Stories by: lxxskxmm
2 stories
We Broke

But there was something about Charlotte. She wasn't like the most prettiest girl in the world, but anyone with heart could tell that she had a beautiful heart. A heart that could easily be broken. A heart that needed to be protected. --Her parents dead. Everything she ever cared for, gone. She lives on the streets, shelter filled with people who want revenge. She's dangerous. Dangerous to even look at.She finds herself registering at a high-school. Broke, orphaned and lost. She's in trouble and she can't hide forever. High school seems like the most perfect place to hide. When the last shard of her past supposedly dies, there's no one to turn to. When she finds herself in captivity from someone she pissed off, she is saved by her tutor, Peter. Coincidentally, he has a similar past to hers. Together, they detangle themselves from the mess they are entangled in. Twists and turns strangle their necks, making it harder and harder to breathe. Life falls, and death rises. Holding onto that last shred of hope can be dangerous.When one of them is lost forever, the other mourns loudly but is unheard. But nothing will ever be enough.

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End of Beginnings

Belle is just done with her life. She's started over and over and over again, convincing herself each time that this would be her new beginning. She's escaping from her past, and she knows it. When Belle realizes that she'd have to stop running, she makes an impulsive decision to move back to a place she spent her summer years before only to find a person that broke her heart years before.TW!!! lots of mentions of abuse, assault~This book is being written by two different people! My boyfriend and I are each writing a different POV :)~

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