous. Talented. Smart. Slytherin. Pureblood. How could she need anything else?The only thing she longs for? Her parent's approval. Things start to take a dark turn during her 4th year with the return of the Dark Lord, and no one seems to understand her. Teenage years are confusing enough. Alcohol, drugs, sex, school, peer pressure. There's only one relationship she wants, and no matter how hard she tries it will always be restricted. Years 4-7THIS BOOK IS COMPLETE/ IN THE MIDDLE OF EDITING. 15+. HIGHEST RANKINGS🥰:#1 in Deatheaters #1 in Dracoxreader#1 in Malfoy#1 in Slytherin#1 in DarkMark#1 in DracoFanfic#1 in MalfoyFamily#1 in GobletOfFire#1 in Voldemort#1 in BlaiseZabini#1 in Writing#2 in HalfBloodPrince#2 in Dracolovestory#2 in DeathlyHallows#3 in Goldentrio #3 in Hogwarts#4 in MalfoyFamilySome characters and plot developments do belong to J.K. Rowling. Some plot developments might not occur in exact order to better go along with the story.

2.1M 124 23.9K Full
Hunger Games conversations

A bunch of conversations by all your favourite characters from The Hunger Games.

26.1K 14 1K Full
The love that was going to happen

Abby Nott Twin Sister of Theodore Nott, has recently come to Hogwarts to start he first year. She decovers a love for mr Draco Malfoy, but he parents are keeping a secert from her, that is getting on her nerves

506 21 27 Full