Search: boxerandbeautyqueen
3 stories
I'd Tell You My Dreams but Then You'd Better Say Yes

Sixteen year old quirky Arifa Zaid's sick of being babied her whole life by her famous beauty guru mum and boxer dad. Loved and spoilt, she's never needed money. Her doting, cautious parents know their unique (eh-hem, odd) little cherub's always had her head in the clouds. So when Arifa's parents hear she's decided on her big dream that she's going to follow through no matter what, they know it's a passing fancy and don't take her seriously. But Arifa is determined to persuade them otherwise... However unexpected and hilarious the consequences. (Small chapters)

46 7 14
Not So Cliché *Slow Updates*

"According to cliché books & movies I was supposed to fall in love with a badboy, player or my best friend, but that's not the case in my life. These three keep landing me in trouble, making me wish I could hate them with my whole heart."____ Because of Chloe Sanchez's three best friends & family, her life does a 360. She may not realize it yet but this change isn't going to be easy to get through, especially when there's kidnappings, gang rivals, secrets, exes and lies thrown into the mix. Because trouble is always lurking at every corner.

1.2K 18 58
Island Beauty

Bianca is an ordinary half human 17 year old girl who has alpha blood in her.Bianca is a beauty queen, dancer, singer and also a boxer.She is daughter to the alpha king (A.K.A) the werewolf king, Bianca's mum wanted to be with her mate but she had to attended to family business back home and took Bianca with her.Bianca has everything in life but she wanted one thing she didn't, a CHILD.Bianca is still a virgin and wants to stay that way but she wanted her own flesh and blood meaning her own baby so she's gonna go to the sperm dona lab and accidentally pic her own mate's sperm.Emmanuel is a 18 year old alpha to be who is searching for his mate what happened if his mate call's him up telling him she is pregnant with his child.

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