Search: TheLilyoftheValley42
143 stories

Dribble-drabbles of friendship fluff centered around Ratchet and Clank.

543 20 32 Full
You Make Me Feel Alive

For Ratchet Appreciation Week 2021. Seven drabbles for the Lombax boi to honor him through the second week of March.

350 7 28 Full

A collection of minor art trades (and one gift) I did with awesome peeps. A page to a page and a half of fic for a headshot of art. Sashangela, Blind!Ratchet AU, Minarious, Kayarious, and Pent.

97 5 6 Full
Sea Salt and Sickness

ReddNook drabble. Redd takes Tom out on a boat ride.

166 1 9 Full
Time's Up

This day was going to come at some point, but Clank didn't expect that day to be his birthday... (Clank Birthday fic)

107 1 8 Full
Day N' Nite

On a lost planet at the far edges of the galaxy, a robot sits and wonders what's going to happen next.

52 1 2 Full
Eternity's End

With every beginning comes an end, and Orvus now faces his. (Minor character death) {Part of my Drabble Collection}

15 1 2 Full
Under the Stars

Sometimes, under the starry night sky, the duo dream up all the adventures they can go on together... Slice of Life fic.

24 1 2 Full
Bringing the Inside Out

Trans!Ratchet. He couldn't stop walking in front of the mirror, and he couldn't be happier after the surgery.

50 1 1 Full
All Aboard the Loony Bus

The wheels on the bus go round-and-round, and the monsters inside get bored very quickly... (Takes place during the Season 2 Finale)

4 1 0 Full
Two Little Horns

HellBoo. When King Boo was released from the painting, the last creature he expected to release him was a she-demon hotel owner with a flair for the dramatics and one of his biggest fans. AU.

163 1 4 Full
Sweet but Psycho

{Flash Fiction Practice} Ratcharious. Nef's sweet, but Orvus can he be crazy sometimes.

109 1 5 Full
Fun With Fireworks

ReddNook. Unbeknownst to many people, Tom Nook actually looks after three kids.

185 1 10 Full
Bad Days and Good Nights

ReddNook drabble. Redd has a bad day, though Tom knows how to make his husband's day just a little better...

258 1 8 Full
Just Like Candy

HellBoo. There was something about her that King Boo just couldn't figure out, but whatever it was, it kept him coming back for more... {Musing drabble of some kind/Warm-up piece}

119 1 2 Full
Up All Night Singing Love Songs

Talchet. In the early hours of Veldin's morning, Ratchet asks his girlfriend the question that's been keeping him up all night...

52 1 1 Full

Talchet drabble. They're falling for each other over and over again.

45 1 3 Full
Paint Me Like One of Your French Boos

HellBoo. She caught his eyes staring at the painting adorning her wall. He hates it, especially after being stuck in paintings before, but with a little convincing, Hellen is sure that she change his mind on the matter...

134 1 4 Full

ReddNook. For a kitsune to be skilled in selling forgeries, one must be good at making them. Or, Redd paints a birthday present for Tom.

361 1 22 Full
Her Secret Agent

Clank films for his new show, but can't seem to get anything right. Elaris goes to cheer him up. Claris fluff and secret agentness (Movieverse)

65 1 3 Full
Stand Here and Watch Me Burn

Qwarkarious. He had said that saving Qwark was the last thing he would ever do. He hadn't known how right he had been. {Heavy angst warning; character death}

53 1 4 Full
Lost His Touch

Qwarkarious. Somewhat a Nefarious character study. Ever since he had changed for good, all the other villains said that he had lost his touch.

68 1 3 Full
Junk in the Trunk

Practice drabble for the LM series. E. Gadd really doesn't understand why the Poltergust G-00 is unloading so much random stuff, though the embarrassed green-dressed plumber may have something to say about it...

76 1 1 Full
The Circle of Life

"He is the one true Lombax, the last of his royal race! The one true hero among his kind, born from the fires of heroism and all that is good, and uh... sprinkled with a hint of crabbiness... He is the one true KING!" "Qwark, can I go back to sleep now?"

82 1 4 Full
Snow Globes

(A drabble that's come out of nowhere) Clank spends some time looking at all the little snow globes in his collection, and the robot can't help but remember all of the adventures they symbolize.{Part of my Drabble collection}

14 1 1 Full
Teachers and Students

While completing their morning exercises, Cora and Brax chat about their new Ranger, and reflect on the advice that lead them to become who they are. (Takes place after the movie) (Pic from Google)

189 1 5 Full