Search: ginnygoodwin
160 stories
Why Her?

Lia Goodwin, Ginny's sister falls in love with none other than Lana Parrilla. A long and strong relationship hidden from the world finally is shown. But Lia didn't expect her sisters reaction. Lana might have made a life changing mistake or maybe she fixed one. I don't own any of the characters except Lia and the made up names of people cause I don't know there real name. 🖤🖤 have a wonderful day and I hope you like my story.

4.1K 19 133
Our Sweet Days (M/M Interstellar A/B/O)

His fiancé stolen by his (supposedly) kind-hearted and merciful younger brother, Sun Fang decides to take the high road. (To the surprise of everyone who's ever known him.) Instead of fighting to get his cheating fiancé back, Sun Fang sets out to fully enjoy the wealth of his family. After all, he's no longer the heir (his younger brother took that too) which means that he has no responsibilities. Ah, the life of a worry-free rich young master is really the best!▪︎▪︎▪︎★ Complete!★ Total Chapters: 103★ Find the author:▪︎▪︎▪︎This is an original novel written by me.Copyright © 2021 hoodwinked. All rights reserved.

212.2K 104 6.4K Full
It's okay. I'm fine.

Jennifer has a stalker but she keeps it to herself because she believes she can handle it. He shows up everywhere, on set, at panels, her house, at coffee shops she goes to, he even sometimes gets her number and messages her somehow. (There isn't going to be a ship in this fic, just friendships. It will include Ginny, Josh, Lana, Colin, Rose, and more. I don't care if people don't think that Jen and Lana are friends, I do so BLEH.)

1.1K 5 69
Adopted By Sebastian Stan (Under Editing)

A girls life changes when she is adopted by actor Sebastian Stan

97.8K 27 1.9K
Victoria Redux

The magnificent first season of the TV series "Victoria," written by Daisy Goodwin and produced by ITV and PBS for Masterpiece, has brought its characters so vibrantly to life that I have been inspired to write my first fan fiction. I hope Masterpiece Producer Rebecca Eaton has noticed how many fans want to imagine that the relationship between Queen Victoria and Lord Melbourne had turned out differently. Maybe if all of us fans clamor loudly enough, PBS would think about producing another show, using some of the same actors, sets and wardrobe, in which our wishes could be fulfilled. To see Jenna Coleman and Rufus Sewell act out something like my teleplay would be such a thrill, while we're waiting for Season 2 of "Victoria."My teleplay would begin immediately following Victoria's line, "I think you have it already," in S1:E3, "Brocket Hall." (I think all my fellow Melbourne fans will know exactly when and where that is, without my explaining further.)The TV series "Victoria" is copyright 2017 WGBH Educational Foundation and 2016 Mammoth Screen Limited. All rights reserved.

629 1 13 Full
Not retribution, just returning favor!

Lord Voldemort never panicked. But on the night, he found out that Harry Potter knows about Horcruxes, he freaked out. In his desperation to not die in any case whatsoever, he made a fail safe. How will Harry Potter, along with Hermione and Ron, handle being stuck in Harry's parents era? Well, Harry is pissed off and ready to smack freaking Voldemort in his face, but Hermione reins her. Harry has a chance at either changing future for better or mucking up past so bad, that future is more undecided than before.Again a muse that refuses to leave me.No rights over Harry Potter. Its all Jk Rowling.The inspiration story planted a seed and would have few similar elements. But I am hoping, it would be different from her's.Story by : 6coolaish6

42K 34 1.3K Full
Once One Shots

"And I'm not throwin' away my shot"Oh wait...wrong fandom...Let's ignore that...This book is a collection of one shots for the ABC show Once Upon A Time. I take prompts and will write almost anything within reason. All characters and ships are welcome here as long as you aren't rude about them. I hope you enjoy!!!

11.2K 23 614
Remember The Princess. ((Sequel to Trying to forget))

This is the sequel to Trying to Forget, this chapter in the Chris and Graham love story will be taking risks, showing Chris's evil side. Yes, she does have one. She will lie to Regina, to her family, to Graham. When Graham tells her he still loves her for the lies she's told, wait and see what she tells him, not a lie, but the truth about her past and their future.

214 7 0
There's A Spark

Y/N Carbonell is the niece of the famous Tony Stark. After being abandoned by her mother, Tony soon found there was more to the girl than he previously assumed. As she got older she started to wonder more about who she was and so got involved with the Avengers. But what things that would unfold, she did not know.Just another Peter parker meets superhero girl story and I am not sorry.

7.3K 37 114 Full
Johnny Depp Imagines {COMPLETED}

Here are some Johnny Depp character (including Johnny Depp himself) imagines.**Requests are CLOSED***No Smut/Lemon*Published: July 1st, 2019Completed: July 20th, 2022For more imagines, check out my Johnny Depp Imagines BOOK TWO! Rankings: (UPDATED: 7/14/2024)#1 johnnydeppimagines#1 ichabodcrane#1 roux#2 tarranthightopp#3 depphead#3 mortrainey#5 imaginesbook#6 gellertgrindelwald

1.6M 200 27K Full
the next savior | once upon a time

this fanfic features hope swan-jones, her friends, and a new curse that must be broken.also captainswan cause i live for them lol-i don't own any of the characters.this is simply written for fun.

634 7 14
My best friends brother.

Bree has been best friends with Amy Goodwin since first grade. Yeah that's right, Aaron Goodwin's little sister. And as you probably guessed, Bree has been in love with Aaron since Amy and herself started high school. Will Bree be able to get the man of her dreams while keeping her bestfriend? Or will she lose everything?

3.6K 10 128
Knowledge is Power / Cedric Diggory

"You make my heart skip a beat" "That's arrhythmia, Diggory"Illeana Kasatkina is an average 16 year old living in Dublin, Ireland. Except, she is a witch. Currently studying in Hogwarts and freaking out over the world cup, what will happen when she befriends a certain Hufflepuff? Will sparks fly or will the past hold Illeana back?HIGHEST RANKING#2- Cedric

950 25 75
life (bones)

part I loved

676 2 21 Full

There are way to many 'memes' of ouat and I want to make a book out of them cuz why not?~If u see something that u made and ur name is not on the picture just comment and I will give credit

155.2K 57 6.7K
Felix,Net, Nika i Laura oraz Świąteczny Zamęt

FNiNowy fanfik mojego autorstwa. Będzie trochę zagadkowo i romantycznie. Głównie Netika, ale fani Laurix też powinni się zadowolić. Rozpoczęcie pisania: 29 lutego.Zawieszenie: 30 maja.Wznowienie: 26 czerwcaOpis:Razem z Felixem Netem i Niką do szkoły chodzi... Laura. Przyjaciele zatajają przed dorosłymi swoje związki. Nika zostaje porwana. Czy uda się ją znaleźć? Czy wszystko skończy się dobrze? Na te pytania i wiele innych znajdziecie odpowiedź w tym Fanfiku. Ps. To moje pierwsze książkopodobne coś. Rozdziały będą mieć max 500/600 słów. Mam nadzieję, że po tym ff napiszę coś jeszcze. Ps2. Czuję cringe czytając ten opis, ale cóż... Nie wiem jak go napisać.

296 7 14
Captain Hook's Legacy {Peter Pan}

Juliette Jones grew up on the Jolly Rodger. She found out very quickly that a pirate's wild life was for her. Being Captain Hook's daughter came with its many perks, but it also came with its cons. Now that Captain Hook has settled down with Emma in Storybrooke, Juliette is expected to as well. She tried. She tried so hard, but the small town scene was not for her. One night, Juliette did what she does best, she stole a ship and a magic bean. She left quiet Storybrooke for the only life she has ever known--one of adventure. Juliette found her ship crashed on an island after a battle with some particularly nasty mermaids. She suddenly found herself face-to-face with one of the many enemies her father made in his pirating days. Will Juliette be able to escape her father's legacy or will she be constantly compared to her infamous father? Find out in Captain Hook's Legacy. Copyright footballerbabe98 2015

4K 17 222
Cherry and Atticus in Good Wilt Hunting

Every five years, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends has a reunion for imaginary friends to reunite with their old creators. However, Wilt seems to be left out from the celebration which makes everyone wonder who his creator is, but Wilt then decides to go to his old home on a mysterious adventure which leads everyone into looking for him on an adventurous road trip.

724 6 8
kpop short stories

exo (mostly exo rn) , bts, monsta x and more Little disclaimer:HyeJin,AeMin, Nari, ... are basically my default names for the friends so I'm sorry I'm using the same names in different story, it just makes it easier :p(I put it as completed because they are separate completed stories, I will still be adding.)ENJOY!!!

1.4K 26 38 Full
Not Retribution, Just Returning Favor!

Lord Voldemort never panicked. But on the night, he found out that Harry Potter knows about Horcruxes, he freaked out. In his desperation to not die in any case whatsoever, he made a fail safe. How will Harry Potter, along with Hermione and Ron, handle being stuck in Harry's parents era? Well, Harry is pissed off and ready to smack freaking Voldemort in his face, but Hermione reins her. Harry has a chance at either changing future for better or mucking up past so bad, that future is more undecided than before.Again a muse that refuses to leave me.No rights over Harry Potter. Its all JK Rowling.The inspiration story planted a seed and would have few similar elements. But I am hoping, it would be different from her's.Story by : 6coolaish6

5.5K 26 250
Watch Out Nerdy

A short story about a badgirl and a nerd that takes a turn for the unexpected.

475 2 7 Full
[Dragon Age Inkwizycja] W cieniu szaleństwa ✔︎

Trylogia Szaleństwa - Część I Czy jedna osoba jest w stanie udźwignąć brzemię odpowiedzialności za cały świat? A nawet jeśli, to jakie piętno to na niej odciśnie? Co się dzieje z bohaterami, gdy świat ogarnia szaleństwo i chaos?Eliandir Lavellan zostaje wrzucona w wir wydarzeń, które sprawiają, że świat drży. Z dnia na dzień staje się kimś innym - Pierwszą swojego dalijskiego klanu, szpiegiem na Konklawe, więźniem, a w końcu nadzieją. Osobą, od której zależą losy całego świata. I nagle okazuje się, że to wszystko jest... oszustwem? "W cieniu szaleństwa" to opowieść o kobiecie, która choć okrzyknięta Inkwizytorką, w dalszym ciągu jest również zwykłą kobietą. Ze wszystkimi emocjami, rozterkami i słabościami. A także o mężczyźnie, który walczy z demonami przeszłości i o ich trudnej i wyniszczającej relacji. To również opowieść o zemście - takiej, która ociera się o szaleństwo i stawia przyszłość pod znakiem zapytania. Uwaga! Mimo, że jest to fanfiction, nie wymaga znajomości gry, więc śmiało :)08.05.2018 #2 w kategorii: Bioware Trylogia Szaleństwa: "W cieniu szaleństwa" "Odwilż""Światło i mrok" (w przygotowaniu)

8.7K 23 1.2K Full
Guided by your spirit (Ghost Adventures Stories)

Ever since her Nana died when she was 5, Erica's life wasn't too great. She was diagnosed with ADD. In a bad shark attack, she lost her right leg and has a prostetic. She had the ability to speak to the dead. She loves studying audio-based stuff due to her loosing 50% of her hearing in the attack. She had always watched Ghost Adventures and actually joins the crew when Nick finds her while looking for a new audio technician. She joined at the age of 11! Here is her adventure.

1.1K 5 9
Our Man Made Planet | #PlanetOrPlastic

A freaky story that came to me in a dream after teaching about the effect of mankind on the planet.My entry for the planetorplastic contest, written and published 25/11/18

11 1 1 Full