โžฃ eight.


IT WAS FAMILY DAY. Things were definitely sour between Amor and his sister. Audrey had pretty much been giving him the silent treatment. He had tried to get through to her, but his sister was just too stubborn.

Him, Wren, Maisie, Ben, and the other Auradon kids performed a rendition of Lumiere's song, 'Be Our Guest'.

Amor was chatting with Evie, Mal, and Maisie while Jay, Carlos, and Wren were definitely enjoying some sweets. As much as Amor wanted to join the three boys, he didn't want to risk his favorite pink blazer getting ruined by a chocolate fountain.

Ben was introducing Deimos to his parents. Earlier that day, Ben had told Amor that he and Deimos were officially boyfriends.

Although, Amor was happy for Ben, he didn't really like the fact that he asked Deimos out the same day that he broke up with Audrey. Even though Amor and his sister aren't on the best of terms right now, he knows she's hurting a lot because of the break up. If only Audrey weren't so upset with him, he'd be able to comfort her.

Currently, everyone was now in the courtyard for a game of croquet. However, Amor decided not to play. He was chatting with Wren.

"I take it those two finally made up," Wren said, pointing to Maisie and Chad who were chatting while having their arms around each other.

"It certainly looks like it," Amor said. "I just hope Chad will learn to trust her more. Even though, he gets on my nerves sometimes, I can tell he makes her happy."

"Our sister's happy, we're happy," Wren said with a smile.

"Absolutely," Amor replied.

A moment passed by before Wren said, "Who's the guy that kissed Maisie, anyways?"

"Red Riding Hood's son," Amor told him.

Wren's eyes widened. "Shut up! Eddie Hood? He has the worst track record with the girls around here."

"I know," Amor said.

"I am so kicking his ass later," Wren said.

Amor was about to say something, but he heard the voice of his grandmother shout, "You!" He saw her looking directly at Mal. Oh, great. This can't be good, he thought.

"How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Queen Leah asked.

Amor, Ben, and Deimos all rushed over. Amor put his arm around Mal's shoulders, saying, "Grandma, it's alright. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal."

"Are you actually friends with this girl?" Queen Leah asked in disbelief.

Audrey cut in, stating bitterly, "No, she's his new girlfriend."

"What?!" Queen Leah said in shock. "Amor, how could you? What would your mother have to say about this?"

"Unlike you, she's actually supportive of the choices I make and doesn't judge me and make me feel like a burden," Amor retorted.

"Well, why would I support this choice of yours?" Queen Leah asked, pointing to Mal, causing Amor to give his grandmother a bitter glare.

"Queen Leah, please, calm down. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben said.

"A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us? Come on," Queen Leah said. Turning to the people that had gathered around, she continued, "You remember, don't you? The poison apples. And the spells. Spells." She looked at Mal angrily yet sadly. "My daughter... Was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So, her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!" She turned to the people who had gathered around her, saying, "You mustn't trust her."

Mal stepped forward to apologize, but Chad stepped in front of Queen Leah, saying, "Go away! Stay away from her!"

"Don't do this, Chad," Ben told him.

Chad gave him a look of disbelief. "What? They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh." He pointed at Deimos, "You stole somebody else's boyfriend."

"Hey, hey!" Ben snapped defensively.

Chad, continued, pointing to Mal, "You are only with Amor as revenge for your mother."

Amor looked at him with anger in his eyes. "Knock it off, Chad!"

Chad ignored him, and pointed to Jay, "You enjoy hurting people." He then pointed to Evie, "And you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater."

Taking out her mirror, Evie asked, "Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?"

Once the mirror showed Chad, he snapped, "What? Come on!" He slapped it away, making Jay go and grab him by the collar.

"Back off, Chad. All right? Back off!" Jay told him.

Evie took out a small perfume bottle, and sprayed Chad with it, causing him to fall unconscious.

Maisie, Audrey, Lonnie, and Doug all gathered around him.

"Chad! Chad? Chad! Evie did something to Chad!" Maisie panicked.

Deimos approached Mal, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Come on, Mal. Let's go."

Mal nodded. She gave Amor a glance, then ran off with her friends.

"Guys!" Ben called.

Amor looked over at Maisie trying to wake Chad up.

"Chad, baby, please, wake up," Maisie said in a frantic tone.

"I feared something like this would happen," Beast told Ben.

"This isn't their fault," Ben said defensively.

"No, son," Beast shook his head. "It's yours." He held out his hand for Belle. Belle took his hand, and the two began to walked off.

"Mom?" Ben asked.

Amor placed his hand on Ben's shoulder. "It'll be fine, B."

"I hope so," Ben replied.

Amor turned once he heard a Maisie say sternly, "Amor."

"What is it?" Amor asked, approaching her.

Maisie turned to Chad who was now conscious, saying, "Go ahead, I'll be there in a minute."

Chad nodded. He gave Amor a glare as he walked off. Maisie turned back to Amor. She had her hands on her hips and a pissed off expression on her face. "I don't believe this," she said. "How could Evie do that to Chad?"

"I-I don't know. He angered her," Amor said.

"Like that makes it any better, Amor," Maisie snapped at him.

"Hey, why are you coming at me?" Amor said in a defensive tone.

"Because you basically fell in love with Mal out of the blue! And honestly, I don't trust them. Especially after what Evie just did to my boyfriend. You shouldn't trust them either," Maisie said. She went on, "The vks just got here, and you're already dating one? It seems sketchy to me, Amor. What if Mal's up to something? What if she really does want revenge for her mother?"

"Seriously?" Amor said. "You're actually siding with Chad? Like, I don't understand what you could possibly see in him. He's just a dumb, selfish jock. You're honestly the most naive person on the face of the planet to even be in a relationship with him."

Maisie didn't say anything. She just glared at Amor. She stared at him for a moment before slapping him across his face, and walking off.

And that is when Amor knew he definitely and obviously shouldn't have said what he just did.

โ” โœฅ โ”

Ben and Amor walked to the picnic table that the five villain kids were sitting at. "Hey, guys. How is everyone? Yeah?" Ben asked.

Amor stood behind Mal, placing his hands on her shoulders, and giving them a comforting squeeze.

When the vks just stared blankly, not saying anything, Ben said, "Hey, listen. Forget about it, alright? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go." He then added, "Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay."

Amor leaned down, and whispered in Mal's ear, "I have to go, okay?"

"We'll see you guys later," Ben told them.

He and Amor then walked off. Amor seriously hoped everything would be okay after the coronation.


As much as I love writing Amor and Maisie's friendship, I had to have some angst between them even though it was painful for me. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
