Search: Camelot Maria,
21 stories
Siren of the Desert

*Formerly known as The Arabian Desert.*He was a cold-hearted bandit with the power to imprison her...Maria disguises herself as a helper boy when Zain, the black-hearted, demonically handsome bandit attacks their prosperous town in the middle of the Arabian Desert and claims it as his own, naming himself sheikh, in search of its riches and treasures and a secret goal precious to his dark heart. To innocent Maria, it's either stay hidden or risk being caught and forced into Sheikh Zain's notorious harem. She was a raging spitfire that burned through his every defense...When Maria accidentally bumps into Zain one hot summer afternoon, revealing long hair, Zain is captivated and intrigued by the boy who turns out to be a feisty girl. He immediately desires the azure-eyed beauty whose melodious voice rivals that of a siren, and decides to capture and imprison her in his harem, for he must know who she is and where she came from. Now a woman who craves freedom above all else, Maria will stop at nothing to free herself from the devil himself even as she struggles against the tempestuous feelings that very devil elicits within her, all while a treacherous enemy plots against them. Copyright © 2023 | All Rights Reserved

5M 16 66.2K Full
The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man

The What If? stories of our favorite webslinger as each chapter shows the many relationships of Peter Parker or the Amazing Spider-Man with the heroines/villainess of his life!One-Shots Collection.The pictures in each chapter that has a separate picture, belongs to their respective artists

916.1K 193 17.3K
Mortals Meet The Demigods

Have fun watching these chaotic mortal and demigod interactions (it is extremely cliche and dramatic)! Most of the couples are with the person they were with in the books. I was thinking about it, and Theyna and Solangelo are two of my favorite ships, so their will be lot of them (basically if you are a person who doesn't support the LGBTQ+ community, back off!). I hope that you enjoy the short stories and I will try to update as much as possible!

173.5K 43 1.9K

Forced to take shelter in Camelot, Guinevere, princess of Bavaria, finds herself very limited, and with enemies everywhere. A new prophecy says she is the one to help reunite the Kingdom of Albion, but that means she needs to let go of everything she once knew. Retaliating against her own destiny, she knows her heart belongs to her country and no one else. ( a retelling of BBC's Merlin)

958 28 35
My favorite vocaloid english covers

I had to rewrite this story because I accidentally deleted it. The story might be written a little differently from the last time I wrote it

364 166 167 Full
Guitar Chords

Songs from OPM, anime (if I'll be able to find any), bands (All Time Low, Green Day, etc.) and other singers

27.4K 197 213
Song Lyrics

Just a bunch of random song lyrics.

3K 180 73
• LYRICS • [open for any request]

>>REQUEST IS OPEN<< Request any songs that you want me to upload.. When I mean any song, it means ANY songs.. Including Filipino or Foreign songs..So maybe I will upload any song request as soon as I can.. 😀By the way, this is my first book.. Hope you appreciate it..Thank you and wubyu guys :3uwu

5.8K 156 21
Sunny Knight: a Pony's tale

Comedy Dark Random Romance Slice of Life Tragedy1000 years ago King Sombra rueled the Crystal empire with an iron hoof. Celestia with her sister Luna defeated Sombra, turning him to shadow and sealing him beneith the artic. The empire vanished along with him. 1000 years later, a student of Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, along with her friends ventured to the recently returned Crystal empire and freed them from the dark powers of the shadow king Sombra. But is that the end,As Twilight and her friends gathered atop a hill just outside of Ponyville to watch a metior shower, as well at catch a glimpse of the familiar 'Gazer comet' another adventure falls into their lives, one that will push the girls to look not only deeper inside themselves, but deeper into the dark that they thought long since past. The 'Gazer Commit' had circled Equeatria for over 968 years, what could have caused it to plummet to Ponyville? And who is this new stallion in town? Can the girls help him regain his memory?

2.1K 142 22
There's No Joy

Hello there and Good Morning my beautiful and handsome readers. I'm Eagalia Doverose Solaria, little twin sister to the former Stella of Solaria. I'm the daughter of Queen Luna and King Radius, Fairy of the Shining Sun, Moon and Stars. Yes, I know you're like wait... that's Stella's powers well actually not in this world. My sister didn't make it through her first days of life so I developed powers and ran into some amazing people but it wasn't till I grew and realized how much my friends needed Stella's joyful personality. Ever since the loss of my twin sister, I'm quite depressed. Yes, I'm a member of the Winx Club, and my outfits and transformations are all the same as my sister's. The hair will be a bit brighter though. So please come find out my story. This is an original story of my fanfic. My character's opinions will be more chill, less excited and definitely not as dramatic as the original Stella figure after all the whole point of this story is what is the Winx Club without Stella. Since this is an original idea please don't steal this story. I don't own the Winx Club characters and the Winx Club storylines of the Seasons. This will include the movies.

2.6K 156 278
Anime pics

cute or funny pictures that I would get judged for if I kept them on the computer XD

106.2K 588 2.2K
Counterstrike: Heaven Sent (The Long Book)

Counterstrike: Heaven Sent The Long Book follows Kate from the cornfield in Kansas, where she meets a bloodied Agent Gareth, hints at the scummy office politics of the Denver FBI Office, continues with the perilous journey back to Washington DC, introduces Agent Gareth's both brilliant and eccentric tech team at the FBI's secret Section Six, and concludes with Kate's own bitter and nasty career drama in DC. The Long Book reveals a bit more of the dark, lonely, and troubled personal and romantic histories of Kate and Agent Gareth, as they grow closer, against the vile backdrop of Klaus Vogle's cold blooded terrorism and murder plots. It follows the unlikely pair with a more in depth look at Gareth's tech team at Section Six, a brief introduction to his "father" figure at the CIA, the serene, but adventurous lifestyle of Gareth's Sister, Allie, and husband, is followed up with a scandalous and messy social outing at the Connecticut Estate of Gareth's real father, wild and dangerous adventures in Upstate New York, then wraps up with cold, wet, and bloody disasters in coastal Scotland. The Long Book concludes the bloody Scotland adventure, followed by a legal misunderstanding in New York, and more bad career melodrama back in Washington DC. It continues with a horseback ride in the Appalachian Mountains, and a nighttime showdown at the nation's most famous Lighthouse Park. It follows up with further deep and dark intrigues, leading to a fabulous Episcopal Wedding near San Francisco Harbor, and ultimately reaching the thrilling and exciting climax of Counterstrike: Heaven Sent.

742 153 27 Full

ROY MILLER. LA BRÚJULA DE LA MUERTE.La extinción de la raza humana y el oscuro destino de la ciudad de Daniatova, será algunos de los muchos problemas que tendrá que afrontar Roy Miller.Roy Miller es un joven campesino de las tierras sureñas del reino de Daniatova, el único reinado que consiguió unificar a todos los hombres de la tierra bajo una misma nación.Por orden de su padre, el señor Joss Brown, El muchacho tuvo que viajar a los dominios del terrateniente Pierce Campbell, para abastecerse de alimentos con el que afrontar el duro y frio invierno..En el trascurso de ese viaje, su futuro se ve intrincado por un destino siniestro y caprichoso. Todo comienza con la muerte de un hombre a causa de un veneno, provocando un revuelo en todo el sur y situando a Roy en el punto de mira como el sospechoso principal del asesinato.En vista de los acontecimientos, el joven hombre decide escapar de las garras del rey, convirtiéndose así en un proscrito. Una noche mientras huía, un enigmático hombre decidió ayudarle. Le hizo entrega de una brújula y una nota cuyo contenido parecía indicarle la senda de su nuevo destino.En su intento por limpiar su buen nombre, Roy conoció a una mujer llamada Aitana, que poseía un don muy especial. Esta muchacha le reveló el contenido de la nota y descubrió algo del chico que ni el mismo Roy sabía: Era portador de una terrible maldición.Roy decidió aventurarse a averiguar quien estaba intentando trucar su futuro, y de camino, hallar su verdadera identidad. Todas las señales lo guiaban a los territorios "más allá de los confines del reino". Una tierra maldita, inhóspita y desconocida, donde habitan las criaturas más terribles del mundo, y de las que tendrá que hacerle frente para averiguar la verdad que se esconde tras ese futuro oscuro que le espera.ROY MILLER. LA BRÚJULA DE LA MUERTE.

268 26 4
Song Lyrics

Almost everyday at school i write down the lyrics to a song, so i thought i would post them on here as a little book.If you have any requests just comment or message me and i'll post themThere will be a wide arrangement of music styles.Thank you xx

206.1K 169 3.5K

( ̄︶ ̄)>

2.3K 196 18
The fosters

The Fosters nos cuenta la historia de una familia bastante peculiar, e increíblemente diversa. Stef Foster y Lena Adams son una pareja gay interracial que llevan juntas más de una década y tienen tres hijos. El mayor de los chicos es hijo biológico de Stef de su primer matrimonio (Brandon), y los otros dos son unos gemelos de origen latino (Mariana y Jesús) que adoptaron cuando tenían cinco años de edad y para el momento que la serie comienza son adolescentes.El piloto de la serie nos pone justo en el momento en el que Stef conoce a Callie Jacobs, una adolescente que acaba de salir del reformatorio juvenil y será puesta nuevamente en una casa grupal del estado por no tener padres adoptivos. Callie tiene un hermano menor, Jude, a quien han separado de Callie y han puesto en un hogar adoptivo abusivo. Stef es oficial de policía y termina rescatando a los dos niños de esa espantosa casa, para terminar decidiendo llevárselos a la suya.Esta historia no es mía, simplemente es una serie queme pareció muy buena y decidí compartirla! Espero que les guste y se enamoren como yo!!Sinopsis extraída de Internet Besos y abrazos xoxoxo...

19 1 0
Harmonious Inheritance [Oneshot story]

[ This Story won't follow MHA Plot]In the bustling metropolis of Musutafu, where heroes soar through the skies and villains lurk in the shadows, a young girl named Aria Shimizu embarks on a heroic journey in the captivating novel "Harmonious Inheritance." Set in the thrilling world of My Hero Academia, Aria, born into the prestigious Shimizu Clan, carries the weight of her bloodline's legacy. Gifted with the "Melody Manipulation" Quirk, she controls soundwaves, a power echoing the rhythm of her ancestors.As she enters U.A. High School, Aria's heart races with anticipation and excitement, determined to prove herself as a worthy successor. Guided by her indomitable spirit and her trusty guitar, she faces challenges, discovering unexplored facets of her Quirk. Bonds with classmates, each possessing unique Quirks, form an unbreakable camaraderie that echoes a harmonious symphony of friendship.Yet, darkness threatens their harmony as sinister villains arise, testing Aria and her newfound friends. In battles, she confronts not only external foes but also inner doubts. This gripping tale weaves action and self-discovery, illuminating the power of unity. Aria's journey embodies the essence of heroism, inspiring readers to embrace their own heroic potential. In a world of complexities, "Harmonious Inheritance" resonates as an unforgettable symphony of bravery, camaraderie, and the enduring legacy of the Shimizu Clan.

22 3 3
[ Alphabetical ] Song Book

Just a book of ALPHABETICAL songs, as the title suggests. Song lyrics acquired from If you have a request, PM us or put it in the comments, and we'll get to it as soon as possible. (We're not on this account that much, heh heh)[ also We don't own the videos ]Okay Bai ~

984 68 106
AURICIO DOURO (Nsimba Floriberto)- Biografia

EU NSIMBA FLORIBERTO, FILHO GARCIA FLORIBERTO E DE ANA SUNGUINO, NATURAL DE CUIMBA, PROVINCIA ZAIRE, TENHO UMA FILHA CHAMADA ADRIELA COM ADELINA PEDRO MARIA. TENHO DUAS IRMÃS LOTUTALA (LETICIA) E ELIKIA (ESPERANÇA), vivo em Luanda, Bairro Chimbicado, frequente no Bairro Camama.Vida profissionalPhotograph, Designer, Informatic desde 2015-2020Vida espiritualbaptizado na IGreja IEBA Simione Mucune desde 25 de Maio de 2015 e ter caido em 2019, por motivo de fornicação.Nivel academico 12ª Classe no curso de fisicas e Biologicasnão feito a faculdade por motivos financeirotenho experiencia na area de informatica durante 7 anosTIOSPedro Antonio Gomes, Videira Gomes, Mbalu Zambote e Afonsoresíduo da família gomes, fruto da minha criação.fui criado pelo Pedro António Gomes a maior da parte da minha vida e por isso tenho muito respeito por ele, e eu li devo uma vida, dou o melhor para agradá-loRelacionamento com:Helena Bridel, Adelina Pedro Maria, Mena, Quinha.

5 1 1
Corazón de melón (Por Que Sigo Aquí?)Cap. 1

Hola mi nombre es Kennia (en el fanfic)Tengo 17 años vivo con mi tia, ya que mis padres murieron en un accidente...Kennia: *Dormida* *Levantarse de golpe*Otras ves pensando en mis padres *Tallarse los ojos*....*Levantarse* *Ir al baño*....*lavarse los dientes*...Tia: Cariño ya estas despierta?!Kennia: Ya... *Ponerse el uniforme* Me queda demasiado corto bueno no importa *Bajar al comedor*Tia: Pero que alta estas, ya casi no te queda el uniformeKennia:... Podemos cambiar de tema?...Tia: Jaja claro cariño, tu desayuno esta en la mesaKennia: Gracias...*Comer*.....Tia: Cariño, Quieres que te lleve?.Kennia: No crees que ya estoy demasiado grande para que me sigas acompañando?.Tia: Entiendo cariño.Kennia: Bueno adiós... *Beso en la mejilla*EN LA ESCUELA... >w<Kennia: *Guardando cosas en el casillero* ....Amber: *Se acerca a Kennia*Que bueno que has llegado emo, Li se a olvidado el dinero en casa verdad que nos prestaras?.Kennia: *Ignorarlas**irse*Amber: Pero tu quien te crees? *Coger el cabello a Kennia*Kennia: Sueltame! Barbie barataAmber: A quien has llamado "Barbie barata"emo?Kennia: A ti *Coger el cabello de Amber y tirara al suelo*Li y Charlotte: Amber no te dejes enseñale quien manda aquí!Kennia: [Amber a intentado darme una patada pero yo la esquive] [Le eh dado un puñetazo en la cara]Amber: Aggg... mi cara imbécil! [Darle un puñetazo]Kennia: [Casi le daba un puñetazo,senti unos brazos enrollados en mi cintura haciéndome retroceder]FUERA DEL INSTITUTO Kennia: Yo no la quería lastimar "sniff" Kentin: Tranquila Kennia...Kennia: [Eh colocado mi cabeza en su pecho]sniff sniffKentin: *Se sonroja al instanten*De ahora en adelante tu vida va a cambiar...Kennia: P-Por que lo dices?...Kentin: *sonríe* olvídalo te llevare a casaEN MI CASAKennia: *Me lavo el rostro con agua* Aggg... me duele mi cabeza, de seguro es por el golpe de Amber *levantar la cara**mirarse al espejo* KYA! QUE ME PASO?!Hasta aquí el capitulo 1

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