Search: basedofftrueevents
47 stories
bella x baji

bella x baji cute fluff college AU set in NYC🥺🥺🥺🥺

30 3 0 Full
How i became a masochist

Based on true events

46 1 1 Full
the sad story about how i got sacrificed to the minecraft gods

real story😔😔😔😔😔😔69

61 2 1 Full
Our Time in High School

This is a short story based off of my friend's dreams with a guy she likes. Her eyes were widened and her path changed. But how does the other feel?Read "Our Time in High School" to find out.

33 1 2 Full
Forget About Me (Complete)

When Malanie Speels moves to a small town she finds herself falling for a you man name Jacob Millsburg. But what happens when she finds out devastating news? What happens when she finds herself losing everything once more?

44 8 7

158 10 42 Full

Teenage life 🥴

130 5 3
A Series of Dreary Events

To fix the future, we must begin with the pastOrThe Baudelaire children and those relevant in their future; good or bad, wake up in a strange room.

96 3 2

"Does it end with an S?". I nodded. "And another S?". I nodded. "And an I and a K?". Marissa's life was fine before she met him. great family- great friends- great grades- good boyfriend..... but she had under estimated the power of one event, one night, one kiss.. living in the moment is great, but she knows the high wont last long.

235 4 10
Some Faith's not Meant to Be

---Based off of true events---~A teen drama/life fiction story~ **If you're interested in a problematic teenager's life reading than this is the story for you! This is not meant to be the most entertaining but to simply put you, as the reader, through the viewpoints of a teenager and their thoughts during three of the most important things in their life at the moment: family, school/work, and love. Like anyone else starting 9th grade, Courtney Klvoski, as a young 14 year old girl, couldn't wait for her first day at Jenika Highschool. But, beginning the year is much more stressful and tough than Courtney anticipated it. Courtney's family and school relationships are crumpling and she has to put her life back together before things completely fall apart. Can she fix everything, if anything?**Please do not steal or plagiarize any of the content in my story/ies as that is appreciated****I do not own any outside sources used and give full credit to the respected owners**

83 4 5
Between The Lines

Die sechzehnjährige Reeva O'Grady ist ein unscheinbares Mädchen aus Flagstaff, einer Kleinstadt im Bundesstaat Arizona. Zusammen mit ihrer Freundin Amy erschafft sie Kunstwerke, wobei es egal ist, ob es sich dabei um Fotografie oder Malerei handelt. Eines Tages trifft sie auf den gut aussehenden Aiden, der ihre kleine Welt komplett auf den Kopf stellt. Er zeigt ihr die schönsten Dinge im Leben, erweckt in ihr den Nervenkitzel und lockt sie aus ihrer Comfort-Zone heraus. Doch plötzlich geschieht etwas, wobei jede Sekunde über ihre Zukunft entscheiden kann.

754 9 56
How To Submit A Time Off Request

In this infographics, we will know how to submit a time off request.To know more, do visit:

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Twelve Days of Christmas

So on the first day of Christmas,My true love gave to me,His heart on paper,His intentions for me to see.Based off a true story.Avery Joy receives twelve days worth of Christmas gifts from her one true love.

6 1 0
Dream journal

I never dream, but when I do my dreams are very vivid with meanings that are hard to explain. Possible triggers?

3 2 0
The Truth Behind The Mask

Some would say somethings off with me, some say I'm weird, what most say is that I'm crazy. Why you might ask? Well that might be because I tried to commit suicide last year, 2020.

1 1 0
Demoquest - A Personal Narrative

It's a race against time to create the best game ever.

65 1 4

Random songs I made.

5 1 1
The Good Vibes

Tyler is just an average guy from a small town at the very very tip of Alabama called Opp |Short for Opportunity, even tough there is absolutely no opportunity there..|. This is his story, nobody else's. He has good times, and bad times. But the best times, he'll always remember. Here's his bumpy dark road in that small town that leads to a long bright rainbow in the city of his dreams.

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The brighter  days

Samantha has had a rough life and time with her mother passing away, she's kept everything in and she just has had enough. She wishes her life would go back to being the same it was before she moved in with her dad. Samantha is based off of my personal experience with things, and some things I've gone through.

13 4 0
Access Denied

For her it was hatred, and him it was love. Enjoy this poetic love novel that is specially written to touch the hearts of black youth. This is a book for you.

115 3 3
Renaissance of the Undead: Chronicles of 1494

about a zombie apocalypse that happened in 1494

2 1 1
life alone

it's a some what true story based off of myself but with fictional setting and exaggerated events how you all like it!

2 1 0
A Modern Day Romance

A simple story will soon be told of a romance struggling in a big world. Based off of true events and mostly Text during a pandemic. Russo and Lia like each other but Lia has strict parents and can't date. Join the drama that is my life when you read about A Modern Day Romance at the edge of High School.

3 1 1
Under The Ashes

based on live events, this is a story about the forest fires that are breaking out everywhere in British columbia. This specific story is about the Gustafson lake fire that is currently verging on burning down 100 mile, 103, and 108 mile house. This is only based on

62 2 3
Sea of Stars

"But do not be afraid of the darkness, for it is calming and quiet.""No stars in the sky: they have fallen to the Sea."A short story about kayaking through a Sea of Stars on a foggy night. A pirate rowing through a ship graveyard, swimming in a glass ocean. This story will plant a beautiful image in your mind, and will intrigue you not to fear the dark, but to welcome it. For with out the dark, we would never see the stars.

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