Search: Znogli
31,394 stories
daithi de terroriser

brian looses his house after his girlfriend left himnogla offers brian to stay with him so he doseand something in both of them snaps

3.8K 12 48 Full
Daithi De Nogla X Reader soul mate (Finished)

I got asked to do Daithi De Nogla soul maye version so here it is.

19.5K 13 504 Full
Vanoss Crew & GBG Oneshots

Includes Youtubers such as Vanoss, MiniLadd, Ohmwrecker, Fitz, Kryoz and many more! Contains both VanossCrew and GBG!Request: open :) WARNING Chapters may include Triggering material. ( I will put a warning in the beginning of the chapter)I POST EVERY FRIDAY! (try to at least)

52.2K 26 728 Full
cute/funny moments of vanoss crew

just some cute/funny moments from the vanoss crew I found, may be memes and they can be the gayest as wellAlso covered by the amazing shakira_gonzalez2001!

478.1K 200 20.6K Full
lightning love

Izzy Amoroso

8K 25 65
Vanoss And Crew #Wattys2017

One shots of your favorite youtubers! The vanoss crew!Requests are always welcome, just private message me!(/T_T)/ (•-•)/ (-_-) - I - I / \----------------- O O ++ L ++ ____-----------------Cover made by @happihoodini

278.5K 194 9.2K Full

this takes place in the past and present of my hero academia. (no spoilers just some fun facts about these characters)Aizawa and Mic fall in love as young kids but get caught cuddling fast forward to the present let's see what happens and in like all my story something inside one of them snapped

9.6K 13 196 Full
Youtuber one shots

One shots for different youtubers I don't own anything but the ideas I put in it

128.6K 94 2.8K Full
Banana Bus Crew Oneshots

Basically what it says in the title.All new book. Involves Vanosscrew (that's how you say his name right). Random One-Shots for you!

166.8K 41 3.1K Full
Promiscuous| Stuart Twombly

"Promiscuous girl, wherever you are. I'm all alone and it's you that I want. Promiscuous boy, you already know. That I'm all yours, what you waiting for?" -Nelly Furtado 21 year old, Ivy Ramirez, currently in her third year in Stanford, aiming for her master's degree in Computer Graphic Design. Living with her aunt, who works at Google, she makes it her goal to become an official employee at Google along with her best friend, Neha Patel. Ivy is known to wear her pearls, and her heels, representing her killer style. Personality wise, people think she's promiscuous, flirty, or a stone cold bitch. But once, you really get to know her, she's just a girl trying to become a better person. And when she meets another fellow intern, Stuart Twombly, her world turns upside down.

77.8K 26 1.9K Full
Let Me In

Its been months since the Nogitsune possessed Stiles and was ultimately defeated. Months since Allison and Aiden died, months of Stiles struggling to cope knowing he was the one that ultimately killed them, it was his body after all. He is putting on a front of course, this is Stiles, he has been doing that since his mum got sick. But this time he is also pulling away and isolating himself from the Pack and his dad. Will anyone even notice? Is the Nogitsune really gone?

5.6K 13 213 Full
Random YouTube Quotes

Literally the title

79.1K 200 3.9K Full
The Price of a Life [Delirious x Reader]

He was an assassin, part of one of the most infamous gangs in Los Santos. He was a cold blooded killer. And then a little girl came up to him, his newest client, handed him all her pocket money, and asked for him to kill her abusive relative. And that's not even the issue. The question of what to do with you after the job is done... now that's the issue.Life was bad. Sometimes, the universe gives you the bad end of the stick. One night, you decide to try and change that. Reader starts out as a 10 year old child!BBS x Reader

66.5K 16 2.3K Full
Just Get Jealous ( H2OWildcat )

Tyler had liked Jonathan for a while now, but of course Jonathan just had to be with Evan. Though Tyler would prefer to stay silent and somehow wait for Jonathan to find out, no competition was too bad. Now all to see if the plan works as well as in his head.:.Tyler x Jonathan ( H2OWildcat / I_AM_DELIRIOUS )Jonathan x Evan ( H2OVanoss / Vanirious )Lui x Nogla ( Daithi de Calibre )Nogla x Tyler ( I_AM_DAITHI / NoglaCAT ).:.Picture link:

32.9K 11 1.3K Full
Choices ~Rascal X Reader~

She isn't ordinary, he isn't either, he has a twin brother and a sister he landed on Earth, she has a twin sister and was a great warrior brought back to life*IMPORTANT* GLITTER FORCE IS NOT MINE BUT STORY LINE IS, Russell IS, Glitter Jynx is, not use art without my permission

9.6K 12 155 Full
Nowa Misja | Avengers | Romanogers

Loki wrócił na ziemię i znów ma zamiar zawładnąć Midgardem. Jednak mały wypadek może trochę zmienić jego plany.- Kapitan Ameryka podczas walki oberwał w głowę berłem kłamcy. UWAGA: Charaktery mogą być zmienione dla potrzeb opowiadania.

18K 56 1.1K Full
Tyler Is Away

Based on Emily Is Away, this is a VanCat (Vanoss x Wildcat) fanfic

4.4K 5 271 Full
Lucifer (H2OToonz)

Imagine the Devil himself, living inside you're head, talking to you every single day.What's it like living with the Devil, you ask?Oh it's Hell...Literally.People in this:Delirious - Jonathan Cartoonz - Luke (Lucifer) Basically - Marcel Wildcat - Tyler Vanoss - EvanSmitty - Jaren Nogla - DavidMoo - BrockMini - CraigLui - LuiWarnings: Profanity's Self harmViolence AbuseRapeSmutFluff

74.2K 29 1.5K Full

TRIGGER WARNING! -linguaggio esplicito -malattie mentali -ossessione -pornografia -dipendenze Robert Rob Polanski è un semplice impiegato di fabbrica che lavora le sue 8 ore al giorno, esce con gli amici e ama sua moglie Maryanne Sheffield, con cui è sposato da dieci o forse undici anni. Quello che Rob però non osa confessare a nessuno, è l'essere un cinico individuo assuefatto dalla pornografia che passa ogni istante della sua vita a fantasticare sul sesso e le donne. Quando la caffetteria della fabbrica assume la rossa Johanne, Rob si infatua a tal punto, dal perdere completamente ogni cognizione della realtà. Ma è troppo legato alla moglie e ai vincoli sociali del matrimonio per perdersi in una relazione extra coniugale e questo, non fa che accrescere la sua frustrazione e la sua smania di sesso. Quando riceve un premio aziendale e scopre l'esistenza di Sex Doll robotiche che si possono personalizzare a proprio piacimento, il suo mondo segreto e la sua esistenza, crolleranno per sempre davanti agli occhi di tutti

989 54 9 Full
Banana bus squad one shots

Title ^

55.6K 12 1K Full

#1 in Moo enjoy the book !*under some light editing

87K 19 2.1K Full
6 Guys, 1 Love

Hanging with the guys Delirious noticed they had a change of behavior.Wildcat and Basically Flirting.Mini and Daithi Stuttering when she talked to them.Lui standing beside her ever chance he got.Vanoss being Jealous and Possessive."What's wrong with them" Thought Delirious.Main Couple: H20Vanoss Mentioned: H20Cat , BasicallyidoDelirious, H20Ladd, H20Calibre, H20Nogla, Delitoonz

12.1K 10 242 Full
Dream 2 // h.s. (Druga sezona)

Harry i Moly su bili zajedno. Ali njihova sreća nije dugo trajala. Moly je raskinula sa Harry'em i otišla u New York. Da li će Harry tražiti Moly ili će nastaviti sa svojim životom?A kada se desi nešto neočekivano, ko će spasiti usamljenu Directionerku?

5.9K 9 398 Full
I Don't Fall in Love (Lumity Human AU)

Amity Blight isn't the type of girl to fall in love. One day during class, her English teacher introduces a new student, and everything changes.Finished Word Count: 16,454

64.1K 8 2.3K Full
Helping&SavingtheJoker (RasChloe) Glitter Force Season 3  (Recontinued) ^_^

It's Been Forever Since the Glitter Force Defeated Emperor Nogo and Everyone went back to there normal an rightful place. The three monsters felt happy in There's selfs Because they belong,after being Emperor Nogos Henchmen an became pixies.However the joker didn't, that's why he melted Into a pile of ink of the Pool of Despair Because he was second in command. "Yet still alive out there."(But clearly the head master didn't liked him anyways)But That will be in another story. :3Somehow Chloe felt herself in Waze ways so she decided to not talk about it.(Hey guys I'm new here and it's my first time making a CholexRascal Ship. I super love the ship and I'm hoping I'll get better onto what I'm doing, don't worry I promise I won't be busy so much.) PS: I'm not a fan of Doki Doki I just like the other glitter force better no offense but enjoy peeps :3Gender: (Female)(English.)

9.5K 57 216 Full
Since When? Dathi de Nogla x Reader

A 17 year old Nogla move into a new neighborhood and meets you!

9.9K 10 265 Full