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First year; second term; January - June 1990

Ever since stepping a single foot back on the school, Nicolรกs was barely seen anywhere outside his dorm room, the library, or with food in the Great Hall, always with a book in his hand, and his attention stuck to its contents.

He read book after book, all of them either of alchemy, or charms. All with the goal of succeeding in his alchemy project.

He had spent hours talking with his professor, trying to come up with the right combination of spells and alchemic formulas. He exchanged endless letters with his grandfather trying to come up with the right formation of the artifacts.

And finally, three months after deciding what combinations would work together seamlessly. The process would take up three other months, while the alchemic potions he would use were brewed, and the materials got ready for the usage of the spells.

First, he got everything ready. The Unicorn hairs were threaded into three delicate necklace strings and one animal collar โ€” Merlin bless whoever invented the Knitting Charm โ€”, then, the strings and collar were to be submerged in a combination of Elixir of Purity and Draught of Perception.

The purpose of this is to make them able to detect and perceive dark magic surrounding them.

The Elixir of Purity and Draught of Perception took both a whole month to brew, and then, another month was required for the strings and collar to stay submerged in the mix of both potions.

Then, the family crests made with Goblin-wrought silver, were to be bathed under the purity of the moonlight an entire full moon, just so it would become more perceptive and receptive to spells and runes used.

Next, the crests would go through an Aegis Alloy Coating, an ancient alchemical formula to take silver to its strongest possible state, making it virtually indestructible. The coating took two months to brew and then one week with the crests submerged in it.

Three months, after everything was ready, the hardest part started: the spells and runes.

The strings and collar were covered with runes for mental clarity, communication, and Legilimency, that way, the Wampus Cat teeth could be activated. A simple charm was used on the strings and collar so they could be incredibly durable and strong.

And finally, he used a combination of spells similar to those used in the creation of two-way mirrors and dairies, and with that, he created a path and space for communication for the three necklaces and the pet collar.

But of course, he was Sirius Black's nephew, he needed to add something dramatic, and so, he created an incantation to use them (it could be used wordlessly, but that would make it less dramatic), Cardona Tribum, which meant Tribe Cardona in Latin. And not only that, the crests required something from the owner to be activated and synchronized with their minds, Nicolรกs chose to use blood, not really wanting to spit or pee on it.

His professor was so impressed, that he promised to talk with the headmaster so that Nicolรกs could jump straight to fourth-year classes of alchemy.

Castelobruxo offered the widest range of alchemy levels, these ones being: Quicksilver Initiates, Aqua Vitae Apprentices, Ouroboros, Elemental Adepts, Magnum Opus, and Master Alchemist.

With this project, Nicolรกs secured his next year with Ouroboros-level classes. Because it was a complete success. He activated his and then ran to Ember to put on his collar and activate it.

He had always been able to speak with Ember, and with other animals and magical creatures, but not this way. Even with his own proficiency in Legilimency โ€” having been a practitioner ever since he was seven โ€”, he only had certain access to Ember, but now, all those restrictions were erased, and he had direct access to Ember's mind, and the Wampus Cat's voice was as clear as day.

He couldn't wait to hand the others to his parents and activate them.

The last thing he did, shaking in excitement, was write to Caelum the news for their summer holidays. They were to visit the Andes Mountains Dragon Sanctuary! And not just that, they could take some friends with them. Sadly for him, Nicolรกs didn't have any available friends for that, but Caelum surely did!

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Summer Holidays 1990

July in Colombia held the kind of heat that clung to you like an unbreakable bear hug, drenching everything in relentless intensity. Nicolรกs had dressed wisely for this searing weather, wearing a sleeveless top and shorts that left his arms and legs bare. Even in these light clothes, the sweat stuck to his skin like glue.

But not even the scorching temperatures could extinguish the fire of Nicolรกs' excitement on this day. He'd been counting down the days since December, and his anticipation had grown like a heart-pounding drumroll.

Then, there it was, the unmistakable crack that signaled the arrival of a Portkey. Several people found themselves sprawled on the ground outside, their arrival met with laughter.

Nicolรกs couldn't help but let out a hearty chuckle, fully aware that among the fallen, Caelum was bound to be one of them. It had become something of a tradition for Caelum to stumble and fall when arriving via Portkey, a lovable quirk that always brought amusement and teasing from the family.

As Nicolรกs checked out Caelum's companions, he quickly realized they were an intriguing duo, each with their own unique characteristics. Together, they formed a trio that was as diverse as it was captivating. Despite their towering height, with Dorian slightly surpassing Cedric and both overshadowing Nicolรกs, they differed in various other ways.

Cedric exuded an athletic but serene aura, his sun-kissed fair skin giving a rosy glow to his cheeks. Honey-brown hair framed his face, and an air of tranquility surrounded him. Cedric always appeared composed, moving with deliberate and measured grace, exuding unwavering calmness.

In contrast, Dorian had a paler complexion, and his blonde hair provided a striking contrast against his fair skin. His build mirrored Cedric's athleticism, but there was a different energy about him.

Dorian's angular features gave him a more aristocratic appearance. What truly set him apart, though, was his insatiable curiosity. He approached life with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, peppering conversations with questions that flowed incessantly, as if on a relentless quest to uncover the world's mysteries.

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Once Nicolรกs reached the living room on the first floor, he found Cedric sitting on one of the couches, reading a muggle comic book he probably borrowed from Caelum.

"The others left?" he asked.

Cedric raised his honey-colored eyes to him. "Yeah, Caelum told me to wait for you."

"Oh, great! Caelum will be tending to the Hippogriffs today, I have Graphorn duty, if you don't mind coming with me," said Nicolรกs, fidgeting with the denim of his jean shorts, expectantly.

Cedric sent him a smile, leaving the comic aside in an instant, standing up. "What's a Graphorn?"

Nicolรกs sent him an incredulous look, "You don't know?!" Cedric merely shrugged. "Don't you study with Mr. Scamander's book in Hogwarts?"

"You call Newt Scamander, Mr. Scamander?" Cedric asked head tilted.

"Well, he's a friend, but also older. My Abus always say to show respect to older people, especially when they respect you too!" said Nicolรกs, moving to open the door.

With a confused smile, Cedric simply followed him. And once he started, there was no way to stop Nicolรกs' rambles, especially if it was related to any magical creature.

He went on to great lengths to explain everything about Graphorns, from their bodies and physics, to their cares and nourishments, to how their horns are used for potions and why. Somewhere along his words, his hand found Cedric's.

You see, Nicolรกs was a very physical person, blame it on having slept with his cousin for years as newborns, or on having been born into a very affectionate family, he really didn't matter, many people weren't, but that's their loss.

He had learned to tentatively see if a person would respond nicely to it before deciding how to approach them. Dorian most certainly didn't appreciate it much โ€”how he and Caelum were so close, considering his cousin was just as physical, was a mysteryโ€”, but Cedric didn't care.

Once they finally reached the Graphorn herd, in the desert habitat, Cedric whistled loudly.

"Well, I don't know why, but when you said they were big, I didn't expect it to be this big."

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" asked Nicolรกs with a proud smile.

"They are," Cedric agreed.

"I think you and them are very similar, you know," mused Nicolรกs, levitating the food towards the Graphorns.

"Why? You think I'm beautiful?" Cedric asked, mockingly batting his eyelashes.

Nicolรกs turned to look at him intently. Well, Cedric was most certainly not hard to look at. His cheeks were a little filled, but his face was a bit long, and that brought harmony to his factions. And there was a path of freckles that crossed his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

His hair wasn't long, but neither short. It came in a mix of soft straight and wavy locks that were cut to fit his face. And his eyes were a delicious honey color, that, when looking at them, Nicolรกs could understand Winnie-the-Pooh's obsession with honey.

All in all, at his short eleven years old, Nicolรกs could see that Cedric was pretty, very pretty.

"I think you're pretty," he finally spoke, eliciting a bright red to take over Cedric's cheeks.

Nonchalant, Nicolรกs goes back to explaining how to feed the Graphorns, and tells Cedric how to do it, before officially introducing him to the herd. The calves are the most eager ones, and the adults are more reserved, first sniffing Cedric around and studying him, before allowing him to enter their close space.

But Nicolรกs knew that with Cedric's peaceful demeanor, and his tranquil moves, the mission could only be a total success. And it was, the Graphorns were welcoming and the calves played around with Cedric.

After he started to play with them, Cedric actually started to ask questions in his soft and calm voice, eliciting, each time, a very detailed rambling from Nicolรกs. But Cedric only looked at him with a smile, attentively listening.

From afar, they saw Caelum and Dorian rising through the skies, riding two of the reserve's Hippogriffs. Caelum, overly energetic as always, yelled for Dorian to look at different parts of the reserve.

It's later in the day that they finally return to the cottage, after showing Cedric and Dorian around most of the habitats in the reserve and its wondrous inhabitants.

They needed to get ready, tomorrow morning they would travel to the Dragon Sanctuary!

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The trip to the sanctuary was easy. It only took a single Portkey, and they found themselves in the top entrance, in Venezuela.

They would take a Portkey from location to location, from country to country. The trip was planned to span across seven days, spending the day meeting the breeds in each country, and for the nights, they would sleep in the hotel rooms the sanctuary offers.

Spanning through seven South American countries โ€“ Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela โ€“ this vast sanctuary stood as the largest of its kind worldwide.

One of the sanctuary's most remarkable features was its diverse topography, reflecting the dramatic variations in altitude across the Andes Mountains. This geographical diversity made it an ideal haven for a multitude of dragon breeds.

The Andes Mountains Dragon Sanctuary held a particular record โ€“ it housed the most diverse array of dragon breeds in a single location. With over twenty different breeds calling it home.

Within Venezuela's small territory in the Andes Mountains resided the Orinoco Riverfire Dragon. Indigenous to the Orinoco River, this breed possessed a serpentine form that allowed it to navigate the river's depths with unparalleled grace and power.

What set this dragon apart from its counterparts was its unique ability to breathe fire from underwater. Adorning its lithe form were scales that wove a breathtaking tapestry of colors โ€“ shades of green and blue intertwined with mesmerizing artistry. These scales, beyond their aesthetic beauty, served a practical purpose in the dragon's survival, they acted as natural camouflage.

Colombia's territory within the Andes Mountains was home to two unique and awe-inspiring dragon breeds.

First among them was the Andean Condorcrest Dragon. This magnificent creature possessed colossal wings, unrivaled in size and grandeur among its dragonkin. It was renowned as the dragon that could reach the highest altitudes of them all, ascending to breathtaking heights where the very air grew thin.

The striking resemblance of its head to that of the Andean condor โ€“ Colombia's national animal โ€“, lent it its name, symbolizing power and grace. These dragons wielded their massive wings with extraordinary finesse, capable of conducting great torrents of air with their majestic flaps.

The second breed was the Andean Thunderclap Dragon. These awe-inspiring creatures possessed the remarkable ability to harness and control the very forces of nature itself, much like the Thunderbirds. With their vibrant yellow scales shimmering like a beacon, they embodied the thunder and lightning they commanded. These dragons, masters of tempestuous weather, could produce and control lightning and thunder, their displays of power echoing across the mountains with resounding authority.

In the heart of Ecuador's lush landscapes, two incredible dragon breeds had made their home.

There was the Volcanic Flamecrest Dragon. Their power was immediately evident in the fiery blaze of their scales, resembling molten lava. But their mastery extended beyond flames; they controlled the very essence of lava. With each powerful beat of their wings, they shaped the molten rivers beneath the earth's surface, painting the landscape with their fiery narrative.

Amidst the Galรกpagos Islands, resided the Galรกpagos Tidecaller Dragon. These dragons were all about water โ€“ they had an extraordinary command over the tides and currents. With the grace of dancers, they'd glide through the crystal-clear waters, shaping waves with a flick of their tails or a gentle breath.

In Peru, surrounded by towering peaks and stunning vistas, two remarkable dragon species ruled.

First, there were the Andean Skyshaper Dragons, with scales as clear as the heavens themselves. They reigned over the highest mountains, soaring with grace to altitudes where the world below seemed like a dream. It was a sight that could make anyone feel wonderstruck.

The other dragon in this duo was the Incan Goldfire Dragon, adorned with scales of pure gold. These radiant exteriors were coveted by unscrupulous traffickers. These dragons, with their radiant golden scales, served as guardians of a treasure that held both wonder and peril.

Bolivia was home to two dragon breeds of stark contrast.

The Yungas Cloudweaver Dragons inhabiting the lush Los Yungas region were a masterpiece of beauty with their pearl-white scales. They possessed the remarkable ability to manipulate weather, using rainstorms to maintain the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

In sharp contrast, the Bolivian Saltflame Dragons were a spectacle of raw power. Adorned with crystalline scales, they harnessed the elemental energy coursing through their veins to breathe torrents of flames, creating a mesmerizing dance of fire and light that painted the skies.

Chile held a unique treasure in its landscapesโ€”the Chilean Coastal Tidecrest Dragon. Uniquely adapted to their coastal habitat, they were unlike their serpent-like counterparts. Their mastery extended not only to water currents, but to a captivating secretโ€”they were the only non-serpent dragons capable of transitioning seamlessly from the skies to beneath the water's surface.

Their scales shimmered like precious gems, reflecting the ever-changing coastal waters. Yet, beneath their serene exterior, a fiery power lay in wait. With astonishing precision, they could breathe fire, creating a breathtaking display of elemental mastery.

Amidst the stunning landscapes of Argentina, there were two incredible dragon species, each with its own unique charm.

First, there was the Patagonian Frostclaw Dragon. These majestic dragons ruled the icy Andes peaks. Their scales were a beautiful mix of icy blue and pristine white, just like the frozen wonderland they called home. What set them apart was their breath, like a snowstorm's fury, freezing the air. With a single exhale, they could create ice out of thin air, making crystal-like wonders that sparkled in the sunlight, just like diamonds.

But the real star in the Andes Mountains Dragon Sanctuary was the Tierra del Fuego Frostfire Dragon. These shape-shifting dragons lived in the remote and windswept Tierra del Fuego region. Their scales went through an incredible transformation, changing from breathtaking icy blue to fiery red. It was like watching a colorful magic show. What made them unique was their breath, a mix of biting cold and searing heat. Their exhalations were a symphony of elemental forces, a dance between frigid cold and fiery intensity that left an indelible trail of awe in their wake.

But that wasn't all, amidst the indigenous dragon breeds, they discovered other foreign breeds.

Among them, they met the Hungarian Horntail, known for its fearsome nature. The Norwegian Ridgeback had majestic spines and a fiery breath that could rival a wildfire. The Chinese Fireball was a magnificent creature with a fiery personality as vibrant as its name. The Welsh Green had emerald scales and a love for coastal habitats, making it a sight to behold. Lastly, the Swedish Short-Snout was famous for its compact form and the blue flames that roared from its mouth.

With the bittersweet of the summer's end approaching, Nicolรกs felt grateful above all. He had gotten the chance to meet some incredible creatures, and he got to spend time with his cousin, but he also got to meet two new people.

Strikingly different people, but people with whom he resonated. And wasn't that equally ironic and cruel? How did he get to resonate with people who lived on a whole different continent and attended a different school, while he was stuck on Castelobruxo almost on his own?

At the very least, for which he was glad, was the fact that Castelobruxo was intellectually stimulating, and the new year would bring even more adventures!ย 


Author's note

okaay so, I wanted to give a much more detailed explanation about how the hell Nicolรกs' necklace works, because it'll be more present in future parts!!

First-ever interaction between our boys! And I felt like I could've melted with themย ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ

Did I spend days coming up with over 10 unique dragon breeds just to maybe namedrop them somewhere along the story? hell yes!

- ๐ฃ.๐Ÿ. ๐œ. ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’œ
