Search: damian wayne wounded
26 stories
Meet the Bat Family

A story within a story, a young women gets sucked into a portal from her dorm, ending up in the world of one of her favorite comic book vigilantes. Meeting the Wayne's and living there, she keeps that she knows their identity a secret. But what happens while she's at the Manor? Will she get home? But also, who's the story teller?(Second book in progress)

4K 6 136 Full
From Camp Half-Blood to Gotham (Nico x Batfam)

**All characters belong to the writers of DC and Rick Riordan.**Nico is careless, he's always known that. But he never expected himself to wind up in the LITERAL worst place in all of America. China would have honestly been better than this. But luck was not on his side, it never was, and probably will never be.But this was cruel, even for the fates, or the gods, or really anyone. Because everyone seemed to wish Nico nothing more than a rather sucky life. The only problem was Nico himself. Gods, did he need to get a grip on his life. Especially as he stared up at the rust Iron sign that read 'Welcome to Gotham!'

167.9K 57 8.1K
Silence Speaks Volumes

Damian Wayne was a boy. Not a normal boy, though. He was the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, the leader of the League of Assassins, the son of Talia al Ghul, leader of the Leviathan Organization, and son of the Batman, the greatest hero to ever live, the world's best detective. So, when Damian was training in the comfort of his Grandfather's compound, he was surprised to hear he would be going to America of all places. The land of mediocrity.---Join Damian as he finds his place in the Batfamily and how the Batfamily comes to cherish him.

29.4K 23 1K Full
Batboys x Reader

What if all the batboys were in love with you?Best ranking: #14 In DC, #1 In DamianWayne, #2 In Batfamily, #40 (out of 4.1k) In Love Triangle, #5 In Batfam, #1 In Tim Drake x Reader, #1 In Red Hood x Reader, #1 In Dc x Reader, #9 In Batboys, #2 In Nightwing x Reader, #4 In Robin x Reader, #9 In Damian Wayne x Reader #4 In DCComics, This is a collection of Batboys x Reader. There will not be any specific characters for example, Jason Todd x Reader, it's all the boys in the beginning. BUT I will include Roy Harper/ Arsenal in a few fics.I will also do crossovers, adding characters such as Deadpool, Hawkeye etc... but that will be stated at the beginning of each fic. **READER INSERTS ONLY***REQUESTS FOR (ALL) BATBOYS X READER ARE OPEN*WARNING: This book contains many gif, read with internet for a better experience!Anyway enjoy!!P.s. I do not own any of the beautiful art or gifs in this story unless stated otherwise. All characters belong to DC and Marvel, you belong to you obviously.

779.7K 124 17.8K
When Worlds Collide

Book 2 of the 'Demigod in Gotham' Series When Nico moved to Gotham, all he wanted was to do good. He never asked to be adopted by Bruce Wayne. He never asked for Slade to come after him. He never asked to die. And more than anything else, he never asked to be revived. ----------"I excused what you did with Slade, but you cannot continue to break rules and put yourself at risk-"Nico laughed. "Excused? You excused it?"Nightwing approached the table, probably knowing where this was going. "Demo-"The demigod ignored his brother. "Slade wanted to sell my people as slaves. Not only did he deserve to die, but he needed to."Bruce stood up, his hands on the table. "Slade's death was not your call and I respected that-""No, you were forced to accept it because you couldn't stop me. You wanted me to spare him, just like every single one of your sons have up until that point, but how did that work out? When did Slade ever face justice for all the things he had done after they spared him? He deserved to die for everything he had done!""It is not our place-""Then thank f*ck that it actually was my place to do what you never could!"Bruce clenched his jaw. They stared at each other for a long moment before Bruce finally said, "We fight for justice, not vengeance. If you allow yourself to sink down to that place, you may never come back. It will kill you if you keep on fighting to avenge things that have not even happened yet" Nico stared at his father, the rage that had been boiling underneath his skin every second since he had woken up back in November began to break through the surface. He took off his domino mask and tossed it onto the table, making sure that Bruce had to look at his eyes-- the ones that no longer resembled the fourteen year old that Bruce had once asked to join his family. "Good thing I already died then."---------daily updates @ 12:15 am EST (starting April 8th )

211K 101 16.5K
An Assassin's Rose: Remnant

After unlocking his semblance, it was decided that Damian would be sent to Remnant in order to control his new found abilities but during a night out gathering supplies for the new school year. Both Damian and Ruby get caught in the middle of a attempted robbery organized by Roman Torchwick and when they managed to thwart his plans they both are given an opportunity of a lifetime.

30.7K 43 1K Full
Jason Todd Imagines/Prefrences

As said in the titleHello everyone! I am trying something new and Jason Todd is definitely something new for me. I never thought I would obsess over him but here we are. Anyhow I am open for smuts and fluff, just send in a request and I'll try my best to fulfill it for you. Good day/night lovelies!- Skipper 🧡

62.4K 47 582
Protector  ² ☾𝐃𝐂 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐒☽

-𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬-{Sequel to Batman's Daughter}Helena and Damian Wayne are now going to Gotham University. However they got more than they bargained for when they become students and have to fight crime in Gotham. Between family drama, falling in love, and keeping secrets. Will they cope with being heroes and students? Or will it all come crashing down?BatgirlGeek❤️Completed: October 8th, 2016Edited: July 31st, 2018

8.3K 56 431 Full
Tim Drake recs 1

All of these story's all from achieve of our own this is just the summary and where you can find itI DO NOT OWN THE STORYS THE AUTHOR OF THE STORY DOES

13.6K 200 156 Full
Guide to survive and Love in Gotham.

Gotham was not an easy place to live, anyone could tell you that, and it was because of that, that when she was little Davina's family gave her rules so she wouldn't end up dead in a alley or like a pet of a psycho. Davina followed every rule her whole life until he show up. in her defense her Grandmother was the one who tell her that she should make at least one friend and never specified what type of person they should be. So her friend was a Wayne, and Robin that wasn't so bad right? oh dear her Grandma was gonna kill her when she found out didn't she? maybe she could convince Damián to leave the country for a while, it shouldn't be so hard after all her friend needed a vacation more than her to be honest. basically the fic were Damián Wayne mades a friend and is the one with the more healthy - not really - relationship in his family. Notes: Is my first time writing a Fic on English so you may find some mistakes, sorry for that. this is not lineal so we are going to jump in time a lot.

6.6K 49 525
To tame a Demon (english)

After a fight with Trigon, Dick is pulled through a portal into hell and finds himself badly injured in a completely hostile world.Left to his own devices and surrounded by all kinds of monsters, Dick has only one option. Survive as long as possible until rescue approaches.But at this point no one knew what consequences this would have.The FF will be very long and will at the beginning mainly feture around Damian and Dick (as brothers). As it progresses, more characters will be added that involve the Batfam. The whole thing is based on the comics, but I try to write it in such a way that you don't have to have read them and refer to things taken from them via commentary* from time to time. Furthermore I wish a lot of fun. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Original story in german on my accoundVietnamese Translation started by @Seventeen_Zennie on her/his accound.^^

6.1K 37 333
{Half A Hero} Hufflepuff!Reader

Order of the Phoenix reader insert. Hufflepuff reader fucking up the plot. Father is an Auror. You are property of your ministry, a bioweapon that only they know to handle. By handle, I mean they can only ask or trick, and you will usually say 'No'. This frustrates them. Luckily, Fudge thinks you're a prime weapon and you should be in the hands of him. Your minister allows the transfer, with a few rules that only you know. Time to fuck up the British magical ministry. DC universe characters are added, because I thought it would be an even funnier way to warp the plot.

8.1K 19 239 Full
Batman's lost daughter

I don't own some of the pictures we all know Batman who's Bruce Wayne but what if he had a another child what would he do if he just found out about what if Deathstroke wanted to get back at him what would he do what if he finds out that Deathstroke raised his daughter what if she ended up with the avengers here's where her Story begins

6.9K 16 44
Being Bad For Good Sake

This is my obsessive life, and the most important thing is that I have never allowed myself to cry. Despite my best efforts to distract myself from LIE-LA, it seems to be working. My determination grows stronger, propelling my career to new heights. I have become the Badass Ice Princess, commanding respect and fear from those around me.However, beneath this icy exterior, there are secrets and feelings waiting to be discovered in my future. These hidden truths and suppressed emotions will test my strength and force me to confront my vulnerabilities. No matter how much I try to bury them, they will eventually demand my attention.In my relentless pursuit of success, I have focused solely on my achievements, neglecting the depths of my own emotions. But as time goes on, I will encounter individuals who see beyond the façade, challenging me to face my true self. These connections will force me to reassess my beliefs about trust and vulnerability.Opening myself up to others and allowing them to support me can lead to personal growth and healing. It won't be easy to let my guard down.Strength doesn't mean facing everything alone. It means embracing my true self and accepting the support of those who genuinely care about me. Sharing my burdens and trusting others will lighten the load and provide much-needed relief.So, as I continue on this obsessive path, I will remember that it's okay to let my guard down and acknowledge my feelings. The secrets and emotions that lie ahead may be difficult to face, but they hold the potential for growth, connection, and a deeper understanding of myself.

23.7K 29 582
Born Assassins ||Young Justice - Damian Wayne||

"Your mission is to protect Damian. That's your only purpose in life. If you fail to protect him, then you might as well be dead yourself." Those were the words Ra's al Ghul would constantly tell Carmilla La Fanu. That her life had no other purpose then to protect the next heir to the League of Assassins, Damian al Ghul. She trained hard and didn't do anything to upset or disrespect her teacher. But there's someone in the shadows who has other plans for her. Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke, has plans to take the young child and use her against the al Ghul family and the one who took Slade's chance of being the next heir to the League of Assassins, Batman (Bruce Wayne). Stealing the child from her bed, Slade takes the girl and teaches her everything he knows. Although the motives of her training has change the rules that she's lived by are still the same. The words of her former teacher still loud and clear in her head. "Your mission is to protect Damian. That's your only purpose in life. If you fail to protect him, then you might as well be dead yourself." Even while living far away, those words still ran true in the young Romanian girl. During a mission in Gotham City when Deathstroke is asked to take out a target, Carmilla takes the chance to somehow make her way back to her master. But there's just one problem, she doesn't know the way. Running for her life from Deathstroke, Carmilla ends up running into the Dark Prince of Gotham, Batman. Without saying a word Batman seemed to understand that the girl in front of him needed help. Bruce takes Carmilla back to the batcave and that's when she explains everything to Bruce. It was then that Batman took Carmilla on as his responsibility. Now going by the name Carly La Fanu-Wayne, Carly continues to live her life, but when Damian comes to live with his father old memories and rules start to come back to her. Damian Wayne x OC Disclaimer: I do not own DC or any of its characters

1.2K 1 48
Dark generation

we all know that Damian wayne is tough and violent but could there be a sweet side to him and if so would all it take to ulock it be a perky and optimistic girl who has one of the biggest crushes on him and do they end up with one another

328 12 0
𝐃𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞- 𝐃𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞

The miraculous squad has just defeated Hawkmoth, but at what cost? Paris is still grieving their normal lives before the emotional terrorist, but slowly you can see a wounded city healing itself. The MPS is struggling to find meaning in their lives aside from the frustration of heroic work and is still trying to find Myura.The story will be a slow-burning romance and a story of learning to let go and live with it rather than forcing yourself to move on. There might be some upsetting themes, but overall, it's just a story of hope and learning to live life despite hardships. Daminette is the eventual ship's end along with Lukadrien, but both will take time and development as any relationship would in a healthy manner. I do intend to finish this story, but it might take some time as their stories are very long and hard to tell. I might end up making it a series of books all pertaining to the same universe and exploring more of other characters lives.

2.9K 15 57
Gone with Gotham! Not discontinued just extremely slow updates

Twenty years ago, they made a huge mistake. The JLA and other heroes worldwide ignored the call for help from Gotham. Why they couldn't see it in their hearts to forgive him, even though he saved the world. The result? Over 4 million lost their lives even more homeless and without an income. Both Blüdheaven and Gotham City were blown to smithereens, and so were most of the Bats. 2 months after the explosion only 3 bats were standing. The Bats now were the GCPD police commissioners daughter, the blood son of Batman, and the daughter of a true hero. Among the hundreds of other survivors, they are left to pick up the pieces and care for the wounded but what happens when the other heroes finally are ready to hear the whole story, or rather his story? (Not rated mature but will include some topics that might be considered mature, FYI Dick pretty much raised the bat kids, even though Batman was the legal guardian) I honestly kind of hate this cause it is really bad in my opinion also writing fiction is not my strong suit. However, I hope you enjoy it! I adopted the story from, @AhsokaTanoJedi so I hope you all enjoy it! It was also originally called Gone with Gotham so you can find it there! Also, I do not own Dc, if I did YJ would be a lot different!

3.9K 12 83
The Worst Family Reunion EVER.

Jon would say it's love. Others would call it obsession. Whatever it was, it's landed him inside the League of Assassins after Damian's fallout with Bruce forced the youngest Robin to return to his ancestral home. His mom didn't like that, so she's come to visit the world's largest assassination syndicate to get her baby boy back. What is ensues is what Jon would call the WORST. FAMILY. REUNION. EVER. ~Jon breathed the melody in, and kissed the pulse, again and again, sprinkling it with reverent kisses. The very same pulse which held him grounded to this world and his own sense of self, his anchor in more ways than one.

1.4K 1 36
Bat family/young Justice fanfiction

Okay so the four richest kids in all of Gotham are in danger and Bruce has to go to some very important meeting but who will watch his daughter and sons? Okay so I suck at summarize and yes I know dick Grayson is a guy but I think this would be interesting if I changed it around Also this is in season two and also Barbra's dad went cray cray and put her in adoption so then Bruce came and adopted her so now she is a Wayne and one last thing Jason is in this but that whole evil thang on does not exists so yah that's it hope you enjoy oh one more thing I DO NOT I repeat DO NOT own young Justice if I did it wouldn't have ended it would've had a third season and wouldn't have killed Wally okay I plead my case.

7.6K 4 79
A Lonely Star

It was reasonable to leave him behind. Tim knew his parents still loved him but not in a way a parent would show love to their kid of course. It hurt a bit but it was fine. He was already used to it.What wasn't fine was that he caught a cold and of course, Tim didn't mean to catch it so easily as he's been careful to not go around other kids at school or people nearby so how he caught it was unknown as he thought about all the possibilities to how the cold got to his body. The only final theory was that it was becoming more catchable during the cold season when Tim- who was unlucky- caught it.Fortunately, Tim could go to the restroom to find medicine.Unfortunately, there wasn't any when he checked and then he remembered that his parents hadn't got any even after a few times in the past he had reminded them.What a bummer.

4 1 0
HELP: New batsis/ BatfamxOC

Ellenrose was a happy, young Russian girl with amazing parents and a lot of friends. Key-word: Was. That all changed when her father died in a fire that destroyed Ellenrose's home, and forced her and her Mamochka out with no money or belongings besides her Mamochka's silver locket with the picture of her wedding day. Ellenrose was only seven at that time, and she was devastated. only two weeks later, she lost her mother too. They were in their alleyway that they lived in, and Ellenrose was out for a walk. When she came back and was around the corner to the alley, she heard pleading sobs. Her mother's. Then she heard words that would haunt her for a long time.A gunshot fired, and Ellenrose was just in time to see a person with a red mask leaving.Jason was having a bad day. There was a murder around the back of Gotham's library, and he'd mistaken who the culprit was. He ha killed an innocent woman, and after he landed on the rooftop of the library, he looked back down at the woman's body, when he heard the words that would haunt him forever. I own nothing except Ellenrose and the plot.

798 3 28