Stories by: krumble
3 stories

When prestigious college student Isla Pierce is given the opportunity to write a report that would give her an A* in her exam, she jumps at the chance. A*s were gold-dust to a girl like her, despite her writing talent and potential. When put against rich, private school kids that were named genius at age 3, she was nothing. Sure, she went to the same school as them, lived next door to them, socialised with them and spoke to them, but she was never one of them. She would do anything to be as good as they were. But when she was told that her task would be to write match reports for the highly acclaimed football academy built within her college, she isn't so sure. Those boys were a whole other level of prestigious reputation. All she must do is write match reports and in return she gets never-before-written content for her paper which guarantees her the grades she needs. Sounds easy right?Not quite.Skip forward a few months when her simple match reports turn to secret campus romances, undiscovered secrets of the prestigious football academy boys, cracks in the social system, family dramas and an attractive boy named Elliot not like anyone she's ever met before; Isla's whole world crumbles and is created again before her eyes.And it all started with a goal.

200 26 31
The Products Of Attraction.

We were two parts of a storm. I was the calm before, and he was the destruction left afterwards.Together, we managed to combine forces to create something completely, terrifyingly beautiful.Together, if felt like we conquered the world. When in reality, we only conquered the demons in our minds.Together, we were imperfectly perfect./ / / /Poppy lives a simple life. In her mind, it's perfect. She couldn't think of anything she would want to change. She's Captain of the Dance team and has a smoking-hot new boyfriend. Her grades are at an A average and both of her parents are home by 5 everyday. She would never, in a million years wish for it to change in any way.But it does.River Emory was an enigma. A riddle. A puzzle. A mystery. Something that needed to be figured out. He was quiet, passive and intriguing - to Poppy, at least. She always hated puzzles, but for some reason, she couldn't find it in her to hate him. The only thought that could run through her mind when she saw him was a question.Who was River Emory?And why the hell did he have to stay in the spare bedroom of her house?

2.3K 15 115
Spare yourself, 'BadBoy' ...

COMPLETE: #1 teen fiction 23/11/18 ''I'm bad for you.'' ''Yet I still keep coming back for more. Funny how it works isn't it?'' ''You, badboy, need to spare yourself.'' ''Or what, exactly?'' He asked, a devious, cocky smirk was plastered on his face as he advanced towards me. The look in his eyes was anything but innocent this time. ''Or you're going to get hurt. In more ways than one.''/ / / / Definition: Ryan Richards; //Cocky/Aggressive/Reckless/Hot/BadBoy// Definition: Amelia Russell; //Defensive/Reckless/Cocky/Aggressive/Bitch/BadGirl// Definition: Past: //Previous/Background/Experiences/Activities// :: Something that dares to define you. ::

576.6K 58 15.1K Full