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3,771 stories
Still With You

Just an ordinary love between a mafia and a cute cheerleader captain."Can i sleep with taetae?" - Jimin"Ofc, mochi." - Hoseok"He'll be staying in my room. WITH ME." - Jungkook"................"

37 1 0
BTS shit

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Girls Club

It's friendly

104 2 3
Bad Liar : Let me unbroken

" I may lie about everything, but I've never lie about my love and my loyalty to you, " ----------------------------------------------------------------- " Okay fine! I lie about it okay! Are you satisfied now?!" he hissed. There was a moment of an awkward silent as she just stared at his beautiful face, trying to decipher the truth behind it. " But why?," she frowned, " We don't even love each other. So why me? Go and find someone else, I'm sure there are a lot to choose from, " she still can't believe why in the world would he forced her to marry him. " They think of me as a monster, remember? " he clenched his jaw, he looked like he is lost in his own world. " I'm sorry, but you're the only one I have right now, " he appeared to be strong from the outside, but she knew, only she can save him from his misery. " Pffttt," she bursted into laughter causing him to raise his eyebrow, looking at her as if she grew another head. " Look at you acting like prince charming who can swoon all the girls he meet, but in reality you're begging for someone like me to marry you, ". No matter how many times she thinks about it, it is still funny seeing an arrogant prince like him, begging to her. " I'm sorry to say this, but even a noobies like me have been in relationships before, " she stated earning a grumble from him. " Ah! and you know what? some of them still beg for me to come back to them, but none of them are that desperate to force me to marry them, " she stared at his face, " like you, " and with that he walked away. -----------------------------------------------------------------Meet Rose Camelia Reign, or Cammy, a sophomore in a medical school.What will happen when she meet the run away prince, Zéke Alessio Béchalot?Two characters, from two different world. This story depicted of how they ended up become each other savior. Will they help each other?

17 3 0
one shot...jungkook-y/n

It's been 3 years since u were working in a office of a big company with ur boyfriend jeon jungkook. Jungkook always had time for you, he didn't take his job as serious as u do. U were a really busy woman and had ur own strict rules. Jungkook always wanted to help u with ur work but u didn't let him, u always gave ur best and took ur Job really serious. And of course ur boss was really glad to have u as his worker. The less good fact was that u never gave ur boyfriend enough attention that he needed, the two of u had it a couple of times but that was mostly on birthdays or just when u did have any time for him. It was already 10pm and u were still working on ur paper stuff, till ur boyfriend....

1.5K 3 14
Carré Defla Òun || Yoonmin

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams."JM"Pfttt! Says the one who got it from Google."YN"But At least It's True Yoongi.."JM"So you love me."YN"...."JM"Only if you knew my secret in hiding which is I do but you'll never love me Like I do Yoongi.."JM"What if I love you and want children's?"YN"But you have her Yoongi..."JM"Forget that bitch because I knew her from the starts that she's a hoe who messed with my angel baby"YN*giggles*"Stawp it Yoongi! your making me shy!"JM"Only to see you smile Princess"YNYoongi pulled Jimins waist putting him in his lap Resting his other hand in Jimins thigh. He chuckled while remembering the Things they used to do when they first met. Fight. He remembers those memories from long time, A Tear slipped out his eyes before kissing Jimin."Why you crying?"YN"Because of the memories i always want to keep in my mind with you and me"JM"I always wanted to too!"YN"Lets marry"YN"I never think you'll marry me because I'll be gone and leave you both to marry.."JM"I'll find you because I won't give up for you but I will for that bitch"YN"YoonYoon Stawp"JM"YoonYoon? did you just came up with that nickname?"YN"You don't like it?...I'm sorry.."JM"I don't like it, i LOVE IT!"YN*giggles""I wanna have kids Yoongi"JM"Wait. why are you not calling me YoonYoon?"YN"Only if we make babies"JM"Than lets make babies"YN"You mean Make bread?"JM"Jimin I mean let's make babies! like have sex"YN"I'm right here why are you calling me Yoongi?"JM*chuckles*"Don't tease me jimin cmon lets make?"YN"Next week okay YoonYoon"JM"Okay"YN"I love you Yoongi""I love you Jimin"~~~~~~"Leave that Bitch and be with me Yoongi""I already left that hoe for you Sweetie"{Unfinished}Started: *Unknown*Ended: *Unknown*

44 1 2
More Mao Mao Cute pictures and Memes part 9

I hope like some more pictures

8.8K 200 230
who are you?

Tae:WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND IS ALL THE LOVE YOU SHOWED ME IS A PART OD THAT PLAN TOO(shouts while crying hardly)jk:I can't tell you and yes loving you was part of my plan but now I really love you my petal.tae:Ok if you do tell me who you arejk.jk:I can't petal don't ask and take rest you are sick my petal.Tae: JUST GET OUT AND NEVER SHOW YOUR FACE GET OUt jk(crying)jk:your wish is my command my petal.jk got out of the house.while taehyung was crying hard thinking about him and about them .Hope you love my first story.enjoy.thank you -kim soe wae.

16 1 2
Peaky Blinders

Rome changed and aftter a while Era Of Guns is coming to an end and new Gear (SWAT & Riot Police) is coming Peaky Blinders is a Romani British Gang led by Shelby Family Of Crime (here Ada is the oldest) led by Polly Grey Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Tommy Shelby, John Shelby, Michael Grey Shelby, Ada Shelby & Finn Shelby who's the only good one and their enemies 1. Billy Kimber and Lee Family Of Crime 2. Chester Campbell3. Darby Sabini4. Changretta Family Of Crime 5. Father Hughes Of Jupiter Maximus 6. Oswald Mosley 7. Jimmy Mccavern8. Luca Changretta9. Michael Grey Shelby10. Alfie Solomons Jewish Gang Leader

79 3 1
Phsycho Girl

Seorang gadis 18 tahun ingin membalas dendam terhadap orang yang pernah buat salah kepada satu satunya ahli keluarganya yang tinggal .Ibu bapa gadis ini sudah lama meninggal kerana sebuah pesawat yang terhempas 9 tahun yang lalu.Tapi hidupnya merana kerana seorang lelaki yang suka terhadap sikap dinginnya. Lagi dia benci lelaki ni sebab suka bagi pickup line basi . Mau x mau dia bunuh juga lelaki ni. And yep ! Namja tu Jeon Jungkook.Hidup gadis ni tambah merana kerana seorang lagi lelaki buat comeback kedalam hidupnya. Lelaki itu ialah ex-boyfriend mendiang kakaknya. Wae? Ex-boyf kakak dia ni putuskan hubungan mereka hanya kerana lelaki ni mau bersama adik kakaknya. Gadis ni.And yehet ! Namja yitu adalah Kim Taehyung..Siapa yang bakal mencairkan hati gadis ni yang sudah lama beku juga berhati phsycho?Bacalah ff ni walaupun merapu pfttt 😂

108 7 10
Worst Day of my Life

This is a story about a young lady who talks about her worst life experiences ☹️💔

15 1 0
썬뱃주소 썬뱃도메인 슈어맨 보증뱃스 [썬뱃.com 코드 9999]

썬뱃 - 안전한 배팅사이트의 차원을 넘어선 선택주소 : 썬뱃.com코드 : 9999 배팅사이트를 선택할 때 가장 중요한 요소는 안전성입니다. 그리고 썬뱃은 안전을 넘어서 최고의 선택지입니다.우리는 엄격한 보안 시스템과 라이센스를 통해 사용자들에게 안전한 배팅 경험을 제공하고 있습니다.또한 국내 최대 토토 커뮤니티인 슈어맨과 예치금을 포함한 보증관계에 있습니다.썬뱃은 유일한 국내외 해외배팅이 가능한 업체로, 해외 AIP를 통해 국내 최고배당을 선사합니다.이를 통해 우리는 고객들에게 최상의 신뢰성을 보장하며, 국내외에서 다양한 배팅 옵션을 즐길 수 있게 합니다.우리의 게임과 스포츠 베팅 옵션은 다양성을 자랑합니다.크로스 배팅도 가능하며, 정식카지노와 다양한 미니게임을 통해 흥미로운 시간을 보낼 수 있습니다.고객들의 입출금을 우리는 신속하게 처리합니다.입출금 지연 시 보상제도를 운영하여 사용자들의 불편을 최소화하고, 빠른 입출금 서비스를 통해 편안한 배팅 환경을 제공합니다.사용자들의 리뷰에서는 우리의 뛰어난 한도와 빠른 환전 서비스에 대한 만족이 높게 평가됩니다.또한, 해외식 배팅 옵션을 통해 게임 중에도 배팅을 즐길 수 있어 흥미로운 경험을 선사합니다.썬뱃은 올킬/한폴낙 이벤트등 다양한 10여가지 이상의 이벤트로 사용자들에게 더 많은 혜택을 제공합니다.우리의 고객센터는 항상 빠르고 친절한 응답을 통해 사용자들의 요구에 신속히 대응합니다. 더 많은 정보와 접속을 원하신다면, 한글 도메인인 썬뱃.com 코드 9999를 참고해주세요.안전한 배팅사이트의 차원을 넘어선 썬뱃과 함께 하세요!#토토 #이벤트 #VIP #가입머니 #입

1 1 0

Mungkin aku hanya seorang anak ke remaja yang hidup penuh kebingungan, tapi setelah banyak waktu yang telahku lewati sekarang aku tahu bahwa hidup ini memiliki tujuan yang berbeda, kenalkan diriku Ester william, biasa dipanggil Ester aku duduk di bangku SMA,mungkin ini hanya awal dari cerita jadi aku hanya akan menceritakan kehidupan ku disekolah,aku duduk di kelas IPA I banyak yang bilang kelas ini adalah kelas favorit padahal tidak ada bedanya hanya sebuah ruangan yang di isi oleh murid-murid.Aku hidup menyendiri dikelas mungkin aku sengaja melakukan ini karena bagiku berkumpul dengan yang lain itu sama saja, aku merasa hidup ku hampa walaupun aku mudah bergaul atau pun berteman dengan siapa saja tapi aku lebih memilih menyendiri atau menjadi pendiam, aku duduk dengan teman sebangku ia bernama Sven Oaster atau biasa dipanggil Sven kadang juga ia di panggil bambang, mungkin itu sedikit dari teman sebangku ku.Kamis,mungkin hari yang biasa saja di banding hari senin yang mengharuskan kita berangkat lebih pagi untuk mengikuti upacara bendera,jam pertama biologi pelajaran yang membosankan,aku lebih memilih tidur dari pada mendengarkan bahasa-bahasa biologi yang bikin pusing kepala saja,jam pelajaran pertama,kedua pun berlalu jam menunjuk pukul 10:10 bel istirahat pun berbunyi, teman-temanku mengajakku ke kantin disaat menyusuri kelas-kelas menuju kantin aku tiba-tiba melihat dirinya sedang berjalan di depanku.Mungkin dari semua perempuan yang ku ketahui tak tahu mengapa aku hanya tertuju pada dirinya,dia bukan perempuan yang terkenal ataupun hitz atau apalah itu, ia adalah Amelia Mutiara ia biasa dipanggil amel atau tiara ,ia hanya perempuan biasa yang mungkin tidak banyak yang mengenalinya.Disaat menyusuri kelas demi kelas aku berbincang kecil kepada teman-temanku, tanpa sengaja dia dan teman-temannya mendengarkan perbincangan kami, sontak kami pun panik....To Be Continued~Nantikan Sunyi Part II akan dirilis secepatnya.kalo ada waktu😂See u next time~

226 2 10

Trigger Warning: this story contains cutting , trying to commit suicide , language, sex (if your not interested or comfortable I advised not read this thank you ) our story begins with a 18 yr old girl name y/n her parents died when she was 4 yrs old her mother died in front of her . She is living with to foster parents and her brother "Kim taehyung " they were living in Busan but came back to there old town in Seoul . As y/n journey starts in her first year of senior year of high school girls start bullying her for her looks question is why? she was the most beautiful one in school . probably because they were jealous and didn't have what she had . but as the girls were there leaving her on the floor a young handsome boy approaches her saying "Let me help u " this handsome boy was Park Jimin as the drama continues there's more details to be told as there friend ship turns into a relationship ... do u think it's a good idea ? find out .

11 1 0
JiKook One-shots

These are just one shots made when I have free time so I don't have a specific update time set. Please be nice in the comments.

79 4 0
Pasado, presente y futuro


32 2 0
My Beloved Senior (SLOW UPDATE)

Arcesilia Chanayya Desta, seorang gadis cantik yang kerap dipanggil Cesil dan terkenal dengan sifat nya yang ceria, blak-blakan, dan cerewet nya lah itu yang membuat orang di sekitar nya sering kali menggelengkan kepala mereka akan kelakuan konyol gadis tersebut.Cesil terkenal di sekolah bukan hanya perilaku nya saja, tetapi semua orang tau jika Cesil menyukai salah satu kakak kelas nya sejak MOS hingga sekarang. Selain itu....Devano Darka Achilles, seorang kapten basket yang kerap dipanggil vano dan terkenal dengan sifat nya yang dingin, cuek, bahkan tidak pedulian. Tapi, walaupun begitu semua siswa sangat mengaguminya.Because why? Hey! siapa yang bisa menolak pesona vano?, Wajah tampan, Alis tebal, Bibir merah, Badan atletis, Otot kekar, Bahkan tinggi nya saja 186 cm! Bisa kalian bayangkan bagaimana sempurnanya makhluk ciptaan Tuhan satu ini?!Tapi, bisa kalian bayangkan lagi jika manusia se-sempurna vano adalah salah satu manusia yang sulit akan move on?!, HAH! Terdengar menggelikan bukan untuk mempercayai nya? Tapi itu lah faktanya.....Cesil menyukai vano! Semua orang tau itu!! Tapi memang perjuangan Cesil untuk mendapatkan hati vano cukup sulit sebab 1. Yang menyukai vano banyak bahkan sangat banyak,2. Hati vano masih stuck kepada masa lalu nya, 3. Vano membenci sifat Cesil yang rusuh dan cerewet Dan memang Cesil yang sifat nya juga keras kepala, walaupun dia selalu di tolak mentah2 oleh vano,Sampai sekarang gadis tersebut tidak berhenti menyerah. Huftt strong Cesil:*Akankah pada akhirnya vano membukakan hati nya kepada Cesil?Atau, Dia malah kembali kepada masa lalu nya?Oke, Hanya author dan Tuhan yang tau>3

64 2 7
The new language

Vybfttfvtfvftvftvygvgyvgy ygbgybjhdjfbbvijefbijvbearijvbreijbvijefbvijebfivjebfjivbeijdjfbekjdnfjiefbvjiefbjivbefjivbeifjbvjiefbvjiefbuefbvjiefbvijfebuiefvbuierbvhiefbvhiefvbhiefbhviefbvhifebhbvfehubfevuhbefhubefhubvefhuvbhifevbhiwbcijdwbedvjivbfijsvnbjifevbvfdbrfjibinnvnfvnvnvnvnvnvnvnnvnijefnjivnefivjnefjivnefijnvjefnvjiefnvijenfjivnefijvnfeijvnefjinvefijvnefijnvijfevnjifenjiefnvijfrnvijnfrjivnrfvijnrfijnvfrjivnijrfnvfrijnfrijvnfrijnrfvjinfrvijrfnvijrfnvjifrnvijfrnvijfrnjirfnvjifrnfrvojjnvfrjinrfvojdfnfbhghhhhuibcuerrfijvngrjivnrfhvnrfuhvvnruhfnvhufrbvfhurbvhurfjufrnvujfrnvurjfbefjibcfruhcbrfjuvbfrujvbhrufvbrguhbvhufrbvfhurnvhufbunfbvhurfnvuhfrvuhfrbhcuuyvvgubuhbuhbhuuhbuhvuhbhubuhbhuvhuvuhvuhbygbgybuhbhuvuhvuhvjnujnjynhynhynuynuynuynyunuynuynyunuynjynuynuynyunuynvuhivtnvrjitnrvfinrgjigbnkrodldkdkdkkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkkdkdkdkdkdkkfkfjfjfjjfjjjjjfjfjfjfjfjh inefficient vin dv inndfvijnfejivnfeivnfijvnjidgvnjidfnvifdvnfdijnvjifdnvijdfnvjinfdvijfdnvjifdnvjienfubuibhviguyfyufgufytfggggghhhhhh

58 1 4

"I advise you to stay away from me before i curse you" "And i advise you to not push me away when i try to talk to you" The story of two boys from the same house, starting out as enemies. But what will happen when they're paired for every single activity that the school does? Yeet I'm back with a new ffSo sum warnings-cursing-spells n shit-smut ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ-other side ships (probably idk yet) - all BTS members are of the same ageLol bye

145 2 10
Bisakah aku memilikimu?

"Jaehan hyung, aku mencintaimu" -Yechan"Gomawo Yechan-ahh" -Jaehan"Aku akan berusaha membuat hyung jatuh cinta kepadaku" -Yechan"Aku salut dengan usahamu Yechan-ah tapi maaf, aku sudah mencintai orang lain" -Jaehan"Hufttt..." -Yechan Hari demi hari, tahun demi tahun, Yechan tetap berusaha membuat Jaehan agar bisa membalas cintanya namun sedihnya orang yang dicintai Yechan sudah mencintai orang lain tentu ia sangat sedih. tetapi Yechan tetap terus berusaha membuat hati Hyung nya luluh, mungkin bisa, mungkin tidak kan? jika ditanya mengapa Yechan bisa begitu mencintai Jaehan hyung, karena menurut Yechan Hyungnya itu sangat lah multitalent, juga tampan disisi lain Yechan mencintai Jaehan juga karena perasaannya yang tiba-tiba datang begitu saja

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