˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟾. 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚞𝚝!

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : pasilyo - Sunkissed Lola

↺ ᴿᴱᴾᴱᴬᵀ ‖ ᴾᴬᵁˢᴱ ≫ ᴺᴱˣᵀ ˢᴼᴺᴳ

1:35 ───ㅇ───── 4:30

[[A/K]] - Accessory or keychain.
[[F/I]] - Favorite interest
[[F/D/S]] - Favorite desert sweet.
[[F/D]] - Favorite drink.

-𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘 was a holiday, Meaning, No school! Yay! Freedom!, Realizing that you forgot to get abbie's number, groaning in frustration for forgetting, Brushing it off instead and deciding that you'll ask him at monday. Yawning, you were too lazy to get up, Grabbing your phone from your bedside table, you scrolled through a few apps. Before a ding rang out of your phone. You pressed the notification. As it was from engel. The text read, 'Hey, [[Y]]. Wanna go hang out at the mall?, abbie, lana, and claire are going.' Replying a short, 'Sure. What time?', '12:00 pm.' 'Alright.' 'Meet us at the entrance of our school, see you :),' You checked the time, 10:50. Getting up and deciding to eat first, and then change. You dragged yourself out of your room, and downstairs. Yawning and stretching, You made yourself a small snack. Eating it and then getting whatever you needed to do, 

After changing, you brushed your hair, and thought that maybe, you should bring a shoulder tote bag. Grabbing one that fitted a cute pattern, you stuffed in a few things. Keys, phone, powerbank, wallet, And a few other things inside. By the time you were done, you checked the time again. 11:35. You sat on the couch comfortably. Watching some tv. A few minutes pass by, You checked the time again. 11:55, You got up and headed out the door, locking your house. Before deciding that it would be a good idea to sprint down the sidewalk. I mean, Its freedom, its not illegal anyways.

Sprinting down the side walk as fast as you can, You arrived at the entrance of the school, Seeing engel, claire, lana, and abbie. You waved at them, huffing. "Sorry to keep you guys waiting.." They all smiled upon seeing you, while abbie just gave a wearly smile. "Not a problem, Nice outfit [[Y]]!," Engel complimented. "Aha, Thanks!" You smiled. As you guys walked to the mall. Which engel said that wasnt far at all. You guys conversated with each other. Laughing and talking about random things. You guys entered the mall, You guys strolled for awhile, until you remembered something, Turning to abbie, you tapped his shoulder, he looked at you nervously. "A-ah..H-hi [[Y]].." He muttered out. "Hey, Abbie, can i get your number by any chance?" His face flushed for abit until he nods. Pulling out his phone, which a keychain was dangling from it. How cute.. You inserted your phone number into his phone before giving it back. Smiling at him. Which he only smiled back in response.

Walking, you guys spotted a store, which selled keychains, accessories, tote-bags, and other stuff. Entering, you splitted up, spotting a cute [[A/K]], Inspecting it, it was a [[F/I]] one. Thinking that you'll buy it, you held it in hand. Before you met up with your friends again, You guys paid for the stuff, And exited, Heading to the cafe, the theme was cute and decent at the same time, sitting at a random spot, They had [[F/D/S]], you ordered it, and some [[F/D]]. All of them talked with each other, you talked with abbie for abit. Smiling at how his stuttering lessened, with him opening up to you. A few hours passed by, you guys were eating, as you flavoured the taste of [[F/D/S]]. After paying your meals, you guys decided to head home, Parting ways, You bidded goodbye to each others. You walked home peacefully, Entering your key into the doors key-hole. Twisting it, you were welcomed by the cold air of your home. Heading inside and locking it, You went upstairs.

You changed into some comfortable pjyamas, You set your tote bag on a random holder. You flopped on your bed, after a long day. Atleast you had fun with your friends, Smiling softly to yourself, Hey, atleast you also got abbie's number!, Woohoo, score! You Hummed and turned on your side, Your mind drifting to your parents. They were coming back home in a few days, and you already missed their company and presence. Sighing to yourself, you placed your phone on your bed-side table. Slinging the covers on your figure, You closed your eyes. Drifting in a mindless, peaceful sleep.

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───


this was a short chapter, waahhh!!! anywyas..!!!!!!!, I NEED FRIENDS PLS!!!, HERES MY DIS USERERR

Discord: withinimaginesreach

