Search: fhhfhfnf
91 stories
Never ever agian (sophitz)

After stereluline, i might do a sequel 4 this 1, but this is the story on how Sophie and Fitz get together after stereluline. This is sofitz/fitzphie not Sokeefe, sorry sokeefe shippers, this is my first fanfic I hope u like it! I wanted to write this cuz they didn't have enough time in the real book so I wanted to find a way to add sophitz in the book, although i know it'll never happen... i really wanted to write this.

308 11 10
Forbidden love

Anne and sprig love each other but no one want it to happen what will they date or not dAnd the tag is me putting words on it do not read it

701 7 6
Art Book

literally just my art

5.7K 24 132
WWE Instagram

Your favorite WWE superstars tackle the social media world that is Instagram! Will include ships! Enjoy!!

39.9K 57 763 Full
Art Book + Random shit

Oh god

4.3K 133 660

LAUGH NOW DAMMIT KJWKDJSAKjshlkJHkhkljlhnmJHkjlkjKHkjJHFkgFKjhgKJLgkhgFJHjhKJgkhgJHFHhffjkfKJFhFHhFHfhfFJfjFHfkhFKHfhkfkh

162 6 5
Very hot story 🥵 😍

You are going to a café in a beautiful quiet town, when you happen to make a strange encounter. (Also I do not have any idea how to write, I don't write. This just exists because why not.)

17 1 1 Full
words that means nothing

gdhjkhikj asdafh hhhhhhhhhjhlllllllllllll llllllldbjk hdf kl sdl fjj dfkjdhkjdfdhjf dfjdh fh sjlhdlf djd kjsh ak h a jk d j s a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaajkllllllllllllllllllll ldfsjkjhs jkdsafj d jkl sfjkhk jlsdfjklaskfdjhlaFKljfsjsdfkdkjskjkj ukahjjkdf;kfehjsdfhjhhhhhjūdfkfjfahjfsddjkssdfjsdfjdsfjdbgggvvvfbguhhgghhhhhhhhhhh*= f hhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiij Dihxbxjfjdhshdjdjdjxhdhdhf dhdhdhdhdhdjfifjfjfjgjgjgjgjgjjgkhkkgjgjjgjgjgjgjgjtjtjfjhjfhfjjfjfjfjgjgujgugyjghdhdhbhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhhfjfhdhdffhfjfhfhfjfjfhfhchfhfjdhdhdhdhdhdjfihdhdhdhfbfhrffcg s e s d f g hjklpoiuytrew qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmjkgfggggbhjdfjf

299 2 9 Full
The book of a deadly urchin

I might post here,I might not,you figure it outI will.spend most of my time here so yaay

627 69 53
A horses life change

Hey guys this is my first book tell what u think 🤪

2 1 0
breakup fanfics that i made

THIS WAS MADE FOR SPIDERS DISCORD SERVER TO WIN MOD (i won mod 😈) DNI IF YOU KNOW Me frOM SPIDERS SERVER GGRRRRthis is all a joke btw im sane (no im not)

621 4 12 Full
I Just Thought...(Sophitz story)


25 1 0


0 1 0
My Random Book of Junk

This is my book of junk, its kind of like a confession book... This might have some things that might make you hate me.. Go on and rant, be angry! I don't care! This is my book, anyway! By the way, who's the author here? May include some cussing.

1.5K 81 206 Full


0 1 0
Bts jikook story I made it myself dumbos! 👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🎅🙏🙌😏😏😏😏😏😏

Gdhduyduryffffhrjrj SRSyrhfhfhhfhgffudjgd

66 5 0
My Drawings On f**ing Paper this time

The title speaks for itself

107 6 3


59 5 1
the kick off

Jamie Johnson

3 1 0
Life 2

My second life book 😁Lots of ranting I'm very dramatic

2.3K 198 222

Tish is my story

2 1 0


28 1 1
you and me

a girl who are kind beautiful rich and tall .One day tzuyu's first day of school when she met a handsome boy who is name taehyung but suddenly something bump into her tzuyu:who is that taehyung:I'm sorry tzuyu:oh that's alright.But there are three girls who has crush on taehyung and they are bully's they name jennie,lisa,Irene girls:hey tzuyu:what ? jennie slaps tzuyu then suddenly taehyung came hey jennie what do you think your doing tzuyu:oh it's okay taehyung:are you alright? tzuyu:yes tzuyu:nice to meet you hi my name is chou tzuyu just call me yoda and you are? I'm taehyung just call me tae tzuyu:okay .At the classroom guys we have a transferee she is tzuyutzuyu:hi guys I am tzuyu teacher:sit beside taehyung Sana whispered to tzuyu hey tzuyu welcome back dahyun:how are you? I'm okay.yebudhdudehurbdhjdjejdjdjfjfhfhfhfjdiwudjdbffhcjdiedhbdhdhduehdusiefhjdjdjdidhyugguhdidjddudhdhfubdudhdjdbfjdbdifbdjdbfidbfjdbfjfbfjneidndirjfinffhykhdodndundhdnejdjdjdjjdjdjdjdjfjdjjdjdjdibduhddugdhfidhdjdijdidhdidbidbdid bff udbgjdube Google logos do do cl cl cl to do do do do do do d do do cl cl cl cl cl cl to dufudididididiiidididudjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjddjjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdhdjdjdjdhjdhdidbdid giving dhhddhhdhdhdhdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjjdjdjdjdjjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjjdjdjdjdjdjdjfjfjggggghvhvhvfvchnh in bejddjdkfjfbbfbfbf d. d. jjdiebdjebgrjevdyrvrurbebdhbrvrvrvrvrjiebevdjrhrhrbrbrhrhrbrrbrbbrjrbrurbrhnevdkddbirbrbdubdbrurdbjrvddhhrbrbrbrhrbrbbrbrbrudbuvrjdhrhjrbrhrhhrhrhrhjrjrjrhdhdhfhfidbfibdubfifbfjdhudbfubfgnfienhdjdjdjdjdjfjfjfjjfjfjfbffjjfjfjicjidnduhfufbfujehrurbrhrhurbrjrbrhurhrurjuduujdjfjjjigjgjgggjgjvkhkhkgigitigogigohkhk jgjfhchfjchcc. vhhhifgfkdhtctvdjdyvfb. hjghgubyheirjrhjtnfnfndjdndudndjdndjbgjgb hfgbugvbigfgbjgfbuhgifjfbfbcdjdhdvdbfhdhdjdjdjdjdjdfjdjddjjdhfdhjdjfjdfjhfhhfhfudhudhjhdhjihjhhhjhjhhhjjjjjdjdjdjdjdjdjudhdudhdudhdhdhdhjddhjdbdhdhdhdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdhdjdjdjdjdjdjjdjdjfjfignfifhufnhfjfjfhfirbhfjdjdjdhfhdhhdhjdjfjdjfjfjfjjfjfjjfjffjjjjjj

442 10 28
My life

me and my life continue and contuwate I'm done so I'm just going to put random letters.h dg dhdnbdbdhdbdhdhbdbdbfhfbfhhfhfhfhfbfbdbfbbdhfbchfhhcbcbcbcbcbcbcbbfbcbchbcbchchhchdhxhdhhdhdhdvdhhdhdhdhhdhdhxhdhhdhdhdhdghfhdhehdhdhhfhdhdhfhhfhfhdhdhhfhdhdhdhhdhdhdbfhhchc ndnfhchhc hv by bfnhfjdhfg bfjfhdbebehhdhf bfnhfjdhfg fhfhrurhrbrbhrhehdhdhdbbfbdbfhhfhfhfhdhhfhrhfhdghrhdbrhehdbbfbfhfhfhfhfhhfhfhfhfbfbbfbfbbdbrhdhhfhdhdhdbbdhdhdhfhhfhfhfhbcbcbfhdhhdhdhfbhdhdhhfhfhchhchchchhchch hv hhchfhchhfhfhfh check gchfhhfbdbfbfbhchchfhfhfhhfh fbcbbcbbdhchchhhccf bc bfnhfjdhfg bfbcbfbcbcbbdbdbfbfbfbfhhcbcnchfhfhhfhfhfhfhfb hhchfhchhfhfhfh bdbfbhhdbrbdbdbbdhfbdbbdbdbbdbdbdbcbbcbcbfggfhfhdhhchdhhfhhfhfbfbdbhfbdhdhdhhdhfbcbhfhfhdhhdhdhfhhxhfhfhfhfhhfhfhehhdhfhfhfhfhfhbfbfbfhch

5 1 0
The Ghost of War

To my unwavering emotional crutch

17 1 2