Stories by: poketrainer123
2 stories
Pokémon fanfiction - David

David wakes up in a hospital bed without any memories of the accident that got him there. Just like his memory, his family disappeared in the accident, and they are believed to be dead.David isn't a huge fan of pokemon, he wants to become an agent who fights against organized crime. Unfortunately, an agent must be able to use pokemon and have some experience as a trainer or similar.Follow David from Johto on a journey in the Kalos region. Leaving everything behind to follow his dream to become an agent. And who knows? Maybe he'll find out what happend to his family.

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Pokemon fanfiction - What We Live For

This story is about Jessica and Nate who strive to achieve their highest dreams. The confident and happy-go-lucky Jessica quickly discovers that pokemon battling is not as easy as it looks and gets her eyes opened towards Pokemon Contests.The forgotten, considerate boarding school student Nathan who plays it all cool on the outside wants to participate in the Sinnoh league. Jessica who's never had any serious problems in her life has her first doubts in herself, and Nate who had a troubled childhood and been sent to Special Battling School as a 7 year old, discovers that Battling isn't the only good and solid thing in his life. On the way, they meet even more friends and discover something about themselves that can't be held a secret anymore.See what happens when two person's, very much alike and yet so different, worlds collide.As anyone would understand - I do not own Pokémon.All rights reserved to Nintendo.

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