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Heart disease prevention

Preventing a heart disease to the fullest might not be possible. But keeping oneself healthy and a bit normal comparatively is much possible. So if you can prevent it then you can surely try and not invite any heart problem too. Often we are too lazy to do anything about our health; this assuredly means that we are giving an open invitation to diseases.You can definitely be pretend if you take some simple precautions.Physical activityPhysical activity doesn't mean intense workout. You don't have to join a gym or hit the track for 5 km run. What best you can do initially is change some habits of taking stairs instead of elevator. Use lunch break for a short walk. Dancing at home casually for 20 minutes will also make a noticeable difference. It will keep your heart fit and active.Control cholesterolCholesterol is a waxy substance in our blood. Despite of its bad image it is important to have some amount of cholesterol in our body. But it is extremely important to maintain a considerable level of it. Therefore it should be scaled in a corresponding way. It should not increase much and nor should it be decreased to nil. You must keep it to a standard level.Eat healthyWhat you eat is to what your body reacts. So eating healthy and the right kind of food are very important. Healthy food prevent and controls blood pressure, blood sugar level, cholesterol, weight and in a lot more things. So eating healthy is very important. You must not eat deep fried, too spicy, much Maida, outside food too often.

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Dr. Tom Woodward is the Director of NASA/AMES Research Center. When Woodward meets Chris Torrance at the University of Washington, he discovers that Chris has experienced an instantaneous ‘jump’ in space-time, combining a genetic anomaly with a rare catalyst in the pollen of an unusual flower.Meanwhile, the genetic control mechanism is also connected to an incident at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, when a Russian technician ‘blinks out’ of the Universe for a moment, and the rip in the fabric of space-time is reflected on the other side of the world during an experiment with the National Synchrotron. The Russian FSB, monitoring developments in Geneva, also note the incident, rumored to be the creation of a microscopic singularity.In Los Angeles, a Japanese American scientist who is involved with the BICEP2 cosmology experiments at the South Pole has published a paper theorizing a human, genetic link to gravitational waves and the elusive ‘graviton’. Shiratsu suspects that a plasma collider might be adaptable to manipulating graviton particles, thus accessing the folds in space-time. His paper comes to Woodward through a Canadian scientist connected to the dark matter experiment (DEAP-3600) deep underground near Sudbury, Canada. As the ‘black’ project gets underway it is also militarized, and the team realize that any local singularity may connect to the supermassive black hole at the galactic center, and thus act as a gateway to other systems. With the burgeoning list of earth-like exoplanets growing out of the Kepler mission, the team capitalize on the 2015 discovery of a new planet in Alpha-Centauri, only 4.4 light years distant. Using the ESO’s VLT observatory in Chile they confirm the presence of both continents and an atmosphere on the new planet, christened Nova Prime One. Together the team and the American military construct an FTL system underground at Brookhaven and plan a jump to Alpha Centauri.

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Screams in the Silence (AOP Fanfiction)

Long ago, there were three fierce warriors with powers no one had ever seen. Together, they fought many evils, they defended many people, and together they died in battle against an evil known as "The Vengeful", five ancient spirits of unknown origins. Of course, many people warned The Vengeful that the three warriors would return. However, that's just a bedtime story parents tell their children in order to make their children feel safe from the darkness that lurks outside... right?Read to find out what happens when strange events start occurring all around the world, and there are only three young men who can stop it! Everyone who is in this fanfic was asked for permission first except for Stephen and Hosuh because I felt way too awkward asking Stephen and I couldn't get a hold of Hosuh.There will NOT be: Drama, ships, swearing, explicit content, or Jay. I love Jay but he and Gavin have not interacted, therefore it's difficult to put him in the story. Greenie won't be here because it would be too complicated.A huge thank you to everyone who agreed to be part of this story!! Everyone who in this book was asked before hand except for Stephen and Hosuh. Hosuh because I didn't want to disturb him and Stephen because I am Stephen's goddess. Everyone put into this story is either a lovely mod or an amazing artist! Check them all out!!!Everyone's links! -Bitter:

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𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚

𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘐 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭y/n is just a cold girl for almost everyone in the college Everyone thinks she is cold and rude But.......No one knows about her that side her past ...her reality...y/n is totally sick of her own life so much that she don't mind to hurt herself She don't even mind to die......But why she is still alive ?what's so wrong with her? what made her change herself?But .......when she meet him......she find comfort.....peace and....LOVE But why only him why PARK JIMIN the dream of every girl but as hard as a dream to get he have everything money , fame , handsomeness , talent , intelligence but still always lost in his own world y/n knows about the magical ancient world that existed from the beginning of world But according to her and everyone she is just a MISTAKE But no one know about the miracle inside her How will jimin help y/n ?what's so special in them ?what's so special in y/n ?AND What is the ancient magical world?

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Experienced Home Inspectors In Brampton

A Thorough Home Inspection In Brampton Makes It Easy To Buy Your Dream HouseA thorough Home Inspection in Brampton prepares complete lists of areas inspected and any complaints raised or faced with any quality problems. The report consists of quite a lot of parts where every element of the house is targeted, and the things that are inspected, displayed against their condition. With every single inch of the area inspected for defects, the report contains excellent content when the property goes for sale.There are lots of benefits thorough home inspection, and they are shared by both the buyer and seller - a buyer will get his property to be listed and by knowing its worth and quality, a seller purchases it.Home Inspections In BramptonHome inspectors in Brampton are skilled and professionals, they are in the job of inspecting homes and commercial spaces. With thousands of checking properties in hand, they know all the leaky, faulty insulation when they notice any.Is it Worth to Get a Home Inspection?Nowadays, the most significant financial decision most people will make in their lives is to buy a home. Even if you get a great offer on your future home, you will be tempted to give up some of the "optional" costs that come with buying a house, like a home inspection. But if you invest in the right home inspection, then you will get a lot of benefits and get to know if any problem persists. A great idea to save a couple of hundred dollars by not letting a home inspection is appealing, but those savings could cost you thousands of dollars down the road.Detailed Reports After Every InspectionThe work of home inspectors does not only end with inspecting the interiors and the exteriors of a home. But they also examine the rooftops, attics and other spaces, bathrooms, and kitchens for any leakages or any pending or plumbing work to be done, and many such extensive searches are done to offer a thorough and detailed report at the end of every inspection.

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FCBarcelona Camp - One-Stop Destination To Your Success

Football has been a game that has been appreciated by people from fluctuating foundations. A game that has seen huge energizing twists in the street across the years every which way yet has never fail to pull in groups in immense numbers.Be it a close by club game or a series of the most critical solicitation like a worldwide match between two nations, football has never failed to entrance people with its sheer allure and persona. Various players have graced the pitch and exhibited amazing tricks and flicks which have influenced the joyful from even the staunchest of foe gatherings. With the introduction of club football, the game has taken a new turn and has gotten more exceptional and drawing in the greater part around the planet. Here we will familiarize our perusers with FC Barcelona and some interesting FC Barcelona real factors.With the introduction of Sport and Educational Program in Barcelona and rivalries including the top notch clubs from the whole of the country and every so often terrains, football has seen a lot of changes since its development. A couple of clubs have lived up to individuals' high desires, and some have been dismissed from its manager position, anyway one club that has been experiencing a splendid rising in the new events has been a club from the country of Spain, FC Barcelona. A Catalan club since the hour of its initiation, it has been a reliably present club since times gets back to the nineteenth century. Barcelona, as a club, has seen the most amazing aspect the football players to wear the Jersey of their side and take the pitch, indicating phenomenal aptitudes and savagely annihilating foes with their arms stockpile of spills and capacities.

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It's Always a Conversation

.... Everything in life is a dialogue, even when we don't realise it.PainHeartbreakLoveFearHope....It's always a conversation

3.3K 108 1.2K
Our land

Demons once ruled the Land Of The Asikars. They tormented the civilians for the fun of it. Not even stopping until one of them died. Young and Old, they toyed with their bodies and created mass bloodshed around the neighboring countries. Until, Men with guns had washed out the Demons. Every last one of them. Helping out whoever was left out to die, especially the Royal family who came to power and let the Gunmen stay. The Gun Men they were called, Were the Americans. They have never heard of Americans for they were in a Mythical Land. They opened their barriers for everyone of theAmericans to come in and left it open for the others. All the demons were said to be extinct. But they were wrong.13 year old, Callie Hudson was a demon. Her cousin was just 16 years old. They lived together, fought together and hid together. Everything they did together. They shared the same birthmarks underneath their eyes. It was a red arrow that symbolizes Strength. It has been passed down from their Royal demon genes. The Land is mixed up with different races. . They each have a job. They are either Armed Men (Basically the military), Gun Men, Guards, Political Workers, Civilians, Farmers, Trainers, Students, Trainees, Basically anything. They have modified the Land to be like their own cities. The Two cousins have tried to go out into the Land and preach that they're not bad anymore. They've been chased down for years it seems since then. Nobody has ever listened to them. But it's all about to change when a group of 4 people make their way upon the Asikar's Land. It suddenly then triggers something in the Earth's grounds.A powerful demon from Royal Descendant like the Cousins roam upon the earth with several of his major comrades and thousands of his demon peasants. Was it all just a coincidence? Or was it fate? The 5 have to learn how to suck it up and get along in able to defeat these horrid monsters.(I didn't have any good covers smh)

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Educational Program In Barcelona

Football has been a game that has been esteemed by people from fluctuating foundations. A game that has seen huge animating turns in the street across the years all finished at this point has never disregard to pull in packs in gigantic numbers.Be it a close by club game or a movement of the most essential mentioning like a general match between two nations, football has never failed to entrance people with its sheer allure and persona. Various players have graced the pitch and shown dumbfounding tricks and flicks which have affected the delighted from even the staunchest of enemy social gatherings. With the introduction of club football, the game has changed course and has gotten more fantastic and drawing in the bigger part all throughout the planet. Here we will adapt our perusers with FC Barcelona and some captivating FC Barcelona certified components.With the introduction of Sport And Educational Program In Barcelona and conflicts including the top of the line clubs from the whole of the country and sometimes scenes, football has seen a lot of changes since its unforeseen development. A few clubs have fulfilled individuals' high longings, and some have been pardoned from its manager position, at any rate one club that has been experiencing a stunning rising in the new events has been a club from the country of Spain, FC Barcelona. A Catalan club since the hour of its presentation, it has been a reliably present club since times gets back to the nineteenth century. Barcelona, as a club, has seen the most bewildering viewpoint the football players to wear the Jersey of their side and take the pitch, showing exciting aptitudes and ruthlessly destroying adversaries with their arms save of spills and cutoff points.

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Ideas, randomness, and other things that need to be written

The elusive Meta Knight with a bowler hat

5.7K 162 274
Winter Adams (Creepypasta AU and Original Character)

---REWRITING AND EDITING/FINISHING: I wrote this a while ago, and I think I've improved significantly as a writer since then, so I've decided to not only actually finish it, but to rewrite some parts and improve the grammar A LOT--- I'd like to make a disclaimer that I love the actually scary part of the Creepypasta fandom if you can call it that. I've come to the conclusion that the main characters or "Creepypastas" have been wildly patronized and glorified, and this story is just a little writing practice and fun. Let's see if I can make a crap ton of tween serial killers somewhat interesting characters. Onto the blurb! Winter Adams is a girl with a large history of split-personality disorder symptoms. Her real name is Winnie Adams, though the nickname Winter was a name she adopted after one of her "episodes" making her run away for a whole night in the midst of a blizzard. They had to take her to the hospital for 3 days while they treated her almost fatal frostbite for an 8 year olds body. She'd grown up as an orphan and foster child at "St.Mally's Foster Home" and was generally anti-social her whole life. Her foster parents were caring and tried there best, but as the years went on her episodes got worse and worse, until finally she was admitted to a psychiatric ward and given medication. The episodes slowed down, but left her with higher depressive tendencies, until she shut down and refused to go to school, or leave her room. On her first day of therapy, her foster parents and therapist were horrified to find a shattered glass window and clawed walls in her room where she should've been.

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Online Astrology Course | Astrology Classes, Astrology Articles,

A renowned name amongst the Vedic astrology institutes in India, Astrolok is merely not an educational firm, but is a shining beacon of hope for students who confide in us to attain authentic knowledge of Jyotishshastra. Our professional astrology courses are mainly divided in two sections that are Online Vedic astrology classes and live vedic astrology classes, comprising various sub-subjects like nadi astrology, marriage astrology, career astrology horoscope, kal sarp doshas, learning to read kundali and what not. Our system is highly convenient with provision of 'learning anywhere everywhere' outside the confinement of walls with a minimum investment of 1:30-2 hours on weekends. Apart from institute, it is one of the best astrology sites as well, wherein we provide more information of subjects such as yearly horoscopes, daily panchangs, Indian palmistry and other aspects of hand reading etc. All in all, our degree courses are adequate to provide an individual a holistic approach towards this ancient vedic science. When it comes to career, Astrolok is serving as a promising platform for our students to become an expert and to collaborate with us as a professional consultant, so that they can help others to evolve in their lives with effective techniques. Also, students can contribute to our website with their valuable articles that will be informational for our readers. Articles in hindi are also appreciated for reaching out to masses. It is not all; we serve as one of the best astrology consultancy platform for providing a proper guidance about vedic astrology. We assess our predictions with the help of analyzing an individual's planetary transits that determine the position of all important factors such as health, wealth, career, money etc. The consultancy services are available online as well as offline, and if required you can directly speak to preferred expert on call to get a clearer vision of the accurate direction in life.

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Living Muggley

And it's intense!

16.6K 82 621
You are in love - Benedict Bridgeton

Elizabeth del rey or Beth for short was the it girl in everyone eyes especially Benedict Bridgeton. They been best friends since before their birth thanks to Violet Bridgeton and Lana Del Rey.They raised their kids together making them become best friends with each other like them. You will see the Bridgeton's and the Del Rey's at each other's houses all the time. Elizabeth knew that she had to marry someone next season to please her family and society. But if you ask her she doesn't see herself doing that. She was different from the other girls she has always had something to say no matter who was in the room and what. She was educated,spoke 3 languages English,French,Spanish, and she had a gift of writing.Her dream was to become a famous writer while other girls dream to be the diamond of the year she despite that. Of course Beth drew attention to herself being wild and outspoken that society called her " the rebel" while others admired her for the way she was. Benedict Bridgeton was the second oldest son in his family.He was the one that had a different view in life. He had always some life in different perspective.This is one reason why he and Elizabeth were close. Can two best friends see each other as more ? They both having feelings for each other. What is it going to take for them to be more? And if they become more would Elizabeth be thrilled or would she say no due to her beliefs? Disclaimer- this is my first story and I don't know where this story is going to go. I wanted to do a story with my favorite character. I hope you guys enjoy. Please feel free to let me know how to improve it!! And like other stories everyone is different.

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