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30 stories

So a couple days ago I was just browsing Pinterest for some short story ideas, when I came across one I really like. It's just for fun and to improve my writing skills, so you don't have to add it to your reading lists or anything like that. There will surely be a lot of grammar mistakes and such things, but smeh heck with it! #Iwannabetheverybest(You see what I did there ;) That Pokémon Go tho)____________________Have you ever grown up believing in something, only to find out the next day that everything you believed in was a lie? So you think to yourself, "How could I be so stupid? Why didn't anyone ever tell me?" And no I don't mean Santa. Everyone knows he's real.

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Sentence Starters: Short Stories

I found some short stories I made before the summer started and thought why not put them here, while also making some more. I get very bored of continuing a story, so short stories are really fun to make in my opinion. I usually base the whole direction of a story by a starter sentence I find online, so that's why the first sentence is written in italics. Hope you enjoy! ~~~ALSO! I make a title cover for every short story at the top with a sneak peak of a sentence that will be somewhere in the story!~

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The strongest dragon slayer of Heartfilia's twin sisters - (Graylu/Navia)

Lucy Heartfilia was a daughter of Layla Heartfilia. She's not a biological daughter of Jude Heartfilia. She had a twin sister but never know about her because of her mother had give her to her friend name Yura Lockser for her safety. Her twin sister was name Juvia Lockser as Layla told Yura. It's not too long when Yura died because of her illness. Juvia had put to orphanage and found out a truth about herself. After Layla death because of her illness, Lucy had been abandoned by Jude. When she was ten years old, Lucy had decided to run away from her home and meet a raven guy name Gray Fullbuster. He had bring her to Fairy Tail guild. Lucy decided to join Fairy Tail and get friend. She then had become S-Class wizard like Erza. Seven years later, Lucy had become much stronger in Fairy Tail guild. She had take a S-Class mission which she forget to inform Mira that make Laxus take advantage of it with lying that Natsu stealing. There they were face against Deliora's incident and fought Lyon. After settle her mission and explain to Makarov, there come another problem. Phantom Lord had attack Fairy Tail. Lucy had found out who the cause of it and ended the fight. She meet Juvia who had already defeated by Natsu. Juvia and Lucy seem have a connection which they found out a truth about them. They were find out that they were separate twins sister.Will Lucy and Juvia accept who they are? Will they found out of who their biological father? What a secret that Layla keep from them? Follow their adventure, love and friendship.Main pairing :Lucy x GrayJuvia x NatsuErza x Jellal

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