Stories by: jchris1488
1 stories
The Closer I Get to You

"You know your face is really small." Nayeon said while staring at me."And is your jawline really this sharp?" She added, carresing it with her thumb. I suddenly felt a pit in my stomach so I held her hands that were cupping my face. I don't like where this conversation is going and I might do something that we will both regret. But then I felt her eyes staring at my lips.Our eyes met and my world stopped. I could feel the beating of my heart in my chest. Then she was tiptoeing to kiss me. My eyes got big."Nayeon-ah..." I said to stop her."What?" Nayeon asked but didn't stop. Her heart was also beating so loudly. She didn't know what she was doing. At that moment, she just wants to kiss Jeongyeon.

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