Search: backintothepast
7 stories
Harry Potter and the Mistakes of a Past Reality

Harry Potter gets transported back to Dudley's birthday, right before he gets his Hogwarts letter. No longer being a naive eleven-year-old boy just glad to leave the Dursleys, Harry starts to notice something fishy's going on. With his second chance, Harry makes a series decisions that will change to course of history forever. AD/MW/RW/GW bashing. Also posted on and ao3.

57.3K 4 2K
what. // spam

a book (un)worthy of bo burnham himself.cover © geneolgia

2K 200 567 Full
Best Books on Wattpad

In which I read books I can't get out of my head, so I put them here.DISCLAIMER: These books might not be on Wattpad forever. Some will be deleted, as many people are finding. That's not my fault so don't spam me. Some aren't completed and some are now paid stories. I don't control this, so please quit sending nasty messages

202.7K 165 1.1K
Photo Album: Second Edition

cover by @olivia-queen

14.3K 165 1.2K
Unspoken Unbroken

When Ryann Monroe hears a strange sound coming from the library in her appartement, she goes to invest. She suddenly finds herself ending up in a world she always has wished for and dreamed off. But sometimes things don't go nice and Ryann brings change to it. Giving the people a better life there. After a while Ryann begins to question herself if she could ever change this world, until she makes people think. But after bringing in change, she has to run away. Where and when will she be taken to this time.

433 73 31
Not Again

1,2,3,1,2,3 Drink. 1,2,3,1,2,3 Drink.Is all that Leela does. To forget everything that has happen in her life, she drinks. It's amazing how she has a job. Well not really, since she works in casinos, bars, strip clubs and all those other things that'll make her forget. To her, this is the perfect life.No worriesNo mistakesNo rulesNo people to boss you aroundJust endless fun for Leela.Oh so she thought. While working as a show bunny in a casino/bar/strip club, she bumped into someone who has changed her life entirely. And nothing will be the same for Leela again.This will mean going back to her old life, which is a wish she never wants to happen...

14 2 0
A chance to make things right / 상황을 바로잡을 수 있는 기회

A half Korean and Half Pilipino boy moved to the Philippines with his two mothers to study there. He wonders where his father is and why he divorced with his mother.After a time skip to a few years later, he is now going to college. He suffers from depression and has tried to attempt by jumping off a high building.Instead of dying, he wakes up to see himself in his father's body. He wonders how did this ever happen. He was very clueless until he discovers a little guide.He was told to make up for the mistakes his father made, he wonders why he has to do it instead of his father himself.The little guide turned out to be his best friend back in Korea who managed to get all information about him and his family.While back in his time, he is considered missing.**more info if you read the story!! **

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