Stories by: kinsbail
1 stories
Undertale Origins: The Forgotten

This is the first of an Undertale Fan AU Trilogy known as the G.E.I.S.T. Chronicles, this story AU stars 2 "humans", John and Simon Caesar; a technical immortal master Pyromancer fueled and a mechanically immortal genius Technomancer. These 2 beings are the reason the monster-human War was won by the Humans. it explains the origins of all your favorite characters, like Undyne's father and how she lost her eye, Asgore's Father, who Grillby was, how he got his name and who his father was, but this is mainly the story of how the core was created, the details of the war as well as who participated in the war. THIS STORY IS NOT CANNON!!! More rather an interpretation of what happens before the story with my personal OC's and character OC's.This story has Gorey, adult language, supernatural, and disturbing content. Viewer discretion is advised.I will keep the mature tag off, just for all readers to get a chance to enjoy it, but you have been warned...Also, i may be writing this for your entertainment, but i do need your support. Please support me on Patreon. link below.

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