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The past month had been nothing short of hectic. Ever since his mother had broken the news of her new post within the British Ministry of Magic, there hadn't been a moment of respite for Nicolรกs or his family.

Their life had become a frenzied dance, a cacophony of preparations and decisions that swept the family away like leaves in a storm.

The very air, back in their cottage, seemed to hum with anticipation as they packed their bags, each item wrapped in memories, and squeezed them in amidst an array of trunks and bags. Books, clothes, and the curious toys from Nicolรกs' childhood, all ready to be transported across the ocean.

Only Nicolรกs, his parents, and Ember would be moving permanently to London (Caelum and Aunt Marรญa already lived there).

Nicolรกs' Abus, had decided to remain in Colombia. They would be taking care of the reserve that had been in their family for generations. Besides, Abu Pedro still had the role of Deputy Minister for Magic at the Colombian Ministry of Magic, and it demanded his dedication. There was also the matter of the Wizengamot. His Abus' responsibilities would demand periodic visits to the United Kingdom.

And Zeus would continue to reign over the reserve, soaring through the boundless Colombian skies, just like he did for Nicolรกs' school years at Castelobruxo.

The country house they moved back to, nestled on the outskirts of London, stood as a haven of rustic charm. It had been their home before their return to Colombia, a place where family history whispered through the very timbers of its walls.

The house is a sprawling two-story structure (three if you count the large attic as one). It's tucked beside the sprawling forest. Its walls had witnessed their mothers' adolescence, and Nicolรกs and Caelum's first years of living.

Even though it was built back in the seventies, the house had a most modern facade and structure, being completely squared, with large glass panes and polished finishings, with wooden flooring.

The attic was used to store an array of things, old and new, that didn't serve a current purpose but weren't throw-away worthy either. Thankfully, Nicolรกs had inherited his control freakiness from his father, as Remus had made it his goal to transform the place into a more acute place of storing, bringing large shelves, and boxes, but also ottomans and puff seats.

The second floor held all the bedrooms in the house, eight in total. As the house was so large to the sides, it had two staircases upstairs, one side held three rooms, Remus and Carolina's, Aunt Marรญa's, and another one empty, while the other side held Caelum's, Nicolรกs', next to each other, and other three empty rooms for guests.

The second floor also had, from both sides, an opening into a large terrace that boarded the house from all sides.

The ground floor held, upon the entrance, a large living room with a fireplace and large couches. To the left were the kitchen and dining room, together in a large space, with a table for at least ten people. To the right were two rooms: a large library with over ten ceiling-level shelves filled with books, seats, couches, and tables, and a more naked room designed to practice spellcasting safely.

This ground was connected to the basement, which was a place dedicated to Abu Pedro's alchemy study and potion-making. The backyard garden is connected to the forest, and the porch in the front.

The place had been enshrouded in an array of protective enchantments ever since Abu Pedro had woven his magic around it during the days of the First Wizarding War, making the house unplottable. The very essence of the cottage had been masked, rendering it invisible to the naked eye.

Only those with the magical allowance, so to speak, would perceive the concealed contours of the house. As they demask it, the hidden house could be unveiled, its form seemingly rising from the very earth.

These safeguards had led them to this moment, just two days after their arrival. Nicolรกs walked the perimeter of the house, including part of the forest, his wand tracing fluid patterns in the air while reading out loud the notes from his grandfather's notebook.

With every spell he cast, he wove threads of protection into the very fabric of the place. It was like stitching a magical shield around their home. The rustle of leaves and the distant song of birds seemed to be in harmony with his efforts.

Years of trials and experiments had proven the truthโ€”Rowan wood was the key to crafting wands with the most potent defensive spells. These wards were formidable, almost impervious to being broken.

So far, every defensive spell his father could have taught him, and every single one he had learned in school and books, had been done successfully.

"Can we take a break?" Nicolรกs whined.

His right hand felt as though it might never regain feeling after three relentless hours of ceaseless wand-waving.

Remus raised an amused eyebrow, a playful grin dancing on his lips. "Tired already?"

Nicolรกs returned a deadpan expression, saying, "We've been at this all day. Caelum and Aunt Marรญa are about to come back with news of Harry."

With a nod of agreement, Remus replied, "I suppose, you have a point. Let's go then. I believe your mother did prepare some lemonade." And with those words, they walked back to the entrance, Ember happily padding along behind them.

As they sat sipping the cool lemonade, Caelum and Marรญa arrived, carrying with them the long-awaited information about Harry's whereabouts.

After a brief visit to Hogwarts and some persuasive exchanges, Dumbledore finally gave in and revealed the location of Harry's muggle family, the Dursleys. Marรญa and Caelum Apparated to Privet Drive, Number 4, and were greeted by the sight of iron bars concealing one of the windows on the upper floor โ€“ Harry's room.

The grim observation spoke volumes about the life Harry had endured in that house.

With Nicolรกs' rage momentarily subdued by the sweet-sour taste of the lemonade, they pressed on with their tale.

It appeared that a flying car, driven by a group of redheads, had kidnapped Harry, or rather, rescued him โ€”it didn't take a genius to deduce that these redheads were none other than the Weasleys.

Caelum and Marรญa went to The Burrow then, the home of the Weasley family, where Harry was, indeed, taking temporary residence.

With just two weeks left before the school year commenced, Harry had decided to spend the rest of his summer break with the Weasleys. They had kindly offered to accompany him to Diagon Alley, ensuring he had all the necessary school supplies.

It tugged at Nicolรกs' heart โ€”a small pang of sadnessโ€”, knowing that Harry chose to stay with the Weasleys rather than joining them at the country house. Yet, he couldn't fault Harry for his decision.

The Weasleys had opened their arms to him, and Ron, Harry's best friend, was a constant presence by his side. Understanding the strength of these bonds, Nicolรกs knew that he and Harry would have plenty of time to forge their own connection during the school year.

Even so, those upcoming weeks held a different path for Nicolรกs. The task at hand was immense, and he would be incredibly occupied putting up all the house's defenses with his father.

Let's just say that, as a Hit Witch, Aunt Marรญa possessed formidable skills in offensive-defensive magic, however, her protective spells on the house had been fairly easy for Nicolรกs to dismantle and take down.

Having been steeped in magic since birth, Nicolรกs was able to see faint traces of it in the very air, like invisible threads that wove through his senses.

Abu Pedro's magic, the strongest of them all, still held a vibrant green hue. Aunt Marรญa's spells, on the other hand, carried a faint, nearly imperceptible yellow tinge.

And now, it was Nicolรกs' turn to weave his own spells into the fabric of the house. His own protective enchantments had a potent purple hue enveloped them. The color, whether a reflection of their newness or the sheer potency of the spells, only time would reveal.

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His Hogwarts acceptance letter had arrived a few days earlier, but Nicolรกs only now found himself sitting down to read it.

As his eyes scanned the parchment, they suddenly came to a screeching halt, and an exasperated groan escaped his lips. The mere mention of the name Gilderoy Lockhart was enough to make a vein in his forehead throb with irritation.

If there was a writer Nicolรกs harbored deep hate for, it was that man.

Okay, maybe 'hate' might have been too strong a word, but 'despise,' 'disdain,' 'abhorrence,' and 'aversion' came much closer to capturing his feelings.

Writings for Dark Arts fanatics? Well, those held his interest; if they were grounded in truth, Nicolรกs could appreciate their value.

However, a man who flagrantly disregards even the most fundamental and basic knowledge about an array of magical creatures, all to make himself seem like the smartest guy in the room? No, thank you, that was a bridge too far.

He couldn't fathom how anyone could believe the nonsense that Lockhart peddled to have done, nor the garbage he wrote.

In his determination to avoid encountering those books, Nicolรกs took a smart approach. He made sure to ask Aunt Marรญa to purchase them for him, seeking secondhand copies, if possible, when she ventured to Diagon Alley with Caelum.

That way, he wouldn't have to lay eyes on the absurd tales Lockhart had spun before the school year commenced. Nor would he have to disgrace himself looking at the man's insufferably handsome face on the covers.

Look, Nicolรกs had a very wide appreciation for beauty, be it from people, animals, magical creatures, nature, or anything else, he, like a Niffler, adores to look at pretty stuff. But the only thing that could be completely self-aware of its beauty and flaunt on it, were Fairies and Veelas, and Lockhart was most certainly not a Fairy nor a Veela.

It was a small but meaningful act of resistance, sparing himself from the cringe-inducing fake wisdom of a man who seemed more enamored with his own ego than with the truth.

With the Lockhart books in his possession, Nicolรกs made sure to toss them to the very bottom of his trunk, an expression of disgust on his face. The last thing he wanted was to be confronted with the nauseatingly handsome face of that man on the covers.

"Good Merlin," Nicolรกs groaned, "whoever Dumbledore hired for Defence Against the Dark Arts must be a Lockhart fan," he muttered, his annoyance not veiled at all.

Caelum couldn't help but chuckle from his seat. "Who knows, maybe it's some old witch who fancies him."

Nicolรกs groaned in exasperation. "I can only hope they're competent. I've got a learning curve to keep up on, you know?"

Caelum rolled his eyes, marveling at Nicolรกs' need for knowledge. Even Hermione, Harry's friend, and an insatiable bookworm, didn't quite match Nicolรกs' level of scholarly dedication.

"Professor Dumbledore hired them, they must be good at what they do," Caelum tried to reassure.

Nicolรกs, however, wasn't easily convinced. "The same Dumbledore who hired a Death Eater to teach children? The same Dumbledore who hired Quirrell, the Quirrell who tried to kill Harry?" He raised a skeptical eyebrow, his eye-roll a sign of his doubt.

Caelum had to admit that Nicolรกs had a point. "Fair point," he conceded, recognizing the noticeable flaws in Dumbledore's judgment.

With a sardonic grin, Nicolรกs quipped, "I swear, if that professor ever requests Lockhart to come and 'teach' us, I might just spontaneously combust on the spot."

Caelum couldn't help but burst into laughter. When it came to preserving knowledge and the art of teaching, there was no one more dedicated and passionate than Nicolรกs.

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Nicolรกs' room, once in plain white walls, had been transformed into a symphony of pastel colors.

One wall was painted a cream coffee shade, it housed a towering bookshelf that stretched all the way to the ceiling. The shelve housed Nicolรกs' personal and extensive collection of books. Here, nestled side by side, were tomes about magical creatures, muggle novels, and his academic books and works.

Another wall was painted in a gentle, soothing pink hue. It served as a canvas for a vast tapestry of framed photographs, a chronicle of Nicolรกs' fourteen years of life. The pictures were like windows into his past, capturing precious moments and cherished memories. Some of the photos were magical, moving snapshots, others were muggle photos.

Here, he was a little baby cradled in the arms of family members, including Uncle James and Aunt Lily with baby Harry, along with some stolen shots of Uncle Sirius that he had spirited away from the attic.

Amidst this visual narrative were snapshots of family outings to other magical reserves, joyous moments at the Feria de las Flores in Medellรญn, and of the visit to the dragon sanctuary with Cedric and Dorian.

Yet, the majority of the photographs were dedicated to the magical creatures that had called the family reserve a home. There were images of Ember, Zeus, imposing Graphorns, ethereal Unicorns, and even a captivating still of two Kappas locked in a spirited fight.

Another wall that provided a backdrop for the queen-sized bed, was painted in a serene and soft shade of gold. In contrast to the other walls, it remained largely unadorned, save for a few small shelves that held an eclectic collection of souvenirs.

Among them were a Sombrero Voltiao and a Poncho, reminiscent of cherished visits. Miniature replicas of various dragon breeds stood alongside, paying homage to the family's deep affinity for magical creatures.

There two big plushies added a touch of nostalgia and playfulness to the room โ€”a big stag, with prominent antlers, and a big black dog. The collection of plushies was completed with Caelum's big wolf, resting in his room.

These were probably the most sentimental items Nicolรกs possessed. Each stuffed animal represented someone. Nicolรกs' stag was Prongs, his Uncle James, his godfather. Caelum's wolf was Moony, Remus, Caelum's godfather. And finally, the black dog Nicolรกs was keeping for Harry was Padfoot, Uncle Sirius, and Harry's godfather.

On another shelf, a long one, was a collection of photos from past years. From Ember as a small cub to him as a magnificent adult. Framed polaroids from their summer trips, with Caelum, Cedric, Dorian, and the Weasley twins.

Caelum will never know, but Nicolรกs' favorites were three of Cedric. One was of the two of them, with Cedric at his side, the other one was of Cedric meeting one of the adult Unicorns, and the last one was of the two of them laying on the floor. Cedric had asked for the photos, and Nicolรกs had unapologetically faked to forget.

On the final wall, painted a soothing shade of baby blue, a substantial desk took center stage. It was a place of focus and study, adorned with an array of office supplies and equipment, ready for the diligent pursuit of knowledge. This was Nicolรกs' sanctuary, where he could immerse himself in his studies.

The pride of Nicolรกs' room, without a doubt, was the ceiling. It had been a labor of love, an endeavor that had absorbed countless hours and energies, in both, studying and practicing. Painted a deep, inky black, it had been the canvas for his relentless pursuit of perfection.

After pouring over dusty tomes and experimenting with spellwork of every kind, Nicolรกs had finally achieved the elusive result he had envisioned.

Against the black expanse, the stars themselves now twinkled. Not just any stars, but the twelve constellations of the zodiac. Each one meticulously enchanted to mirror the heavens in real-time, they shone in a cosmic ballet that transcended the confines of his room.

As night descended and cast its velvet curtain, Nicolรกs often found solace in gazing upwards. The celestial bodies held secrets and stories, and among them, two constellations held his heart captive. Leo, with its majestic mane, and Sagittarius, his own zodiac sign.

At the end, Nicolรกs added his other favorite constellation, Canis Maior, his loyal stellar companion.

They were more than mere stars; they were his companions in the stillness of the night, silent witnesses to his thoughts and dreams, and they represented the most important people in his life.

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The Three Broomsticks exuded an unexpectedly tranquil ambiance for a Friday morning.

Inside the cozy establishment, the atmosphere was infused with warmth, a stark contrast to the crisp chill that teased the outdoors. The approaching days were quietly preparing for autumn's embrace, a transition marked by the gentle rustle of leaves and the subtle whisper of change.

Caelum, Cedric, and Dorian had decided, at the last minute, that they needed new Broomstick Servicing Kits for the forthcoming Quidditch season, and their decision to embark on a last-minute trip to Hogsmeade was met with a sarcastic nod of approval from Nicolรกs.

It was the weekend before the start of classes, and the prospect of some time in the charming village of Hogsmeade beckoned like an enchanting melody.

"So, any expectation we should break out to you?" asked Dorian with lopsided smile.

After a gulp of butterbeer, Nicolรกs spoke, "well, I can't say I come with many expectations. They don't teach alchemy at Hogwarts, so, there's not much else," he shrugged.

"What about the electives?" asked Cedric.

And Nicolรกs had to stop for a moment to look at him and really take him in, because yes, Cedric had sent him photos of himself at Nicolรกs' request โ€”just like all their other friends didโ€”, but to see him in person was a completely different experience.

Because Cedric was still very pretty, as Nicolรกs decided when they were twelve, but it held something different now at fourteen.

It was impossible for him to point it out, but there was something about Cedric or perhaps his prettiness? But it was only for Cedric because Dorian was just as pretty, but not in the same way Cedric was... that made perfect sense, right?

Why did he feel so conscious of Cedric's prettiness out of nowhere?

Shaking his head, and perhaps his thoughts, Nicolas responded, "I had a special talk with Dumbledore about it. Hogwarts only offers up to three, but Castelobruxo offers them all as core subjects," he shrugged. "I'll take them all except for Divination."

With a sweet smile and a nod, Cedric decided not to comment forward, Caelum, decided to change the topic towards where to buy their supplies.

Following a light breakfast, the group found themselves at the doorstep of Spintwitches Quidditch Supplies.

While the avid Quidditch players enthusiastically delved into the store, Nicolรกs took his time to explore its depths. He had never been one to embrace the world of Quidditch, nor had he ever really been an ardent supporter of any other sport.

The idea of high-flying chases, killing Bludgers, and adrenaline rushes failed to enthrall him, not when his everyday life was already laced with its fair share of anxiety.

The thought of his mother's gift, the brand-new Nimbus Two Thousand and One, continued to perplex him.

Why invest in a sport he had shown no particular interest in? Nevertheless, Nicolรกs realized that he should at least procure something to maintain the broom's pristine condition, even if he didn't share the enthusiasm for the game itself. Who knows, maybe he'll get ideas for future birthday presents.

As Nicolรกs walked back toward his friends, he couldn't help but notice something that seized his attention in the uniform section.

Amidst the array of Quidditch gear, his gaze fell upon a pair of elbow-length, leather gloves. These gloves, however, were distinct, as instead of being dark, they were made in a particular shade of yellow that almost shimmered like gold.

In that instant, a sudden clarity washed over him, and he knew exactly for whom he wanted those gloves for.

Nicolรกs has never been known for being one to back down easily when he had an idea in mind, and it only took about five minutes of earnestly explaining the gloves' benefits, all the while garnishing his pitch with those irresistible puppy-dog eyes, to get his point across.

At the beginning, Cedric was completely opposed, considering absurd with how much the gloves cost, but eventually, he relented, not finding enough strength to deny Nicolรกs, even if his agreement was laced with a hesitancy that left his cheeks flushed, and a soft smile; this brought amusement and knowingly teasing looks from Caelum and Dorian.

With the gloves secured, the store attendant added an anti-slipping charm and even personalized them with a black "C.D."

Nicolรกs left the Quidditch store with his and Cedric's arms interlocked, and a sense of accomplishment, his mind momentarily set on different matters but still unwavering in his determination.

As the group moved on to secure their servicing kits, Nicolรกs decided that, if he was going to probably freeze his ass in Scotland, with the approaching winter, he needed a collection of warm and extravagant socks for the approaching wintery season.

With a new destination in mind, Nicolรกs moved them, so they made their way to Gladrags Wizardwear.

The exterior of the establishment was a reflection of the extravagances held within. Pink window bars framed a kaleidoscope of colored clothing, serving as a vivid prelude to what awaited them inside.

After meandering through the store for approximately twenty minutes, Nicolรกs' shopping basket was brimming with his new collection of socks.

Among the over fifteen pairs he had gathered, some had already been crowned as his favorites. Two pairs were woven with shades of green, each bearing intricate depictions of different dragon breeds. A pair in delicate pink featured multicolored Fairies, while a fiery red set showcased the majestic splendor of golden Phoenixes. Among the unique selections was a pair in somber black with the elegant silhouette of white Thestrals.

As Nicolรกs ambled down one of the store's narrow aisles, his eyes landed on a display that ignited a spark within him. The idea, like a wildfire, spreading through the forest of his mind with an irresistible force, unstoppable and consuming.

Without a second thought, he reached out and gathered four pairs of the items that had caught his attention.

With his new collection cradled in his arms, Nicolรกs sought out his companions, who were dispersed around the store, each engrossed in their own discoveries. A colossal and decidedly childlike grin stretched across his face, uncontainable enthusiasm gleaming in his eyes.

Their exchange of knowingly suspicious glances left no doubt that the moment Nicolรกs' mindset its sights on something, resistance was often futile. His desires held a magnetic pull and once ignited, there was little they could do but acquiesce to his whims.

Just ten minutes later, they emerged from the store, the jovial chime of the bell above the door fading into the background.

Surprisingly, it didn't really take long for Nicolรกs to sway the other three boys to his whims, the allure of matching socks proving impossible to resist. The socks he had handpicked were each pair adorned with prancing, multicolored unicorns against a backdrop of pristine white.

Now, that's what Nicolรกs calls a Unicorn gang!

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Nicolรกs' exasperated voice cut through the tranquil hush of the forest, the sound echoing in the stillness of the night.

"Come on, Ember, you have to come down. You can't just sleep up there!"

The clock had already struck ten, yet tonight, Ember was clearly in a rebellious mood.

The Wampus Cat, ensconced on a high tree branch, met Nicolรกs' plea with nothing more than an indifferent gaze, exuding an air of serene defiance.

His mother's footsteps halted behind him, her presence comforting but questioning. "Hasn't he come down yet?"

Nicolรกs heaved a sigh, a mixture of frustration and amusement dancing in his eyes. "I'm starting to think he doesn't want to go to Hogwarts." he quipped, his eyes rolling as he struggled to shrug off the growing annoyance he felt. Ember's stubbornness seemed to know no bounds tonight.

Carolina's laughter bubbled through the air, a musical note of understanding.

"Perhaps we should let him come down on his own accord," she mused, her eyes glinting with a mother's understanding of struggle. She gently guided Nicolรกs toward the house, her footsteps falling with a soft grace.

As they reached the backdoor, a hint of remorse tinged Carolina's expression. "I'm truly sorry I won't be able to accompany you to get to the Hogwarts Express," she began, her voice laced with sincerity. "This meeting was unexpected, andโ€”"

Nicolรกs interrupted her apology, his words gentle but resolute, true to his understanding nature.

"It's alright, Mom. I'll still have Dad with me, and I won't be alone at any moment, anyway, Aunt Marรญa and Caelum will be there, remember?"

Though disappointment simmered beneath the surface, he knew all too well that an unforeseen turn of events could rarely be blamed on his mother.

It's not like it was her fault some idiot let loose an illegal Niffler family, who had ended up robbing a bank. He had little doubt that the irresponsible party, responsible for unleashing them, would face repercussions, potentially including a rather hefty bail, but hopefully not enough to land him in Azkaban.

As they stood in front of the back door, a mischievous glint danced in Nicolรกs' eyes. He couldn't resist one more attempt, one more playful tease, as they say: the third time is the charm, right?

"You know, Mom, maybe you're onto something," he began, his voice feigning disappointment, his words carrying a hint of theatricality. "Perhaps I should leave Ember here for the school year if he's not up for joining me at Hogwarts."

It took barely three seconds for a delightful response. The sound of rapid paw steps grew louder, and Ember dashed into the house in a hurry. Without sparing a single backward glance, the feline made a beeline for Nicolรกs' room, a whimsical conclusion to his amusing rebellion.

With a hearty laugh, Carolina closed the door behind her, rejoining the collective presence of her family in the large but cozy living room. The space was bustling with activity, each member engrossed in their own pursuits with the soft music from the player in the background.

Remus and Caelum were in the midst of a riveting match of Wizard's Chess, their brows furrowed in concentration as they navigated the intricacies of the game. Nicolรกs' father had always been known for his strategic acumen, and he now shared his knowledge with Caelum, who was intent on mastering the art of patience and planning โ€”a skill he believed would bolster his performance in Quidditch.

Meanwhile, Marรญa was fully immersed in the task of completing some reports for the Auror Office. The uptick in raids had evidently kept her busy, and there was none more committed to their work than her.

Even Twiggle, Caelum's loyal Bowtruckle companion, was in the midst of an energetic moment, nibbling on an insect it had discovered amidst the greenery of a large pot with plants.

The onset of the school year was always tinged with a touch of melancholy for Carolina.

It marked the beginning of the annual journey of the children, a time when the house would grow quiet and still. Yet, amidst the ache of an empty nest, she couldn't help but worry, especially for Remus.

He would be the sole constant occupant of the country house while she and Marรญa toiled at the Ministry, a responsibility that weighed on her heart.

The separation, albeit temporary, was a bittersweet reminder of the rhythms of life and the passage of time.


Author's note

First of all, of course, Nicolรกs will be attending Hogwarts!!

I love so much how petty he is with anything related to Lockhart and trust me, it will only get worse ๐Ÿ‘€

Also Nicolรกs and Cedric in the same scene?? get used to it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Can I say that I love the whole Nicolas x Caelum x Cedric x Dorian dynamic???? they're so wholesome ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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