Search: colia
16,757 stories
The Witch of Mirkwood

She had been mistaken for a witch, captured by Thranduil and thrown into prison, her fate lies in the hands of a handsome elf, with the help of his friend the ranger can they save her in time? "Legolas studied her as he knelt down next to Aragorn. Her wrists were red and bruised from the rope that had bound her. She had cuts and scratches up her forearms were she had been fighting off the Orcs. Her forehead was bruised and she had a cut above her right eye. She lay there beautiful and motionless, he thought she was dead."

171K 25 5.5K Full
Sentimientos y melancolía

¿Qué es la poesìa? ¿Qué se esconde tras ella? Sentimientos y melancolìa es un poemario lìrico de verso libre donde cada palabra esta llena de sentimientos. Tristeza,dolor,miedo, amor, son algùnas de las emociones que se muestran de manara natural, sin temor a ser descubiertas. Este libro es el rincon donde el lector serà quien de un nuevo significado a cada palabra. Ilustrado.DISPONIBLE YA EDITADO EN AMAZON

508 69 33 Full

Stiles gets bit by an Alpha that isn't Scott or Derek and instead of becoming a werewolf or dying, Stiles becomes a Druid, yo.(Complete)

272.8K 22 7.9K Full
ddosama imagines

A bunch of ddosama images please view and vote 😝😁

6.4K 12 57
A Chosen Love - Book 1 The Frencolian Chronicles (complete)

A girl of fifteen rides away from her home castle to avoid being present at her own betrothal ceremony. On the journey, she meets a handsome knight and his company. From there on, her life turns upside down and nothing will ever be the same again. Plans; plots; mayhem; romance -war -jousting and more - MUCH MORE than just a story and it is only the beginning...Book 1 of The Frencolian Chronicles Series, A Chosen Love is set in early Medieval Times, in a fictional kingdom named Frencolia, after a real kingdom in the same era called Franconia, both of which had Christian kings reigning for a while.Exciting stories with timeless principles of good winning over evil, from the ancient proverbs and precepts in the Scriptures .EIGHT books in this series are now 'live' here on Wattpad; (Book 8 is in progress).Exciting stories with timeless principles of good winning over evil, from the ancient proverbs and precepts in the Scriptures .

3.8K 41 434 Full
Castles - Book 5 - The Frencolian Chronicles (complete)

In Treasures, evil King Elliad's heart's desire and deep obsession was to find the hidden treasures of the Kingdom of Frencolia. He does gain this vast hoard and after leaving Frencolia, seeks a place where he can keep them safe, as well as what he called, 'the last treasure' -Jobyna, the sister of the new king. But his new lust is for power...Cover Art by Karl Foster (used by permission)Exciting stories with timeless principles of good winning over evil, from the ancient proverbs and precepts in the Scriptures.Contains medieval violence - suitable for young adults and older.SEVEN books in this series are now 'live' here on Wattpad.

1.3K 33 206 Full
Forbidden Fruit

Based on real people and real experiences.Mr Tamás is a former hookup whom caught feels during an attempted NSA hookup. A man Julianne ghosted before anything got too sticky.A lovely, kind, caring and accomplished man, with a steaming kinky side that leaves her to this day thirsty for him. They had plenty in common but she regreted never having the chance to explore BDSM with him, the "what could've been" is what set this story,to come, to be.

17.9K 4 27
Secrets - Book 7 - The Frencolian Chronicles (complete)

Terror again affects Jobyna as she opens her betrothal gifts...Chaos erupts in the Frencolian throne room. Do inter-kingdom matters have to be resolved with the "drawing of blood"? Amidst opposition and ridicule, Luke tries to do 'what is right'. Assassination attempts interrupt the already interrupted betrothal ceremony.Jobyna takes matters into her own hands when she disagrees with Luke. How long can someone hold onto a grudge? Will it fester until it erupts into violence? Why do people have to control others? Who wants Luke's throne? Are there any answers?Elliad is finished -or is he?Exciting stories with timeless principles of good winning over evil, from the ancient proverbs and precepts in the Scriptures.Contains medieval violence - suitable for young adults and older.SEVEN books in this series are now 'live' here on Wattpad and book 8 - "More Secrets and the Horse Race" - is in progress with around 10 chapters being available for reading...

1.9K 25 171 Full
The Witness

"Please don't hurt me" I sobbed as he took hold of my wrist and roughly dragged me back up the embankment, when we got to the top he stopped and looked me up and down. I stood there bruised and bleeding, a shivering pathetic wreck, my tear stained face blotchy and red. He stepped towards me and my legs trembled as I waited for to worse to happen, then he lifted me off my feet and pulled me up into his arms."Shush, I'm not going to hurt you " he soothed as he carried me back to the car.Career girl Annie Murphy wasn't expecting to get shot, and kidnapped when she took the high flying job in New York.Contains sexual content and violence

12.7K 11 171
Melancolía (Meliodas x tu)

-Meliodas- ese nombre es lo único que LIssine recuerda, por lo que decide viajar a Liones a conocer mejor sobre su pasado, donde se topa cierta caverna con amigos que la ayudaran!.

2.7K 8 160
Treasures - Book 4 The Frencolian Chronicles (complete)

Fleeing for their lives, Luke and Jobyna Chatelain find themselves in a cave full of treasures and surrounded by a mystery that will change their lives forever.Suitable for young adults and upwards to all ages. Exciting stories with timeless principles of good winning over evil, from the ancient proverbs and precepts in the Scriptures. (Contains some medieval violence enacted in those times). Cover designed by Karl Foster (used with permission)SEVEN books in this series are now 'live' here on Wattpad!

1K 29 160 Full
A Brother's Love - Book 3 - The Frencolian Chronicles (complete)

This story begins where Book 2, A Daughter's Love ended; right there in the Great Hall of the Manor House in Chanoine.A deathly plague sweeps through Frencolia and there are more Frencolians who die from this scourge than those who live.After the plague, one of the worst and most evil of villains takes the throne. Exciting stories with timeless principles of good winning over evil, from the ancient proverbs and precepts in the Scriptures.Warning: Medieval violence and death Be prepared - although the powers of evil seem to be winning, in the end, faith, hope and love remain and trials only make us stronger...SEVEN books in this series are now 'live' here on Wattpad!

1.3K 37 191 Full
Alpha Bloodlines

This a continuation ofYou Fall in Love more than once.Since it was so highly desired.Scott and Malia couldn't love each other more. In fact they loved each other a little too much and too often. Leading to a little oops moment.

18.5K 13 245
A Melancolia


14 1 2 Full


3 1 0 Full

recuerdos de un romance juvenil.

25 2 1 Full

Esto no es un libro, es un poema.

13 1 3 Full
Noches de Melancolía.

Escritos tristes acerca de la vida de un chico que vive sumergido en la melancolía. Amor y desamor, sexo, alcohol. Cada escrito tiene su propia historia. Lean, identifíquense, y disfruten. Portada hecha por: Yuliana Alvarado.

86 6 11

Fanfic por el cumpleaños de L :)(un poco tarde, pero no importa XD) Su mirada se detuvo en las flores frescas sobre la pequeña mesita ratona. Las reconocía, eran Pensamiento negro: tristeza por el amor sin esperanza.

70 1 10 Full
Semimaru X Natsu

It starts off where 4 people wake up on Island, then as the days go by, they find another group, with only 3 other people, then they all became 1 big group, Leader- Saotome Reaper- Shrike (at least i think he is)Mowing, Arashi, Semimaru, Natsu, Mitsuki, Chimaki Sorry thats all for now

1.3K 6 47
S H O O T E R| Sugarhill imagines

Sugarhill oy imagines with dd,sgh ddot, jay, notti if you don't like it leaveeee

1.2K 5 4
Melancolía cellar

Recordando aquello que alguna vez tuve y se fue...

5 1 0 Full
Sueño de melancolía

En un sueño con esa persona especial. Hace que Hijikata Toshirou suelte algunas emociones reprimidas. [hijimitsu] [dedicado a Hijikata Toshirou]

60 1 9 Full
A Daughter's Love - Book 2 The Frencolian Chronicles (complete)

The Chatelain children are growing up in the Manor House, far from Kings Castle in Frencberg where their father resides most of the time. Their mother, Elissa Chatelain, the baroness of Chanoine, is almost overcome and overdone with this awesome task of raising five children and being their main teacher in basic education of reading, writing and arithmetic. The youngest child, Jobyna spends most of her time with the servants and playing, but the time comes when she has to step up in a way that most adults would shrink from, or she knows she might lose her father forever...Exciting stories with timeless principles of good winning over evil, from the ancient proverbs and precepts in the Scriptures.SEVEN books in this series are now 'live' here on Wattpad!Copyright and all other rights are the legal property of Carolyn Ann Aish.Copying and using any part of this work without permission is a crime.

1.6K 38 208 Full
Melancolia Boêmia

Texto narrativo inspirado no 'Poema tirado de uma notícia de jornal' de Manuel Bandeira.

13 1 0 Full
Historia de un día de melancolía

"Estuve pensando que nadie me piensa. Que estoy absolutamente sola. Que nadie, nadie siente mi rostro dentro de sí ni mi nombre correr por su sangre. Nadie actúa invocándome, nadie construye su vida incluyéndome. He pensado tanto en estas cosas. He pensado que puedo morir en cualquier instante y nadie amenazará a la muerte, nadie la injuriará por haberme arrastrado, nadie velará por mi nombre. He pensado en mi soledad absoluta, en mí destierro de toda conciencia que no sea la mía. He pensado que estoy sola y que me sustento sólo en mí para sobrellevar mi vida y mi muerte. Pensar que ningún ser me necesita, que ninguno me requiere para completar su vida" - Alejandra Pizarnik

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