Stories by: wizgle
12 stories
Recipe: Successful Relationship (Results Pending) (WIP)

I honestly don't know what this is, I just started writing. It's sappy, and good if you want to read something to fall asleep to. Based on (some) true stories. Randomly adding to it, no regular updates.

76 7 0

Poem I wrote at 10 pm. Insecurities, self-image, mind games, kind of where I'm at right now. Maybe you are too???

9 1 0
The Dark Friend

Just some thoughts

3 1 0
Definitely Not A Fairy

When you wish upon a star, it doesn't just dissipate into thin air. No, it's catalogued and sorted, and you are assigned a case worker tasked with making your wish come true. This is not common information as you'll find when Hailey Konnors is shoved into a very odd situation.Original story Prompt from Welcome To Night Vale on FB.

76 7 0 Full
The Missionary in Hawaii

So this is a true story, my story. I fell for a missionary serving in my home town. Mormon missionaries can not date or even have romantic feelings while on their missions, so why I allowed myself to like this guy is something I will never understand.

863 5 25 Full
The Selkie That Deud No' Forget (WIP)

From Hawai'i to Scotland, from a close father-daughter relationship to betrayal and mistrust. Come see what happens to Mina and her new friends as she learns about her Scottish heritage and fights against a rebel tribe intent on bringing fear back to the small islands of Scotland.

97 5 7
I am ___

Just a look into what some people actually go through. This is not a personal experience, but I felt the inspiration to write this. And I hope no one will be offended, but just realize that you shouldn't judge people because of who you "think" they are without first inquiring.

52 1 5
The Blind Date

Looks don't matter especially when you can't see in the first place. How do you get over that insecurity? Will peer pressure hold you back, or will you just realize how special one person is and take them as they are.

22 1 2
What's It Like???

It's pretty self explanatory lol

28 1 1
Nani's Place

Sometimes being a strong headed person blinds you to what's really there in others. This short story is an example of that with Nani, a girl in Hawaii ready for college and honestly sick of teens. See how she handles this equally hard headed kid.

25 1 1
The Future Starts With Hello

Every story has it's beginning, but before Happily Ever After you have to say hello!

53 1 4
Forgive Me

Anger, frustration, ignorance, dishonesty, still finds a way in.

31 1 2