Search: elhobbit
23 stories
El Hobbit: La historia de Hazel Tuk: Libro 3

Se acerca el final de la historia, podrá Hazel salvar aquello que le es más preciado

510 6 60
Edad media

Todas las historias cortas que se me ocurran las estaré escribiendo aquí.

8.3K 17 535
River's daughter

//Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned I gladhog////Gi Melin//

193 8 8
[TH] Wish. (Thilbo)

#Gov presente.Este fue uno de mis primeros fics bien hechos, es un Thilbo (Thorin/Bilbo), inspirado -claramente- por la película El Hobbit más que por los libros por la personalidad que cada uno posee. Fue escrito el 2015 y publicado en mi tumblr. Ahora está más que arreglado y es la cosa más hermosa de la vida <3Es smooth. MUY smooth.

269 1 11 Full
Recuerdos de ceniza

El Reino del Bosque Verde fue arrasado por las fuerzas de Sauron. Elfos, hombres y esbirros oscuros perecieron por millares en una batalla brutal.Quince años después, con la vuelta del Rey Thranduil al Bosque Verde, y la presencia de su vástago, el Príncipe Legolas, ambos deberán superar las ausencias y el dolor, para quizá construir nuevos recuerdos, que como el ave fénix, renazcan de las cenizas.

1.3K 14 142
(MTL) Do you want to hug the daughter-in-law? Author: Shenwu

When omega wears to the ancient times when there is no alpha and there is a shortage of inhibitors, what should I do when the estrus period comes! The young master thinks: I have to find a local native to relieve it

2.1K 28 49
A Rosa Da Campina E O  Dragão Vermelho

Durante antes do fim do reinado do Rei Aerion Targaryen sobre westeros, seu herdeiro Rhaegar, se apaixona e viola a filha da casa Tyrell sendo obrigado a toma-la como sua esposa. Porém ela se recusa a ama-lo, jurando a sua paixão a outro homem. Isso leva o futuro rei a enlouquecer doente de amor sua amada que todos os dias o rejeita.

1.8K 17 87
RED: A Love Story [Featured List]

Two lovers. One fate. One twist. It will all hang on the roll of a die. Marco is a seductive literature teacher embracing a life of unconventional pleasures to escape his past. His student Marisa hides behind a cheerful façade while struggling with the loss of her father and the estrangement of her mother. Their mutual fondness of literature brings Marco and Marisa closer, and the two find in each other a soulmate. When their secret relationship comes to light, they are torn apart. An unexpected encounter amidst mayhem brings them together again - two changed beings sharing unchanged feelings for each other. To be reunited, however, Marco and Marisa must take a risk that can jeopardize their love forever. RED is a tale of forbidden love that has received over two million hits on Wattpad. It was endorsed by journalist Debra Picket, a former columnist of The Chicago Sun-Times and contributor to CNN, as "an intriguing first novel - a thinking woman's 50 Shades of Grey." Set in Brazil and the US, RED is an unusual romance with references to philosophy, psychology, music and literature. -------------------------------------------- NOTE: "RED: A Love Story" is available for purchase on Amazon. Due to contractual obligations with my publisher, I can no longer have it integrally on Wattpad. The novel consists of 3 parts. I left the first 2 parts here for you to enjoy. Give it a go: if you like the first chapter, you'll be on for a great ride :) And after that, you can read the complete RED 2 here on Wattpad. Warning: This story contains some scenes for mature audiences. Português: N. A. C. © 2013. All rights reserved. The characters and events in this story are fictional, and any similarity with true characters and events is mere coincidence. No reproduction of this story, total or partial, by any means, is allowed without the author's express permission.

3.1M 28 33.5K Full
El mandúvien

Inspirado en Jrr Tolkien (silmarillion)Athelos margolek, dios todopoderoso, creó a Maeglor (la tierra) donde ocurre la historia.El mandúvien muestra un mundo fantástico, en el que se desarrollan los hechos más importantes, en la lucha del bien contra el mal. Pero de entre todos, son los elfos de Patagok quienes toman los papeles más importantes.

627 27 149
[MTL] Crossing the Ancients to Be an Orion

Cheng Duo is struggling in the last days For ten years, he was betrayed by someone he regarded as a close relative. As soon as he crossed over, his heart and lungs became cold, and when he was an hunter, he just wanted to live in peace. But the wild boar ran down the mountain, and the men in the village came to him... Well, the fields on the side of the mountain belonged to him. Kill the wild boar and eat meat. The elder brother in the village was about to be robbed, and the village chief came to beg him... Okay, that elder brother saved his life and even gave him a vegetable field, and cooking was delicious. Later... he inexplicably became the pillar of the whole village, a fierce and evil black-faced god. Reading instructions: 1. Main attack. The protagonist's power ability is full of combat awareness and skill points. 2, 1V1, double clean. 3. The background is in the ancient times, there are women and brothers. 4. Stop the loss in time if the soil and water are not acclimatized.

142.9K 106 5.2K Full
Not On Camera

When Dan Howell accidentally kisses his best friend Phil, things are even more awkward than usual. They begin to stop making videos together for a while and Dan considers life without Phil. But when Phil's doing one of his internet sessions, he gets sucked up in a YouTube wormhole and ends up looking at their old videos together. He realizes that he can't imagine life without Dan, but can they stay best friends, or something more?

92 6 3
hope d.j.h

Dan Howell has Just moved to America with his best friend Phil Lester. They Happen to live in your neighborhood. Your Mom makes you go to their house and greet them to the neighborhood. Will you start to have feelings for these cute English Boys? Find out now!this was the first story i wrote way back in 2015, it is god awful i'm so sorry to anyone who reads it. -meg

31.9K 67 982 Full
Words That May Inspire You

These are the quotes that touched my heart. The quotes which made me fall in love and made me realize the beauty of words. And I hope now, you enjoy them too. Happy reading!

1K 112 27
Misty Mountains

-¿Acaso es que "La arquera de Mirkwood" le teme a un dragón?.- Preguntó el viejo mago.-No es el dragón lo que temo.- Dije segura.-¿A no?, entonces dime...¿Qué es lo que te impide ayudarles?- Preguntó fumando de su pipa tranquilo. ¿Qué hacer? ¿ Embarcarme en una aventura de la qué no es seguro que vuelva? Le miré indecisa mientras hacia un anillo con el humo del tabaco, como cuando era pequeña y venía a mi hogar.-¿...Y bien?¿Qué podría salir mal?-Encantada de acompañarte, Gandalf- El sonrió satisfecho.***Tanto los personajes como la historia le pertenecen a J.R.R. Tolkien y no a mi. Tan solo son de mi creación la protagonista de esta historia y algunas escenas que he adptado.Gracias por leer.

158 4 12
A heart's sacrifice (Thorin)

La presencia de Lord Olórin, quien ahora se hace llamar Gandalf, es requerida en el Reino de Cadelle, el Rey Taurren envía a sus hijos. El mago acepta regresar al que una vez considero su hogar ...sin embargo tiene una condición.Que los herederos del Rey aseguren el bienestar de la Compañía de Thorin Escudo de Roble en su camino a recuperar la montaña solitaria...

11 1 1
~All About Meeeeeee~

Hello, Im Angel and this is my first ever book this is just telling you a little bit about me, hobbies, favoite things etc.~Follow me ~~Leave comments~~love you guys~

0 1 0
Biggest fan

He doesn't love you, he doesn't love you, he doesn't love you! Phil Lester, Dan Howell Phil Lester: beautiful,popular, kind, smart, loved by everyoneDan Howell: ugly, outcast, idiot,hated by everyone!Dan would be such a bad influence on Phil they could never even be friends! Right?

72 4 4
Em Busca da Terra Média [Livro Um: O Cristal do Tempo]

Como símbolo da paz deixada após a destruição do "Um Anel" e de Sauron, os elfos selaram aquele instante com a forja de uma obra sublime e atemporal. O Espelho de Luriel era a prova de que dias benevolentes erguer-se-iam em futuros próximos. O espelho carregava cinco fragmentos de segmentos utilizados durante a jornada da destruição do anel:O fragmento da coragem, O fragmento do Coração, O fragmento do Tempo e O fragmento da Luz. Cada fragmento fora dado para uma criança, sim, um puro ser infante. Durante anos, eis que a paz fora saboreada por todas as raças e povos, até que um brusco erro gerou a destruição do espelho. Até mesmo Gandalf, em todas as suas trezentas vidas, jamais vira um efeito tão controverso e perturbador. O fragmento do tempo alterara a linha linear, fazendo com que as crianças guardiãs, agora adolescentes, tivessem suas memórias alteradas, bem como, fossem aprisionadas em suas piores realidades. E nada, nada poderia ser pior do que viver num mundo tão à frente, um mundo no qual humanos destruíram outras raças, ceifaram a natureza. O mundo moderno. Apenas a restituição do Espelho de Luriel seria capaz de ordenar as coisas, devolvendo suas verdadeiras identidades e os levando para seu povo, e claro, impedindo que a linha tênue entre o mundo dos mortos e a Terra Média fosse desfeita. À Gandalf restou a tarefa árdua de encontra-los e restituir o que fora quebrado no passado.P.S: O Senhor dos Anéis, bem como o universo que o permeia, é uma obra de Tolkien. Nada me pertence, exceto os personagens criados originais para a fanfic.

10 1 0