Search: dragonvore
28 stories
Coyne's Chronicles: Shadow Over Yfiria (Vore)

We find ourselves looking over the beautiful, mountainous continent of Yfiria. Home to man, monster and fae alike. The land has been torn by war, the hatred of man, and a terrible plague of decay that has stemmed from the suffering and darkness that this has caused. The people that remain now live in fear of those that are seized by the aggressive infection, which takes anything alive that it can, turning them into vessels to spread itself further, rotting their bodies and driving them until they crumble into dust.Living in avoidance of the plague, we cross the path of Coyne. A man and a monster, but belonging to the alignment of neither, who will find himself drawn into things far beyond his understanding after spending the longest time trying to go out of his way to avoid them. [A tale of dragons, men and monsters, full of adventure and sacrifice with vore undertones. While the focus is on the plot, there is vore, so if you don't like vore, there's a good chance you won't like this.]

1.2K 29 12
Team Dragon Fortress

While on a seemingly harmless game of capture the flag on what seemed to be a normal day, The Team Fortress 2 gang get uninvited guests that start Wreeking havoc upon their worlds! Now, The Teams of Red and Blu have to work together to survive, or die at the hands of these reptilian monsters! This, Is Team Dragon Fortress!The following is a non profit fan made series, and everything shown in here including characters, references, and memes belong to their respective owners. please support the official releaseSpecial thanks to @ShadowKnightWarrior for helping me with some of the parts ^^Stand Name: Team Dragon FortressStand Master: TheMyth27Destructive power: Guns n' DragonsSpeed: Robots and rockets n' DragonsRange: breaking the fourth wallDurability: scale and steel (ffxiv reference)Precision: Ha, you fight like a girl!Potentional: GabeN

1.1K 13 35
Female Pokémon Vore

Pokemon Belongs to the pokemon Company And Nintendo

13.6K 4 47
Regal Academy:  fairytale ever after (Completed)

One day Hawk finally had a chance to confess his feelings for Rose, the team was happy to hear their favorite couple finally confessing their love...But difficulties occur, when a villain plans to be the greatest ever and uses its power to destroy someone able to destroy her back......(Note: this story is not copied)Disclaimer: I don't own the character's of Regal Academy, except for my OC's....)Edit: there may be plot twists in the story😊😊

137K 48 2.1K Full
Left behind

indonmus rex vore

572 5 0
StarTera: A Tensura Fanfic

A young tensura fan who had just reached adulthood immediately finds the current stage in his life to be overwhelming. With so many things to keep track of, he holds doubt that he has a place in this world. "I don't think I could survive in this world," a thought that consistently flows through his head, and as if fate decided to be cruel, he met an early end. He despaired at the thought of the rest of his existence forever residing in an unknown Void, but as he was about to force himself to accept his eternal fate, he regained his sense of touch. It felt unfamiliar, but yet he knew he touched something. He lived once more but no longer as a child of Man, but now as a monster, specifically the weakest race, a slime. he came to realize that he reincarnated in his favorite isekai, "Tensura," and not someone set to be a background NPC character but as the third Tempest sibling alongside side Rimuru and Veldora. For any reincarnated person, such an opportunity would be a dream come true, and it was for our protagonist, but this gift came with a few strings attached. he will also come to realize that living in a fantasy world that holds lots of monsters, demons, and gods that want to kill you isn't actually that fun to be in especially for someone who has a mind of an anxious oddballThis is a tensura fan-made project that has no association with the "thattimeigotreincarnatedasaslime" franchise which is officially made and owned by Fuse, please support the official realizes.

3.6K 24 127
You Are A What

UNDER VERY HEAVY RE WRITING PROCESS *****Edited chapters are in brackets*** Completed"So, what are you exactly?" Taylor and Arianna didn't expect anything to come of going to the hair salon. Boy, were they in for a surprise. Warning: violence, cursing, offensive humor to some readers, gore, and some things best suited to mature audiences.

46.7K 44 1K Full
Reborn ~an Alduin Love Story~

Sizaan Kulaas was a curious and adventurous young girl bound to an oath to remain within the confines of her home, High Hrothgar, and care for Paarthurnax as his Vahlok (guardian). One day Paarthurnax isn't the only one she finds at the Throat of the World. Alduin is instantly captivated by her but she was less than impressed with him. After a few more misencounters with the inexplicably human World Eater, Sizaan finds herself banished from her home until Alduin can find a purpose for his new life. They were just beginning to find their way when their journey is inturrupted by two hooded figures with a mysterious ultimatum and a dragonslayer with a bone to pick.

32.8K 31 1.1K

Just fake convos between our NU members for you to laugh a bit ;)191102 #1 JoalinLoukamaa #1 Heyna#2 SofyaPlotnikova191111 #2 ShivaniPaliwal

48.2K 92 1.8K
The Dragon's Gift [Rewriting]

[Being rewritten]After losing her family years ago, young Ayla Nesrin isn't convinced she's the last survivor of the Nesrin house. When she hears news of her sister sitting on the Throne of Terria, she is willing to do whatever it takes to find her. On her journey, Ayla meets Dakoda Seelia in a rather dangerous situation. When the two realize they have similar goals, they decide to join groups. Soon enough, they meet a mysterious cloaked figure called Faren who is vital to meeting the Queen. If only it was as easy as it seems...In order to get an audience with the Queen, one must prove their worth with a series of dangerous tasks called the trials of Terria.On her journey, Ayla will unravel the secrets of her family house, the darkest ones involving the God of Chaos.

721 24 113

Do you like random things? Well this book is for you! Rants, silliness, fangirling and more in store!

3.1K 200 801 Full
Characters of Fanfics Index

All about fantasy worlds and characters. Winx Club, Barbie, Disney, DC Superhero Girls, Star Wars characters, Horseland characters and Disney Descendants Characters.Informative book about my fanfiction characters.

2.3K 188 342
Wanna Hear About My Life?

Just a book about me because I'm a bored and lonely person. I'll just tell you about me and random stuff in my life, advice, anime prattle. Stuff like that, so anyone want to hear? Imma tell you anyway.Credits to @marcchi_ for the cover

9.7K 200 1.4K Full
Vore short stories! (Dragon Vore) ~

Hey! Welcome to my first short story document. The first one is SFW! But it is vore. Not sexual, I find vore to be more of a comforting thing that I write about than a kinky thing. Although I can write some if you would want it. ;)I will take requests, but it is not written in stone that I will write it for you. If I feel comfortable writing it, I will.Anyway, ENJOY!!!(Not my artwork!)-Thomas

2.5K 2 9
Dawn of the Epoch

Hunter called himself an archaeologist, but he was a modern day treasure hunter. Tiyana was a scientist devoted to her craft. They were passionate people, wholly devoted to their work. Neither of them had time for love. Neither of them could resist it when it happened. Neither of them knew that the world would need the two of them to save it from a tyrannical pre-historic overlord, his cyborg vampire paramour, and their army of mindless drudges.Dawn of the Epoch is an epic science fiction novel about dark matter, death rays, nuclear warfare, and the Large Hadron Collider, but it is also a fantasy novel about medieval warriors, alchemy, and ancient gods. Dawn of the Epoch blends fantasy with reality, bringing mythology to life today. It is also an apocalyptic thriller spanning the globe from the Pyramids of Egypt to the heart of Africa to the majesty of the Himalayas. It is an epic hybrid-genre story with intense action sequences, magic, mythology, suspenseful plot twists, countless obstacles for the protagonists to overcome, and an utterly Machiavellian supernatural villain.Testimonials:"Probably one of my favorite books I've read to date. Brilliantly complex, adoringly rendered and quizzically intense. A must read and one I plan to revisit, and share!"- Amgwatts, Wattpad Reader"This has to be one of the most original and well written novels I have had the pleasure to read, on Wattpad and in general. It was captivating, interesting, immersive and above all, fantastic. I was left in awe of the beings, history and world you created. It was never dull, dry or predicable and it was a nice change from what seems to be the ever popular teen romance with vampires or werewolves or 'bad boys that are actually romantic good boys.' In the end it was a very pleasant surprise."-IridescentLies, Wattpad Reader

2.6M 100 51.7K Full
Mars is... Well... Mars

{edit: ew. ew. ew. please just read my other spam book. i wrote this in like 2014. }This is my book of me. My book of sarcasm, randomness, thoughts, fandoms, OCD, anxiety, fails, school, rants, obsessiveness, ships, phan, cartoons and well... Mars. I'm just magically special, or bored, I'm not random or funny... I'm just... Well... Mars.So enjoy my awkwardness :3 SO COME ALL YE...TO THE PLACE OF SHE...THANKS 'YALL FOR VISITING...WELL... MEEE!(my other spam is dizzy daydreams aHa)

1.1K 190 52 Full
Gold Chains

A demonic tiefling has found herself to be the bejeweled "prisoner" of a dragon who keeps her as an accessory. Despite this, she enjoys her predicament and values the true bond they have begun to develop.

558 1 5
Transformice FUNTIME

[Recreation of the book of transformice skits (\•^•)/)]Read this whenever you're sad, wanna laugh, laugh along with others, or just plain ol' bored. I will be using some actually transformice users so all credit goes to those players and to the creators of the game. THANK YOU AND ENJOY

19 2 0
Random weird conversations i have :D

...look at the title -_-'

451 24 22
Constelația Dragonului- MALEC Fanfiction

După lupte încrâncenate cu demonii întunecați, Magnus Bane și Alec Lightwood se retrag în însoritul Hawaii cu gândul să se căsătorească și să-și petreacă luna de miere. Însă, ceva numit El Dragón de las Estrellas, își face apariția printre valurile învăluite de spumă și tulbură cerul prin furtuni groaznice. Creatura nu seamănă cu nimic întâlnit de ei până acum, iar singura lor șansă de a supraviețuii este adăpostirea în Institutul din Hawaii, unde Melody, Președinta consiliului zânelor, hotărăște să convoace o adunare a tuturor Vânătorilor de Umbre din lume, pentru a crea un nou Cerc. În timp ce Alec se alătură tovarășilor săi, Magnus devine sfătuitorul regal al reginei Melody. Oare prin acestă hotărâre, forțele celor două armate vor fi în stare să învingă Urgia, sau puterea iubirii dintre cei doi va dispărea odată cu moartea unuia dintre ei ?

125 2 10

"Where the fuck am I?" I blurted out as I regained my consciousness. My voice was hoarse from the strangulation. My body aches. I was tasting the metallic flavor of my own blood. Curse this.I was drugged and dragged here to this place.I began to feel the things that surrounded me hoping that I'd recognize the familiarity of the place.I failed.It's dark.I'm cold."I'm trapped." I said, my insides start to churn wildly as I tried to stop the tears from welling up my eyes."It's okay. You're trapped with me." A vaguely familiar voice said from the other end of the room.I thought I was alone.I'm not.---This story is a story of a writer who travelled alone to do a feature project that was tasked to her on the company's behalf. She's given one month to feature someone whom she never met before.She's 22 but will she find who she's looking for knowing that she's in a foreign land? Or will she stumble and plunge into a black hole that she knows she can't escape from forever?[ Note: it contains swearing and some unfiltered cussing as the chapters progress, so if it's not your taste, there are millions of other cool books out there that are less violent. But if you choose to read, enjoy~ ]---Date started: June 27, 2018Language: English

3.6K 35 389
Randomness And Tags

First thing first: I found this picture on Zedge.Second: I got this idea from dragonmaster246Third: ask me questionsFifth: I do not own any of the videos, I got them from YouTube

1.7K 102 175