Stories by: dohaya2009
5 stories
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Money problems

When he and his family have to pay a $25,000 fine because of Rodrick, they need to keep their budget safe. But cheap places and other stuff make them regret it. Will it be worth it? Or will they have a bad ending?

102 2 0
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Orphan Disaster

When Manny kills his family, Greg has to survive in the orphan but deaths and a bunch of other stuff make it hard for him to survive. Will he survive? Find out...

449 1 1

Bryson is a 12 year old who got shipwrecked, and got separated from his family.Now he is stranded on an island and must survive.How will he get back home?Find out...

14 2 0
Diary of a wimpy kid: Spag Union Problems

Greg gets sent to Spag Union with RowleyWill he survive the camp?Or will he be whipped to death?

845 5 0
Diary of a wimpy kid: Running Away

Greg Runs Away

10.4K 9 90 Full