Search: aaravos » Page 11
274 stories
Whole Nine Stars

What does the title mean? Ummmm idk just yet- wait yes I do haha!Since we finally got trailers for season 4 of the dragon prince, and a look at a earth elf, I decided to write a story about the group (Callum, Rayla and Ezran) finds two earth elves to help them on their new journey against Aaravos.

23 1 1

In which the 'bad guys' and 'good guys' of Xadia are trapped by two 'gods' of another land to argue, interact and (potentially) see each other's sides of the story the thing is there is an extra to the bad guys who is one inch away from calling the inter dimensional dad of the damned gods-note- this is a side story for the story I am currently working to change from fanfiction to original fiction

43 1 2
The Dragon Prince; A Royal Wedding

It's been 5 years since,Rayla, Callum, and Ezran returned zym (the dragon prince), to his mother in xadia.All is peaceful; Lord Viren's dead. Claudia's in prison, and the War is over.Will there continue to be peace between the humans and elves or will aaravos return and cause chaos once more?

46 1 1
The Dragon Prince (Half-elf Callum)

Basically everything is the same, except for the fact that Callum is half startouch elf, and is Aaravose's son. And yes, he knows he's half elf. He can also switch between his human and elf forms. The only people that know he's half elf are Harrow and Ezran.

3.5K 2 9
Magic Mirror In Tokyo

Aaravos is a magic elf that is stuck inside a mirror from the old times where magic was real and not fake but ever since he has been inside the mirror...... He never had anyone to talk to nor help them with anything!What will happen when a teacher from U.A found his mirror? You just have to read and find out

141 2 13
Finding Her! 🥀

'FINDING HER' is a story about a man who is Finding his long lost sister from years. When Riddhima Vansh Raisinghania a secret agent came into his life as Ray of hope when he losted all his hopes and strength.Will Riddhima be able to find his sister? Will the man ever be able to meet her sister again?To know more Peep into the OS!Plot given by Aviothic_Community.

890 2 56
Praetorian: Home

Alakay Aaravos, Prince of Mektion, has now started a new life on the planet Earth with his teams. Hiding and planning from their original enemies the Wardicons, but more importantly, his older brother Raj. Kay must master his skills if he and his team will survive and end the war Raj has started. The bio is just a short description. I will be updating it as time goes on. Feedback is appreciated!

49 1 2

☆TDP AU☆_________________________Lumina the City of Light! Atleast its was...After Aaravos took over the Planet,Lumina was turned into darkness...While One Side was obeying the cruel ruling of his leader another side created a spark of hope....The Rebellion.Follow Parnies Member of the Rebellion trying to save her Planet and revive the Light that was about to vanish....(there might be many Grammar mistakes in the Story since English isnt my mother tongue so forgive me and for questions or ideas just tell me !! I ask only for constructive feedback and no hate towards my Oc neither the Story! Mistakes happen and even though i try to avoid it mischaracterization might occur)

10 2 2
Random updates and stuffs

Just.. random.

550 125 26
Reunited Lands: The Dragon Prince

It is about a Year after TDP S:3 left off. Callum is learning new spells from Books. King Harrow is also Back from Pip's Body leading the Kingdom well. Ezran is starting to feel a little left out, Callum and Rayla spending a lot of time together, Callum having a lot less time for him lately, And Harrow is busy with Kingly stuff, So Ezran is only left with his best buddy Bait. Callum feels that something's Strange with the Wooden Cube called "the Key of Aaravos", They had forgotton about the Cube, But Callum? no.

35 3 0
The Dragon Prince and The Cat Princess

The Dragon Prince and the Cat Princess is an anime story that follows the adventures of Ryuu, a dragon prince, and Neko, a cat princess, who fall in love despite being from warring kingdoms. They face many challenges and dangers, such as the prejudice of their people, the schemes of the evil Startouch Elf Aaravos, and the wrath of the legendary phoenix. They also discover the secrets of their world, the magic of the six primal sources, and the power of their love. The story is a mix of romance, action, and comedy, with a unique and colorful art style.

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Paixão Obscura | +18

Em um mundo onde paixão e perigo se entrelaçam, Laura, uma mulher destemida, encontra-se presa em um intricado jogo de sedução, suspense e desejo proibido. Quando seu caminho se cruza com o enigmático Alexander, um homem com segredos sombrios, ela é lançada em um torvelinho de emoções avassaladoras.À medida que o romance progride, segredos são revelados, e o passado de Alexander surge das sombras. Laura se vê envolvida em uma teia perigosa de conspirações, onde o amor e o perigo andam de mãos dadas. Os dois protagonistas são levados a extremos, enfrentando escolhas difíceis que desafiarão não apenas seus limites físicos, mas também os limites de suas paixões.Com reviravoltas eletrizantes e cenas sensuais, este romance adulto cativará os leitores, mergulhando-os em um universo de suspense, romance ardente e desafios emocionais. Prepare-se para uma história que acelera o coração, onde cada capítulo revela novos segredos e leva os personagens aos limites do desejo e da sobrevivência.

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