10- The System

"Doms, where's the bathroom?"

Arthur's question snapped me back to reality, but not before he began to take off his shirt, revealing a torso chiseled with six-packed abs and an overall athletic physique.

I wonder what's the nature of his training regimen to maintain such a form?


His voice, laced with a hint of impatience, jolted me from my reverie.

Oh, it seemed I had been caught staring a little too intently.

"It's right down the corner," I managed to say, a touch of embarrassment coloring my tone.

Arthur nodded, acknowledging my direction, and then stepped out of my bedroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I slumped onto my bed, the events of the day swirling in my mind.

Oh yeah, the Gun Arts Manual. That was something I had momentarily forgotten amidst the whirlwind of events.

But how could I access the holographic screen again? Up to now, it seemed to appear randomly, mostly offering quests.

"Uhh...I summon thee, holographic screen thingy..."

I half-expected nothing to happen, dismissing the attempt as wishful thinking.


Greetings, Master, how may I help you?"


Oh, it worked.

The screen materialized in front of me, awaiting my command.

What exactly was this holographic screen and what are Stat Points that I received earlier?


I'm a System, Master. I can show your stats, progress, skills, and I can also give you quests to complete for rewards.

However, since you're Manaless, you will only be able to view your stats, progress, and quests.

For the Stat Points, you can use those to increase your Stats.


The System's explanation offered a glimpse into its capabilities and limitations, especially concerning my unique condition as Manaless. Interestingly, it also seemed to confirm that it could read my thoughts.


Yes, I can read your mind, Master. If you need me, you can either mutter or think of "System".


This revelation opened up a whole new world of possibilities and understanding about my situation in Sylvestria.

"But anyways, can I have the Gun Arts Manual?"


Yes, Master.


Without warning, a book materialized out of thin air, descending rapidly towards me. Instinctively, I reached out, managing to catch it just before it could collide with my face—a near miss that could have ended rather comically.

Curious and eager, I flipped open the manual, only to be met with blank pages. 

Page after page, I found nothing but emptiness.

"What the..."

As I continued to leaf through the seemingly useless pages, my annoyance began to bubble.

"System, you sca-"

Suddenly, without any warning, I was overwhelmed by a torrent of information flooding my mind. The intensity of the influx was staggering, sending waves of pain through my head, forcing me to clutch it to somehow alleviate the discomfort.


I grunted; the influx of knowledge so intense that it bordered on physical pain. For what felt like an eternity but lasted only four minutes, I was engulfed in this torrential downpour of data.

As the pain subsided and my vision cleared, a profound realization dawned on me—I now possessed knowledge of movements and techniques previously unknown to me.

"So, it's like I just absorbed the information and all of the sudden, I know the techniques of the Gun Arts."


Name: Dominic Eñerforte

Age: 15

Title: None


Strength: 20 (E-)

Endurance: 19 (E-)

Agility: 51 (E)

Speed 49 (E-)

Mana: 0 (F)

Luck: 402 (C+)

Instinct: 747 (A+)

Charisma: 362 (C)

Stat Points: 10

==Manual Arts==

Basic Gun Arts (D+) – Beginner

Basic Gun Arts encompass a wide range of basic combat techniques that involve the use of firearms from range to melee. This art form requires not just physical dexterity to accurately shoot and maneuver but also a deep understanding of the firearms themselves—maintenance, bullet types, and the physics of shooting.


A new revelation dawned on me as I noticed an addition to the System's interface—a section dedicated to Martial Arts, indicating my newly acquired knowledge.


Master, you should also use your Stat Points and choose a specific stat you want to increase.


A gentle reminder from the System brought my attention back to an aspect of my new life I had momentarily overlooked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

Looking on my stats, I noticed that Strength and Endurance were the lowest, barring my nonexistent Mana.

It struck me as peculiar that Speed and Agility were significantly higher in comparison. It seemed my earlier jest about Dominic neglecting leg day was untrue; on the contrary, his physical conditioning in those areas was commendably high.

With this realization in mind, I decided to allocate the 10 Stat Points evenly between Strength and Endurance, aiming for a more balanced distribution that would enhance my overall capabilities.

"Add five for Strength and add five for Endurance."


Strength: 20 > (E-)

Endurance: 19 > (E-)


As soon as the adjustment was made, a subtle yet undeniable change coursed through my body. It was as if I had suddenly become a bit heavier, or perhaps more grounded.

This sensation wasn't uncomfortable; rather, it gave me a sense of being slightly more robust and durable than before.

The sound of the door swinging open heralded Arthur's return from his bath, his appearance striking—a towel draped around his waist, his torso still gleaming with droplets of water.

"Welcome back, how was your bath?"

I inquired, attempting to maintain a semblance of normalcy despite the unconventional situation.

Arthur merely shrugged in response, his nonchalance suggests that he is used to being like half naked in front of me- or rather Dominic.

He then proceeded to rummage through one of the drawers, his actions fluid as if he had done this countless times before.

"Doms, do you have any bigger clothes?"

His question caught me slightly off guard, not because of the request itself but due to my uncertainty about Dominic's wardrobe contents.

"Keep looking," was the only advice I could offer, watching as Arthur continued his search with determined focus.

After a brief search, Arthur found what he was looking for—a black shirt and shorts, both items seemingly larger than the usual attire Dominic—or I—would opt for.

Without hesitation—and with a casualness that left me momentarily speechless—Arthur dropped his towel to switch into the clothes he'd found.

Instinctively, I look upwards to the ceiling, a silent protest against the sudden display.

What the hell is he doing?

The question echoed in my mind, baffling me with the ease and openness of Arthur's actions.

I wonder if Dominic and Arthur had ever experienced such unrestrained casualness in the past, to the point where privacy lines became blurry or nonexistent.

Even so, it's weird.


Arthur's sigh filled the room, a sound heavy with exhaustion.

Sneaking a glance his way, I noticed he had finished dressing and was now making his way towards me.

Without any warning, he slumped against me, his weight pressing down in a way that elicited a surprised "OOF!" from me.

"Arthur, get off!" I protested, struggling to dislodge him, but his weight was immovable.

"Doms, I'm tired," he confessed, his voice carrying a weariness that seemed to go beyond physical exhaustion.

"Tired of?"

"My parents," he admitted. The confirmation of my suspicions about his family situation hit harder than expected. "My parents are always busy with business meetings to the point they don't have time to care for me," Arthur elaborated, his voice tinged with sadness. "I-I got sick of home and every day, I always look forward to school."

Choosing to stay silent, I listened intently, recognizing the value of understanding more about Arthur's circumstances.

"At first, I had a hard time making friends as I'm not good at socializing," he continued, revealing more about his struggles. "People did come to me, wanting to be friends. This made me happy, thinking I finally had friends. But I later realized they were only after me because I'm going to be the heir of our guild and for my money."

The revelation about Arthur's family owning a guild added another layer to his story, yet I held back my comments, allowing him to maintain the flow of his narrative.

"Saddened by this, I avoided them and was alone for some time," he went on. "Until one afternoon, a boy with black hair and blue eyes came to me and asked, 'Hello, are you okay?'"

That boy had to be Dominic. Arthur's recounting of their first encounter painted a picture of a pivotal moment in his life.

"I was baffled as no one had asked me that before, and at that moment, I found a true friend," Arthur said, his tone softening with the memory. "After that, I realized that you were Manaless, but I didn't care. We spent countless years together, making memories."

His confession, while touching, caught me off guard. Was this leading to something more?

"I have Light attribute magic, but my life before meeting you was dark, which is ironic," Arthur mused. "We are almo-"

"Okay, Blud, just get to the point."

I interjected, feeling a mix of impatience and discomfort with the emotional depth of the conversation.

Arthur's attempt to share his feelings, while heartfelt, left me wondering about his true intentions. Was this merely a moment of vulnerability, or was there a deeper message he was trying to convey?

"Okay, what I'm trying to say is..."

Arthur shifted, gently standing to position himself in front of me, his hands coming to rest on my shoulders. The grip was firm, perhaps a bit too firm.

"Doms, I hate it when people are hiding something from me, especially when they're close to me. So, tell me, where did you get the guns?"

I expected many things—confessions, revelations, perhaps even accusations—but this question about the origins of the guns caught me off guard, though I should have seen it coming.

Thankfully, improvisation was a skill I had been honing.

"I found them on the road while I was walking towards school. I didn't have the time to find a storage, so I hid it in my pockets."

"I see..." Arthur's response came after a pause, his grip loosening as he released a sigh of relief. "I thought some shady guy ordered you to give those guns to someone shady."

Ironically, that explanation was close to one of the scenarios I had brainstormed as a potential cover story.

Arthur then made himself comfortable beside me, laying down with a thoughtful look on his face.

"But why didn't you take it to the police then, Doms?" He was full of questions tonight.

"Well, I'm fascinated by guns, so that's why I was eager to get them when I first saw them." A quick response, hoping it sounded plausible enough.

"And you decided to steal them. That's unlike you, Doms." Arthur's chuckle broke the tension, his mood lightening.

His observation was precisely on; in an effort to make a convincing narrative, I had inadvertently strayed from Dominic's usual behavior. But for now, putting up a front seemed less important than moving on from the topic.

"Uhh... Yeah."

I agreed, albeit awkwardly, redirecting my gaze towards the ceiling, a silent signal that I was ready to move on from the topic.


The sound of Arthur's snoring filled the room, a clear sign that he had succumbed to sleep with remarkable speed.

It appeared Arthur was one of those lucky individuals who could drift off to sleep almost instantly.

However, the thought of sharing my already cramped bed for the entire night was far from appealing.


With a determined grunt, I gave Arthur a nudge—well, more of a kick, really—hoping to reclaim my space.


"Ouch! What was that for?!"

Arthur's protest was immediate, his voice tinged with confusion and annoyance as he found himself unceremoniously evicted from the bed.

"Get your own bed."

"Wha- but we always sleep together in the same bed when I have a sleepover here!"

Oh, is that so? But who cares, I'm not the Dominic he knows.

My inner thoughts were unsympathetic to the tradition he described. This was my bed, my space, and the Dominic he remembered wasn't here.

"You can sleep on the couch," I suggested—or rather, insisted—wanting to put an end to the debate.

