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40,711 stories
Like a puppet

She tought that he was the love of her life, but he cheated on her, he destroyed her.

113 11 12
Blossom away.Tanjiro x Reader.

"Why do you care for me? ""Because I love you."In the world full of demons and humans, A girl with (Hair length) (hair color) lived in the forest with her older brother and sister, one day..... Something turned her life around completely.

51 4 4
Cold Archduke

He stared passively at the palace before turned and walked as he tucked away a big sack full of coins in his cloak. A loner boy disappeared for good.[Disclaimer: I don't own any pictures nor wmmap. These are belong to the respective owners. I only own my plots and OCs. Enjoy.ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"]

6.3K 2 306
Gilmore girl 2 ( A sequel to What if she said Yes?)

This is a Sequal to my book "What if she said yes?". Milo, Adira, and Lorelai are now 14 years old. Starting to experience High school, teenage love, and family drama, these Triplets are ready for a lot movie nights, Friday night dinners, and more.

2.1K 16 99
It's whatever

My life

212 17 2
Lost at Sea

Ever wonder how the first siren came to be? Read this short story and find out how on an exciting adventure!

6 1 1 Full
The aftermath of popular | ✔️

Rain walker. You know that one girl in the books who always messes with the relationships because she wants the guy? Yeah that's her. Her exactly. She just wants everything and can't stand it when things don't go her way. She loves being the centre of attention, having people appreciate her presence makes her feel important. Noah Hart. The chill guy, the best friend who never gets the girl. He doesn't know what to do with himself. He's the golden boy who's loved by all, despite the fact he's never had a girl, he'll get one one day, and he has the perfect girl in mind. Finn James. The best friend. Funny, sweet, amusing, along with this he's a player. Any girl his age is a target. He's still someone to love. Hunter Ponds. Mister popular, the bad boy, with a leather jacket and a motorcycle. Before he'd screw anything, just like Finn. But one girl tamed his hunger for love, the girl who originally didn't want him. Then there's Faith, the goodie two shoes who has everything. She is a supposed face of innocence.What happens after the traditional story ends? The nerd gets the player. Miss populars in the dust. The best friends don't know whether they, will stay that just best friends. What happens during the summer before senior years? Who's to say all hell won't break loose?~~~~~~~~~Written by myself, First posted on - 21 - 11 - 18Finished on - 25 - 4 - 18

281 14 27 Full
Possible Book Three?

Musing around with the idea of a third book for the Element Academy story line. Here's a potential preview/idea for it.

56 1 5 Full
You Stole My Heart (Camilo X Y/N Fanfic)

Our story takes place in year 2021 and unfortunately the lockdown was still with us Furthermore y/n was watching the movie that came out a few months ago 'encanto' she has watched it a few times or so Additionally she was re-watching the movie again to distract her mind of all the chaos which was currently happening outside their doors due to the pandemic......when she found a way to enter her dream world.....she isn't willing to return to her real world Will she find love, friends or enemies.... or maybe all of them Read to find out

147 6 2
Changig minds

Love is the strongest magic we have.A little love story, because sometimes we all need a little bit more love in our lives.

11 1 2 Full

Cara had never been 'in love'. It was stupid and a waste of her time.Brad gave up on love. It was stressing and a waste of his time. ...That was until the FaceTime call that would change everything.

100 4 3
Daily reasons  why William Birkin is the best re character

William Birkin my cutie patootie, honey pie, pookie Wookie bear, hot wife having, technically Dilf, bbg, soggy homeless cat, A little misunderstood, hot pocket, my little willybilly

756 26 58
Just Write! [Showcase Your Work]

Is your head heavy with ideas? Do you crave somewhere where you can post a short story without having to make a whole new book? Do you wish that you could read an anthology of creative writing by various authors on Wattpad?Well you've come to the right place! Here is your chance to send in pieces of creative writing which will be published in this book and hopefully help you get noticed in this huge world of Wattpad!

21.4K 112 2.2K
My angel

Will and Nico have been relatively lucky, at least in the sense that they only rarely have to go out and enter the mythical realm now that they're adults. But even the mortal world can sometimes be too much to handle, and sometimes, that's where their powers are most needed.Taking place after the events of HOO. Also, I know I've been biting off more than I can chew lately, but this is just a oneshot, then back to your regularly scheduled program.

20 1 0 Full
A Golden Princess

Christina is the daughter of Aslan and is a dear friend of Prince Caspian, when the evil ruler Miraz is swarn to kill Caspian he call for help from the kings and queens of old. but when Chirstina signed on to this adventure she didn't think she would fall in love with a king.

1.3K 6 12
TWDG Violentine Art by me

ALL ART IS OWNED BY ME! PLEASE NO STEALING! If you would like to use my art or would like me to draw something please message me. Please and thank you!

1.5K 10 61
Her Little Rose

Lauren/youY/N Cabello is the middle child of the Cabello family. Adored and loved by her family, perfect grades, the Cabello genes, Y/N has it all. What happens when she finally meets Lauren Jauregui? Sparks fly and unspoken feelings comes to surface.Camila Cabello is the eldest Cabello among her siblings. After X-factor Camila became a successful musician. Shows, interviews, Meet and greets, her life totally changed. But at what cost? Camila hardly gets to see her family, her younger siblings are the ones she misses the most especially Y/n. What will happen when they meet again? Will Y/n and Sofi hate her for leaving them?Lauren Jauregui is the eldest Jauregui sibling. Perfect looks, perfect voice, perfect personality, perfect eyes, Lauren got everything. What will happen when she meets the adorable middle Cabello? Will Lauren ever admit her feelings for Y/n? Possiveness is a quality of the Jauregui family.

4.2K 5 114
the other smelly belly

there is one more smelly belly

168 4 0
Transformers Prime/Bayverse Action Rp

based in the transformer prime Fandom and bayverse ofc.If you havemt watched i suggest watching it ^^Same rules as my other rp.

954 7 4
Long Lost Love: JENZIE

" oh, do you not remember me?" - johnny orlando. "johnny you just need to man up and ask me" - kenzie zeigler. In which johnny meant to add Hayden but accidentally added an unknown random from insta, and finds out that she's his old best friend from LA since pre-K- 4th grade when he moved to toronto canada.

579 17 75 Full
Rapper Imagines 😵‍💫

This is rapper imagines, if you dunno the rapper then just search the nigga up, damn.🙄if you have anyone you want me 2 do just message me: (* means required)*Character Names *Character AgesPlot

4.3K 4 48
𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺 𝗕𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘀 ·  𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶

[𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐡]: 𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮.[𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐧]: 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮.

110.5K 24 4.3K
Laberinto de Mentiras y Secretos

Cuatro perfectos chicos parece que han olvidado que el pasado de una u otra forma siempre regresa e intentará hacerles pagar por un pecado que cometieron, y si es posible reclamará sus vidas. Lo que James Miller, Juan Manuel Bergamasco, Dylan Idrovo y César Kruis no saben, es que su secreto más oscuro está golpeando la puerta del ataúd en donde lo sepultaron. Sin embargo, uno de ellos, James Miller, semanas después de cumplir dieciséis años, y pocas horas antes de empezar su último año de estudios en el San Bartolomé Páez, el colegio más prestigioso y exclusivo de la ciudad, conocerá a una persona que cambiará su vida para siempre, y con quién conocerá y experimentará cosas que ni en sueños imaginaba posibles.

90 30 0 Full
Twoja mała modeleczka (#1) (16+)

Pierwszy tom dylogii. Nastoletnia Arisa Vesner jest modelką. Powabną, niewinną, piękną i uroczą własnością swojej bezkonkurencyjnej, wzbudzającej niesłychany zachwyt matki. Być może nie należy ona jedynie do niej. Dziewczyna doskonale wie, iż skażona i przesiąknięta brudem czułego dotyku oraz gorliwego uczucia dawnego ukochanego nie będzie w stanie ruszyć naprzód. Kiedy najlepszy, a zarazem jedyny przyjaciel Connora obrał sobie za cel zdobycie względów słodkiej koleżanki niejakiej Arisy, chłopak został zmuszony pojawić się w życiu modelki, nawet, jeżeli z dużym dystansem. Podczas pierwszego bliższego spotkania zdecydowanie nie zyskała jego sympatii. Zamiast czego porodziła strzałę mocy. Nieznany impuls, który gwałtownie i samoistnie poskromił Connora do wywarzenia żelaznych murów, za których pomocą uparcie odgradzał się przed otoczeniem. Aczkolwiek nie jest on już małym chłopcem z nadzieją wyczekującym wyjścia ciepłego słońca w czasie burzy. Jest dojrzałym i pogardliwym mężczyzną, który ma świadomość tego, jak ogromne konsekwencje mogłyby wiązać się z wtajemniczeniem Arisy w zrośnięcie rażących mankamentów. ,,Nasza zanieczyszczona planeta od pamiętnych lat cierpiała na zasadniczymi niedobór kompromisów właściwych wyborów z poczuciem pociągu i przyjemnej serotoniny."

2.6K 17 60
This is Home

Carlos isn't who he said he is. Everyone knows him as the 'son' of Cruella, but what if that's how he wanted to be known as?

79 3 7 Full
back when we as kids

natsu fall into deep sleep and only a true love kiss can save him but who is his true loveok so Hiro masima is the ower of fairy tail I own the plot the is a 4 shot start: 18 of the 2 2019finish: of the 24 2019enjoy

38 4 0 Full