Search: englishproject
25,372 stories
The Sound of Water (BoyxBoy)

Peter Flynn is on the soccer team. Jacob King is on the swim team. They're strangers, operating in separate social circles until the one day Peter is late to English class, where he sits next to Jacob for the first time. One English presentation later, and both boys find that they've become a lot more to each other than just 'strangers'.*Completed*

3.6K 10 204 Full
𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬ᰔᩚ

𝙲𝙾𝚅𝙴𝚁 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙱𝙾𝙾𝙺📕 🎀✨هەر کەڤەرێکت ویست داوای بکە یان بیبە🖤✨

367 15 48 Full

Just going to write my English Oral and stuff 😂

8.1K 20 69 Full
Graffiti Girl // Michael Clifford

we're different kinds of artists.we both know the world can be a shitty place.we both have ways of making our own parts of it use music.i use spray cans.or, the one where she's a little fucked, and he's a little curious about the mystery hidden behind her eyes.|| Michael Clifford ||COMPLETED 04.07.19

38.1K 48 1K Full

It was for english I thought I would share it with you.

320 7 13 Full
Writer's Craft 2020-2021 (EWC4U1)

In this book you will find a compilation of works done during my time as a student of the Writer's Craft course, also known as EWC4U1. There will be writing pieces in various styles available for your reading pleasure.(Edit: I got 99% in the course)

59 7 0 Full
Dark Eyes (short story) (GxG)

*Completed*Highest ranking:#3 Englishproject~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It's a small horror/thriller story, about a small group of friends in a possessed forrest, at least that's what everyone said. Nothing will happen, right?And is it a coincidence that there are 13 chapters? ;)It isn't really a book or some kind of thing. It's more just a small story, I wrote small chapters, so it looks like a book. I wrote this last year for my English assignment. I did rewrite it a bit, made it longer and easier to read. I also put some new thing in this story, other wise it was way to short. I hope you like it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry if my English is sloppy or there are a lot of faults in the grammar, i'm not an American lol. But I try my best. Please give me feedback on my stories or my english, it will only help me and improve my english writing skills. Thanks and enjoy reading this small thriller ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**WARNING!! (Or gay alarming lol)***Gay content*

415 13 43 Full
Forever Your Mother,

My English teacher is making me write The Odyssey fanfiction.I'll only make edits to this if this gets read

96 8 1 Full
the problematic poet - english assignment

my english teacher assigned us a project to do: write a short story. i did as i was told. and i mentioned wattpad in it, so why not. imma publish this.

513 9 11 Full

This story is about two best friends that faces the hardest part of their lifes and their try their best to struggle it. Will they able to solved it?

7.8K 13 221 Full

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬archetypal hero (n.) [1] a fictional person that conveys a universal truth, and whose plot follows a certain pattern. [2] a theory created by joseph campbell, on why certain stories never die no matter the time period. [examples of archetypal heroes] luke skywalker, odysseus, simba, harry potter, and percy jackson.▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬『pjo: post-tlo』『written for ms. horwath's third hour english 9 class』▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

15.2K 17 470 Full
The English Project

Sara Parker is the most popular girl in school and Nick Blake is an outcast but What happens when they are forced to be partners in that weird English Project? Will Sara succeed to show the real Nick? Will Nick see the inner Sara? Or both?

1.4K 21 129 Full

Marc de Sceiré, a young man, never feel friendship. Back then, he is a very cheerful person. He had a lot of friends. Joyful hug him very tight, until things change when he enter a English course. Nervous and Scared fill his mind for now. But, he doesn't know that.. the people who joining him will be another special ones he will remember in his entire life. His life is back in colored now. He got new friends and a kind teacher. He will always be excited everytime he meets them in school or at the course. But, everything stop his mind after that day come. Now, he feels sad and scared. He doesn't want to let them leave but in another side, he want them to succeed in another place:Is this the end of their journey? Will they able to continue the amazing journey? Will they meet again?. "is it really the end?. Then.. We will meet again, right?. " -Marc de Sceiré

65 7 7
Travel With Me

This story about a Ellie who likes travelling. On her journey she met Dave and her life turned upside down. Can you really trust a stranger you just met?

150 7 29 Full
Sincerely Alyson ✔️

| ALSO ON ROYAL ROAD, CHECK IT OUT |"My days felt like hell, but the nights were far worse than I could've ever imagined."A series of letters written by one girl named Alyson Summers, detailing her life with Emanuel 'Manny' Harrington. 'Regret sucks but so does denial.' ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮| Praise for Sincerely Alyson |"I'm in love with this! Just due to the fact this in letter form really gives us a look into what the MC is thinking. I love the way it gives up little bits and pieces along the way; it really helps us to fully understand the relationship between the two characters.""WOW is all I can say.""This story requires a tissue box nearby. You will feel like crying." ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮🥇 FIRST PLACE IN ASTOR AWARDS🥇 FIRST PLACE IN AWARDS 2023🥈 2ND PLACE IN AMBROSIAL AWARDS🥉 3RD PLACE FOR 'BEST COVER' IN THE HALL OF FAME AWARDS!| Copyright © 2014-2023 Elishia C. Xalfa |BEST RANKING: #1 in #englishproject#14 in #love-letter

2.3K 20 529 Full
Until Death Do We Part

Lamia is a reaper. She is just one of hundreds, who aid humans and animals alike in their last days of death, accommodating them to the afterlife. Humans who are destined to die alone will be visited by a reaper, who will sit by their side until the end. Lamias story starts when she is assigned a human who is doomed by an untimely death, only this time, something odd happens. Lamia feels warm, her cheeks blush and her cold heart races. She feels alive, as a human would. What could this mean?

3.5K 6 110 Full
Dark wing - original short comic

This is a comic I had made for an English assignment, I will not be making a second one. Dark wing is a vigilante, and this is a short comic about him.PS - sorry if my writing is messy.

133 22 8 Full
More than rivals

They were meant to be rivals. They were rivals for so long, yet they fell so quick.What is keeping him from her her from him its so clear that they're meant to be.Do they even know each others true names? They must I mean... he is HER dumb fuck and she is HIS butterfly.I am rewriting as i go, i hope ypu enjoy - C

292 16 15
GCSE Descriptive Writing

🚨 PIECES THAT GOT ME AN A*🚨 This is a compilation of descriptive pieces that I wrote during my GCSE course, including loads of great tips for creative writing. Maybe you won't enjoy reading these pieces as much as I enjoyed writing them. But if you're here to get inspiration for creative writing in GCSEs, I'm telling you now that these pieces got me grade 9s. Feel free to steal a metaphor or two and point out any mistakes.Please vote :)

82.7K 21 429
Goodbye Cruel World

A story I wrote for my end of term English booklet in year 9.

21 5 1 Full
Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)

Quirinalyn (Quirie) Delouris was a young girl who had no dreams except to become a great leader for her kingdom, what will she do if she needs to be this leader with a guide or as her mother says, a husband?

475 57 230 Full
Subordinate Clauses

Subordinate clauses are difficult, I've been doing them wrong for a long time til now and no one ever told me, so you don't ever have to find out the hard way, here's some help.

63 6 3 Full
Bye everyone

Written assignment for my english class, let know your oppinion and feedback on my writting.This is a story about an event that changed the relationship between two brothers (both of them birds), a last chance to solve all the coflicts they had.

160 6 0 Full
The Ugly Carnival

I had to write a 1-2 page story for my English class but I fell in love with it so I kept writing.In the small village of Ajoux, Leo Cadieux an 18 year-old boy lives during one of the worst events to happen after World War II in France. Based on an actual event, charcters and places are fictonal.

25 9 0 Full
my English project

its about the five topics of the anglo saxon time period that i chose to do research on

30 5 4 Full