Search: desprezivel
7,242 stories
Palavras dos demônios

Apenas mais um livro tentando aliviar o peso que carrego na minha mente

204 15 21 Full
Quando Os Sinos Tocavam [NOVELETA]

O último seminarista da obsoleta Grei de Cristo Ressuscitado prepara-se para o dia de sua ordenação, alimentando suas segundas intenções com tolice e egoísmo desprezíveis.

27 11 17 Full
Parta v Apokalypse

Tento příběh se jedná o partě, která se sešla po střední škole a domlouvají společný výlet. Na ten se bohužel nedostane, protože ve světě vypukne hrozivá epidemie a parta bude muset apokalypsou čelit. Apokalypsa bude zombie, takže to nebude jednoduché. Parta bude hledat další komunity, zásoby a zvířata, aby přežili. Jenže hlavním problémem nejsou jenom krvežízniví zombie, ale i nepřátelé, kteří budou situaci dělat těžší. Jak parta zvládne přežít? A přežijí všichni? To se dozvíte v příběhu. :-)

753 28 167
Poetické systémy

29 17 0
Nuclear Family

Typically 'nuclear family' refers to two parents and their offspring. Together they are one unit.However...Tony, Ziva, and Tali are anything but your typical family.They are shattered, on-edge, explosive.4/5/20 ranked #1 in #tivaFirst post: 1/4/20Last post: 4/17/20

12.8K 29 322 Full
Life - Life & Death Book 1

- WATTYS LONGLISTED 2018 -"As a child I was never scared of the dark or of the monsters that lurked under my bed. From a young age I have known exactly what wanders the streets at night; what preys on the ignorant. I know of the evil that plagues this world; wishing to destroy it. But there are also people who fight against that evil in an effort to protect human lives against the darkness. I know because I am one of them."Zivena Kovač is a Guardian of Life: a powerful being hidden in modern society to protect humankind. But her life has been planned out for her by fate and by a power she never knew existed. She must understand Death to master Life but Zivena has more than destiny to struggle with. She must battle with who she is and who she is told to be but how can she do that when a monster is loose in New York City?When Zivena meets Mictain Demir it's as if the world has finally begun to breathe again after eighteen years. Will they be able to set aside their vast differences to stop a killer? And will she be able to meet the expectations set by those around her or will Zivena watch her city and family burn?WATTYS LONGLISTED 2018**Featured** - 17/01/18Highest Ranking in Fantasy #65**Winner of the 2017 Dream Awards** © 2012, Chelsea Lawrence

93.8K 49 7.7K Full
Primaveras cruéis

Baseado em uma história real. Existem momentos em que tudo o que você quer é o abraço de uma pessoa especial. Carmel Verona desejava poder rever seu amigo e amante Kyle, mas ele resolveu não só partir sua vida, mas também seu coração.Para lidar com a ausência dele, Carmel passou a escrever cartas nunca enviadas para Kyle.Acompanhe a história de Carmel e Kyle através dessa narrativa em segunda pessoa, onde Carmel escreve tudo o que gostaria de ter dito para ele.

89 14 2 Full
Love, family and Revenge

Mahi was either worshipped like a god or looked down like a filth. He was tired of all the allegations every time they lost a match. He was tired of his family being dragged into it, especially his daughter and his kiddos. He finally decided he had enough of being tormented and being the reason his kids where heavily criticised and hated.

142.2K 110 12.1K Full
Lie Again

Ray Cruz returns from yet another business trip. Tony is forced to watch from the background as Ray attempts to woo Ziva. Amidst forcing down jealousy, concern, and his own feelings for his partner, Tony must learn to support Ziva's choice, even if it crushes him. (Goes with the season 9 A Desperate Man story arc except more up close and personal with Tony and Ziva.) Lots of feels, so read at your own risk. It's sort of a Tiva story masquerading as a Ziva/Ray fanfic. I'm 100% a Tiva fan (or was- thank you, CBS), but I also can't help but get the feels for Ziva and Ray's behind-the-scenes relationship in late season 8 and early season 9. Something about their chemistry and Tony's whole dynamic with them makes me wonder what could have happened if Ray hadn't been part of that murder. Would he and Ziva have worked out? How would Tony cope with it? Would he be able to let Ziva go? This fanfic is me exploring an alternate plotline that probably not many NCIS fans think about.Also, if you stick it out, there's an alternate (Tiva) ending hiding in the last couple of chapters...

20K 55 580 Full
The Prestige Club (TPC)# 2: In the Abyss (completed)

"I am fine" - said everyone who is not fine at all Ehan Usman is a world-renowned trauma surgeon. Why he chooses a path that was promised to be filled with miseries and blood, he will never know. But, at the age of 25, he had achieved more than anyone else his age. He has seen enough horror to last a lifetime. Which is why he is private about all his stuff. Until, he needs help, desperately. To save someone who shouldn't be saved. Ziva Adam is a woman of mysteries that he cannot seem to stay away from. Someone with his background and knowledge should know better than to dig deeper into other people's lives. Yet, he couldn't stop himself. The more he follows his curiosity, the more he seems afraid of the days that follow after. What will be discovered once he reached the peak of Ziva Adam's life? How will he continue to just be after the revelation? How will he separate himself from her world?Published date: January 1st, 2023Ending date: January 1st, 2024

3.2K 24 453 Full

Ha valaki, akkor Barni szereti ha kedvelik őt. Éppen ezért szúr neki szemet az a bizonyos twitter felhasználó, aki nem csak az egész Carson Coma-t, de különösképpen őt magát gyűlöli. Úgy dönt, hogy egy hamis rajongói profillal megváltoztatja a véleményét. Viszont mi van akkor ha sokkal több érzelem kerül az intezív veszekedésekbe, mint kéne? És mi van akkor ha az a bizonyos felhasználó nem is annyira ismeretlen?social media au

334 3 41
Bigger Than The Whole Sky

Catalina is a dragon rider at Basgiath War College. On her third and final year, she climbed the rank as the Wing Leader of the Second Wing. Despite her gentle and humble nature, Catalina is one of the deadliest and powerful riders of her generation. The Kozivar family is a private one, although it is not a hidden fact that she's of nobility, one of the oldest and richest family in Calldyr, and that she had an understanding with the eldest Sorrengail child. Catalina Kozivar, the lover of the eldest Sorrengail offspring of General Lilith: Brennan Sorrengail. During her third and final year, she finds herself under the same wing as her -now dead- lover's youngest sister, Violet. Until Xaden Riorson pulls a card he had on her for quite a while and transfers her second squad to his wing. Catalina adored Violet, loves her, and she's willing to do what she can to help her little sister and protect her in stead of her lover."Fly...or die."

41.4K 24 1.4K

Druhá kniha v trilógii Osudových žien. Darianka Angelov- mladá sirota, ktorá veľakrát spadla, no vždy sa vedela postaviť naspäť. Cez všetko zlo, ktoré ju sprevádzalo v živote bola veľmi veselá a v každom videla iba dobro. Raz sa jej obľúbené prechádzky lesom stanú osudovými. Jej oči uvidia to čo nemali. Lenže už je neskoro na útek. Diabol ju už chytil. Nikolai Khovansky- patrí mu celé mafiánske podsvätie. Je jeden z najvyšších. Najobávanejší muž. Nikto sa neopováži vysloviť jeho meno. Báli sa ho všetci. Naozaj všetci. Bolo veľmi málo ľudí čo si dovolilo čo i len sa naňho pozrieť. Vedeli, že Nilolai nikdy nikomu nepomôže lebo ho o to požiadajú, vždy si niečo bral na oplátku. Ľudia o ňom vedia iba to ako a koľko ľudí zabil. Je veľmi tajomný a má veľa tajomstiev, o ktorých nevie nikto. Lenže čo ak mu do jeho cesty príde žena, ktorá bude odhodlaná tie tajomstvá poznať? Darianka je druhá kniha v trilógii osudových žien. Tu sa budeme sprevádzať cestou Nikolaia a Darianky. Boli ako Slnko a Mesiac. Voda a Oheň. Nemali nič spoločne, ale zároveň sa dopĺňali. Poďte zistiť ako dopadne ich stretnutie. Bude to Nikolaiova temnota, ktorá pohltí Darianku alebo to bude Dariankino svetlo, ktoré vytiahne Nikolaia z tých nahlbších pekiel?UPOZORNENIE: V príbehu sa budú vyskytovať vulgarizmy, nevhodné scény, bude tam spomenuté citlivé témy ako je sexuálne obťažovanie, násilie a iné. čítať na vlastnú zodpovednosť!!!!!!

3.1K 7 225
Krvava stala

Dvoje mladih ljudi koji ulaze u zivot svinja u stali. Saznajte kako ce preziveti.

184 8 7 Full
Kočičí válečníci - šest živlů

Rozhodněte o osudu šesti koťat!V mlžném klanu se narodilo šest koťat. Každé je jiné, jako elementy. Dokážou koťata v těžkých chvílích přežít a vybojovat si v klanu respekt a uznání? To je jen ve vašich rukách.

257 8 35
Chvíle naděje | ✖️

,,Někdy je třeba volit mezi tím, co je správné a co je snadné."Pán Zla se znovu vrátil v plné síly, i přestože tomu celý kouzelnický svět zatím odmítá uvěřit. I přestože většina kouzelníků stále žije rutinním a obyčejným životem a před jejich zaslepenýma očima vzrůstá konflikt, který se až nebezpečně začíná podobat válce.Stará generace, která první takovou válku zažila si uvědomuje rizika, která narůstají každým dnem. Dohromady se svolává Fénixův řád, který má zajistit opakovanou porážku lorda Voldemorta. Nastupující generace poznává, že jejich životy nebudou jako dřív a svoboda bude cennější než cokoliv jiného. Nová generace se snaží dospět, ale jsou vrženy do války a musí učinit volbu, která ovlivní celý jejich život. Přidají se hrdinové na stranu Fénixova řádu nebo na stranu temna?***Cover: @ShiroLaufeysonKorektury: @RandomStarCz1.6. 2021 - ?

20.8K 64 2.8K
Bad People Stick Together

'Sta radis ovde?' 'Losi ljudi moraju da se drze zajedno, zar ne?' Zasto joj se ovo desava?Bila je zatvorena, bila je skoro ubijena vise puta, mucili su je, napustili su je, izdali su je, nisu joj verovali.Ali ona nije posustala.Morala je da osane jaka jer u svetu u kakvom zivi slabost je smrt.Ona mora da se prilagodi na sve.Na sva mesta, na sve situacije.Samo da bi prezivela.A jos vise toga treba da uradi da njeni ljudi prezive.Ali ona je samo covek, i mnogo njih to zaboravlja.

268 8 9
War of the Planets (A Ready Player One Story)

This is the first story in the War of the Planets Series. It is set in the Ready Player One universe and follows a 17 year old kid named John.

2.3K 17 32 Full
Attending a Vampire School

𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭, the new version is Fangtality.Saige Morris thought that moving to a new town for her mother's job transfer would do no harm to her high school experience. But she was being terribly naïve. Wintercrest, the creepy new town she moves too, keeps dangerous mythical creatures hidden from human eyes. With much shock, she learns all too quick that blood-sucking vampires do in fact exist. It's the beginning of her Senior year and she is determined not to die at the hands of the very attractive vampires. Which is rather difficult to do when she starts to have feelings for the very dangerously alluring Carson Gray. He's rude, he's unpredictable, and most of all, he's the vampire who's willing to protect Saige from the menacing threats of Wintercrest Academy. Well, not at first.#2 VampireCopyright © 2015, reinezivaWarning: mature themes + dangerously attractive vampires

12.2K 33 387 Full
Két hétnyi szerelem - sskk short novel- Befejezett

Akutagawa sosem szívlelte egykori mentorának új tanitványát. Mégis egyik nap bejelentik számára hogy ketten fognak egy kéthetes küldetésre menni. Be kell épülniük egy közösségbe mint férj és feleség. Akutagawa az első pillanattól ellenzi a dolgot míg riválisa nem csak hogy pártolja a tervet de az ő ötlete volt hogy ketten menjenek. A maffiózó nem érti a tigrist. De az első éjszaka megérti hogy Jinko miért szeretne több időt tölteni vele. Még maga sem tudja mit kezdjen az ifjú áldott iránta táplalt erős érzéseivel. De a küldetést nem szakíthatja félbe azért mert nem akar közel kerülni Atsushihoz. Akutagawa mint Riku az ideiglenesen felfüggesztett rendőrtiszt, Atsushi pedig mint Aika könnyen elhelyezkedő titkárnő kezdi meg az új már előre megtervezett életüket friss házasként. Hamar felfedezik hogy a közösség rejteget valamit így mélyebbre kell ásniuk magukat mint eredetileg gondolták. De vajon mik derülnek ki? Sikerül e megtalálni amiért odamentek? Illetve képesek lesznek e két hét megjátszott szerelem után visszatérni korábbi életükhöz?Ha szeretnéd tudni a választ olvass bele! 🤭

1.9K 12 179 Full
Plea2e dont leavve (erisol sadstuck )

Act 1 Eridan is tired of everyone thinking he's nothing and a mistake to life. so he is deciding to give them what they want... His existence.... Or will someone stop his actions... I own nothing of homestuck. All is owned by Andrew hussie.ACT 1Part 1 and 2 : Plea2e don't Leavve

244.4K 36 8.2K Full
Secret affairs  - ncis tiva fan fiction

Tony and ziva, working partners in ncis- navel crime investigative service. They always flirt with each other and have tension/chemistry between each other. They both love each other, but won't admit to it, because ziva worries that tony wouldn't feel the same and Tonys worried that ziva wouldn't feel the same.Not to mention gibbs rules, which means they defiantly can't be together.But when they both show that they care about each other, it becomes obvious that the feeling is mutual.Will they tell each other how they feel?And more importantly how will the people around them react to their relationship? especially Gibbs.--- i suck at blurbs sozzy. Please give this story a chance..

65.8K 31 1.5K Full
Arranged Marriage (Completed)

Vivaan and Rhea have known each other from childhood but they hate each other so much that they can't even talk to each other properly..they hav a horrifying past responsible for this messbut here a twist in the tale...their mothers are best friendsvivaan's mother has cancer and she wishes to see her son married before she dies..and the girl she chooses is non other than rheaeven rhea mother willing to get vivaan and rhea married..but will vivaan and rhea give their marriage a chance??#missiondesiCast:-Siddharth malhotra as VivaanAlia bhatt as RheaHighest Rank #8 as on 17.5.2016

1.2M 56 35K Full
Murder in The First // Erich Blunt

Kate a Erich jsou nechtěně v kriminálním životě a z neznámého důvodu po nich jde vrah s chutí je zabít. Oni se však brání a snaží se přežít. Ani policie jim neuvěří a znepřátelí si i policii. Dostanou se z tohoto případu živý? Odchytne vraha policie?

328 27 0 Full
The Jeon's {JIKOOK}

A Familia Jeon era a mais respeitada de Nova Orleans. Os primeiros vampiros da humanidade. A 300 anos a trás nasceram os piores sanguessugas já vistos na sociedade. Os magnatas crueis, desprezíveis e assassinos. Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Lalisa, Jeon Taehyung. Um juramento..."Sempre e pra sempre." Um filho..."Eu vou te proteger de tudo de ruim que existe, por quê você é uma Jeon" Um amor insano...."Oque essa criança irá me favorecer? Vai me garantir poder? ---- "Familia é poder, Jungkook!""Você me ama? ---- "Até quando os Oceanos secarem."

1.4K 10 46