Search: TashaAmy1803
185 stories
Edward's Blind Mate

I am Jacqueline Swan. When I was younger I had a accident that left me blind. Though I could not see I spent time away from my twin with a benefactor but that was a while ago. Bella and I are moving to Forks and I having a feeling that my life will take another major turn.Edward/OC

1M 59 21.9K Full
Witch Gilbert

I was broken and betrayed, made to feel like a freak when I wasn't. In fact i am far from it and it took a bad situation to take me to the future i was meant to have. There will always be haters but that won't stop me.

360.7K 22 8.1K Full
The Mummy

my version of the Mummy with my OC/ Ardeth

125.2K 17 2.8K Full
Princessa of his heart

Life has change a lot, I finished university I got engaged and then married, and now I am a full time working member of my family. Life is going well and I'm in a good place. But there is always one thing to remember, trouble and surprise are always around the corner

3.6K 15 122 Full
His Mistake. Her New Life

Demetri Volturi love story. Alesia was in love and would do anything for Edward but when Bella came to town he broke up with her after she finds a new life with the volturi she drops a little of resentment (crap description story is better)

366.1K 24 5.8K Full
Summer of Music - High School Musical 2

Danielle is back and its summer time for romance and fun...or is it?

98.5K 13 1.6K Full
Grace of Olympus

Grace is a tough nut to crack. She has to always have a certain level of decorum. But sometimes that goes to hell when you work for the president with your best friend.

3.8K 18 185 Full
Pretty Little Liars- Truth or Lie

I came back to Rosewood under a dark cloud. The same one I left with. Only now not only do I have the dark cloud as one of the best friends of a dead girl, but now I have a crazy stalker watching my every move. Being me or my friend isn't easy read and see the struggles.

12.1K 26 194 Full
The Phoenix Princess

I was neither the heir or the spare but a surprise in a turmoil of a rocky marriage. Separation and arguments between mother and father are all I've really known. After my mothers death I refused to let it brake me and I rose from the ashes to pave my way as a strong woman. But I didn't get there on my own and this is only just the beginning.

11.8K 16 321 Full
Jem of the King

Charlotte is the Niece of Charles Brandon. Best Friend of King Henry. She has lived in France nearly all of her years but comes back to reconnect with her Uncle. Yet returning to England might just set her on a path of greatness.

149.6K 18 2.6K Full
Her Superman

One Secret can change most things in any kind of relationship. I'm no different. But it's not every day that you reunite with your childhood best friend and realise that he is a being from another world. We spent so much time together when we were younger, and I thought I knew the real him, when in truth I was only scratching the surface. Getting to the heart and soul of people is a true test, Come and see how that works out for me.

22.5K 26 762 Full
Princess of Hearts

When you find happiness grab it with both hands. My Parents taught me a lot about love. Mainly how not to do things but the lessons were still valuable. I'm in a good place and my life is about to take an amazing turn. I just need to not let past deamons haunt me

3.2K 15 119 Full
York's Hope.

Everyone seemed to know my destiny before I did. I am their Hope, I am His Hope. Hope is what I was names and Hope is what I shall bring. To my father, to my family, to my King.

107.3K 74 3.1K Full
Princess of the Isles

People meet and fall in love all the time, but not everyone is a Princess of the United Kingdom and not everyone is a actor of said Princess favourite books turned to a film. Liam and Aurora met and now they're dating, together they navigate their relationship with each other, their families and the media. Nothing is ever simple when dating a Princess

4.2K 15 122 Full
Stars in a blackhole

436 9 16
Princess Breanne

Hi my name is Breanne and I'm the daughter of Queen Belle and King Beast.I think you might have heard the side of how my brother brought 4 Lost Isle Kids and it's pretty good but here my side. Where there was two lost kids that found love with the Royalty.Descendants fanfiction

132K 14 2.8K Full
Son of Hope

Being Royal let alone been, a prince can always be quite precarious. Even more, so when you are a twin. Prince Edward, my lovingly known as Ned who is the second son of King Henry the seventh and Queen Hope of York knew his place in the world. Guided by his mothers hand he knew what he was supposed to do. Or at least that is what he was lead to believe. With the death if his mother. He is thrown into a future that he was never molded to do. Made even worse by in maternal inheritance Edward must navigate the new way of things left by in his mothers wake to secure the future of his family and his country

6.5K 40 316
Pretty Little Liars - The Fifth Liar

We all keep secrets. Big Secrets, Little Secrets. Sometimes we share the burden and sometimes we don't. Either you do expect some crazy person to make you and your friends targets under the disguise or your former best friend and use ever secret the five of you have to bully and torture. I keep my secrets for a reason. But 'A' is ready and primed to expose them all.

24.6K 23 480 Full
James & Caffrey

Neal Caffrey is a world class theif and forger. Kara James is a hidden and private celebrity turned FBI agent.The two meet in unusual circumstances and a story begins.Orginally set out to be an imagine but took on a life of its own .

40.7K 46 777 Full
Criminal Minds Cousin Reid

We all knew Spencer had a uncle but not a cousin except for spencer so he makes leaps and bounds to rescue her

54.3K 10 722 Full
Born To Be His (Edward Cullen Story)

Big AU: What if Bella and Edward Never met but in fact years before he went to Forks he me Iyla Scott he true blood singer this is their story

133.8K 13 2.3K Full
Mrs Mikaelson

My name Charlotte Anne Salvatore I was born 18th April 1845, Died 7th October 1864 aged 19. This is my life after death storyeveryone knows the story of Damon and Stefan Salvatore but what you didn't know is that they had a sister Charlotte. 15 years after Charlotte was turned she marred a Mikaelson. 101 year later she wake up with a secret and journeys no one could expect. read and find out

365.5K 24 6.2K Full
Xo Book Guide xO

'Your one and only guide...' I couldn't resist.This is an attempt to help navigate my stories and series of books that i have written. I will try my best to update.

1.4K 17 7 Full
The Other Swan

(All Human) Edward is in love with Bella but can't help feeling something for her sister Katie. whe the two find Bella has been cheating does Edward decide to move on and if yes who with

72.1K 13 1.1K Full
The Mummy Returns

Phoebe is back in a whole new adventure. Eight years on and still no sight of a future with her star crossed love Ardeth. Living with her brother sisters in law and nephew. Old foes make a return bringing the man she has longed for. Will this have a happy ending or not?

58.9K 13 1.3K Full
Family, Love, Taking

Always in the shadows Dakota felt like nothing till her brother got shot and was left behind on a job. Now she's a taker, married and her brother's back causing trouble. Her list of problems begin to pile up. She must keep up an fight for the life she wanted.

16.7K 10 379 Full