Search: darksidebashing
20 stories
Full Circle - Drarry

What if, instead of fighting with Draco on the bathroom, Harry talked to him? If they became friends?Set in 6th yearI have no idea what the hell I'm doing so please bear with meDisclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, I wish I did tho

503.9K 38 12.9K Full
The Slytherin King

When Harry Potter decides to follow his gut at Gringotts just before his first year he learns a lot. Including on just who Cepheus Lestrange is.Currently being rewritten for those who knows? The old version. They say third time is a charm. I also have Grammarly to help with the grammar bits I keep messing up.

197.2K 5 2.3K
DISCONTINUED!! ORPHEUS { Drarry Creature Inheritance }

I am going to try to do another one of these fics as my last one (Circlet of Elements) was pretty successful and also yes, I like Hadestown if you haven't noticed by the end of this lol---------------------------------------After overhearing a conversation between Hermione Ron and Dumbledore in a Classroom in third year, Harry goes to Gringotts to find out that his whole life was a lie and he had been treated like a puppet. With the help of his new parents and a certain ferret, Orpheus Lupin-Black wants revenge and he wants it badly.

34.7K 9 1.1K Full
The Diary Incident- TomxDraco

What happens when Draco Malfoy stumbles upon an old, tattered diary in his father's office? He falls in love.Tom Riddle x Draco MalfoyThe Harry Potter series unfortunately belongs to JK Rowling.

50.9K 22 1.6K Full
Contrariorum [TOMARRY]

'Opposites'Harrison was opposite to his sister- Hope- in every way: Where she could barely control her magic, he could summon things when he was only one; where she was trained by tutors to defeat the dark lord, he was in the past getting trained by the founders; And where she was giving her life for the light, he became a new sign of hope for the dark.orWrong G/BWL Au, Harrison time travels to the past to grow up with the founders only to go back to the future a day before his first day at hogwarts. He decided that the dark side shares more of his ideas than the light side and eventually even finds love in the man his sister is trying to destroy.(This sounds so sappy, I promise it's not.)

552.5K 72 22.2K
The New Golden Trio

Harry finds out about fake lying friends and one lying headmaster. He starts talking to Neville and luna more and finds out more about them and their home life . So he makes a plan and starts it as soon as possible.All characters belong to J.K Rowling all that belong to me is the plot

169.7K 18 3.8K
Lord Slytherin

5th year made a change, everyone was resorted due to someone discovering a problem with the sorting hat. Harry was placed in his true house where his abuse was discovered. Secrets were discovered and soon the whole light side would feel the wrath of the dark lords.

9.9K 5 405
The Potter who became a Black

Inspired and influenced by [Hadrian Black] happened when the Potters abandon their daughter when Albus Dumbledore declared Harry Potter as the BWL?Will she ever forgive them? Or will she be their downfall?

98.8K 12 1.8K
The Heart of a Child

Hermaphrodite!harry. Adopted!harry. Sub!harry. Abused!harry. Neglected!harry. Powerful!harry. Good!dark side. Light side bashing.Abusive!vernon. Sort-of nice!petunia&dudley. Harry is the child of Magic named Aster. That's all you need to know.

24.9K 7 476

It had been five years since Freya Potter escaped the wizarding world. Who would have known that was the best decision she could have taken?And of course,getting black out drunk and accidentally getting magically married to a stranger on her 21st birthday was a close second. IN WHICH Freya Potter and Sam Winchester try to build a stable marriage while fighting monsters.ORIN WHICH Freya Potter's life changes once more as she is thrown into another supernatural war.(I do not own Harry Potter or Supernatural)(I apologize for any mistakes)

1.7K 4 87
Tomarry One-shots

Tomarry one shots. I think you understand by reading the title. These are just small ideas that can't be a story and I just need to get them out. Hope you enjoy!

77.6K 5 1.3K

The Girl Who Died was the twin of The Boy Who Lived. But she didn't grow up with him, look like him, act like him, the only way you could possibly even consider them related was their eyes. The same eyes of their dead mother. It's year 5 of Hogwarts for the golden trio when life changing secrets are revealed and a new student appears.Ok im sorry yall i can't describe stuff for shit and I don't even know what this is. Obviously the original Harry Potter isn't mine but dobby's also I haven't copied anybodies work and if it is similar to anybody else's I sincerely apologize im just tryin to do my thing yk? Oh also this is unedited.Also I found the cover on pinterest and it's not mine and idk if that's illegal or not. I'm sorry as you can tell i'm fucking stupid and have no idea what i'm doing.Cover credit:circussoul

3K 6 76
The Truth Cedrarry Faniction

What if Harry, Hermione, and Neville were friends with Draco and his friends in 5th year?What if Ron and Ginny were unloyal friends?what if Harry, Hermione, and Neville aren't their actual names?What if Cedric never died?what if the light side isn't all so light?if you want to find out, read on.lgbtq+ is present all throughout this book. if you don't like then please don't read and comment mean and hurtful words.warnings:mentions abusedark thingsif you want to find out more about "Harry's" past for this book, then read my other book called- HP Characters Reads the Harry Potter Books.(Harry Potter is not mine, It is J. K. Rowling's. I only own the plot and my OC's. I am not being paid for writing this, it is only for fun.)

4.7K 8 89
Rey's Sister -A Star Wars Story- (Star Wars x Reader)

Have you ever wondered who was the person in Rey's vision? Watching as Rey screamed for someone to come back? Imagine a story.. where you are the one watching, crying as well, watching as your own parents left after selling you for money. You watched as they flew away before also being separated from your younger sister. Of course the story has more to it, but you have to read it to find out.Enjoy!----------When Black crosses with White, you get GreyWhen Blue crosses with Red, you get purpleWhen darkness crosses with the light, you can get multiple things. Including: The Force, war, and maybe even Peace.----------ALERT!!!! SPOILERS!!!Based during Star wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and soon Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.I do not own the movies or the plot. I am only using and changing them for this story.P.S. This is a reader insert, not romance.

81.9K 33 1.6K
Majestic Book of Randomness

Just a side book for any tags, random ideas, and stuff like that. So majestic.

7.3K 200 399
The True Villain

Follow the solemn tale of a presumed villain and the horrors of the past. The cruel tale of Adriano Malfoy and Tom Riddle, yet more lives ruined by the supposed hero Albus Dumbledore.

282 1 6
betrayed Harry

the light side betrayed Harry and Harry and his friends and the Gryffindors want revenge so they joined the dark side and Harry comes thru his inheritance and he finds out he isn't a Potter read to find out more

1.5K 3 23
Wait! Read The Last Chapter, Please!

This story is a fanfiction, of course, about Harry Potter but it is not what it seems, some people seem to be bad and some people seem to be good and some people are not what they seem. join me in the adventure of my brother, best friend and me while we take over this story that turned sour.

36 3 2
𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫

Rose Potter is smart and cunning. Maybe that's why she didn't fall for their traps. Or perhaps it was because the God of Death was at her side guiding her and protecting her. The day she got her Hogwarts letter she knew something was wrong, for why else would a magical child be left with someone who hates magic? To find out the truth she went back to Diagon Alley to get aid from the goblins. The truth was far worse than what an 11 year old should be facing, all alone. But she wasn't alone. Not really.This is the story of Rose Potter and how she defied those who sought to control her and found love along the way. More love than she could ever imagine she would be receiving from people she was supposed to fear and hate. But what is the truth? Is the light side really that good if they left her with abusive muggles? Is Dumbledore really the leader of the light when he leaves her to fend for herself time and time again? Is the Dark really fighting for muggleborn extinction?OC Potter x Draco Malfoy x Lorenzo Berkshire x Mattheo Riddle pairingDisclaimer: I do not own any HP characters in this book. I only take credit for my original plot and character along with any changes I made. I also do not give permission for anyone to copy or republish my work.

319 1 7

"Would you grant me my favour?""It depends," An eerie silence filled the void, all noises halted as the cause paused. "What would your favour be?""... I," dully staring off to the darkness, slowly raising his pale hand up to his face, "I want to go back,"Silence... Before it was replaced by booming laughter, not a mocking one, no, but an amused laugh that sent it's person bending forward, "Go back..? to those horrible humans?!""No, A new one..."|| Hi! While waiting for Christmas (Dec.24.2021) I kinda wanted to post this.Please keep in mind that I have a shitty memory when it comes to movies I've watched years ago, besides, I'm 15 we make mistakes. So if I get anything wrong (spelling, spells, overall wrong use of a word) please kindly tell me in the comments. ||

208 1 11