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85 stories
My Randomness Again!

*Without Me by Eminem plays faintly in the background* What, did you really think I'd only make one?

115.7K 718 8.8K
Ready for the Task | Book 11

Ah yes new book, where kindergarteners are being targeted :D viewer discretion is advised =~=

5.5K 200 3
Mind Planet {ON HOLD}

ON HOLD TILL FURTHER NOTICEBook 1 in the Dream Elements series.Trapped in a cancerous dream.#ONC2021 Prompt 32:- 'All we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.'The universe is being wiped away by a plague of unknown origin and no matter how many tries are done, no one seems able to understand the 'why', the 'how', but more importantly, the 'what to do'.It takes one man with eyes wide enough to see beyond true science, one child with a mind wonderous enough to save an entire civilization, and one girl hardened enough to break down for something she never could have imagined possible, to help the planet; Nigale but it is going to take more than just the three of them to save it.~.~.~.~Naomi Vaynderin has been a loner for too long in her life. Having been born into a world of corruption and pain, she was forced to learn the hard way how to take care of herself. She didn't have the capacity to care for anyone else and the fact was made clear by the career path she chose. In a system where no one was guaranteed a life expectancy rate above 30, it was herself first and no one else.This all changes when her safe house is discovered by government officials and she is captured and held in a facility that reveals more to her than she could ever have known.'A disappearing tower that possessed more energy than an entire nation, a cult group of scientists fighting against the corrupt governance and a planet whose science had yet to be understood', Naomi could tell already that she was in for the mission of a lifetime.First published:- February 25th, 2021Cover credits: @LmntrryxCopyright © May Dahlia.

228 9 76
hello there

general kenobi

4.3K 193 189

UwU *talks about meowth want to fuck he boss*

4.4K 194 195
Puns For The Win! (2) *COMPLETED*

AHOY MATIES Care to join me on an adventure? Cause I'm sure... it will be SMOOTH SAILING from here!! Nightmare: God have mercy on my soul....*covers ears as a charade of puns leave my mouth*

4.1K 200 630 Full
the new Oval Frontier

A new entry in the Oval memoirs series that going into the new frontier who know what will be over the Horizon.Start date June 26th 2022End date December 10th 2022

1.8K 166 1.1K Full


4.8K 196 208
Apollo's Artistic Failures {Art book the third}

Welcome one and all to the land of procrastination, bad puns, and artI hope you enjoy your stay!Requests: Never Art trades: Possibly Collabs: Sure why not Commissions: Definitely (Highest ranking or whatever you call it: #293 in Random)

10.1K 200 3.1K Full
How Long


4K 200 15
Introverted Being (2019 - Part 1)

This started as a goal to write anything everyday in 2019. I've always wanted to do it no matter how short the piece is! ☺ It turned out to be like a memoir because the book talks about me, my life, my interests and my thoughts. So if you want to get to know me better and happens to be interested in my uneventful life, feel free to stalk me here. 😉Also, you can make them as your writing prompts! 😊-Yuchae MoonFrom: January 1, 2019To: July 19, 2019

4.5K 200 556 Full
what the нєℓℓ

but rly, how?

3K 200 491
Sanders Sides Roleplay

*shrieking* only rules:no smutno ocsgot it?good

42.3K 168 696
Roses & Lilies (4)

Why are people still interested? Anyway, if you're new(or have stuck around long enough), here is the fourth book in this catastrophic series! I hope you like dragons, cats, and the occasional human, because that's what this will be about. Stay alight, Firefly!

49.2K 181 9.1K
Warrior's Swag

The heart of a warrior - on desire's edge- waiting to be lapped up. This lost soul can't seem to remember her past, though through tough times of anxiety, courage, loss of being, the "wholesome " is found through countless encounters with past and self depression takes her bound in a mournful state of lost love including questioning "is this real or a dream state ment for reality to be broken in a mirror of sorrow .... A cyborg, warrior, friend, valkyrie and dork - in a way ...I have used ideas from Skullduggury pleasant, Cowboy bebob, Noragami,Tokyo ghoul , Alita, divergent and life forms a guide.This book will help with anyone to guide u into coping with self doubt, depression, lack of love, or finding a path to sanity. The world is big, however your mind is extravagantly enormous compared to many minds who may not understand u. Be careful with your thoughts life will please them with attracting what u may not want.My key focus is to make learning cool for anyone that feels lost in a field that engolfes your spirt and humanity. Learn to cope with life including your thoughts of one's self. Life can be gruesome some scenes in this book may be traumatic. This book shocks our insights of what life could be. Don't change for others, be u.Bullying, Depression, emotions, self doubt, love is more complicated than it seems, desire, values of humanity and '' ''Knowledge is power'', POSSESSIONS are so important in our lives and self image is a crucial concern that will be spoken in this book. Psychological how we betray ourselves. The story of a girl who is lost makes the story very relatable I hope u enjoy it!To know more read it ;)Tell me what u guys think and this is my first book sorry if I may not spell things correctly or punctuation or grammar "I am not a robot".Peace out hope to hear from u guys ^^ -Val Cain

352 9 14
Bad Blood

Everyone always says I act too much like a protagonist. Well considering that I just moved nine thousand miles across the sea, began a girl's singing cult, became instantly famous, changed my name (not legally, but blackmailing the media seemed to do the trick), and won five hundred thousand dollars I think it's fair to say I'm definitely not a side character. Oh yeah, and there's the job interview I had, the bureau I joined, the cover I created, the spy I became, and the man who's life I saved. I mean, I'm not trying to brag but, call me the mentor and we might have some serious problems. But if I was the mentor, I'd remind you all that nothing is as it seems. And live is too short not to eat cake.

207 21 47
Glory and Shame

Deticaded to my friend canyouseemenow and I want every one to sub her because she makes awesome books and storiesFor now good by simbioites .

31 2 0
Stuck in Love

Christopher Musgrave-BarringtonHe is an exceptionally handsome, immensely wealthy classic bad boy who fears the mere mention of “commitment” and “relationship”. He has a reputation as a ruthless player, and is never seen without a beautiful girl on his arm. Every guy wants to be him and every girl wants to be with him. He had never been one to be attracted to snarky, fragile girls. They seemed like too much work. He wasn’t in it for the work, just the pleasure. When the mysterious beautiful girl rebuffs his advances, he is fascinated. He will do anything to distract her from her own instincts and her utter indifference to him.Lily CameronHer life has taken a turn she would never have imagined. The dark secrets of her past weren’t something she ever intended to share with anyone. No one would ever get close enough to find out. She’s gone from exclusive Beacon Hill elite popular girl with a jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider serving coffee at Starbucks. She’s stubborn, feisty, and incredibly sexy. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal.When Chris Barrington, the smoking-hot, girl-using, race car-driving player explodes into her life with his smoldering gaze and surprising understanding, Lily’s world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. Her beguiling beauty intrigues him. He couldn’t understand why it was so difficult to forget the carefree mystery girl who spoke her mind and didn’t care what the world thought of her.They should have nothing in common, and being together is pretty much impossible. Lily thinks Chris can speak pick-up artist, sensitive emo-dude, and multiple dialects of douchebag, that he’s got the inside scoop on all the tricks, false promises, and smooth, jungle cat moves. Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. Lily might be the one girl who claims immunity to his charms, but she's also the one girl he'll stop at nothing to have....

5.8K 14 125
Redirect [Artbook #2]

Oh crap, you're back...Either way, you know what an art book is about. I don't need to explain this. !Warning! The author will not be held responsible for any kind of mental or physical damage you might take because of reading this book. Read at your own risk.Have lot's of fun :D

15.2K 200 4.6K Full
Freak tried Art (5)

Yo. This is the fifth part. Warning: the Art's gonna get lazier as the book proceeds. Also, my Art changes pretty fast, I dunno why and I hate it. But at least I also learn quickly, right? Ha, I wish. Anyway, the character in the cover is Froid, my main OC. He AIN'T a furry, okay? Thanks. I don't take responibility for any mental or physical damage you take. All art in this book was drawn by me except if I say otherwise.

20.2K 198 5.4K

All it takes is 1 moment. 1 single choice is enough to improve, complete or ultimately shatter a life.For Aurora McCarthy and her friends, that moment was the night that Carter Kennedy died, setting off a chain reaction of life changing events that can't be reversed...******************Aurora McCarthy has 10 main problems:1.She's twenty and doesn't have a clue as to what the heck she's doing with her life.2.Her brother is kind of...Well...let's just say that she doesn't talk about him much.3.Has a mum with cancer. Give your pity to someone else, Aurora doesn't want it.4.Chase Kennedy. Why is he a problem you may ask? She despises him...but he's one of her best friends...and she might be in lov-I mean like him. Key word being MIGHT. Yeah she's a bit messed up.5.Ashton Miller. Yeah, he's also a problem. Why? He's a sexy creep who she thinks is most likely and axe murderer. But yet Aurora might just fall in lov-I mean like him. Key word being MIGHT. Yeah she's a bit messed up.6.She realises that the last two problems sounded very similar. And it dawns on her that when it comes to those two boys, she's very indecisive.7.Ashton Miller is hiding something and she needs to find out what it is.8.Her twin sister has been missing ever since the death of Chase's brother Carter. Now she has to piece together the puzzle together if she ever wishes to see Jasmine again.9.She HATES nicknames. But for some unknown reason practically everyone thinks it's a good idea to give her one anyways.10.Someone's life is at risk and she doesn't even know it yet...******************UNEDITEDNOT COMPLETED BUT REGULARLY UPDATEDMANY SPELLING ERRORS TO COMEYOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.....

1.3K 22 195
I Want To Travel The World

I want to travel the world and these are only a few of the amazing places I want to visit. If you've been to these places let me know what it's like.Much Love/

1.4K 138 15
Fight the hardest

17 year old Ivy Miller has been living rough with her single mother ever since she can remember.While Ivy is barely getting by in life and is already struggling enough, her mother decides they need to have a change, which happens to be by moving into a even smaller, rougher house, not to mention a whole new school.But at this new school Ivy meets people, some are nice, some are creepy and some that are worse than at her old school.Throw in a handsome young man named Lucas Ranley who doesn't seem to care for anyone but his little sister, dark hair and mysterious eyes draws Ivy in and she cant help but want to get to know him, the only thing in the way, apart from Lucas's tendency to not care about the consequences of his action, was Infact Ivy herself, not trusting anyone was her speciality. To top everything all off Lucas just happens to be stuck as Ivy's biology partner for the rest of the year.If you see another story with the same plotline or character names it is purely coincidental.constructive criticism is welcome please message.

13 5 3