。・゚゚・𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷. 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕・゚゚・。

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic monkeys

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1:40  ───ㅇ───── 4:32


- 𝗬𝗢𝗨  Suddenly jolted awake from your alarm buzzing loudly. Groaning, You wearily slammed your hand on the clock. Getting up, As you looked in the mirror, Seeing your own dishelved self. Sighing, You got up. Rubbing your head, It was your first day of school, And you wanted nothing more to just go back to sleep. Standing up, You stumbled. Getting in the shower, brushing your teeth, Brushing your hair, getting dressed..You grabbed your bag off the floor and swinged it on your shoulder. Going down stairs, Your mother turned to look at you. Her cheerful voice emitting.

"Ah!, [[Y]]. I was about to wake you up, Heres your snack!"

She happily exclaimed. As she handed you a small paper bag, You mumbled groggily in response of a small, thank you. As you bidded goodbye to your mother, closing the door of your house behind you, the sun almost blinding you. Shading your eyes, Walking on the sidewalk, Not quite sure if your school was far or near. As you thought, you neared your school and inched closer to the entrance. You spotted a girl with a bob cut, With a bow on her head. As you walked past her, She calls out to you. 

"Hey, You!"

Turning around in confusion, you looked at the girl, As she smiled warmly. Before standing beside you. "Im claire!, are you new here?" Her voice sounded abit cheery. As you nodded in response. "Yeah. I am." You responsed again, this time with your voice. As you both walked inside the school entrance, with her almost tripping on the ground, As you quickly grabbed her shoulder in reaction. "WOA-, O-oh-!, T-thanks uhm?.." She voiced out in a panic, before realizing she was caught by you. "[[Y]]." You hummed out. "Oh, thanks [[Y]]!," She laughs, before you guys go and find your schedule, with you having your first, third, and fourth class with her. How amazing!, Atleast you wont be alone for the mean time.. 


You sat beside claire in math class. As miss circle teaches something, With you barely listening on. But still listening, Zoning out on the least important topics. A few minutes in class, And a paper ball hits your head. Followed by a paper airplane, With you annoyed, turning to glare at the trio sitting behind your table. Huffing, and then looking back at the board. The papers kept hitting you in the head, Sighing in annoyance, you grabbed the paper airplane in time before it hit your head. Whipping your head at the trio, you glared at them, crumbling the paper airplane before throwing the paper at the guy sitting in the middle. As it hit his head you scoffed and focused back on the lesson. That seemed to stop them, As the bell rang you got up, along with claire and the others.

∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒

As engel and bubble decided to tour you and claire around the school, you guys stopped at a large library, With claire beside you, amused, and shocked, Tho, for you, the library seemed like a pretty comforting place, as sparkles shined in your eyes. "Waah..the library is so big.." You blurted out, with claire agreeing. "And, This is the library!" Engel chirped. With a smile on his face. "Woww..!~, The school is so huge!" claire replied in a daze. You looked around to see some students around; Tho. Your smile drops as you spot three familar people from your class. "Dont worry about oliver and his friends!" claire reassured you. You nodded at her, You strolled around the library, looking for an interesting book. As one caught your eye, "Tearose blooms." You muttered under your breath as you grabbed the book. It had a flower as a cover, as you found your friends and sat beside bubbles. In the middle of reading, it was disturbed by a drone that came by and took claire, "claire!" You called out for her, As you tried to grab her. As well as engel too. You gritted your teeth out of annoyance, Your hands balling into a fist. Spotting those stupid things again. Laughing and mocking claire. Your eyes widened as the drone drops claire, Falling her into a void.

You rushed over and tried to grab her hand, Engel following, But was abruptedly stopped by oliver and his friends. Engel glared at them, his gaze was turned into an annoyed manner. As he stepped infront of you in a protective stance. "Back off. Oliver." his voice sounded serious, Only in oliver resulting to laugh in a mocking manner. "Ahah!, Wow!, So scary!" His toned laced with sarcasam. Zip and edward laughing along, "Hmm?, What are YOU TWO gonna do about it?" He scoffed. As you scowled. Frowning. Before engel grabbed your hand in a comforting gesture, "Lets go and find claire." You nodded as he dragged you and bubbles out of the library. While you guys were walking, bubbles was talking about something, before realizing you were still holding hands with engel, Flustered, you pulled away. As engel didnt seem to notice your flustered state. "Why dont we go and eat in the cafeteria?" Bubbles suggested as engel and you nodded.

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I wrote this because it was bugging me🤔, anyways my mind is literally full of IDEAS, Anyways, next chapter comin🙏

