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339 stories
Home ↠ The Hobbit

❝If more people valued home above gold, this world would be a merrier place.❞ - Thorin II OakenshieldAthena had left her family behind to see what the rest of the world had to offer, but her entire world changed when the fire-drake named Smaug attacked the city of Dale. She finds herself embarking on a quest to reclaim what had been taken by fire, joining thirteen Dwarves, a Hobbit, and a wizard on a perilous journey that leads them far and wide across Middle-earth, meeting both friend and foe along the way--all the while trying to figure out what home truly means to her. Started: January 10th 2021Finished: January 29th 2021[Book 1]Highest Rankings#1 in TheHobbit#1 in Bard#1 in Nori#1 in Dori#1 in Oin#1 in Gloin#1 in Bombur#2 in Fili#3 in Legolas

158.7K 42 6K Full
All I've ever known

Love is complicated. Especially if you were forced to marry someone who doesn't even like you. But for Mivera, unlike most arranged marriages, has grown to love the stubborn king under the mountain. Thorin Oakenshield. Little to her knowledge, Thorin feels the same.I do not own any of the characters in this work or the main plotAll rights and reserves to J.R.R Tolkien

240.2K 70 8K Full
Ranger of the South ➵ THE HOBBIT

BOOK ONE OF THE RANGER OF THE SOUTH TRILOGY Keira is a Ranger of the South. She is summoned by a certain wizard to go on a quest with thirteen dwarves. Soon she finds out that traveling with a group of dwarves is more amusing than she had thought and she find herself enjoying their company. Especially the company of a certain king. BEST RANKING#1 in thorinoakenshield

136.5K 27 4.5K Full
Journey to Middle Earth // Thorin Oakenshield

Sara Aldhard is a simple girl in college, living happily with her parents and brothers when a disaster occurs with one of her brothers and she gets into a life changing car crash. When she wakes, she finds herself in Rohan and soon meets none other than a meddling grey wizard who may or may not push her onto a quest with the dwarves of Erabor... but with a mission of her own: Protect the line of Durin.

26.9K 15 527 Full
What Actually Happened With Thorin in Mirkwood

Thorin Oakenshield and Co. show up in Mirkwood. But after being arrested, the sassy Elvenking and his son have a few words for them.

37.6K 21 2.4K Full
Over the Mountains // Thorin Oakenshield

Persephone is the rarest race in Middle Earth. She isn't a half breed... but a quarter breed. What she doesnt tell anyone outside of the Wizards is that she is really part elf, dwarf, wizard... and skin changer. When she is asked to join the company of Thorin Oakenshield, she agrees but isn't prepared for what she gets herself into. She is suddenly thrust into an adventure of loyalty, honor, persistence, wisdom, bravery and love.

79.4K 26 1.6K Full
An unexpected journey

What happens when Bilbo doesn't go on the quest to reclaim Erebor? His sister does. Join Bella Baggins as she helps reclaim Erebor from the dragon Smaug and maybe...Fall in love with the leader of the company?

24.1K 25 463 Full
The Hobbit Oneshots

Collection of The Hobbit One-Shots. I will most likely focus on characters most people do not give a lot of attention to (Dwalin, Bifur, Bombur, etc...,), as well as the popular ones (Thorin, Fili, Kili, etc...,)

957 5 25
The Princess of Erebor (A Hobbit Story)

Thorin Oakenshield had a daughter. However, he knew not of her. She was taken from Erebor before Smaug came. Gandalf the Grey gave her to a Hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins. There she stayed for the next years, unaware of her lineage. Then, one day, a Company of Dwarves come into her and her father's lives.

64.2K 22 1.5K Full
Unexpected love | Thorin

First chapter published December 14th 2021. *I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS*(except Rebekah) *whole story edited Feb 2022*Rebekah's life had always been an adventure. She had traveled all over the world and meet some new friends along the way. When she thought she finally had settled down and put her fighting days behind her she was approached by an old friend who asked her if she wanted to go on a quest. Rebekah didn't hesitate and said yes to one last adventure. This one however would be different than any other adventure she'd been on. This time she found kinship, partnership, loyalty and love.

8.1K 23 190 Full
Little burgalar (Thorin Oakenshield x reader)

What if Bilbo wasn't the only Hobbit who go whit the dwarves? What if Bilbo had a sister? Can Y/N Baggins melt the heart of Thorin Oakshield?I don't own The Hobbit, this is just a fanfiction. All rights belong to to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. The songs belong too to their original owner.

80.3K 62 1.4K Full
Powerful love (The Hobbit FF)

"I am not from a race that your knowledge knows of." Everyone shared confused glances. "It couldn't be." Balin spoke, slightly standing up.~You, Tegwen, joined this quest out of gratitude, instead you found yourself and maybe even more.~~(I suck at descriptions if you couldn't tell already)Read my profile bio for some more info.Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of Peter Jackson's or J.R.R. Tolkien's work, nor the pictures I use.

24.5K 15 490 Full
An Unexpected Love: Book 1

As young hobbits, Y/n and Bilbo Baggins were closer than anyone could imagine. Obsessed with the idea of leaving The Shire, planning adventures, and already getting themselves into trouble. As they aged into adults, their sense of adventure diminished and they turned themselves into respectable hobbits. Their lives were simple and every day was the same as the last. On a sunny Tuesday morning they were interrupted by the most unlikely creatures. A wizard who, little did they know, would turn their lives upside down. They soon find themselves in the company of Thorin Oakenshield. Now their world has changed and they must do whatever is possible to survive. Disclaimer: I do not own any of The Hobbit characters. Credit goes to J. R. R. Tolkien as well as Peter Jackson.Word Count: 25,626 (not including "Authors Note")Book Cover Credits: NaSyu on deviantart

48.7K 17 1.2K Full
Into the Fire: Book 2

As the journey towards the mountain grows more difficult, Thorin and y/n's newfound love is put to the test. When it comes down to it, what will he choose, his love or his gold?Y/n and Bilbo Baggins have officially been welcomed into the company. They have faced the pale orc and now must be prepared to face all the obstacles that come with him. As they grow closer to the mountain and see the change of reason in Thorin's heart, it will be time to decide if they are really up to the challenge. Is the gold worth that much if their leader has lost his reason to fight for them?Disclaimer: I do not own any of The Hobbit characters. Credit goes to J. R. R. Tolkien as well as Peter Jackson.Word count: 30,000-35,000 words (Important Note not included)Cover Credit: ChristinZakh on deviantart

22.9K 22 743 Full
The Enslaved (A Hobbit Story)(Discontinued)

A young Elven girl lived a happy life once upon a time. Then, one day, Azog the Defiler came and ruined it all. Her kingdom burned to ashes, her family dead, Tintalle rides as fast as she can. But upon waking from her nightmare filled sleep, she finds herself in the clutches of slavers. For forty years, Tintalle has been a slave. Gandalf eventually frees her and sets her on an adventure. On the way to the Lonley Mountain, Tintalle discovers love, friendship, death, and breaks her habits from slavery. But one question remains. Will she survive the Battle?

4.6K 6 74 Full
The Last of the Guardians Part 1 - A Hobbit Fan Fiction

Everyone has heard of Thorin Oakenshield and his merry band of dwarves, including the hobbit, Bilbo, but there are few know the whole story. There are even fewer...who know of the Guardians.

170.2K 25 6.5K Full
The Forest Queen (The hobbit x reader)

There were many myths about the forest kingdom, whether it was real or not. Some claimed that it's people were immortal while others claim they are the ghosts of the dead. Others said that it's people were of humans, hobbits, dwarfs and elves.It was said it was ruled by a beautiful queen, who wore a dress as white as snow, a crown as pure as silver, with silver eyes as bright as the moon. They say if you whispered her name she would give you the knowledge you seek. But that was only a myth... right?The company of Thorin Oakenshield had been running through a dark forest when suddenly everything around them changed, and in the distance stood a large tree, around it was the most beautiful and peaceful kingdom they had ever seen.The Kingdom of the Forest Queen, (Y/N)

131K 13 4.4K Full
Nimmeth's First Adventure

I am sure you have all read or watch the Hobbit. There are 13 dwarves, 1 hobbit and a wizard on a journey to reclaim a mountain. Which is the dwarves home from a dragon. But what if an elf joined them on their journey after they arrived in Rivendell. Nimmeth is the youngest daughter of Lord Elrond and future Queen/ruler of both Lothlorien & Rivendell. How does she join the adventure? What will the others think of her and her companion? Picture of Nimmeth on cover.

4.7K 20 102 Full
The Princess of Erebor Book 2 (A Lord of the Rings Story)(Discontinued)

Lauranna Alea Durin. Daughter of Thorin Oakenshield and niece to Dis Durin, cousin to Fili and Kili Durin. A legend believed to be gone from Middle-Earth forever. But what if this is not so? Her spirit left to wander the Wilds until her destiny is complete, Lauranna returns to aid the Fellowship of the Ring, which includes Aragorn, Legolas, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, Gandalf, Fili, Kili, Thorin, and Dis. What will her family think? Guiding the Fellowship across Middle-Earth, Lauranna finds the strength to return to the physical world once more as the Princess of Erebor.

4.8K 5 73 Full
Eiki the Blacksmith

A female black Smith in middle Earth. How will the company of Thorin Oakenshield handle a Dwarrowdam such as this! This is what you get for putting Balin in charge of recruitment. Oh king under the mountain you have much to learn.

8.7K 6 292
The Queen with no Crown [Hobbit]

Published as completed book on: May 30th of the year 2019.Like a bird with no wings,Like a book with no words,Like a man with no eyes,A night without the moons light. Like a land with no life,Like a heart without a beatLike a song with no sound,A queen with no crown.Her home was lost.Her father took her thronewith him down into his graveleaving nothing but wastelandfor her to grieve over. And so she went to find a home. A new place to belong.I do not claim any rights for the work of J.R.R. Tolkien. I merely use the characters for the purpose of entertainment. Please go read the books or watch the movies on home media or on streamig services where available.

20.5K 21 702 Full
The King, The Burglar and The Guardian

There was once many of them. They were mighty and fierce. After being hunted like buffalo, there are very few of them left. They are Skin Changers. This story begins with a Hobbit, a persistent wizard, and a favour. (Same book, different account)

8.3K 16 271
Reverie - 𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓷 𝓞𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭 𝔁 𝓞𝓒

A THORIN OAKENSHIELD x OC FANFICBlair Baggins, sister to Bilbo Baggins, has lived in The Shire her whole life, considering what's beyond the border a distant dream. Distant dreams become reality when an unexpected party arrives to her brother's hobbit hole one spring evening, and what follows goes beyond anything Blair could have ever imagined.Thorin Oakenshield has taken up the arduous task of reclaiming his stolen homeland and entering his rightful position as King Under the Mountain. He never expected that by the end of the journey, he would throw that all away in a second for a single person he had met not 13 months ago.------------------------------NOTICE: I chose to mix parts of the book and movie trilogy for this fan fiction! I find it more fun that way plus allows me to incorporate more of a slow burn, if ya know what I mean ;). Don't come at me if I don't get certain lines right or some lore wrong, this is all for fun!

4.4K 16 242
The last of his people (Legolas x male reader)

Ivran Stormborn was the king of the wild forest elves but him and his people where the casted out elves as they where more like dwarfs and he and the king in the mountains have a son and father bond but he was close the the king in the woods Thranduil but the other elves. But the only reason that the other elves didn't like Ivran people was because they did have rules but they where nothing like there's and that they did wild things and they got along with dwarfs more then there own kind. But Ivran use to be close with the king under the mountain and the king of the wood land elves but he is older then them both.Ivran is an elves as you know but he is not like the other ones as him and his people can do magic but it's not like the wizards that are alive. But sadly there was a war with His people and Smaug the dragon that now lives in the mountains were his old friend the king and his people the dwarfs. But his people also have dragons but Smaug had killed some of the adults dragons but he didn't kill the dragons eggs and the teen dragons As they where hiding but when Smaug found them Ivran was with them as his people told him to live and save them so he used they last bit of his magic and made him self and the dragons teens and eggs disappear just as Smaug breathed fire. But when Smaug burned his whole kingdom down the other elves came to find everyone dead and couldn't save a single one so they told the world that the elk grove elves are dead. But what they didn't know was on top of a mountain was the king as he screamed In pain as he has lost all his people so he took there powers that were still in them and put it in himself and hide away from the world. Well only two wizards know that he is alive. But after so many years he was a ranger that everyone calls Ghost face and his dragon stormcloud and his elk poppy. But what will happen when he see one of the wizards That know his alive and ask him for his help on an adventure what then would happen.

546 8 24 Full
Little Hobbit Imagines

Guess who's back in the game guys~We have fluff, a sprinkle of angst, and all the innuendos. We also have an unseemly amount of Ori fics if you hadn't noticed.Triggers will be tagged as necessary with a summary at the bottom of the fic. Please let me know if there are any triggers you think I should have tagged. I'll will not tag for generic Tolkien violence. There will be no major character deaths.EDIT: SO. AT SOME POINT ALL MY WRITING AND ITS FORMATTING GOT F*CKED SEVEN WAYS TO SUNDAY AND I JUST NOW NOTICED SO YEA- I'll be reuploading everything as I fix it (...little curious as to how long it's been jacked up)(Started these sometime around March 2017?)

34.2K 18 736
The Last Dragon Tamer

■Thorin Oakenshield Fanfiction■ ■this story is not edited, will fix at a later date■ Dragons used to rule the North along with the humans that they allowed to tame them. Their bonds was inseparable, almost mythical. Ira Stormbreaker grew up in the North becoming a Tamer like her ancestors before. Alastor is her Dragon, young and full of life. Then everything changed with Smaug attacked. He destroyed the North and claimed Erebor for his own. Except Ira and Alastor survived the brutal onslaught. Now 60 years has passed since that day. Now Ira is cold and bitter towards most. She's reclusive and mysterious. When Gandalf asks her to join a company of 13 Dwarves and 1 Hobbit, she goes but only to seek revenge on the beast. Thorin Oakenshield does not know what to make of her. She's cold and distant, almost frozen with distrust and grief, but she fills his mind and his heart. Only they don't know it but their love story has been foretold thousands of years ago as a prophecy. Fate is their hands. [I DO NOT OWN THE HOBBIT OR ANYTHING FROM TOLKIEN/PETER JACKSON'S MOVIES, I ONLY OWN MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

7.8K 21 246