Stories by: nkverse
2 stories
Knights Of Arabia

Four outlaws, doomed to spend their lives in prison if it weren't for the set of skills they possessed. A woman with a talent in combat.A Cello player with ice in his eyes.A man with a gentle heart and a catalogue for a mind.And a woman skilled in poison.Brought together by a mysterious man in colorful robes demanding a single trinket for their freedom: The Genie's Lamp.With nothing binding them other than their wish for freedom, the four strangers embark on a journey they do not believe in. How can such a thing exist in a world with no magic? How can four strangers, who can't bare to be in the same room without being at each other's throats, succeed in this impossible mission? How can the fighter, determined to be free, unravel the secrets of the ice man, so she may disarm him and flee?

11 1 1
Just Make Du'aa

{Highest rank: 285 in Spiritual}{THA 1st place winner in Spiritual} I won't be anything like my parents. That's what they both said. Dina vowed to be open minded, a listener, someone who loved change. Farouz vowed to be kind, successful, and someone who loved life. Unfortunately family roots aren't so easily removed. And in their fits of distress and anxiety these two find themselves at each other's mercy. He needs her to keep him rooted to his beliefs and she needs him to pull her out of her culture. Without each other they'd be a mess. Yet together, they're a whole different kind of mess.

25.4K 35 2.1K Full