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187 stories
Omega Book Club

!!ALWAYS OPEN!! Are you having a hard time getting noticed or having a hard time breaking into the writing scene? Want reviews that can vastly help you improve your novel?Our goal is to help your revise, learn, and continue on your journey to become a successful writer. We have designed a simple, yet effective, system to do exactly this! This allows you to receive fresh, new, and improved reviews and suggestions. Partners will be picked once a week. There will be three people in ONE circle.What are you waiting for? Click read, apply, and begin the journey to receiving more reads, votes, and reviews! Make sure to follow us, read the rules, and most importantly; have a good time!#50 in NonFiction 11/28/16

2.1K 11 84
Story Starters

I am kinda (really) bad at keeping a story going. The thing is I have so many ideas for stories and how I want them to end. I just can't fill in the middle and create very good dialogue.Sooooooooo without further ado, I have created a book (haha very funny. I dont do books, or mornings. kudos if you got that reference) that starts a story.You can message me via wattpad/ email if you are interested in taking on the challenge!How this works: in this "book" I will post beginnings to a story. You message me, I decide if I wanna give it to you or not. Please please please don't just copy and paste. I want these stories to be in good hands. You can change names if you want to. All I ask is you come up with a good plot and ending. Also, have fun with it! Writing can be fun. especially if you relate with the characters.I wish you good luck, and have fun!

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Story Prompts for when you have writers block

I'll post story prompts that I either find on TikTok, google and/or Instagram and maybe some of my own. I will to of course give credit to rightfully people who came up with it but if I can't I will still say I didn't come up with it.I can't promise my writing is good or ok but I just hope you enjoy it.

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অজানা তথ্য টিউটোরিয়াল

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