Search: greenmanxcolorblindman
13 stories
Total Drama oneshots!!

so yup any Total Drama season/series is allowed and/or is written!!! I may not update as much on this one, sorry!! Also, there may be cussing or some lemon! :)

2.9K 6 23
~You Grew Beautiful Flowers In My Lungs~

{Connors POV}"Shit" I say as i see zoey come down the stairs.. "Evan..Evans at the door" I sigh "Since when where you guys frineds". I look over to Evan and see him blushing...Great he..He loves my sister. {Skip ferther into story} Evans POV"Connor....I have a...Problem" I say "Whats Up" He says looking confused "I-Im-I have Hanahaki be-because of you-your sister" {Ferther} Connors POV Shit FUCK...I cant fucking belive this.. Blood...Flowers...Blood Flowers...Love..Cuts..Razorblads...Blood. I cant fucking belive that i have Hanahaki

78 5 6
Steven and Connie one shot love story

This is a cute one shot between steven and connie, i made the story of how they met a bit differnt then their originial story but everything is pretty much the same. (Excerpt from the story)"Steven, its okay" i looked up to a big nest of pink hair, it was my mother. She was floating, staring at me. Her voice was smooth like honey. "You love her don't you?" her eyes smoothed over, glistening like a marble."I like you to universe" Connie's eyes fluttered, long eyelashes hitting her round glasses and disappeared. I knew what i had to do, i was going to be brave.

174 1 5 Full
My opinion on Pokémon Shippings

↠What better opinion do you need other than mine? A Queen's opinion is better than a King's.↠9/11/17, ranked #580 in random↠The further back you look, the more you'll cringe.↠I got my inspiration from a lot of others stories about shippings, including @PersonSayinStuff "Pokemon shipping A-Z" if you haven't checked it out, go read it.↠Previous rating: #988 in random but apparently I'm not cool enough for those standards. Fuck the standards though.First amourshipping rate↠ August 3rd, 2016Second amourshipping rate↠Jan 3rd, 2017↠The first review is trash because I was obsessed with it, the second one's better. All y'all fake fuckers read both before commenting shit because trust me, opinions change. Started↠December 26th, 2015

91.3K 68 2.6K
Tucked Away and Forgotten•dreamnotfound

"Wow, I'm so sorry George. He never...informed you?" Bad said, the pause between his words dimming the light around his discord profile picture."Never 'informed' me...what, exactly?" George's fingers found their way around his headphones chords, searching for words behind the lump in his throat and mind.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dreamnotfound story. Feel free to promote/share.

17 1 0

Reploids can not dream, but Professor Gaudile did. He had a dream about a young Reploid boy swimming in the oceans were Giga City once laid. Worried and struck with inspiration, the professor set out to create such a Reploid and named him Thetis.Now Thetis has a dream.With the help of Marino and Cinnamon (now renamed Minas), Thetis sets to clean the oceans where Giga City was laid. A rather rough project at first, but with the aid of a certain Biometal, Thetis believes that he can clean the oceans so those that belong in water will return. However, a certain Reaper and Witch are looking for the stolen Biometal. Will they stop Thetis from completing his mission, or will the young Reploid be able to achieve his dream?

183 4 4

It's exactly as it sounds.Also I added shortened titles as shortcuts. See below.MMX: Megaman X MMXCM: Megaman X Command Mission

11 2 0
Chatboo Tales

A fanfic based on chatboo lore from the wiki in January 2021. Rip the wiki.One day I'll be proud enough to send this to my chatboober friends

12 3 0