Search: breakingpoint
86,173 stories
BreakingPoint [h.s]

"There are people I no longer want to associate with, by that I mean I don't want to sit in hour long lessons with certain people staring at me and making me uncomfortable. I don't want to walk through my school halls knowing certain people are following me and watching what I am doing or where I am going. It makes me uncomfortable and unhappy and I do not want it anymore, Dr. Blake." I say in one breath, about ready to rip my hair out at the thought of him."Elizabe- Eliza, is everything alright?" she questions, leaning forward in her chair."I believe I've reached my breaking point, Dr. Blake."+-Elizabeth Jacobs is just a normal girl who has a bad past.Harry Styles is just the typical, bad ass, womanizer.But what happens when they both reach their breaking point?

9.6K 40 231 Full
Incredible Spider

My first hand at actually trying to write a Spiderman Fanfiction that actually uses Peter Parker as Spiderman. Yay! Also, a crossover of Spiderman (A character drawn to my childhood) and the Incredibles (Another franchise close to my childhood)I'll be using the Peter from the Insomniac Game, but going to toy with the time between the initial bite and the 8 year time gap.Some Things To Establish First:1. The First suit I'll start is the tech suit from the start of the game. I'm making the assumption that Peter sort of thought just that far ahead in his progress of a superhero.2. I'm placing this in Year 2 of the 8 year gap. That way I have a nice 17 year old Peter Parker to work with and he's still relatively new to being Spider-Man but he's still used to his powers and he's gotten the hang of the routine of being Spider-Man.3. I am of course going to have Peter meet with Edna.4. For the sake of simplicity, I'll Spider-Man in the time period the Incredibles are set in. (Born in 1946 and goes on to 1963 as a 17 year old)5. This will be a version of the Incredibles where Spider-Man is there. He was affected by the HRA and is discouraged to have to give it up.6. Peter lives in Metroville with Aunt May. He had to move there from New Urbam (stand in for New York) after Ben died.7. This is Marisa Tomei Aunt May.Cool? Cool. 😎With all that said and done, enjoy.

191.9K 63 4.2K Full
Gotham Spider

Follow the story of a boy that has been gifted with brains, bravery and Spider powers. Watch as he brings a New York legend to life. How he grows as a person and learns what it means to be the Amazing Spider-Man

15.6K 26 184 Full
 The Soul Gem

In the society of Homeworld, there were many a gem that knew the name of Steven Universe. The spawn of Pink Diamond and bringer of Peace. All who was able to heard the words of the kind for one. An experimental prototype...of a larger scale monster. A prototype of the Cluster was dormant, sealed within an Ancient stone box that was in reality a piece of Gem Technology. When archaeologists unearthed the box, and attempted to open it to examine its contents...the gem reawakened. In a flash of rainbow light, the universe is reintroduced to what was meant to be the Apex Predator of the Crystal Gems. A forced reminder of the scars made by the Gem War, who only was taught one thing. How to fight, due to the memories of its thousands of essences strategically assembled to form a functional Gem. Without the presence of Steven to aid in trying to accommodate this being's existence, how will anyone help this gem out of history?

69.7K 20 1.5K
The Broken Ghost and The Burning Heart

What once was a ghost bent on destroying his own world, he is now thrown into a new world that he doesn't understand. Kingdoms made of Candy? Crowns thay grant the wearer icy powers? A shapeshifting dog? He's lost and close to powerless in a new world.

18.8K 37 332
Spider Among Titans

(So if you know me, you know I like Spider-Man. I appreciate when Spider-Man is handled well and when he's able to learn from his mistakes and make himself better from them. The most recent Spider-Man MCU movie has thrown Peter Parker and Spider-Man into unknown territory with nobody knowing who he is and with him having nobody he can rely on. He's the universe's blank slate, and now he can try to rebuild his identity from scratch.Now here's something else you all will learn about me. I loved the original Teen Titans animated series. Still do as a matter of fact, because it took itself seriously while also being fun. It was lighthearted but also gives the characters ample opportunities to grow and mature. And while I understand that the series never ended on a cliffhanger....I want that story to continue. And I will make it so in a way that honors both sources.And so, I want to bridge the gap in a way that only I know how to. What if Spider-Man was in the Teen Titans in the aftermath of No Way Home?spoilers obviously for both Teen Titans and Spider-Man: No Way Home)It's been a year since the Runes Of Kof Kol were cast, erasing Peter Parker's presence in the mind and the media off the face of the not just the earth. Wiped from the face of reality entirely. Since then, Peter left New York. Not wanting to try the limits of what the spell can do after the fact, and not wanting to jeopardize anything with his old friends Ned and Michelle.In the superhero info sphere, Spider-Man vanished from New York and started appearing across the country. Helping where he can and leaving as fast as he came. Where he started making connections with other local superheroes, becoming everyone's true Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.Now he's come to Jump City, where he wants to try and make a new life for the long term. Enrolled in high school again, and even making friends with a girl named Tara.But who's this green kid in a super suit following her around?

1.5K 7 74

A boy wakes up one day...and feels different. He has this feeling that the world isn't quite...the world. Everything is the same...but different, and a single image keeps resonating in his mind. A green hourglass on the chest of a man made of space. His mind became sharper, and everytime he slept he saw the same thing. Intricate designs about the hourglass, circuitry and data. He also noticed imperfections, and tries to perfect them in his work.The Omnitrix by nature grows with its user, and works to keep its user alive. However, if the Omnitrix and the user are seperate. There's no risk.Enter...the Nanotrix

2.9K 7 44
The Sensational Suicide Squad

(I won't lie in saying I actually liked the first Suicide Squad movie. I liked the idea of picking people so unpredictable that they could potentially be a safeguard against another Kryptonian threat. However, I did feel like the writing choice to have a team of maniacs and mutants fight an alien god witch lady was a bad start to what could have been an intriguing arc of movies.So I'm setting to rewrite the first movie, while meshing some aspects from the second movie directed by James Gunn. And throwing in a bit of my specialty with an altered version of Spider-Man and a meshed version of the DC and Marvel universes that'll give a form of character I feel will give the world of Suicide Squad was missing. So without further ado, let me introduce you all to my version of the Suicide Squad)Belle Reve Federal Penitentiary, where the worst of the worst go that don't fit at Arkham Asylum. Meta-Enhanced individuals who willing and intentionally put their skills to malcontent. Or even just exceptionally extraordinary human beings who just can't be contained in conventional prisons anymore.This place is where one Amanda Waller has set her eyes on, to try and give a little project of hers a test run. Task Force X, an ensemble of Maniacs, Murderers and Mercenaries that get sent on missions to potentially get time knocked off of their lengthy sentences. How will things play out for the Cadmus leader when she has to contend with clown girl psychiatrists, a mathematical genius sharpshooter and one teenager who seems to be able to match wits with her?

1.6K 11 69
The Princess and Order's Avatar: An Unlikely Friendship

(Disclaimer: Yes I have seen the new movie. This is directly after Star tells Queen Moon about losing Glossaryck in "Bon Bon The Birthday Clown")After hearing that her daughter has lost the family spell book, Queen Moon Butterfly is at odds ends. She then decides to look to an old friend for help. The strongest mortal member of the Magic High Commision....which is a 15 year old who's mostly unconscious due to being the avatar of a god. A golden helmet that contains a connection to order itself.

1.7K 6 27
Incredible Spider: One Foot In The Grave

After assisting the Parr family sort out their familial matters and aid Superheroes become legal again, Peter Parker is considered a member of the Incredibles family. After facing a strange group of thieves though, Peter is instilled with a feeling of fear. A monster from his uncle's past rearing its head to make another Parker's life miserable. Will Peter be able to actually hold himself together with the Parr family being his emotional support system? Or will this monster bring out an inner hatred that shall cause to snap?

3K 9 43
The Unwanted Life

"Did you want this life?" I got this question a couple times in my life. And every single time someone would ask me this question, I would simply say yes just to spare them the depressing details of my life. I hated lying, but naturally we wouldn't just come out and tell people our whole entire life story. Well, I'm done lying.I'm Savannah Hernandez, 17, and I lived out my life in fear and sadness. I couldn't go one day without looking in my closet and thought, "hm, what outfit isn't going to expose my scars and bruises". That was the life I lived.I have two little sisters, Brianna being 16, and Isabella being only 6. Everything I did was revolved around protecting them. Whether it was a scrape on their knee or my mom and her boyfriends constantly abusing us. This has been going on since I was about 13 years old, and I hated my mother for that. She abandoned us, she drank alcohol daily, and slept with every guy she could get her hands on. I've been living with the mantra "everything happens for a reason." But now I'm not so sure. I still, to this day, could never understand why I was given this life. So, when asked the question, "did I want this life?" No. It was completely and absolutely Unwanted. Follow Savannah through the journey of her Unwanted Life.

1.7K 21 36 Full

Teaser for the Second part of the series.

88 1 2 Full
6 Caught In The Spider's Web

(So...this is my alternate universe interpretation of a post Homecoming Peter Parker...where Peter made a stupid mistake during the final fight with bear with me here. Along with this, I am mixing aspects from a bunch of different things along with the MCU together to put a better connected history together between the various corners of the MCU.)Peter Parker has had his identity outed to New York. He's no longer safe in his own home, because paparazzi are now constantly trying to get interviews or pictures with him...and other less lawful people are trying to bash down the door to have their shot at Peter Parker. In response to these things, Tony Stark has decided to send Peter Parker with a down to earth escort to a place that doesn't know his identity.Peter is now getting relocated to San Fransokyo, where someone....relatively close to Tony's past has been made aware of the situation and is willing to do anything possible to protect this kid's identity. He's been re-enrolled into the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, a school full of genius level people that he can easily blend into while continuing to operate as Spider-Man. What Peter Parker doesn't that San Fransokyo already has a local team of superheroes that keeps the place safe.

711 5 33
breaking chaos

Breathe.Just breathe.Please be alive and breathe.If you want out you have to learn to breathe.In which Brooklyn is at her point of breaking chaos and carnage.

340 9 38
Breaking Point

Maya is at first glance a normal 16 year old girl. But when you look a little deeper, you can see the scars, both mental and physical, which have made her who she is on the inside: a broken girl with her head down 24/7 and who only talks to people she feels comfortable around and is not good at handeling changes.When by circumstance she has to live with her biological father and five brothers who didn't know she existed, her entire life is changed. How will she handle everything? Will her family be able to help her get out of her shell?Will she feel comfortable enough to finally talk again?📖100 - 1-08-23📖500 - 5-08-23📖750 - 6-08-23📖1000 - 7-08-23📖1500 - 7-08-23📖2000 - 8-08-23📖5000 - 12-08-23📖10k - 14-08-23📖20k - 19-08-23📖50k - 11-09-23📖100k -🎖1 - adapting (5-08-23)🎖1 - powerfulfamily (5-08-23)🎖1 - breakingpoint (8-08-23)🎖1 - family (14-08-23)🎖10 - abuse (13-08-23)🎖9 - change🎖39 - scars

161.2K 34 3.3K

Tfa Megatron x Reader She finally drank her pain away~A little at a time~But she never could get drunk enough~To get him off her mind~Until the night~She put the bottle to her head and pulled the trigger~...And finally drank away his memory~(Cover by @Tf_Kup)(completed)

32.6K 15 1.2K Full
A Second Chance..!

A small misunderstanding led to their separation.. one blaming himself and his short-temper while the other the was breaking apart thinking that he hasn't shown enough love for the other to trust him.. Will they have a chance to get back together.. when the one of them is already having kids.. or is there any other thing which the world doesn't know..?Characters do not belong to me.. only the plot

61.3K 29 3.1K Full
Story of Us • Completed

There are many things to hate when you're a student. 1. Teachers2. Classmates3. School4. Studying itselfThe list goes on.But what Kongpob only hates is when he has to review for his exam- AND the person beside his dorm decides to blast TAYLOR SWIFT songs in the middle of the night. Every. Single. Night. Kongpob swears. One more heart break song from Taylor Swift and he's going to break that damned door.or Arthit is that annoying neighbor we all hate. Arthit is a TS bitcc.Characters are not mine. They are exceptionally well-written characters made possible by the great author named bittersweet, author of Sotus and Sotus.

127.2K 36 7.8K Full
Beyond Us (KongpobxBeam) (COMPLETED)

I have tried many crackpairs, this one really takes the cake.But, hey, no harm trying and this is for a follower's request. Hang around and do check it out :)What chaos ensues when our newly minted 3rd year hazer locks horns with the university's resident medical Casanova? Clash of faculties or hearts?

22.5K 25 1.5K Full
Mr. Detective

Kong and Arthit have known eachother since they were kids.. though they were 5 years apart.. they always used to play together like friends but when Kong was 7 years old Arthit and his parents have shifted.. This made both of them sad.. The passing time bought many changes in both of them.. Arthit forgot about his little friend as he made new friends and a new life.. even Kong did have friends and new life but he never forgot Arthit.. At one point.. both of them underwent a biggest storm in their life changing them.. Arthit became cold and close person.. only his team knew about him.. while Kong who was lively, cheerful and outgoing person became silent and a man with few words unless it is related to work..What will happen if the next time they meet Kongpob will be a detective while Arthit is his captain. They were in the same team.. but Arthit did not what to invite Kongpob into his team because he did not want new people.. He had his own team but he was forced to accept him.

74.8K 42 4.1K Full
You Can't Make An Omelet (without make-up sex) (Completed)

Kongpob cannot cook, but he's desperate to make P'Arthit breakfast.Over one week he learns that there are many ways to make an omelet, but that there are consequences when you get it wrong!Set after SOTUS S, from an idea by my friend Bern!No Mature scenes, the title comes from the saying, You Can't make an omelet without Breaking a few eggs!

3.9K 8 355 Full
New Boyfriend New Memories [completed]

Its been 3 years Kongpob and Arthit are break up. This makes Kongpob break inside out. Knot come to his life to make Kongpob happy againWhat is their friends reaction?what is Arthit's reaction to Knot and Kongpob new relationship?What will Knot and Kongpob do?Read the book to find out. This book is the extended version of the NEW.....BOYFRIEND oneshot story. This book will answer all your question about the oneshot you read.

55K 21 1.6K Full

Summary: Arthit is 4th year student and Kongpop is 2nd year student. It continues after the thank you party. The character of Arthit and Kongpop is totally different in my story. Arthit is bold and manly person. Kongpop is cute and shy person. They will get marry at some point. This story also contains M-Perg. Arthit, Arthit's parents and Kongpop's parents are hiding something from Kongpop which will be reviled later. The negative characters are Apple and Khao Fang both are sisters. One wanted revenge and another one is madly obsessed with Kongpop.

77.6K 27 3K Full
Hider x Hider (BP Roblox)

This is a touching sad romance between 2 'hiders' in Breaking Point (Roblox).Hidero and Hidera met in an unfortunate way, a game where only 1 must live... they fall in love... what will happen?

95 13 0 Full
Let's Make Everything Right

[Completed] Arthit and Kongpob broke up. Kongpob left the country to start a new life while Arthit started a new journey of his life.The two were in separate ways, living their lives. Arthit swore that he would never meet Kongpob again, but things didn't go as planned after 5 and a half, of separation, he met Kongpob again.His secret was about to be revealed to Kongpob and yet, he was not ready to face the reality.

196.8K 70 8.5K Full
Boy For Rent

Welcome to Boy For Rent a business where you can find the type of guy that you are looking for all at a special price. Can you pay it? This is a fanfiction loosely based on the Thai Series Boy For Rent and because this is me AKA Boys love that we're talking about it will be a series of short story Bl's based on your favorite characters. 2 moons, Sotus, and a few more. I will include one or two straight couples as well. This includes the Original 2 moons cast. I have nothing against the new guys I just have grown accustomed to picturing the old cast when I write and I will not use their real names out of respect for the actors. Sotus 2moons and any other BL characters do not belong to me but to Chiffon Cake and Bittersweet.Cover done by @sheismathilda

60.5K 11 3.3K Full