Search: coralvega
4 stories

a pesar de los añoss todavia te sigo queriendo y amando como aquel dia que nos conocimos cabron ~Isabella vega petristu no sabes cuanta falta me hiciste en estos años chula , despues de que tu y yo terminamos no estuve con otraa por que nadie te llega a los talones chiquita y por que todavia me sigues gustando cabrona no se que tienes o que me hiciste que aghhhhh solo contigo hasta el fin del mundo quiero estar y estar juntos hasta viejitoss ~cesar parra Espero y les guste esta new novela Besosss❤❤❤❤

6.1K 47 304
Socwrites' Compilation of Analogies

"The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing." -Socrates

2.5K 43 147
Scoop of Ideas

Welcome young Travellers.To a book of much inspiration. This book is the Fourth Book for getting your Creative Juices flowing. Check out 'Writers Juice,' 'Tea Time' and 'Slice of Inspiration' if you are looking for more inspiration.Among my travels for information for my other books. I have found many ideas, which would be great details to books, or even better, inspirations to books themselves. The book will be filled with prompts, both ideas and dialogue. Along with many other whimsical ideas you may want to add to your story.For Example did you know Petrichor is actually the word for the smell after rainfall, who knew? You hope to add that into a story now, don't you!Each of my chapters of Inspiration are named after a particular ice-cream. Because what dessert could possibly be a better writers best friend than ice-cream?

224.5K 200 11.9K
song lyrics

The title speaks for itself but for those who might still be confused, this is a book with song lyrics, and yes the songs are of course included as well.I take requests and if any of you notice a mistake that I may have made somewhere please don't hesitate to let me know in the comments or by pmThere is going to be some swearing in some of the songs so be aware of that if you're not okay with it, just skip the song and go to the next one. (Disclaimer: I don't owe any of the songs, they're all from different channels on youtube and songs from the radio)

8.9K 156 98