Search: cobert
2,794 stories
Opposites Attract, a Modern Cobert Story

My first modern AU of Downton and cobert! Robert Crawley is the CEO of the Abbey Hoteliers Group based in Yorkshire England. when the Levinson dry goods and Grocers pulls out of their hotel based in Cincinnati for treatment of his son and heir to the company. He's sent to America to smooth things over. Only to meet the daughter of Mr.Levinson, 20 year old Cora, the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen but also the most infuriating. Can Cora's mother make a match of them especially when she thinks Simon Bricker is a better one?Will Robert's mother approve the match?

564 15 21 Full
Cobert: of Angst and Love

This is a prequel of Cobert raising their three daughters and, yes, a son. There will be love and plenty of angst as that has been my nickname in fanfiction with friends ( the Angst Queen is what they call me and I'm ok with that. Basically I take my favorite character(s) and make them sad all while trying to give them a happy ending despite of it)

228 5 10

Neste conto onde a morte é apresentada a um menino franzino de apenas 9 anos nos anos 50 roubando sua inocência sobre a vida pondo em questão o quanto a morte pode estar perto e ao mesmo tempo longe aos olhos de um inocentes e como a vida pode ser frágil e tão forte ao mesmo tempo.

14 1 1 Full
Pés Descobertos

Porque temos medo ao perceber que nossos pés estão descobertos quando acordamos no meio da noite, seria um medo irracional ou existe realmente algo nas sombras que nos aterroriza a noite...

3 1 1 Full
Recomeços e Descobertas

Clarissa Fairchild é uma menina de 16 anos que muda de escola para seu segundo ano do ensino médio.Como se recomeçar tudo do zero já não fosse difícil, Clary ainda irá ter que lidar com as panelinhas da escola, os novos professores, com as novas amizades e a descoberta de seu primeiro amor.Será que Clary e seus amigos conseguirão passar por todos esses recomeços e descobertas?

194 17 0
Coberta quentinha

Baekhyun sorriu, essa, desde o início, fora sua intenção. Ficar agarradinho ao seu namorado, sentindo o calor gostoso do corpo maior contra o seu e trocando beijinhos com aquele que fazia seu coração se aquecer, como se estivesse com uma coberta quentinha.{chanbaek . fluffy}postada: 03/01/2019

836 1 146 Full
amor através o cobertor

minha primeira vez escrevendo... espero que goste

9 1 2 Full
Descobertas Curiosas

Brian e Chrissie descobrem juntos que fãs podem ser bem... criativos, ou vendo coisas demais. (se passa no universo de Pelo Olhar de Chrissie)

37 1 5 Full
Férias com Descobertas

Hoseok e Hyungwon eram namorados de longa data. Cada um dos meninos tinha uma sobrinha, Heejin e Hyunjin. Por conta do destino, eu diria, elas se apaixonaram... Seria Hoseok e Hyungwon os cupidos dessas garotinhas?2won | 2jin | xcollab

4 1 1 Full
The deep Abyss

This has been poking my brain for awhile now so i started to get it down cobert love following the miscarriage since we didn't get an actual scene with them. Elizabeth would have been amazing I'm sure

333 6 13
The Earl's Countess

Cora's Diagnosis is as she feared. Can Robert help her navigate this trying time only to lose the love of his life so soon after his mother?

339 5 13 Full
Past lives

Modern cobert. Cora Levinson believes in past lives. As an Egyptologist from America who is transferred to curate the King Tut exhibit at the British museum of Natural History where she meets the famous Robert crawley, descendant of the Edward Herbert the man who discovered king Tut's tomb and director of the museum. It seems that Cora keeps thinking she's met Robert before but not sure where. She tries to understand and starts dreaming of a past life Married the 7th Earl who bears a striking resemblance to Robert Crawley.

496 17 25 Full
A descoberta: Quem Matou a Catarina

Este livro conta, um mistério. De quem matou a Catarina? Alerta spoiler E claro que, quem vai conseguir resolver o mistério, e a psicopata do prédio

7 1 0 Full
The painswicks

Prequel - Robert and Marmaduke are sent to South Africa. Rosamund and her children, Lavinia and Cyril stay at Downton with a pregnant Cora

275 5 5 Full
Coming of Age Book 2: James

James, the only son of Lord and Lady Grantham experiences a loss when his fiance, Emma, is lost aboard the Titanic. this is a sequel to Coming of Age book 1:Charlotte.

519 10 3 Full
Downton Abbey. An Ideal Marriage

A first meeting between a 20 Year Old American Woman and a uprising young soon to be 5th Earl of Grantham. Robert is pressured by his uptight and snooty mother and his wise father to marry to save their family estate and reputation. Miss Cora Louise Levinson is brought over to England for her season. At a garden party she meets Robert Charles Crawley, future Earl of Grantham. Can he choose a sutiable Wife that both pleases himself and his mother?Despite countless protests from his Mother who despises Americans he proposes marriage to Cora. He does this purely for her dowry. Can he find happiness and true love with Cora? or will their marriage be a loveless one?

22.8K 75 812 Full
Voldemort e a descoberta da Internet [TRADUÇÃO]

Lucius descobre esse dispositivo trouxa chamado computador com Internet e presenteia-o a Voldemort que pode pesquisar nele tudo o que o Senhor das Trevas desejar. Voldemort, no entanto,descobre rapidamente o lado errado da web.* Original em inglês por @sommerisheree * Harry Potter pertence a J. K. Rowling.

424 2 40 Full
-Alquimia- A Descoberta Da Ciência

Um jovem rapaz nascido no interior da Itália decidiu ir a procura de seus pais que haviam sumido há vinte anos após receber pistas desconhecidas em sua residencia indicando seu possível paradeiro. Em uma busca quase impossível entre a realidade e o inevitável ele se depara em uma cidade desconhecida, cheio de dúvidas e obstáculos para enfrentar.A estória se passa na Idade Moderna e relata a busca de Thomas em reencontrar os pais. Uma estória envolvente e misteriosa.

174 5 24
You have my protection

Modern AU - Cora Levinson is 26 years old and moved to London England with her two children to start anew after the death of her husband and dealing with a stalker who is obsessed with marrying her. She is the manager and lounge singer of the new franchise of her Father's restaurant, The Crystal Palace, in London.Robert Crawley, 27, is the son of Patrick Crawley, founder and owner of Downton Security. When Isidor Levinson, a friend from Oxford University, requests his help to keep his daughter safe, Patrick sends his son for the job.

195 6 5 Full
The Twin Heirs of Downton

Robert and Cora have twin boys before having their lovely daughters. Will things be easier for Downton Abbey or will there be a struggle for the rightful heir?

161 5 0
Smuts & Imagines

Just a bit of everyone mashed into one book... smuts and imagines combined. Not all going to be smut based, but will definitely incorporate them ❤️I'm not a motivated person so I won't upload regularly... also a perfectionist so it will definitely not help 😂⚠️ DOES CONTAIN SMUTS ⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ (just incase)Also leave suggestions for me 🤷🏼‍♀️

168.2K 12 182 Full
My Dearest Darling

Cora had been feeling unwell for weeks leading up to their trip to France. Back home, she had Doctor Clarkson run some tests and the results are not at all what she and Robert had hoped. How will she cope with this new reality, and will she be able to help Robert and their daughters to come to terms with it? This is a *slightly* altered ending to A New Era

662 51 1
Sedução e Descoberta

Alexandra sempre foi a garota discreta e inteligente da faculdade, escondendo seu corpo escultural sob roupas simples e seu rosto bonito atrás de óculos. Seu melhor amigo, Erick, um típico nerd com uma mente brilhante, é seu confidente de longa data. Mas tudo muda quando Alexandra testemunha um momento íntimo no banheiro da faculdade, despertando nela desejos e sensações que nunca havia experimentado.A chegada dos novos alunos, os gêmeos Dan e Lisa, transforma ainda mais a rotina de Alexandra. Dan, um jovem charmoso e musculoso, e Lisa, uma morena deslumbrante com um corpo de modelo, rapidamente se tornam o centro das atenções. Alexandra, intrigada e atraída por eles, compartilha as novidades com Erick, que fica imediatamente encantado por Lisa.Enquanto Alexandra tenta navegar por seus novos sentimentos e desejos, ela e Erick embarcam em uma jornada de autodescoberta e conexões intensas. Com a amizade e os novos encontros, eles descobrirão que os desejos mais ocultos podem mudar suas vidas de formas inesperadas e profundamente sensuais.A

10 1 2
New Hard drive

modern AU - 23 year old Cora is a computer tech major and was offered a position as Desktop Support Manager in the hottest tech company in London, Downton Tech. She moves to London with her only son, Daniel after a tough relationship with her ex boyfriend who decided he didn't want to deal with her or their son after physically beating him constantly and left them taking all her money and their home. With her father's help, Cora was able to afford a plane ticket once she secured the job with Downton Tech. She went to London to start anew. She falls in love with the CEO, Robert Crawley but it tales him awhile to fall in love with her.

108 6 3 Full
𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥 ☀︎

requests (open)walker scobell imagines AND preferences :)--#1 - riordan (04.30.24)#1 - leenascobell (05.29.24)#2 - adamreed (04.30.24)#2 - momonatamada (03.28.24)#3 - charliekincaid (12.29.23)#3 - imagines (01.31.23)#3 - secretheadquarters (05.24.24) #4 - teenfame (12.29.23)#5 - teens (02.16.23)#7 - teens (02.14.23)

1.2M 133 19.8K
Victoria and Patrick

Victoria Crawley, attempts to navigate her life as the youngest child of Cora and Robert with the help of her brother, Patrick.

1.1K 16 29