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37,743 stories
Picture perfect - Book 1 - Q.F.

"All I'm saying is... Try out for a club other than your art club." Harry insisted, pulling up with the car in front of the school, but making sure not to unlock the door just yet so Piper could just slip away. "I mean, I love that you do that and you're so talented. But you haven't made any friends in that club yet, so try out for something a bit more... Team oriented. Maybe the drama club or something.""Dad...""Promise me, Pips... One club. Give one club the chance. And if until spring break you don't like it, you can quit."Piper sighed then, knowing she had no way out of this conversation but to agree. So, groaning rather dramatically, she sent her dad a look."Fine." She relented. "One club. Just know that, if I die, that's on you."Harry laughed then, unlocking the doors, finally."You'll be actually a good fit in the drama club, drama queen.""Whatever. Bye, dad!" Piper called as she climbed out of the car."Bye, bunny. Have a good day." He called back. "And remember... One club!"Set in season 1Disclaimer: Some of the dialogue aren't mine and most of the characters aren't either.

120.6K 22 4K Full
SSA Scottley - A collection - S.R.

"Doctor?" A very handsome, dark-skinned man asked."She's much like Reid." Hotch said, causing the men to nod. "Skipped four years of education, am I correct?""Five, actually." She corrected, hoping not to sound conceited."And what's your specialty, doll?" The same man asked."Morgan!" A blonde woman with colorful clothing reprehended. "Don't scare the girl off, already."Lily giggled slightly smiling at the woman before turning to the man. A small smirk playing on her lips."Well, handsome..." She said, forcing a laugh from the Morgan-guy. "I graduated in Psychology, have a Master's in Psychology and Linguistics and a PhD in Behavior Psychology.""Impressive." The oldest man in the room spoke up. "But what exactly makes her different from any other contest we had, Hotch?""She was supposed to be hired as a translator, but since she has such an interesting background, I figured we could give her a chance."A collection of little stories for Criminal minds. I started writing them about four, maybe five years ago and kept to myself purely because I love Criminal Minds and I love to write so why not combine the two, right? But now I've decided that there is no point in keeping it away and, since they are already written, I might as well share it with you.Disclaimer: In the chapters that follow some of the episodes, some of the dialogue aren't mine and any familiar characters aren't either

371.6K 116 8.5K Full
The Crossed Rose - GoT - R.S.

There she had stood, in place of her son, asking Lord Frey to let them pass by their bridge and they'd be on their way. On their way to King's Landing, most likely. Their way to Lord Stark. On their way to the Lannisters.Lady Catelyn had asked for their gates to be opened. In exchange, no harm would come to Lord Frey or his family. It was said that Robb Stark had an army of 20.000 men just outside their castle towers and Dahlia was sure they could breach their walls should they want to.And as she looked out into their camp, set not too far away as the white banner with the direwolf of the North wavered in the air, Dahlia wasn't entirely sure why they wouldn't.Set in seasons 1 through 3Disclaimer: Some of the characters aren't mine and there might be some dialogue taken directly from the show.

86.2K 37 2.6K Full
Bandruí - Book 1 - L.M.

"Okay so... Peter bit Scott and now Scott's a werewolf, but the girl he had been flirting with before Peter even bit him just happens to be an Argent and now they are living this Romeo and Juliet type of love where her family doesn't want him around her but because they're horny teenagers in love they decided to keep sneaking around to see one another?""Pretty much." Derek nodded at his friend as the girl sighed, exasperated. "Yeah, exactly. And, I mean, Scott keeps thinking that he's being discreet about it, but I already caught up with what he's doing, so, really, it's a matter of time before Argent does too.""Nice..." Angie mumbled sarcastically. "But that is not the only problem you're facing now, is it?""No.""And... Is this other problem the reason why we're taking a hike in the woods in the middle of the night tonight?""Yes.""Okay." Angie nodded. "So... Care to explain it a little bit more to me?"Set in season 2Some of the dialogue and characters aren't mine, only Angie's story line. All of the rights to their rightful owners.

15.6K 15 663 Full
Back-Up Plan - Book 1 - S.E.

"There she is!" JBI said, as he rushed down the hallway with his cameraman close behind him. "Winnie Archer. Did your list of hookups increase during summer?"At that, Winnie smirked, rolling her eyes and throwing her hair to the side a bit as she closed her locker and turned to face JBI and his camera."You would love to know, wouldn't you?" She asked with a wink as she spun around in her heels to walk away."Scott Clark from the basketball team guarantees you two did it in the backseat of his car." JBI insisted as he rushed after Winnie."Can't confirm or deny." She shrugged, unbothered."Rose Adams from the Cheerios says you hooked up too just last week." The boy said, as Winnie rolled her eyes again. "Is it true?""Doesn't matter."Set in season 2Disclaimer: Some of the dialogues aren't mine and most of the characters aren't either.

33.1K 22 1.3K Full
Picture Perfect - Book 4 - Q.F.

So Finn had asked the older kids to come and help him prep the glee kids for Sectionals and, of course, everyone was on board."All right, do you realize, standing before you are legends?" Finn announced with a huge smile on his face as Piper rolled her eyes, amused from her place beside Quinn by the piano. "Any single one of these guys could be President of the United States one day.""I don't know about that." Artie mumbled. "And lucky for us, they've agreed to help us..." Finn continued, as Puck nodded."Hang with the new chumps and see if some of our sheer awesomeness doesn't rub off on you." He said."It will." Mike smirked, high-fiving his friend as Finn smiled."When you hear your name, pair up." He said. "Puck, you're with your brother. Mike, you're with Ryder. Marley, you're with Piper. Kitty, you're with Quinn. Wade, Mercedes. Santana is gonna help me with putting together the show."Sequel to Picture Perfect - Books 1, 2 and 3 that you can find in my works!Set in Seasons 4 through 6Disclaimer: Some of the dialogue aren't mine and most of the characters aren't either

45.7K 13 1.4K Full
Picture Perfect - The sequel - Q.F.

Quinn stopped dead in her tracks when she found Piper. There she was, her wife, looking beautiful as ever in her dress and with her hair half up. Quinn could see the light pink lipstick on her lips - the cherry one, most likely - and she certainly didn't miss the earrings she was wearing that Quinn had gotten her for her birthday last year. She looked amazing - like a woman, even if the freckles littered across her face and down her neck and the fact that she refused to wear shoes in the house as she stood barefoot in front of her made her look a bit younger than she really was. But she still looked perfect. And that was without even mentioning the beautiful table she had, clearly, sat for them.Set after season 6Disclaimer: Some of the characters aren't mineThe Sequel to the books from my Picture Perfect series for Quinn Fabray that you can find on my works in this account. This story kind of stands on it's own so you don't really have to read the others first, but the past of the characters and their relationships with each other will be mentioned and everything will make much more sense if you do!

45.4K 23 1.5K Full
Back-Up Plan - Book 2 - S.E.

"And you, Winnie Archer?" The boy turned to face Winnie next, who just rolled her eyes. "Rumor has it you are heartbroken about the departure of Hobo McBieber.""Sam?" She frowned. "Why would I be heartbroken? He was dating Mercedes, not me.""Then you were his side-chick?""Excuse me?""You were seen visiting Sam Evans in his motel room several times during summer break." JBI pressed. "Comments?""I went to take my sisters to visit his siblings." Winnie clarified."So no canoodling while there?""None of your business.""So why did you cry so much when he left?"Set in Season 3Disclaimer: Some of the dialogues aren't mine and most of the characters aren't either

21.5K 23 997 Full
Unspoken - Book 1 - S.S.

"New year, new us..."Diana rolled her eyes as she turned to look at Lydia from her place in the passenger's seat of her best friend's car."New you?" She almost scoffed, reaching for her bag on the backseat and shaking her head at the way Lydia extended a hand out to her, expecting her to pass her her own bag. "You're lucky I love you."Lydia winked over at Diana in a silent thank you for her bag, already far too used to the blonde's little quirks."You are lucky I love you because you had the chance to be dating one of the lacrosse guys and you still choose not to be." She said, causing Diana to groan silently."I don't want to date him.""You could start dressing better then, at least.""I dress fine.""I'm just saying, since this is a new school year, you could try...""I'm not changing anything about myself." Diana interrupted Lydia before the girl could start with her long and very boring speeches about being perceived better around the school. "But you? You could maybe change your boyfriend.""Stop." Lydia rolled her eyes pushing open the car door as if to actually walk away from Diana and her own need of always listing out the number of reasons why she didn't particularly like Jackson Whittemore. "I'm not breaking up with him."Set in season 1Disclaimer: Some of the dialogue isn't mine and most of the characters aren't either

12.5K 15 531 Full
Unspoken - Book 4 - S.S.

"My friends..." Calavera shook her head, sounding almost annoyed. "I don't think you're aware of your poor timing. Do you know what the dark moon is?""The part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky." Lydia said, as Calavera nodded."But do you know its meaning?""Some people say it's a time of reflection..." Lydia mumbled, the next words almost missing themselves in her throat as she spoke them. "Or grief...""Grief and loss, mija." Calavera nodded. "I wonder why, when you and your friends have suffered so much loss, you would risk it again for someone like Derek Hale."Set in season 4Some of the dialogue and characters aren't mine, only Diana's story line. All of the rights go to their rightful owners.

5.4K 16 254 Full
Back-Up Plan - Book 3 - S.E.

"What's up, blogosphere? Jacob Ben Israel here, back on the street with an exclusive look at McKinley's newest celebrities, the New Directions!"Winnie rolled her eyes, already annoyed and it was only ten in the morning of her first day of school. She could hear JBI's voice down the hallway and she was sure he was coming her way, but she couldn't tell for sure if she was annoyed at him or at Tina, who walked beside her with Dottie, a freshman she had, somehow convinced to follow her around all day everyday. Now, Winnie had kept her promise. When Mike left, she had stuck by Tina. The two of them had helped each other, working together through missing the boy, but, as soon as the last week of summer rolled around, Tina started to change. She started to become self-obsessed and she suddenly turned into a bigger diva than Rachel Berry herself, always talking about the solos she wanted to have at glee or how much her voice had improved with the years. Winnie was about 90% sure all of this was just some weird copying mechanism Tina had created to deal with Mike's absence, but it drove Winnie insane. Still, she stuck by Tina anyway, more out of habit than anything else, but with Mike gone and Tina's new attitude, Winnie wasn't sure how much more of this she'd be willing to take. Maybe she would need some new friends.Set in season 4Disclaimer: Some of the dialogue aren't mind and most of the characters aren't either

17.8K 27 823 Full
Unspoken - Book 3 - S.S.

"It's not a date!" Lydia protested for the fifth time as she drove herself, Diana and Allison over to the mall where she had managed to get each of them a hot date - even if she didn't want to admit that was what they were - from the lacrosse team. "It's a group thing. Like, hanging out.""Do they know it's a group thing?" Allison asked, sitting in the passenger seat of Lydia's car as Diana laughed from her place behind her. "Cause I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there.""You were in France and didn't do any dating for four months?" Lydia asked her best friend, almost in disbelief."Did you?" Allison rebutted. "I mean, after...""Do not say his name."Set in season 3Disclaimer: Most of the characters aren't mine and some of the dialogue isn't either

9.1K 29 480 Full
Unspoken - Book 5 - S.S.

"But that's not the point. Point is... We need to get to school as soon as we can.""Yeah, I've been trying for the past half an hour." Diana scoffed, pointing with one hand at the windshield in front of her before slapping her hand back on the steering wheel. "So, unless your werewolf superpowers include getting rid of traffic jam, I don't think we're gonna make it there in less than twenty minutes at least.""Doesn't your phoenix powers include that?" Liam teased as Diana rolled her eyes with a small smile. "I mean, being the first host body to hold a phoenix twice in the history of host bodies to the phoenix must come with some cool upgrades, right?""A few." Diana smiled, proud to say that, over the past six months after their little adventure in Mexico, she had been working quite closely with Deaton to try and figure out the full extent of her powers. "Unfortunately none of them relate to traffic jams. But, since we're gonna be here a while, why don't you tell me exactly how Scott's in trouble?"Set in season 5Some of the dialogue and characters aren't mine, only Diana's story line. All of the rights go to their rightful owners.

6K 24 415 Full
Unspoken - Book 2 - S.S.

"Lydia?" She called, practically breaking through the door as Mr. Martin and Melissa McCall joined her inside the bedroom. "Lydia!""What the hell was that?" Melissa asked, clearly confused as Diana just kept on scanning her eyes through every corner of the room."Lydia?" She called again, but, once more, she got no response.Noticing the girl wasn't in there, Diana remembered Mr. Martin mentioning something about Lydia going for a bath. So crashing through the bathroom door, Diana reached for the shower curtains, only to find the bath empty with the shower still running. She frowned, desperately trying figure out what was going on until her eyes fell on Lydia's hospital gown on the toilet beside her and the window across the bathroom wide open. Sighing quietly, Diana shook her head as Melissa reached for the shower to turn it off."You need to call the police." She said, as both adults quickly nodded their heads in agreement and left the room, leaving Diana alone as the girl reached for her cellphone. "And I need to call somebody else."Set on season 2Disclaimer: Most of the characters aren't mine and some of the dialogue isn't either

4.9K 15 264 Full
Palliative - M.C.

Mike felt good. Sure, everything was new and big and scary and he missed home. He missed Lima, he missed his parents, he missed school, he missed the glee club, he missed... God, he missed Tina. Maybe he should call her, but then... If they talked everyday, neither of them would ever be able to move on, and that hadn't been the deal. They had promised to let go. They had had a great time together, but, this year, it was about the two of them - not as a couple, as it had been for the past two years, but individually. Tina had her senior year to focus on and Mike... Oh, Mike had plenty now to distract himself with.Disclaimer: Some of the characters used in this story aren't mine

7.3K 23 312 Full
The bird's opening - Criminal Minds - JJ

Will knew something wasn't right. JJ had her crazy schedules and, sometimes, she would tell him she wouldn't be picking up Henry only fifteen minutes before the agreed time. It drove Will insane most of the times, but, in a way, he understood why it happened. JJ was a FBI agent, she was part of the most renowned team at the bureau, she saved lives for a living and sometimes Will did feel selfish about expecting her to be more present, but he knew better than to ask her to try and stay in D.C. more often. She would refuse it - he learned that the wrong way. She'd say that was her job and that was what she loved to do and that was what she needed to be doing. And, as much as he understood, as much as he admired her for that and for the fact that she was still the most doting and caring mother he could have ever asked for their son, it still drove him insane.He hated when she cancelled her plans with Henry because of work because the six-years-old was always so excited to see mommy, but, that day, that wasn't what was happening. That day, something else was going on and Will didn't like it at all. Because, yes, JJ often cancelled her plans with Henry, but she never - never - did it without letting Will know first. He would always get a message when it happened. They were usually short and quick, just to let him know. Child abduction in Ohio, sorry, send Henry my love or Bodies found in L.A., have to go. Give Henry a kiss for me but this time... This time there was nothing.Inspired by episode 14 of season 9 of Criminal Minds "200"Disclaimer: Some of the dialogue isn't mine and most of the characters aren't either.

6.2K 16 198 Full
Unspoken - Book 6 - S.S.

"Okay, but you can't tell me that you think this is just some series of impossible coincidences?" Stiles argued as Diana sighed heavily with a roll of her eyes."What I'm saying is maybe that wouldn't be so bad, Stiles." She said. "Look, I'm just tired of fighting all the time. So, if we're done here and there's nothing to see... Can we please go home?"Stiles hesitated at her words, his eyes lingering on his girlfriend for a moment as he realized just how much she was still affected by the events of the last time they went up against the supernatural. And of course she would be. After all, it had been only three months since she had not only lost her brother, but also, her dad who, in spite of the many attempts Stiles and the sheriff had made to get him to break, still refused to even acknowledge Diana's existence and, as much as she tried to pretend she was fine now, Stiles knew better than that. So, of course he would have taken her home when she asked and maybe he should have listened to her and not dragged her out of their bed in the middle of the night so much, but this time... This time it was different. He felt like there was something there. He knew there was."Can I have thirty minutes, please?" Stiles asked, his eyes set on Diana as he flinched when the girl sighed, exasperated."I'll give you fifteen."Set in season 6Some of the dialogue and characters aren't mind, only Diana's story line. All of the rights go to their rightful owners

5.7K 29 393 Full
The one with the sisters - Year One [COMPLETED]

Lily and Iris Evans thought they were normal girls. Granted, they were quite... Different, but still normal.One letter might change it all.One letter might be the beggining of their new life.One letter might be the reason why their biggest adventure yet starts.PS: English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes. Also, sorry for eventual out of characters moments.

9.1K 15 378 Full
The Remnant of the Pack - Book 1 - GoT

"Are you two decent?"When they heard Ylina's voice coming through the wooden door, Robb threw a dress shirt at Theon and the Greyjoy boy quickly covered himself with it."Never!" Robb called out, hearing a chuckle in response.Pushing the door open, Ylina leaned against it as her eyes scanned both boys. Daria, her direwolf, ran past her and straight to Grey Wind, as the two of them started to roll around and bite each other lightly as usual. Neither Robb or Theon had even the time to greet the younger girl, before her eyes went wide and she shook her head quickly."Oh, no. You two better get dressed right now, because the King and his family are almost here and if we get there late to greet them, I will be the one Lady Catelyn will be putting the blame on.""But we were the ones who weren't dressed." Robb spoke up, causing Ylina to scoff."You know Mother. She'll just assume."Set in seasons 1 through 3Disclaimer: Most of the characters aren't mine and some of the dialogue might be taken straight from the show.It starts as a TheonXOC story, pretty much, but as it progresses, we might have a few other stuff happening

17.6K 38 411 Full
The wolves of Castle Black - Book 2 - GoT

"But if they... If they decide you guilty, you'll be deserted. Do you know what happens to deserters? Of course you do... You went with Father to behead deserters before, you...""Lina..." Jon smiled gently, placing his bowl of soup down.He walked toward his sister and grabbed her own bowl from her hands to place it on the table beside her and pulling her in for a hug. As Ylina shoved her face in his neck again and wrapped her arms around him, Jon placed his arm around his sister's body and noticed how shaky she was. He grabbed his cloak and placed it around both of them, trying to share his warmth with hers."It will be alright, Lina." Jon promised, even though they both knew he couldn't tell for sure."It's just... I can't lose you, Jon. Not you too."Set in seasons 4 and 5Disclaimer: Most of the characters aren't mine and some of the dialogue might have been taken straight from the show.This is a sequel for The Remnant of the Pack that you can find in my works in this account

4.3K 24 165 Full
Yes or no - Book 1 - S.E.

"Is it true that despite being the Cheerios captain, you remain single?" Jacob then turned his attention to Emily, shoving his microphone at her face."Depends who's asking." She said, pulling out her History textbook from her locker."Me." Jacob said, as Emily scoffed and closed her locker harshly."Then the answer's no."Set in season 2Disclaimer: Some of the dialogues aren't mine and most of the characters aren't either.

72.2K 25 1.3K Full
Picture Perfect - Book 2 - Q.F.

"Leave me alone, JBI." Piper scoffed, as JBI gasped, turning to his camera for a second."No denial!" He said, as Piper rolled her eyes."Just go away!""One last question..." JBI called, still struggling to keep up with Piper as the girl groaned. "Is it also true you're suffering from a crippling depression because you're not over Miss Fabray?"Again, Piper hesitated, having JBI rubbing salt in another wound. Still, she kept on walking, trying not to give him too much of a reaction."Screw you, Jacob..." She mumbled."Another dubious answer!" He said. "Is it true you and Miss Fabray haven't spoken much since the birth of her bastard baby?"Sequel to Picture Perfect - Book 1 that you can find in my works!Set in Season 2Disclaimer: Some of the dialogues aren't mine and most of the characters aren't either

121.4K 24 4K Full
The one with the sisters - Year Two [COMPLETED]

Lily and Iris Evans thought they were normal girls. Granted, they were quite... Different, but still normal.One letter might change it all.One letter might be the beggining of their new life.One letter might be the reason why their biggest adventure yet starts.PS: English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes. Also, sorry for eventual out of characters moments.

2.8K 9 137 Full
Picture Perfect - Book 3 - Q.F.

"Oh, no!" Piper shook her head as soon as she spotted JBI as she walked with Mercedes down the hallway. Grabbing her best friend by the arm, she tried to make a turn and walk the other way, but Jacob spotted them anyway and rushed after them with his microphone and cameraman behind him. "Oh, come on...""PIper Snow!" JBI said, as Piper rolled her eyes and Mercedes started to walk a bit faster to try and lose the kid. "Rumors have been going around the school that this summer you didn't have to be locked away for your eating problems despite your fainting last year and some say that it is because you finally managed to get into Quinn Fabray's pants after two whole years of pining after her.""Get lost, Jacob." Mercedes spoke up, trying to come up in Piper's defense, which only caused Jacob to press her further."So it is true? Are you and Miss Fabray a thing now?" He asked. "And where is she anyway? No one's heard of her for days now."Sequel to Picture Perfect - Books 1 and 2 that you can find in my works!Set in Season 3Disclaimer: Some of the dialogue aren't mind and most of the characters aren't either

90.2K 23 3K Full
The one with the sisters - Year Six [COMPLETED]

Lily and Iris Evans thought they were normal girls. Granted, they were quite... Different, but still normal.One letter might change it all.One letter might be the beggining of their new life.One letter might be the reason why their biggest adventure yet starts.PS: English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes. Also, sorry for eventual out of characters moments.

4.1K 20 218 Full
The one with the sisters - Year three [COMPLETED]

Lily and Iris Evans thought they were normal girls. Granted, they were quite... Different, but still normal.One letter might change it all.One letter might be the beggining of their new life.One letter might be the reason why their biggest adventure yet starts.PS: English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes. Also, sorry for eventual out of characters moments.

4.1K 15 192 Full