Search: ennemitolovers
29 stories
Fractured Fate

After escaping from magic wielders, a young doctor must receive help from an enemy hawk shifter to rescue what remains of her family.Season 3 of The Fated Series***Shifters are dark, cruel beasts. Or so Dr. Sophie Griffin has been told. After escaping from a magic wielder who held her hostage and kidnapped her sister, Sophie has no choice but to seek refuge in enemy shifter territory while searching for leads on her sister's whereabouts. Cael Haberle has a secret. One that's getting harder to keep. When strict orders force Cael to open his home to a beautiful human doctor, he begrudgingly makes space for her. Regardless of the disarming way Sophie settles his shifter side, he must keep her at arm's length-before she uncovers too much.As Sophie learns to navigate around Cael, she finds herself appreciating the quiet hawk shifter's presence. Maybe the shifters aren't horrible beasts like she'd been told. However, Sophie has no time to grow closer to anyone. Now that her captor is dead, she's racing against the clock to save her sister, before it's too late. Except, it seems, fate might have different plans...***Weekly updates on Thursdays. Wait & read for free, or unlock with coins-the choice is yours!

25.3K 20 1.1K
Tempting Fate

When a young warrior-turned-spy finds a rare magic wielder her people thought extinct, she must make a decision: stay loyal to those she loves, or return to her people as a hero. Season 2 of The Fated Series***Secrets have been Brynn Alburn's companions since the moment her people left her for dead on the shores of the Western Shifter Territory. Having grown up among those once considered enemies, she's spent more time hiding from a dark past than living a peaceful life. But as the years pass, she's finally found herself settling into this new life with the shifters. Until she hears the whispers. Whispers of a separate kind of rare magic wielder-one her people thought extinct and have sought to return to their land. When the leader of the Western Shifter Territory asks her to help spy on the wielders and assist the neighboring Southern Shifter Territory, Brynn jumps at the chance to visit the territory directly connected to the rumors. Her visit leads her directly to Ronan, one of the deadliest shifters in all of Eravella, and a man she's inexplicably drawn to. Now, Brynn's been enlisted to help the Southern Shifter Territory rescue one of their own. The recovery effort puts her closer to Ronan, and gives her the chance to locate the treasure her people searched for. Except Ronan has a close eye on her, and he's refusing to let her keep her past buried deep where it belongs. Now she must fight her developing feelings, locate the wielder, and make the ultimate decision: protect the wielder and keep her secrets, or betray those she's come to love.

143.6K 36 6.9K Full
||Solo Un Beat||-Charlie Charles

Isabel, ragazza Ravennate di 20 anni,dopo aver finito studi e aver raccimolato soldi con il lavoro,decide di salire a Milano con suo fratello Mirko,meglio conosciuto come Rkomi. tramite suo fratello farà nuove amicizie e entrerà nel mondo del beatmaking col nome di SickIsy.

49.8K 87 2.4K Full
Les liens de la vengeance: Protégée par l'ombre.

Dans cette trame sombre et pleine de péripéties, la jeune Ashley Miller, désormais connue sous le nom d'Ash Fernandez, décide de partir à New York pour recommencer sa vie à zéro. Fuyant l'ombre menaçante de la mafia paternelle, elle espère trouver une nouvelle voie. À New York, elle découvre que ses nouveaux compagnons, des mafieux redoutable, sont en fait ses gardiens, veillant sur elle dans l'ombre pour la protéger des sinistres desseins de son père. Entre tension et émotions naissantes avec le chef de la pègres, Ash se retrouve plongée dans un univers de mystère et de protection, où les frontière entre ennemis et protecteurs s'estompent dangereusement.

19 7 0
not the same 🦪

Félix et Jane se retrouvent contraintes de se marier. Leur personnalité est à l'opposé de l'une de l'autre, Jane étant pétillante et joyeuse tandis que Félix est froid et solitaire. Que va-t-il se passer entre ces deux êtres ? Amour, royauté et jalousie se mêlent alors dans leur histoire.

32 7 8
Memento Mori (Mattheo Riddle fanfic - 18+)

Daphne commits a heinous crime and somehow ends up in Azkaban. After withstanding the horrors in the infamous prison she miraculously finds herself a student at Hogwarts, under mysterious circumstances. Beneath the watchful eye of both the ministry of Magic and the headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore, she crosses paths with many well-known figures in the Wizarding World. While trying to find a way back home and make amends with every sin she's committed, Daphne finds herself relying on two mysterious men. Mattheo Riddle, the Dark Lord's son, and Thomas Figg, a secretive professor whose reputation precedes him. The similarities between the men hasn't gone unnoticed as they both try to use Daphne as pawns in their own power plays. On a journey of rediscovering herself and redefining her definition of home we follow Daphne on her treacherous path in the magical world. Disclaimer: This story is a retelling of the Harry Potter Universe. I've tried to stay as close to the main story as possible, but there are some changes. It's a Mattheo Riddle fanfic, though slowburn. The first contact between the two doesn't take place until chapter 9. If that's not your speed, consider skipping this fic. This story goes into detail during violent, depressing and sexual scenes. Reader discretion adviced, I guess.Credit:Mattheo Riddle: yasmineamaro

20.4K 48 545

When Esme's world falls appart and she has to live with her horrible mother and her new family , she is not ready to see things get even worse . Nico Agosti , arrogant and insufferable , isn't going to make things easy for her .Is it Dislike or a weird new obsession ? In any case his girlfriend that just happens to be her stepsister isn't going to appreciate it . Between revenge , lust and hate Esme and Nico have to survive each other .

4 1 0
stoned reed

vivienne stone who has sleep parallelism and severe anxiety after being sexually abused,atop of everything,alex reed her biggest competitor decides to bully her unknown of her problems

20 4 3
La vie de Chlore

Je suis chlore, j'ai 16 ans et je vais vous raconter ma vie... Vous allez voir c'est trééééééépident!!!HUMOUR NE PRENEZ PAS ÇA AU SÉRIEUX!

153 11 13
Menneisyyteen pukeutuneena

Nuori tyttö vangitaan hänen taitojensa vuoksi. Samara huomaa kuitenkin nopeasti hävittäneen voimansa.Hän yrittää selvittää syyn, mutta saatuaan totuuden selville, hän ymmärtää elämän olevan yhtä isoa näytöstä.Samara soluttautuu vastakkaiselle puolella ja haluaa päästä, mitä innokkaimmin, kotiin perheensä luokse. Se tarkoittaa juonittelua, pettämistä ja ehkä vähän rakastumista.Miten Samara selviää vihollistensa puolella ja mikä salaisuus hänelle paljastuu?

43 6 7
Et le cerveau suivait le cœur ?

Nora Rivera, une jeune femme qui s'y connaît au combat et au maniement d'arme rentre dans une agence gouvernementale pour en venir au besoin d'une certaine personne. Pendant des années elle continua ses missions en solo jusqu'a un souvenir du passé refasse surface dans sa vie sans même sans rendre compte. L'agent CW un homme mystérieux qui se cache derrière ce qu'il a fais subir à celle-ci. Mais les voilà désormais réunis lors d'une mission où la vérité et peut être l'amour fera apparition

36 4 4
Tout était écris (Charles Leclerc)

Ils se détestaient , mais quand sa petite sœur a lui qui est sa meilleure amie à elle va mourir . Ils vont être obligé de se voir pour faire la garde alterné de son chien . Elle avait tous prévu et savait qu'il finirait par tomber amoureux .

10 2 0
Ruthless Desire

Faire parti d'un gang de mafia ? Être la fille du chef de ce gang ou même avoir six mal alfa comme garde du corps 24h/24 ? Tout cela doit paraître totalement fou, mais pourtant, je trouve tout cela le plus normale au monde. Par contre, me voir arracher de mes proches pour être enfermer dans une maison pour protéger ma vie, ça, je n'en ai pas l'habitude. Comment ma vie a-t-elle pu tourner aussi mal ?Je me le demande.

123 3 9
Sentiment Renfermé

Mia , coincée depuis maintenant trois ans à Los Angeles décide enfin de prendre sa vie en main et par à Manhattan pour trouver un travail. Cependant Brad, le cliché parfait du bad boy va se mettre en travers de son chemin. Vas t'elle le détester ?Ou bien avoir peur de lui ? Mia contrôler sa vie jusqu'ici , mais ce garçon a le don de l'agacer fortement. Vas t'elle continuer à le supporter ?

233 8 28
𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 | 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜 𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 (English Version)

ᴇɴɢʟɪsʜ ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ | ᴍɪᴋᴀʏʟᴀ ʀᴏsᴇᴡᴡᴏᴅ, girl who seems so perfect from the outside: so pretty, so kind, so sweet... Coming from a rather famous so-called perfect family. However, she hides a dark secret. A really dark secret. She begins her fifth year at Hogwarts accompanied by her sister, who hides the same secret as her. She thought that her year was going to be like any other, I dare say she was wrong all along: A new student, secrets, traumas... This is where her story begins... and ends . How does it end? Only her knows it.

60 6 9
My Cold Prince [On Hold]

I shut my eyes as his hand wrapped around the back of my neck and his breath mixed with my own. I willed myself to believe my heart was racing in fear, in hatred, of all this man had done to me and my people. That I loathed the way his other hand tightened on my waist, tracing circles into my hip. The way his soft lips pressed against mine, gentle but insisting as his tongue slipped into my mouth. The way I felt the coldness in my heart call out to him as more swam into me, consuming every thought in my head until I wasn't sure where I ended and he began."Anastasia," he whispered against me as his lips trailed to my neck. Something inside me broke as I reached up, trembling, to run my hands up his chest, his neck, and into that lovely black-blue hair. As he pulled my body tighter against him, the heartbreaking truth of what I had to do settled into me. The dagger on my inner thigh weighed down on my body and that useless part of me, the one begging to find a way to save him without wrecking the peace my people had known for millennia, sank further into my mind.I let myself have this moment. My racing thoughts zeroed in to Dmitri's tongue tracing a line from the base of my neck to a sensitive spot below my ear. As my eyes rolled back and my body curved into his, he let out a dark, humorless laugh.Right before his own blade pressed against the middle of my throat."Now, my love, you will learn just what we do to traitors."

140 8 5
It is only me

Tu est seul à me détester

59 5 1

This is gonna be a story about 8 people who go through hardships ,heartbreak and losses just to call eachother friends Evelyn Ross is a student in california's Best boarding school HIGHGATE she's the ultimate highachiever the daughter of designer Ella Ross and James Ross she has been has been studying there ever since she was young with her her enemy oliver Johnson and best friend Kennedy Johnson until she left a couple years ago Oliver's been her competitor ever since they know each other and despite each other with their whole heart that's what she thinks atleast he's the cocky asshole and the bsf of Richard forbes and the the broskis Kennedy Johnson is the bsf of Evelyn , the daughter of the schools principal Micheal Johnson and social worker lila Foster and the sister of Evelyn's number one enemy Oliver she studied there until the divorce of her parents as she chose her mum whereas oliver chose to be with his dad she left the school soon after and also leave her ex Bf Richard forbes they had been sweethearts ever since they learned to talk and were the it couple until she left and broke his heart 3 years ago Richard forbes is the cold quiet boy of school he was known to be a sweet kind boy until his first heartbreak he changed forever after that and became a cold player that doesn't give a shit about anything he's the leader of the broskis and the cousin of Maya forbes Maya forbes is the cousin sister of Richard , the number one enemy of Evelyn and Kennedy and the "Friend " of Cameron Williams one of the best friends of her cousin Richard he's the high-school sweetheart and the dream boy of every girl in campus including maya but she can't confess to himcause he's off limits to her so with no choice she acts like a friend to him with hidden feelings Andwe have Thomas quinn the ex bf of Evelyn and his partner in crime amelia parks the head of the cheerleading team they are the duo of the whole school both also being part of the school Council

52 4 1
My Playlist

This is all of my favorite music and I hope some of yours!

13.7K 195 681
Enemies to lovers

0 1 0
Le voisin complètement fou

Diane est en deuxième année de lycée elle a une vie assez tranquille mais c'est quand ses nouveaux voisin arrivèrent que tout dérapa . Cassien leur fils va tous changer de la petite vie ennuyeuse qu'a Diane ,un gars mystérieux tatoué assez flippant mais très canon et notre petite Diane va très vite s'en rentre compte .

0 1 0
A Crest For The Fallen

"There are always two sides to a coin. Two sides of the same story. And you can choose which side you're on as easily as it takes to flip a penny. But there is a moment when that coin is in the air when the lines between good and bad aren't so precise, when heroes become villains and the good becomes just a lesser evil. That's the world we live in. But that's not the world I intend to leave behind when I'm gone. Do you?"After an unexpected betrayal disbanded her team, Maëlle joins her sister and her friends to defeat those who mean to destroy their father's world. The world that hates their kind and have shunned them all their lives. She promises herself that after this last mission, she'll retire to live the perfect, normal human life she's been crafting for herself. The only problem is that she's no longer a guardian and hunters don't have jurisdiction over fae business. But she never cared about their rules anyway.And at this point, she has nothing left to lose.Meanwhile, Korrina doesn't wish to ever retire or be forced to quit like her troublemaker sister. She loves the hunt and, most of all, getting the praise for leading the best team of hunters that their generation has to offer. But as her sister joins them and drags them into off-limits fae business, clues start popping up that someone from her team is no longer on their side.Macsen has wished all his life to become Commander of the Fae Armies, his sister's Second and the Lord Commander of the City of Guardians, Oasis. But when another promising candidate appears, Macsen decides to do something that'll guarantee him the title he was born to have: catch Faeland's worst enemy and his band of outlaws. But in order to do so, he needs someone that knows the criminal. Someone who has their own vendetta against the traitor so they'll do whatever necessary to catch him.Someone who has nothing left to lose.

26 10 0

Un amour interdit entre la princesse Akaïmo et l'enfant gâtée de l'ennemi du roi, Myahella. Ayant été élevées pour s'entre tuer, la jeune princesse de 15 ans et la combattante intrépide de 17 ans sont mutuellement très attirées l'une envers l'autre. Mais jusqu'où cette attirance se rendra t'elle?

2 1 0
 Wattson university

Yarah rêve d'intégrer Wattson University depuis petite et ce jour arrive enfin ,ayant un lourd passé elle va essayer de ne pas refaire les mêmes erreurs que dans le passé . Mais pourra t-elle résisté aux tentations ? Tome 1 Kaden & Yarah

6 1 0