Entwined - Chapter Thirty Five

Author's note

Hey guys, hope you all are doing good. I'm okay, I guess. Things aren't bright in life as of now. So, bear with me while I get through it.

Here's the next chapter. As promised, a romantic one, I guess. Hope it's upto your liking. Do read and comment to let me know how the chapter is.

Please do stream Adipoli whenever you can. Support them both professionally and always keep them in your prayers.

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Story recommendation

PallaviKannan Really enjoyed reading her stories. Give it a read and you won't regret.

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This story is a piece of fiction based on the author's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual life of the characters mentioned in the story. I have casted Ashwin Kumar and Sivaangi Krishnakumar as leads.

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Ashaangi SS Entwined

Chapter Thirty Five

(Heads up: This chapter contains mature scene)

"Na kelamburen, Ashwin"

Ashwin looked up to see Tasha all ready to leave. She came to check the fittings of Sivaangi's blouse.

"Saptu polamey" Ashwin insisted.

"Ila, dinner ku friends ooda plan iruku. Na kelamburen" Tasha politely refused.

"Seri okay, pathu ponga. Thank you for coming today."

Ashwin walked Tasha out and closed the door. He stretched his arms as he walked towards the couch at living room where he was working. His friends were at the work apartment working on an assignment. It's just Sivaangi and him for the night.

Switching off his laptop Ashwin took his mobile before heading to their room. Finding the door locked from inside, he knocked the door as he pocketed his mobile.

"Yaaru?" Sivaangi's faint voice heard from the other side.

"Ahn unn purushan" Ashwin said thumping his fingers on the door, "Kadhava thora di"

Sivaangi opened the door a little and peaked from inside. Ashwin looked down at her. He raised his eyebrow at her in question for which she just shook her head before opening the door.

"Yean kadhava lock panir-" Ashwin said walking inside the room but paused on seeing her only in her in-skirt and blouse.

"Dress change panitu irundhen, Ashwineyy" Sivaangi said turning to walk to the bed.

"Hmmm" Ashwin hummed as he walked behind her, his gaze fixed on the movement of her hips.

"Idha yenna pana nu therla, Ashwinn" Sivaangi whined turning around making Ashwin look up at her. His gaze followed where her hand pointed at.

~ Mature scenes ahead, venam na skip panikalam ~

Two hooks from her blouse were undone. Sivaangi went on saying how she couldn't unhook the middle hook and trying to remove it for the last five minutes but nothing fell into Ashwin's ears. He was too busy eyeing at his wife. Her yellow thread mangalsutra rested above her clothed bosom made him go crazy. Top two unhooked hook gave him a peak on her clevage line making blood rush to his lower body.

He shook his head when she placed her hand on his making him look up at her. Amused on seeing his hooded eyes, she smiled inwardly and let her hand slide down from his arm to hand before saying in a soft voice,

"Kalati viduringala"

Sivaangi eyed at Ashwin and raised her eyebrow at him. A teasing smile brew on her lips on seeing which he took a deep sigh.

"Ipdilam mood ah maathuna naan yepdi di nala paiyana irukadhu" Ashwin said in his base voice before pulling Sivaangi in his arms.

"Ongala yaaru iruk-"

Before she could complete, he lifted her off the floor. He put her on the bed and then hovered over her making her heart go crazy in excitement while he heaved a pleased sigh. His hands rested on either side of her supporting himself from crushing her with his weight.

She bit her lower lip when she saw his gaze on her clothed bosom heaving up and down. She gasped when he brushed his fingers over her bare stomach with his gaze locked with hers. His index finger circled her navel as he eyed her lips.

Without breaking the eye contact, Sivaangi fisted Ashwin's t-shirt and pulled him closer only for him to take her parted petals in his. It was a soft kiss and he pulled back to meet her eyes before kissing her again, his fingers caressing her bare skin.

She gasped into the kiss when his hand squeezed her clothed bosom. He broke the kiss. She gasped and arched her neck as he left a trail of kisses from her cheek to neck to collar bone. Her fingers found their way to his hair pulling him closer.

He nuzzled into the crook of her neck inhaling her fragrance. She moaned when he sucked on her skin, leaving trail of wet kisses. He laid sideways on the bed without breaking the kiss and pulled her more to himself. His elbow rested on the bed as he held her head and kissed her while his other hand was busy toying with her mangalsutra.

Kissing his way to her ear, he nibbled her earlobe and gently bite it illiciting a moan from her.

"Kalatava?" His deep base voice teased her insides as his fingers brushed her bare skin above her bosom.

She moaned when he roughly squeezed her bosom and arched her neck back. He smiled against her ear before trailing kisses along her neck. She hissed when he bit her and moaned when he sucked her skin to sooth her.

He nuzzled his nose trailing below her collar bone; his beard brushed her bare skin making her curl her toes. He smiled against her skin and nibbled on her skin spilling out of her blouse. His hot breath fanned against her skin making her squirm with the sensation growing in her stomach.

He lifted his head up to meet with her flushed face. With heaving breath, she looked ravishing. He bent his head down and she took a sharp intake of breath when he unhooked the hook with his teeth, his tongue teasingly tasting her flesh. With her eyes fixed on him, she fisted the bedsheet as she tried to control her racing heart.

He lifted his face up after removing the last hook, his eyes meeting hers as she laid half naked in the up. She fisted his T-shirt and slowly pulled him up, maintaining the eye contact. She left his T-shirt and placed her hand on his cheek before pulling his face closer.

She pulled him in for a kiss and he kissed her back hungrily. He wraped his arms around her and without breaking the kiss pulled her up into sitting position before pulling her into his lap. He let his tongue inside her sweet cavern and she kissed him back with equal fervour.

His hands worked on removing her blouse as they kissed. The new blouse was discarded to the floor as their tongue fought for dominance. His hand worked on her bra straps and soon it loosened. She gasped when her bra started to loose down and broke the kiss. He loosened the strings of her in-skirt and took off his T-shirt before pinning her to the bed with a kiss.

He pulled back to look at her flushed face. She bit her lower lip with a shy smile as she averted her gaze under his intense eyes. With a teasing smile he leaned in and slowly kissed her while his hand travelled south.

Slipping his hand inside her in-skirt, his fingers travelled to her core. He smirked against her lips on finding her soaking wet while she gasped feeling his touch at her most intimate part. He deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue in her mouth as his fingers rubbed her core sensually.

He broke the kiss and continued kissing down her neck while she was a moaning mess. Still bent, he knelt on his knees and with his other hand, he pulled down her left brassiere cup. She closed her eye in shyness when she felt his breath on her exposed aroused bud while his finger was thrusting in and out of her soaking core.

She frowned when he paused but didn't open her eyes.

"Kanna thora di" She heard his deep voice but refused out of shyness, her flushed face nodding a no, a shy smile intact on her lips.

"Thora di" She shivered feeling him blow his hot breath over her exposed breast. She opened her eyes with a gasp when she felt his finger thrust inside her.

Meeting her gaze, he bent down and captured her aroused bud. Neither of them averted their gaze as he sucked on her tit while she moaned overwhelmed with pleasure. He thrusted his finger inside her at a fast pace, his thumb rubbing her clit as he sucked on her bud making her shudder in pleasure. She orgasmed within seconds, clenching around his finger making him thrust faster.

His lips trailed to her other bosom and he peppered wet kisses on her globe before sucking her. She was pulling him closer by his hair as she moaned under his touch. He pulled back his soaked fingers as he trailed his lips down her abdomen. His tongue played with her navel making her curl her toes.

He trailed his lips back to her cleavage, tasting her skin. When their lips met back, she let her hands trace his chest, making him groan. He brushed his chest against her as he kissed her neck.

Inching towards her ear, "Sivaangi" He grunted, "Idhuku mela mudiyathu di"

She understood that he couldn't control himself any longer and tapped his shoulder in understanding. She felt him take a deep sigh before he pulled back from her and she wrapped herself with the blanket. She watched him take deep breaths to control himself and she couldn't help but giggle on seeing his bulged pants and frustrated face. He rolled his eyes at her making her bit back her smile.

Not wanting to test his control any longer, she patted his arm with a smile and went inside the washroom to clean herself. He looked down at himself and heaved a sigh before walking to the next room washroom to relieve himself.

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Apologies if the romance part went overboard. How was the chapter? Romance chapter ketinga, kuduthuten. Do comment and let me know what you think of the chapter.

Thank you for reading,

Nan ~
