Search: expectativas
581 stories
Un Chico Con Muchas Expectativas Y Nada De Realidad


2K 35 37
Expectativas en un mundo de realidades

Poesía y poemas inspirados en tristes y felices versos

42 8 0
Expectativas [ InoTan ]

Tanjiro tiene la esperanza de que el chico que le gusta es un chico confiado, decisivo, atractivo y apasionado.Pero a Tanjiro le gusta Inosuke.Cr. Portada: (@aosuki88) en Twitter

1.3K 1 111 Full
La Segunda Luna Y La Pilar

En el agitado mundo de los cazadores de demonios, Douma, la luna creciente de la maldad, y Shinobu, la hábil Pilar Insecto, se ven envueltos en una danza mortal que se transforma en un inesperado y trágico romance. Douma, un demonio de sangre fría con habilidades sobrenaturales, se encuentra cautivado por la fuerza y la determinación de Shinobu. A medida que la batalla entre los cazadores de demonios y los seres malignos se intensifica, Douma empieza a cuestionar su propia existencia y a sentir una conexión única con la Pilar Insecto. Por otro lado, Shinobu, conocida por su enfoque calculado y su veneno mortífero, se ve desafiada por la inusual empatía que experimenta hacia Douma. A pesar de su propósito como cazadora de demonios, Shinobu se encuentra atrapada entre la lealtad a su deber y la creciente compasión por el demonio enemigo. En "La Segunda Luna y La Pilar", Douma y Shinobu navegan por un terreno peligroso donde los límites entre el bien y el mal se desdibujan. Mientras luchan contra sus respectivas naturalezas y las expectativas de sus mundos, la conexión entre ellos se profundiza, llevándolos a decisiones impactantes que cambiarán el curso de sus vidas y afectarán el destino de aquellos que los rodean. Esta historia de amor prohibido se desenvuelve en medio de la guerra contra los demonios, explorando la posibilidad de la redención y la redención, y desafiando las expectativas mientras Douma y Shinobu buscan encontrar la paz en un mundo marcado por la oscuridad.

643 17 50 Full

Reflexiones sobre la vida y los sentimientos

448 15 66 Full
Son dibujos 👍

Cosas chafas q hago cuando estoy aburrido, no altas expectativas

1.9K 16 216
Journey to 'I do'

In the bustling city of London, Aisha and Muhammad's love story begins at a restaurant opening, sparking a whirlwind romance that is as intense as it is complicated. Muhammad, shaped by familial responsibilities and his role in running a successful family-owned manufacturing business, alongside his own tech venture, is a man defined by strength but challenged by vulnerability. Aisha, a sharp-witted business consultant and savvy investor, strives to soften his edges and nurture their relationship.Their journey is far from smooth. From being friends to lovers, their relationship faces numerous trials, including a painful breakup fueled by family scandals and personal misunderstandings. Muhammad's fear of vulnerability and the pressures of living up to his father's expectations clash with Aisha's desire for emotional connection and stability.They are thrust into an unexpected marriage with each other shortly after their breakup to save both families from embarrassment, the narrative delves deep into the dynamics of their relationship. Through personal growth, compromise, and the transformative power of understanding, both Aisha and Muhammad learn to navigate the complexities of love and marriage.

5.4K 45 519 Full
♦•El libro de la vida (versión miraculous ladybug)•♦

Cuenta el viaje de adrien un joven torero que se debate entre cumplir con las expectativas de su familia o seguir su corazón y dedicarse a su verdadera pasión la música.Antes de escoger el camino que seguirá se embarca en una aventura por tres mundos fantásticos donde deberá hacer frente a sus mayores miedos.

843 6 8 Full
The Art of Manipulation : Why Women Use Men

Have you ever been in a relationship where you felt used and discarded? Have you ever wondered why women use men to get what they want and then leave them for someone else?The truth is, manipulation is a powerful tool that some women use to control and dominate men. It can be subtle and hard to detect, but the effects can be devastating. In this book, we will exploe the art of manipulation and why women use men to get what they want We will delve into the psychology behind manipulation, the different types of manipulative women, and the signs of a manipulative relationship. We will also look at the vulnerability of men and why they often fall for manipulative women. But don't worry, this book isnt just about the problem. We will also provide practical solutions and the advice on how to spot a manipulative woman early on. How to break free from a manipulative relationship and how to heal and move on from the aftermath of a manipulative relationship. We will also explore healthy relationships, the importance of self-love and self-care and the fuure of relationships moving toweard equality and respect. Whether you have been in the manipulative relationship or are simply curious about the psycology behind the manipulation. This Book is for you. Lets DIVE IN!!

1.8K 9 23 Full
Thoughts and experiences of life and mental health

Life is a journey, an odyssey of challenges, excitement, and rewards that unfold along the path. The quest for self-discovery is the very essence of life, as we navigate the vastness of the world. The journey is not without challenges, yet it is through these experiences that we find our way. Author Vernon JB Pohl has traversed this path with a passion for reading, writing, and contemplating life from diverse perspectives. In his book "Thoughts and experiences of life and mental health," he invites the reader to join him on this journey of self-discovery. The human experience is a tapestry of unique outlooks woven together by the individuals who share it, each one distinct and inimitable, defying comparison to another's viewpoint.

1.2K 54 74 Full

Chef Dhamu Family & Baba Baskar Master Family are Family friends. As same as, Chef Venkatesh Bhatt & Comedian Madhurai Muthu Family are Relatives. Due to Professional competitions & egos, both chefs are having hatred, enimity. As like this due to harsh & bitter faits Master & Muthu having clash. But, their children are fall in love with each other, with out knowing their Parents clash!😱 After knowing this, what their parents will do? And how these Lovers & families are getting unite?!🧐🤔

84.6K 110 4.6K Full
wanderlust (edited)

"You need to know," James says while he pulls on his hoodie, "that I'm not interested in a relationship." He swallows, staring at the wall as if there's something hidden inside of it. He turns back to me, "I just want a friend." Tara Williams wants to leave. She wants to get out of little Queensland, Alabama. Get away from all the pressure and expectations that fall upon her thanks to her older, more successful siblings. And James Braxton is just the guy to help her with that.

63.7K 20 2.2K Full
Through Fire and Water

* THIS IS A COPYRIGHTED STORY OF MINE, MIDNIGHT_LILAC, PUBLISHED ON WATTPAD. IF YOU FIND IT ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE, IT HAS BEEN COPIED/REPUBLISHED WITHOUT MY CONSENT AND YOU ARE LIKELY AT A RISK OF A MALWARE ATTACK. IF YOU WISH TO READ THIS STORY IN ITS ORIGINAL, SAFE FORM, PLEASE GO TO WATTPAD *From a life of pleasant luxury and heart racing adventure, Yukihara Izumi is unexpectedly thrown into a world of poisonous malice and turmoil. For a not-so-average teenage girl of the modern world, fighting and shady work aren't all that new or surprising. However, similar situations in the Feudal Era are ruthlessly torturous, battering and definitely something anyone would wish to never experience, not even one as steadfast as Izumi. But she soon settles into the rough life with the Feudal Capital's downtown civilians.Not so surprisingly, things aren't always as simple as they seem to be and don't remain so forever either. It took just one unexpected encounter with an unexpected stranger in dire need of help to turn Izumi's life upside down. Dragged into the dark depths of lies, insidious plots and dangerous people in a place where nothing is what it appears to be, it is purely survival of the fittest. The coldest, cruellest and most merciless Emperor to have ever dictated the Empire is not the only one she has to face but also his vicious and obscure vassals that have an eagle's eye on her every move.It has always been easy for Izumi to keep up her inherent strength and determination no matter how dire the situation and that's what she plans on doing even after being thrown into a world of mayhem. But perhaps things can get a lot more complicated and out of hand when deeper emotions are involved - curiosity, deadly desire and suffocating possessiveness.~~~~~~~~~~ORIGINAL STORY, PLOT AND CHARACTERS (C) Midnight_Lilac

54K 29 2.8K Full
south park x reader

Nestled within the undulating embrace of the Colorado Rockies, the town of South Park emerges like a colorful mosaic amid the pristine wilderness. A place where the whimsical and the absurd coalesce, South Park, is a symphony of contradictions, a canvas painted with vibrant eccentricity that captivates the senses and defies expectations. this will be (y/n) new home.

3.6K 9 93
El Pilar Del Hielo Y La Pilar Insecto

En el cautivador mundo de los Pilares y los Demonios, "El Pilar Del Hielo Y La Pilar Insecto" narra la inusual conexión entre Shinobu, la Pilar Insecto, y Douma, el Pilar del Hielo, cuyas vidas se entrelazan de maneras sorprendentes y desafiantes.Shinobu, conocida por su destreza con las técnicas de veneno y su valentía como Pilar Insecto, se encuentra con Douma, un enigmático y poderoso Pilar del Hielo. A medida que las amenazas demoníacas se intensifican, una extraña complicidad se forma entre ellos, rompiendo las barreras impuestas por sus roles como Pilares.Douma, generalmente frío y distante, se ve intrigado por la ingeniosidad y la determinación de Shinobu. Por otro lado, Shinobu, que ha dedicado su vida a la caza de demonios, comienza a ver en Douma algo más que un compañero. A medida que colaboran para enfrentar desafíos que ponen a prueba la fuerza de los Pilares, una relación compleja y llena de tensiones se desarrolla."El Pilar Del Hielo Y La Pilar Insecto" explora las dinámicas únicas de la Hermandad de los Pilares, cuestionando las lealtades establecidas y desafiando las expectativas. La historia se sumerge en la dualidad de sus roles, mientras Shinobu y Douma deben equilibrar sus responsabilidades como Pilares con la creciente conexión que amenaza con romper las reglas impuestas por la organización de cazadores de demonios.A medida que la línea entre aliados y enemigos se vuelve borrosa, "El Pilar Del Hielo Y La Pilar Insecto" se convierte en una narrativa épica que explora la fuerza de los lazos humanos incluso en medio de la oscuridad y la guerra, llevando a Shinobu y Douma a tomar decisiones que cambiarán el destino de los Pilares y del mundo de los cazadores de demonios.

343 15 18 Full
It Started with Slime - Part 1

An alchemical experiment gone wrong results in our MC - It does have a name now but that would be a spoiler... This story follows a Slime that surprisingly has some level of consciousness and there is more to it than meets the eye. Slime is just the beginning of course as it struggles to improve itself and works hard to grow and become strong just to suvive its harsh new reality. There is a lot more going on under the surface than meets the eye and only time will tell if your MC is strong enough to make it through and come out stronger on the other side. This is story with a Monster Protaganist, I am not going to be using any profanity nor include any sexual content, there will be violence and fighting description, hence Tramatising Content. Going to try for one chapter a week at first and see how that goes. Cover by: Faren

96.7K 200 5.3K Full
The Sun & The Moon

First fanfic i've ever done so sorry if it's horribleIt's on one of my favorite shows Austin & Ally~Disclaimer~The only thing I own is my characters and their storylineEverything else is owned by the creators of the show and by DisneyAnyway hope you enjoy -💜🖤 B

138.9K 100 2K Full
The Pokeband.

Five boys. Five girls. All have a talent for music and sound. Find out what happens when these two groups clash together to find out who is best.Best rankingsAmourshipping #1Burningleafshipping #1Heartsoulshipping #1Chessshipping #1Visorshipping #1

83.7K 200 2.3K Full
Entre Lunas Y Mariposas

En una escuela secundaria común, Douma y Shinobu, dos estudiantes aparentemente normales, llevan consigo secretos que van más allá de la vida cotidiana. Douma, conocido por su seriedad y misteriosa calma, oculta una pasión por la escritura poética y la música. Shinobu, la chica tranquila pero ingeniosa, es una apasionada entomóloga que esconde sus habilidades de manipular pequeños insectos.Un día, durante una excursión escolar, sus destinos colisionan cuando Douma, cautivado por la elegancia de Shinobu al estudiar mariposas en un campo, se ve inspirado a escribir un poema en su honor. Desde ese momento, una conexión especial comienza a florecer entre ellos.A pesar de las diferencias en sus personalidades, Douma y Shinobu encuentran consuelo y comprensión el uno en el otro. Sus mundos, llenos de secretos y pasiones, se entrelazan en el tejido de la vida estudiantil. Juntos, enfrentan los desafíos de la adolescencia, desde exámenes hasta amistades complicadas, siempre fortaleciendo su vínculo especial.A medida que la historia se desenvuelve, Douma y Shinobu exploran el poder del amor y la aceptación en un entorno donde los prejuicios y las expectativas son inevitables. La dualidad de sus personalidades y habilidades se convierte en la clave para superar los obstáculos, demostrando que incluso en la vida cotidiana, dos corazones pueden encontrar una armonía única."Entre Lunas Y Mariposas" es una conmovedora historia de amor adolescente que nos recuerda que, en la complejidad de la vida diaria, a veces se encuentran las conexiones más extraordinarias.

543 21 27 Full
Love's Expensive Game

In the opulent world of the elite, a powerful billionaire finds herself irresistibly drawn to a woman from a vastly different world. As the leader of a successful empire, the billionaire is used to controlling every aspect of her life. However, when she meets the captivating woman, she finds herself caught in a game of love she never anticipated playing.Their love is a dangerous dance, fraught with obstacles and challenges. The billionaire must confront her own vulnerabilities and the expectations of her world, while the woman struggles to reconcile her feelings with her own sense of duty and honor.Together, they must navigate the treacherous waters of love and loyalty, all while grappling with the high stakes of their romance. Will they be able to overcome the barriers between them and find a way to be together, or will their love remain an expensive game with no winners?

321 3 31
La Demonio Insecto y El Pilar Del Hielo

En el místico universo de "Demon Slayer", las leyes cósmicas dan un giro sorprendente cuando Shinobu, la segunda luna creciente, y Douma, el Pilar del Hielo, se ven envueltos en un romance que desafía la naturaleza misma de su existencia.Shinobu, ahora una entidad celestial que controla las mareas y los sueños, se cruza con Douma, un poderoso cazador de demonios con la capacidad de manipular el hielo a su voluntad. A medida que los mundos de los demonios y los cazadores de demonios colisionan, la conexión entre Shinobu y Douma se intensifica, desafiando las expectativas y creando una danza de poder y pasión en medio de la guerra.Douma, conocido por su frialdad y dominio del hielo, encuentra su corazón descongelándose ante la gracia y la luminosidad de Shinobu. Por otro lado, Shinobu, aunque imbuida con el poder de la luna, se ve atraída por la oscura complejidad y la fuerza silenciosa de Douma. Mientras luchan juntos contra los demonios y se enfrentan a las tensiones de sus propias identidades, ambos se ven envueltos en una narrativa épica de amor y sacrificio."La Demonio Insecto y El Pilar Del Hielo" es una historia que explora los límites del amor entre dos seres de mundos opuestos, cuyos destinos están entrelazados en un equilibrio frágil entre la luz y la oscuridad. A medida que los secretos se revelan y las batallas alcanzan su punto álgido, Shinobu y Douma se ven obligados a tomar decisiones que no solo cambiarán sus vidas, sino que también podrían alterar el curso de la historia de los cazadores de demonios para siempre.

343 16 37 Full
Captivated By You ✔️

[COMPLETED]"I want to run away from everything."Something clicked around her wrist, and Hui Yin looked down in surprise as Lu Shen bound their wrists together with handcuffs."If you want to run away, take me with you," he said, his eyes dark.She was bullied, tricked, made fun of, and even killed.She thought he loved her, but he easily exchanged her for another woman.She thought the people around her were good, but they were the ones who stabbed her in the back.She was stupid, foolish, and innocent.That girl was dead.And now, she was reborn.Highest Ranking:#1 romance#1 chinese#1 rebirth#1 faceslap#1 cheating#1 revenge[Previous title: Revenge Sevenfold]

7.9M 200 248.7K Full

En medio de su lucha contra la tristeza amorosa, Melody Wilson, una ninfómana sin suerte, recibe la inesperada ayuda de Robert Osman, un mujeriego sin escrúpulos, quien finge ser gay para acercarse a ella por solicitud de su hermano gemelo homosexual, Lady Osman, amigo intimo de Melody. A medida que Melody y Robert profundizan su conexión, ambos se encuentran atrapados en un torbellino de emociones confusas y un amor prohibido que desafía las expectativas y los prejuicios.

941 16 72
Entangled Hearts

In the picturesque town of Everwood, where frost-kissed landscapes weave tales of hidden secrets, "Entangled Hearts" invites you into a world of unexpected connections and the transformative power of love. Nick and Boston, once locked in a bitter rivalry, embark on a journey that defies the boundaries of animosity.As the community garden blooms with the promise of change, Nick and Boston find themselves unraveling the truths that have long remained concealed. Their evolving connection, set against the backdrop of a timeless bookstore and the enchanting winter town, becomes a symphony of emotions that resonates through the changing seasons.In this novel that navigates the delicate dance between love and hate, readers will be captivated by the beauty that emerges from the unlikeliest of beginnings. "Entangled Hearts" is a heartfelt exploration of self-discovery, unexpected alliances, and the limitless possibilities that unfold when two souls embark on a journey of transformation.Get ready to immerse yourself in a tale that transcends the ordinary, where the frost-kissed town of Everwood becomes the canvas for a love story that defies expectations. Embrace the enchantment, feel the melodies of change, and discover a connection that blooms amidst the snow-covered streets. "Entangled Hearts" is not just a novel; it's a symphony of the heart.

18 10 2 Full

Historias random sobre el Kakagai, múltiples universos, múltiples oportunidades.

2.3K 6 191
𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓻 𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓮 𝓐𝓰𝓾𝓪𝓼 ⇥ 𝓐𝓲𝓭𝓪𝓷 𝓖𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓰𝓱𝓮𝓻

S/n,uma bióloga marinha solitária esperando pelo seu romance.eAidan,um embaixador da ONU que não tinha expectativas com o amor.Inspirada em uma fanfic da @Aleatoria_Hacker_🥉#3 - onu🥈#2 - onu🥇#1- viagem 🐠FINALIZADA🐠

6.7K 37 741