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Beautifully Broken

He leaned in even closer. I could feel his breath brushing the skin just below my ear as he whispered, "I know what you want.""W-what?" I stammered, my heart pounding as fast as a Thoroughbred racing towards the finish line. Even though I couldn't see his face, I had no doubt that he was smirking. "Someone that wants you."I swallowed as I hastily blinked back tears. "And you know this how?""Because," I felt his lips barely press againt the hollow of my neck, "Maybe I want you."Tanner Turner is arrogant and is impossibly as cold as ice. He doesn't care about what others think of him and doesn't give a damn about what the future may hold for him. Although his egotistical attitude and rebellious personality is ugly, he's undeniably gorgeous, ruggedly handsome, and maybe has a few secrets that he doesn't want anybody to know...Carter McAdams is sensitive, mysterious, and has more dark, disturbing secrets than one may think. She hides behind her many books and her clothes to cover up her secrets that are permanently etched onto her skin...When these two meet, disaster strikes and neither one is too fond of each other. But, as they gradually get to know each other and reveal what's underneath both of their hard exteriors, they finally move on from the past. Oh, and maybe, just maybe, they can find out what might fix their broken selves- love.

5K 21 117

*Hey my beautiful people!! So before I get started into this book you know I told myself I might not do another strip book but guess what Im doing another strip book Lol 😆 but if you guys havent read book 1 then you should go and read that when you guys get a chance feel me but no rush & No I do not own these pics by the way got them from the internet Lol anyways I hope you guys will like this one just like the first*Rebecca ford and Her best friend Camilla Channing are both college A students that tend University of Southern California A school full of Rich kids and gossip girls chatting and Hood boys that wear gang scarfs and all that But Sometimes its just isn't enough Not for Rebecca...You see let me break it down for you Camilla she's the type of girl that wants to be free that likes to have fun and loves doing her and never cares what anyone thinks she loves her space now Rebecca she's the type of girl that the boys want she's smart and she stay to herself she's a alone person but her beauty is crazy Anyway Camilla wants to do something fun like go clubbing and Rebecca doesn't like clubbing for some reason until one night Rebecca decides to take it upon herself and go to the club camilla was talking about knowing she doesn't trust the club What could go wrong in the Club will someone be murdered there like in Pretty Ricky doll house if so who ? Orwill all 3 of them have they eyes on Rebecca Ford will she end up falling for them Or will someone kidnapp her instead..-ALL IN FALLING FOR THE STRIPPER GUYS WARNING FOR THIS STORY 🚫* MATURE LANGUAGE * MATURE SEXUAL LANGUAGE* MATURE CONTENT * SEXUAL CONTENT ( THIS IS BOOK IS BEFORE BOOK 3 OF STRIPPED THIS IS BOOK 2 BUT THIS IS THE GUYS BOOK) Oh and Enjoy !

161 2 0
Until The Snow Stops Falling

Caleb King. 23. A single and devoted father battling the struggles of modern day poverty. An aspiring photographer, talented. But invisible.Avery Dalton. 22. Liverpool's rich girl. On the cover or every magazine, life comes naturally to her, but money doesn't buy happiness.People often say that bad things happen to the best people. But what they don't say is that these bad things have the power to change the worst of people..... Before ripping them apart too.***I've always loved the beach. Even in winter, when the snow joins it's blanket of sand. The way the sun still shines, despite the bitter whether, and glints on every flake that leaves the sky. The families that take advantage of the quiet stretch of undisturbed, settled snow. Making footsteps that are swallowed up in a matter of minutes, new ones a few meters away follow the path of their owners. Who are wrapped in scarfs, hats, gloves. The flakes scattered across them, clinging to the wool before slowly disappearing. The snow landed gracefully around me, the first few flakes of the day. Falling onto the blackened concrete. Out of place. Oil dripped from a cracked pipe and tugged at the grit the way rain forces it's way down a car window, to make it's way to me. Ever closer, I readied myself to move. My teared blue jumper and second hand boots most likely had oil somewhere amongst the stains. The washer broke. I was in a space disregarded by the general public as a waste, before I left I stood and studied the spot I was crouched in, away from passers by the brick space overlooked the beach that I couldn't tear my eyes away from. A young couple pierced the ironed surface that just landed with young footsteps. They're cloth covered hands enveloped within one another. That was me just a year ago.

138 1 10
MY Oasis (Jungkook x reader)

'He appeared in my dreams.Taking all my sadness and thirst away as he is my Oasis, that never runs out.'(y/n) Is a girl who is suffering from depression. She feels extreme 'dryness' around her throat and her heart and is desperate for painkillers, in this case, Oasis. But, is she brave enough to get what she wants?Jungkook is a Psychic who can control dreams and is suddenly employed by (y/n) on internet by the website he created with his friends. He wants to prove himself worthy to his father, who is the boss of the psychic institute by helping (y/n) to be happy. But the rule he set is deadly and simple. Never fall in love with the Desert (person who receives help is called Desert and the helper is called Oasis). But can he stop himself from breaking the rule? As breakage of rules is simply treason and the punishment is simply worse than death . . . Also, Jungkook's six other friends all have different psychic abilities. They are willing to help Jungkook with all their force but Jimin, who can read people's mind, is falling for (y/n) and will protect her from everything even from his best friend- Jungkook.

93 3 5
Multiple YouTuber Jokes

Here, take some jokes. Mark, Jack, & Felix jokes to be exact. Book #1

113.2K 200 9.5K
Snow V and The Six Dwarfs (V centric)

Living with his vicious and cruel stepmother Taehyung never complained about the chores he got, or the things he had to do. Some of which were totally absurd. Being the fairest in the land he was blessed with heavenly looks that could rival an angels. Finally letting the jealousy get to her the evil stepmother hires a hitman to kill her stepson. Agreeing to the deal, he goes to do it, but when he lays eyes on Kim Taehyung. He realizes he can't do it. The young Prince in the red, white, blue, yellow, dress on. He couldn't kill a person whose looks could bring happiness. One day while looking at Cherry blossom trees near a dark forests. A stranger walks up to him telling him to do something for him and he shall get a reward. Being the curious/naive boy Taehyung accepts his mission (not knowing it was the hitman who was saving his life from his evil stepmother). Walking for countless hours in the dark forests, he gets lost making a wrong turn and nearing nighttime he stumbles upon a cute but little size cabin. Not finding no one home he tidys up and makes himself at home and falls asleep. Waking up he finds not 1 but 6 little curious eyes staring right back at him.

335 3 17

What if I told you that Sleeping beauty and Snow White are boys. And one day they find each other. Sleeping Beauty (Jungkook👑) - When Prince Jungkook was born, 4 fairy's we're ordered by the Queen and King to take the Prince far away to keep him safe from the evil Kings clutches. "Don't ever trust anyone, understand me?"Snow White (Taehyung👑) - Prince Taehyung is the most kindest and beautifulest human throughout the land. The new Queen let's her jealously get the best of her and orders a huntsman to kill the Prince. Taehyung escapes into the woods and meets 5 dwarfs."You're stronger than you think."Involves: -Gay shit/smut-Inappropriate Language-Theif's-Rape-Bad ass Prince(I'm changing the story a bit so don't expect it to be exactly like the movie) Hope you Enjoy:)

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