Stories by: cradle_life
14 stories
For the Shore

A reimagining of Hans Christian Anderson's The Little MermaidComing to Wattpad August 1st, 2024

24 1 3
Devout Deception

Abigail Havisham has a carefully hidden secret - she suffers from amnesia and can remember little of her life prior to an accident that erased her memory three years ago. Her condition doesn't dampen her spirits. A large inheritance allows her to lead a life many women in Victorian England can only dream about. She is master of her own fate; blind and deaf to the criticism and gossip that follow her eccentric life choices. A winter ball brings changes to her life, however. She is introduced to Lord David Righton, a man who claims they were lovers until cruely separated four years agoAbigail now finds herself between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, she is suspicious - on the other, curious. She decides to investigate Lord Righton to find out what their connection truly was. The results turn out to be not only surprising but also life changing.

206 6 44
Sarah's Roses, Book I: Roses of Blue

They say some stories are better left untouched, unknown, untold.With scandal and mystery the only inheritance her mother left her, Sarah struggles to keep her illigitemate birth a secret as she tries to fit in with high society of the Antebellum South. And when she forms a tender attachment to her slave, Sam Climb, her already complicated life starts to get even more complicated. Living in a time and society where to be a bastard is to be an outcast and to love a black man is unacceptable, Sarah tries to find meaning to her life and hope for a forbidden love.

113.5K 30 9.3K Full
Sarah's Roses, Book II: Roses of White

Life is not about perfect, it is about love.The world as Sarah knew it is disappearing, fading with the shouts and drums of war. All around her houses are turned into hospitals and cotton fields into battle grounds. Soon everything Sarah loves begins slipping through her fingers and she is powerless to stop it.In this great chaos, surrounded by fear and death, the secrets of her past begin to emerge.

84.4K 35 8.6K Full
Sarah's Roses, Book III: Roses of Red

Beauty can rise out of ashes.The long, bloody war is finally over, but the South and the Greensten Plantation are in ruins. Sarah is left alone and must try to rebuild all that was torn down. It is a daunting task, for she is inexperienced in matters of business, and lacks sufficient resources and manpower. As she struggles to keep her head above the raging waters, Sarah begins the final step of piecing together the secrets the war revealed, hoping to at last put together the past that was kept from her all these years.And perhaps, in discovering what was, she will find guidance and strength for what is yet to come.

101.7K 41 10.1K Full
The Promise

When they were young he made a promise to her. Then the war tore them apart. As battles rage all over Europe all they have left are the memories of each other and the promise he made. When fate throws them together once again, it will take all the strength of one and the hope of the other to try and defeat the odds. In the very pit of brutality, death, and misery a love story dares to bloom. But can it survive?

5.2K 18 472 Full
Of Fairytales and Happy Endings

What makes a good fairytale?Catrin Llewelyn believes in fairytales, Beatrice Morton does not. And yet in many ways their life resembles one. Stepsisters living together on a manor, Catrin is shunned by her stepmother, while Beatrice is doted on and adored. Only the rules of the classical fairy tales are rather broken, for Beatrice cannot stand her mother's attentions and Catrin is devoted to her stepsister and only friend.When the Duke of Denster hosts a ball in honor of his son's birthday, the new Mrs. Llewelyn decides to try and match make Beatrice with the Denster heir. There is one slight problem. Beatrice has long decided to find her own love, without the help of mothers and balls. So with the help of her godmother she comes up with a scheme that will take Catrin to the Masquerade ball in her place.Will Beatrice be able to give her mother the slip? Will Catrin be able pull off the disguise? And what happens after the ball is over? Does everything go back to normal? Or could there be more to the story than either of the stepsisters ever imagined?Of Fairytales and Happy Endings is a story set in Wales during the Regency Era. Fairytale meets history and fact meets fiction as the two stepsisters set out on a journey to discover just what is it about the fairy tales that always seems to give them happy endings.

196.1K 56 16.2K Full
Daughter of England

Caroline Winther has everything a girl in Victorian England can wish for. A kind, caring family, plenty of money, a respected name, and a loving fiancee. Her life takes a drastic change, however, with the start of the Crimean war.Carol finds her plans to join Florence Nightingale's team of nurses roadblocked by her loved ones. A military hospital is no place for a girl of Carol's status and position in society. But Carol's family underestimate her, and when threatened she breaks with them and sets sail for Turkey, hardly prepared for what is to greet her when the ship docks.Does Carol have what it takes to cope with the hardships and prejudice she must face as a female military nurse? And will she be able to regain the respect and love of her family?Daughter of England is a story of courage and love set against a historical background. Through the eyes of fictional characters you can meet one of history's greatest heroines and embark on a journey with the early pioneers of nursing as we know it today.

16.2K 13 1.3K Full
Where History Meets Fiction

Different stories from different periods about different people from different walks of life, but they all have one thing in common: they are set in the world of the past. The beauty of short stories is they have all the elements of a novel, but they can be read in one sitting. (Also, you don't have to wait days and days until the next update) I update randomly, but every story is complete and can stand on its own. :) The stories range from the 1st to 20th century, so there is something in here for everyone :)

1.1K 3 81 Full
a collection of poetry

Poetry isart of our Soulmusic of our mindsongs of our heart...our feelings given words

853 9 70
The Nightingale of St. Petersburg

His life consists of balls and parties, though he neither dances nor makes merry. Blind from birth, he forks out a humble living by playing music to the happy participants. By chance he hears her sing and is captivated by her song, but try as he might, he cannot get her to reveal her identity, and with his sight taken from him, all he can do is listen to her voice, wondering all the while if she is truly human, or merely a figment of his imagination. Who is she really and what could her great secret be, causing her to hide from him and the rest of the city?

15.5K 12 1.3K Full
Poetry inspired by The Chronicles of Narnia

Poetry inspired by my love for Narnia and it's inhabitants

3.7K 16 156
The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

A child claiming to be half mermaid is one thing, a young woman making such a claim is quite another matter.Oceana is traveling to London at the invitation to attend Beth's engagement ball, but she will find that the London of 1909 is very different from the London she knew as a child. Ever eccentric, Oceana finds it hard to fit in with the social circles her friend now moves in and this trip to the capital of England proves to be more difficult that Oceana anticipated.Problems and secrets she never expected start coming up and things get even more complicated when a young sailor shows up with a charming demeanor and a mysterious past he seems reluctant to reveal.How will Oceana handle all that is thrown at her and will she be able to keep her heart together and in one piece?Sequel to my novel Sirene, The Ocean's Daughter is a coming of age story about forgiveness, acceptance, daring to be different and second chances.

39.5K 34 4.1K Full
Sirene (Wattys 2014 Entrant)

New arrivals at the orphanage are always first questioned about their past, but when Oceana is asked by the children who her parents were she begins a wild, farfetched tale of mermaids and sea kings and underwater worlds. No one believes her until a strange, rugged man suddenly appears and sheds some truth on her story. Is she really who she claims to be? Is she really half mermaid, or is it all just make belief? And who are the two smugglers who seem determined, above all else, to take her away from the orphanage?

43.6K 25 3.6K Full