Entwined - New book

Hello makkaleyyy, thank you for the overwhelming response you gave for Entwined. When I started Entwined as a TS, I didn't expect that the story would evolve into a full book but I'm glad that I made that call. Without you guys, I wouldn't have found the strength to pen down this book. Again, thank you so much!

Now, coming to the other part, I have started a new story book titled "Bewitched", my another book of Ashaangi. I'll post the prologue below. If the plot interests you then please do give a read.

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Ashaangi SS Bewitched


Sivaangi gasped softly, her eyes widened in appreciation as she looked at the mannequin draped in an elegant piece of clothing. This has got to be one of the finest dresses she has come across in recent times! And to think she found this in a town! She frowned when she saw someone stepping in from behind the mannequin, her eyes taking in the male footwear and then eying up.

To say she was bewitched would be an understatement as her eyes looked up to meet the man dressed in a dark blue lungi and an orange shirt; a measuring tape wounded around his neck, his trimmed-beard, a sharp handsome face and his eyes, oh his warm brown eyes! He was tall and fit, she noted, and he looked dashing despite his humble clothing.

His forehead was adorned with a frown but Sivaangi couldn't care much for she was lost in the man in front of her, too distracted to make sense of the situation.

"Yaaru neenga? Inga yenna panringa?" His voice was warm, sending shivers down her spine as Sivaangi met with his brown orbs.

(Who are you? What are you doing here?)

"A-aad-aadhu va-" Sivaangi stammered trying to get a grip of herself.


God! She was embarrassed! And he is looking right at her, expecting an answer.

Before Sivaangi could open her mouth and ridicule herself, they heard a woman calling him from outside,

"Ashwin-nu! Irukiya pa?"

(Are you there?)

His eyes flickered outside before looking right back at her as he yelled, "Idho, varen Maa"(Coming) Giving her a pointed look, he stepped outside while she stood rooted, her eyes following him as her lips tasted his name,


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If the prologue intrigued you then please find my book "Bewitched" in my profile. Promises, you won't be disappointed.

Thank you,

Nan ~
